AgastDetector5_8 |
agast5 - AGAST, an adaptive and generic corner detector based on the
accelerated segment test for a 8 pixel mask
Copyright (c) 2010, Elmar Mair
All rights reserved.
AgglomerativeInformationBottleneck |
Copyright (C) 2007-11, Andrea Vedaldi and Brian Fulkerson
Copyright (C) 2012-13, The VLFeat Team
All rights reserved.
AlgorithmActiveContoursWithoutEdges |
AlgorithmAGCIE |
AlgorithmAGVF |
Snake-like algorithm deriviative.
AlgorithmAHE |
algorithm to apply an adaptive histogram to an image, placing it in a new ModelImage, or returning the changed
picture to the same image.
AlgorithmAHElocal |
algorithm to apply an adaptive histogram to an image, placing it in a new ModelImage, or returning the changed
picture to the same image.
AlgorithmAINDANE |
AlgorithmAntigradient2 |
This is a port of the files anitgradient2.m and antigradient2.c created by Gunnar Farneback in the
Spatial domain toolbox at
AlgorithmAnyTwoImagesSNR |
AlgorithmArcLength |
This algorithm calculates the arc-length of a Bspline fit to user defined control points.
AlgorithmASM |
AlgorithmAutoCorrelation |
Reference: Digital Image Processing, Second Edition by Rafael C.
AlgorithmAutoCovariance |
let deli(x,y) = (i(x,y) - )/ where the angle brackets are used to denote a spatial average.
AlgorithmAutoSeedWatershed |
This is a port of the file AutoSeedWatershed.cpp which calls openCV written by Ravimal Bandara.
AlgorithmBarrelDistortion |
Corrects barrel and/or pin cushion distortion for 2D images.
AlgorithmBase |
Base abstract class for algorithms.
AlgorithmBoxCount |
AlgorithmBrainExtractor |
A class for segmenting the brain from a 3D MRI.
AlgorithmBrainSurfaceExtractor |
This class provides an implementation of a second method for segmentation of the brain from a 3D MRI, as opposed to
the BET algorithm implemented in AlgorithmBrainExtractor.
AlgorithmBRISK |
BRISK - Binary Robust Invariant Scalable Keypoints
Reference implementation of
[1] Stefan Leutenegger,Margarita Chli and Roland Siegwart, BRISK:
Binary Robust Invariant Scalable Keypoints, in Proceedings of
the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV2011).
AlgorithmBSmooth |
Smoothing of VOI using 1 iteration of bSplines.
AlgorithmBSnake |
Snake-like algorithm derivative using BSplines.
AlgorithmBSpline |
Modified code from Aaron Carass's Java implementation of
Philippe Thevenaz's Cubic B-spline Interpolation.
AlgorithmCannyEdgeDetection |
AlgorithmCellTrackingAGVF |
Active Contour class optimized for Cell Tacking, based on the following paper:
AlgorithmCenterOfMass |
This algorithm calculates the center of mass for 2D and 3D black and white images.
AlgorithmCenterOfMassRGB |
* This algorithm calculates the red, green, and blue center of mass for 2D and 3D color images.
AlgorithmCircleGeneration |
This module draws uniformly randomly positioned circles with a specified radius.
AlgorithmCircleToRectangle |
References: 1.)
AlgorithmCircularSectorToRectangle |
This software uses 2D conformal mapping in converting a circular sector defined by 4 user points at the sector corners
to a rectangle of user specified size.
AlgorithmColocalizationEM |
An optional registration may be performed before colocalization.
AlgorithmColocalizationRegression |
This algorithm creates a 2D histogram from 2 colors of a single image or from 2 black and white images and uses an
orthogonal line fit of the histogram data to generate a correlation line thru the histogram.
AlgorithmColorSaturation |
This algorithm changes the saturation of a color image while keeping the hue and intensity constant.
AlgorithmConstELSUNCOpt3D |
Runs ELSUNC for a 3D image.
AlgorithmConstPowellOpt3D |
Runs Powell's method for a 3D image.
AlgorithmConstPowellOptBase |
Powell's Method
AlgorithmContrastEnhancementUsingExposureFusion |
AlgorithmConvergenceField |
AlgorithmConvolver |
Convolves kernel with a 2D or 3D image - only pixels where the kernel is completely contained in the image are
convolved, otherwise they are set to zero.
AlgorithmCostFunctions |
CostFunction - class for specifying optimization function.
AlgorithmCostFunctions2D |
CostFunction - class for specifying optimization function.
AlgorithmCubicLagrangian |
This is a polynomial p of degree 3 which interpolates a given function f at the points x(-1), x(0), x(1), and x(2),
and is given by p(x) = sum from i = -1 to i = 2 of li(x)*f(xi), where li, i = -1,0,1,2, which are called the
fundamental polynomials, are given by li(x) = product from k = -1 to k = 2 for k !
AlgorithmCumulativeHistogram |
AlgorithmDConvolver |
Convolves kernel with a 2D or 3D image - only pixels where the kernel is completely contained in the image are
convolved, otherwise they are set to zero.
AlgorithmDEMRI3 |
3 model parameters are fit for each voxel in 3D:
1) K_trans in [0, 0.99]
2) User choice of k_ep in [0, 0.99] or ve
3) f_vp in [0, 0.99]
K_trans and k_ep default to rates per second, but the user changed select rates per minute.
AlgorithmDualContourSearch |
AlgorithmEdgeDetection3D |
AlgorithmEdgeLaplacian |
Calculates the EdgeLap of an image at a scale defined by the user.
AlgorithmEdgeLaplacianSep |
Calculates the EdgeLap of an image at a scale defined by the user.
AlgorithmEdgeNMSuppression |
Calculates the non-maximum suppression of an image at a scale defined by the user.
AlgorithmEfficientWatershed |
AlgorithmEllipseGeneration |
This module draws uniformly randomly positioned ellipses with a specified semi-major axis, semi-minor axis,
and angle phi between the x-axis and the major axis of the ellipse.
AlgorithmEllipseToCircle |
This program performs the conformal mapping of an ellipse to a circle.
AlgorithmEllipseToRectangle |
This program performs the conformal mapping of an ellipse to a rectangle.
AlgorithmEllipsoidFit |
This code fits data points to a 3D ellipsoid.
AlgorithmEllipticFourierDescriptors |
Smoothing VOI with Elliptic Fourier Descriptors.
AlgorithmELSUNCOpt2D |
AlgorithmELSUNCOpt3D |
AlgorithmEmbeddedConfidenceEdgeDetection |
The java code is ported from C++ code downloaded from
AlgorithmEntropicEdgeDetection |
AlgorithmEntropyMinimization |
AlgorithmEvaluateMaskSegmentation |
Compares segmentation results of a test image to segmentation results of an ideal gold standard true image.
AlgorithmEvaluateSegmentation |
Compares segmentation results of a test image to segmentation results of an ideal gold standard true image.
AlgorithmExtractSurface |
Extracts a surface using Tetrahedron Extraction.
AlgorithmExtractSurfaceCubes |
Extracts a surface using Marching Cube Extraction.
AlgorithmFaceAnonymizer |
FaceAnonymizer algorithm computes the "face" from a ModelImage based on input parameters that specify the min/max
voxel values for the face voxels, and the maximum skin thinkness.
AlgorithmFaceAnonymizerBET |
Anonymize an image of a patient's head by removing the face.
AlgorithmFacetModel |
AlgorithmFastMarching |
AlgorithmFloodFill |
Stack based flood-fill for 2D and 3D images.
AlgorithmFRAP |
Fluorescence Recovery after PhotoBleaching Only 1 color will be used from a
color image.
AlgorithmFRETAcceptorPhotobleach |
Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer FRET refers to the nonradiative transfer of energy from an excited state donor
fluorescent molecule to a nearby acceptor fluorescent molecule.
AlgorithmFRETBleedThrough |
Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer FRET refers to the nonradiative transfer of energy from an excited state donor
fluorescent molecule to a nearby acceptor fluorescent molecule.
AlgorithmFRETEfficiency |
Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer FRET refers to the nonradiative transfer of energy from an excited state donor
fluorescent molecule to a nearby acceptor fluorescent molecule.
AlgorithmFuzzyCMeans |
Fuzzy C-Means Segmentation algorithm
AlgorithmFuzzyConnectednessSegmentation |
AlgorithmGaussianMixtureModelEM |
Copyright (c) 1995 The Board of Trustees of Purdue University.
AlgorithmGenerateIsolines |
AlgorithmGraphBasedSegmentation |
AlgorithmGrayScaleMorphology25D |
2.5D mathematical morphology class applied to Gray scale images. (2D morphology on 3D volumes).
AlgorithmGrayScaleMorphology2D |
Two-Dimensional mathematical morphology class applied to Gray scale images.
AlgorithmGrayScaleMorphology3D |
Three-Dimensional mathematical morphology class applied to Gray scale images.
AlgorithmGVF |
Snake-like algorithm derivative using BSplines.
AlgorithmHarrisCornerDetector |
AlgorithmHarrisLaplace |
AlgorithmHeightFunction |
The class generates a triangle or quad mesh of a 2D dataset (image) to be displayed in the surface viewer.
AlgorithmHepticLagrangian |
This is a polynomial p of degree 7 which interpolates a given function f at the points x(-3), x(-2), x(-1), x(0),
x(1), x(2), x(3), and x(4) and is given by p(x) = sum from i = -3 to i = 4 of li(x)*f(xi), where li, i =
-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4 which are called the fundamental polynomials, are given by li(x) = product from k = -3 to k = 4
for k !
AlgorithmHessian |
Provides functions to convolve an image with the second derivitive of the Gaussian function to obtain the Hessian
matrix for a particular point on the image.
AlgorithmHillClimbingWatershed |
AlgorithmHistogram |
Calculates the histogram for an image.
AlgorithmHistogram2Dim |
This algorithm creates a two dimensional histogram of the data in 2 black and white images or 1 color image. if
doLinearRescale is true, the range of data in the second image is rescaled to be the same as the range of data in the
first image.
AlgorithmHistogramMatch |
Algorithm that matches the transforms a match or source image so as to make its histogram equal to the histogram of a
base image.
AlgorithmHistogramSliceMatch |
Algorithm that matches or transforms a match or source slice so as to make its histogram equal to the histogram of a
base slice.
AlgorithmHMRF_EM |
This is a port of the MATLAB files HMRF_EM.m and MRF_MAP.m written by Quan Wang to Java
AlgorithmHoughCardioid |
This Hough transform uses (xi, yi) points in the original image space to generate theta0, a0 points in the Hough
AlgorithmHoughCircle |
This Hough transform uses (xi, yi) points in the original image space to generate x0, y0, rad points in the Hough
AlgorithmHoughEllipse |
This Hough transform uses (xi, yi) points in the original image space to generate p, q, r1, r2, and theta points in the Hough
AlgorithmHoughHyperbola |
This work is made possible by the following mathematical theorem proved by Professor Alan Horwitz
of Penn State University:
Finding the Center of a Hyperbola, H, given three nonparallel tangent lines to H and
the corresponding points of tangency.
AlgorithmHoughLine |
This Hough transform uses (xi, yi) points in the original image space to generate rho, theta points in the Hough
AlgorithmHoughParabola |
[(y - vy)*cos(phi) - (x - vx)*sin(phi)]**2 =
4*p*[(y - vy)*sin(phi) + (x - vx)*cos(phi)]
where vx, vy are the coordinates of the parabola vertex
p is the distance between the vertex and focus of the parabola
This Hough transform uses (xi, yi) points in the original image space to generate vx, vy, phi, p points in the Hough
AlgorithmIAGCWD |
AlgorithmIHN3Correction |
N3 Inhomogeneity correction This is based on code by John G.
AlgorithmImageHessian |
AlgorithmIndependentComponents |
This algorithm operates on 2D and 3D black and white and color images.
AlgorithmIteratedBlindDeconvolution |
AlgorithmKMeans |
This program can be run on data of any dimensionality.
AlgorithmLapMedianess |
Calculates the Laplacian of the gaussian of an image at a scale defined by the user.
AlgorithmLevelSet |
This algorithm iteratively expands or contracts one or more contours to a boundary.
AlgorithmLevelSetDiffusion |
AlgorithmLLE |
AlgorithmLogSlopeMapping |
AlgorithmLowerCompletion |
AlgorithmLuminanceAdaptation |
AlgorithmMarkovSegment |
AlgorithmMatchForReference |
Will take Two 2D images (one Reference, one Adjusted) and use the Reference image's Resolutions to transform the
adjusted Image into a new size and resolution that the Reference Image can then be matched to, while preserving all
Field of Views (there is no loss of FOV).
AlgorithmMaximumLikelihoodIteratedBlindDeconvolution |
An implementation of Maximum Likelihood Iterated Blind Deconvolution based on the following papers:
AlgorithmMeanShiftClustering |
The java code is ported from C++ code downloaded from
AlgorithmMeanShiftSegmentation |
The java code is ported from C++ code downloaded from
AlgorithmMidsagittal |
Finds the midsagittal line of a brain MRI by:
Flipping the image horizontally.
Registering the flipped image against the original.
Getting the angle that the registration rotated the image.
Transforming the original image by half the registration rotation.
AlgorithmMinimumPerimeterPolygon |
Smoothing VOI with minimum perimeter polygon.
AlgorithmMixGaussEM |
AlgorithmMorphology25D |
2.5D mathmatical morphology class (2D morphology on 3D volumes).
AlgorithmMorphology2D |
Two-Dimensional mathmatical morphology class.
AlgorithmMorphology3D |
Three-Dimensional mathmatical morphology class.
AlgorithmMRIShadingCorrection |
AlgorithmMSER |
AlgorithmMSpectralFuzzyCMeans |
Fuzzy C-Means Segmentation algorithm
AlgorithmMultiExponentialFitting |
AlgorithmNearlyCircleToCircle |
This program performs the conformal mapping of a nearly circular region to a circle.
AlgorithmNetworkSnake |
Copyright (c) 2011, The University of Nottingham
All rights reserved.
AlgorithmNetworkSnake.ExtentionMath |
AlgorithmNonMaxSuppts |
AlgorithmNonparametricSegmentation |
AlgorithmObjectExtractor |
A class for segmenting objects.
AlgorithmPbBoundaryDetection |
Compute probability of boundary using brightness gradient and texture gradient
Original MATLAB code written by David R.
AlgorithmPhaseCongruency |
Ported from Peter Kovesi's MATLAB code for Phase Congruency
Available from:
in reference to the method lowpassFilter();
% References:
% Peter Kovesi, "Image Features From Phase Congruency".
AlgorithmPointArea |
AlgorithmPowellOpt2D |
Runs Powell's method for a 2D image.
AlgorithmPowellOpt3D |
Runs Powell's method for a 3D image.
AlgorithmPowellOptBase |
Powell's Method
AlgorithmPowerWatershed |
This is a port of C code written by Camille Couprie in 2009.
AlgorithmPrincipalComponents |
This algorithm operates on 3D black and white images and on 2D and 3D color images.
AlgorithmQuadraticFit |
Approximate a set of points by a quadric surface.
AlgorithmQuantify |
Quantify image data based on a mask image.
AlgorithmQuinticLagrangian |
This is a polynomial p of degree 5 which interpolates a given function f at the points x(-2), x(-1), x(0), x(1),
x(2), and x(3) and is given by p(x) = sum from i = -2 to i = 3 of li(x)*f(xi), where li, i = -2,-1,0,1,2,3 which are
called the fundamental polynomials, are given by li(x) = product from k = -2 to k = 3 for k !
AlgorithmRegionGrow |
Fills a region based on average intensity +or- standard deviation.
AlgorithmRegionMergingViaBoundaryMelting |
AlgorithmRegionsFromPartialBorders |
AlgorithmScaleSaliency |
Original source code in C and MATLAB is Copyright 1998-2004 by Timor Kadir Version 1.5
Kadir/Brady Feature detector (Scale Saliency) Code
For non-commercial use only
Ported by to Java by William Gandler
AlgorithmSCDSegmentation |
AlgorithmSeparableConvolver |
Convolves an image with a separable (symmetric) kernel and returns the result.
AlgorithmSequentialScanningWatershed |
AlgorithmSFTA |
AlgorithmShortestPathWatershed |
AlgorithmSimulatedExposureFusion |
AlgorithmSingleMRIImageSNR |
This program uses a mandatory signal 1 VOI, an optional signal 2 VOI, a mandatory noise background VOI, and the
number of NMR receivers to calculate the signal to noise ratio for the signal VOI(s).
AlgorithmSkullRemoval |
Algorithm Implementation
AlgorithmSM2 |
Based on the document provided by Daniel Reich: Notes on DCE with SM2 (standard model, aka Tofts model,
2-compartment) 3 model parameters are fit for each voxel in 3D: 1) K_trans in [1.0E-5, 5.0] in /min On input ktrans
is converted from /min to /sec and on output ktrans is converted from /sec to /min. 2) ve in [1.0E-5, 0.99] 3) f_vp
in [0, 0.99]
srcImage is a dynamic "4D volume" of MRI signal (3D over time).
AlgorithmSnake |
Snake-like algorithm deriviative.
AlgorithmSpectralClustering |
AlgorithmSphereGeneration |
This module draws uniformly randomly positioned spheres with a specified radius.
AlgorithmSplitAndMergeWatershed |
AlgorithmStandardDeviationThreshold |
The Standard Deviation Threshold works by first having an active VOI in which the standard deviation and other
statistics are calculated.
AlgorithmSubtractVOI |
Algorithm that subtracts the mean or median value of a VOI from the image.
AlgorithmTalairachTransform |
Performs original to ACPC, original to Talairach, ACPC to original, ACPC to Talairach, Talairach to original, or
Talairach to ACPC transformation.
AlgorithmTextureAnalysis |
This code contains the texture analysis functions for the paper `Texture
Analysis and Segmentation Using Modulation Features, Generative Models, and
Weighted Curve Evolution', by I.
AlgorithmTextureSegmentation |
This software implements the factorization-based segmentation algorithm.
AlgorithmThinning2D |
AlgorithmThresholdDual |
This algorithm has two modes of operation:
AlgorithmThresholdDualRGB |
Runs threshold (lower and upper) on color images and replaces values either outside (inverse) or inside (normal) with
the fill values specified.
AlgorithmTimeFitting |
AlgorithmTProcess |
This abstract class defines terms common to both T1 and T2 processing, such as thresholding and
multithreading management methods.
AlgorithmTPSpline |
Thin plate spline Warning: If the supplied (x,y) data set in setupTPSpline2D is nearly collinear, singular matrices
will result and a matrix inversion will fail.
AlgorithmTranscode |
AlgorithmTransform |
Transforms Volume by resampling using transformation matrix and the choice of nearest-neighbor, trilinear
interpolation, 3rd order Bspline, 4th order Bspline, cubic Lagrangian, quintic Lagrangian, heptic Lagrangian, or
windowed sinc.
AlgorithmTransformBSpline |
TransformBSpline algorithm This algorithm takes a source image and uses information read in from a .nlt file to
perform a nonlinear B-Spline transformation on the image.
AlgorithmTransformVOI |
AlgorithmTreT1 |
This class is adapted from the ImageJ version originally written by Sean Deoni while working at the
National Institutes of Health.
AlgorithmTreT2 |
This class is adapted from the ImageJ version originally written by Sean Deoni while working at the National
Institutes of Health.
AlgorithmTwoMRIImagesSNR |
This module implements the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) standard for SNR estimation in
diagnostic MRI.
AlgorithmUnionFindComponentLabelling |
AlgorithmUnionFindWatershed |
AlgorithmVesselEnhancement |
AlgorithmVOIExtraction |
AlgorithmVOIExtractionPaint |
AlgorithmVOIHausdorffDistance |
Algorithm class for finding Hausdorff distance on 2 VOIs
AlgorithmVOILogicalOperations |
Algorithm class for performing logical operations on VOIs
AlgorithmVOIProps |
This class calculates a properties of an image defined by a VOI.
AlgorithmVOIShapeInterpolation |
AlgorithmVOISimplexOpt |
Perform Simplex Optimization on a VOI that has been propagated to a slice to find a transformation which will make an
affine "fit" a structure which the VOI fit on the previous slice (used in RFASegTool when propagating liver
segmentation VOIs).
AlgorithmWatershed |
This program applies the watershed algorithm to the image.
AlgorithmWSinc |
Sinc function windowed with Hanning window function used for interpolation This function will create images with
greater maximums and lower minimums than the original image, so if the input image type is BYTE or UBYTE, the output
image type should be a SHORT.
Backpropagation |
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2016 Jason Wu
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Bessel |
This module computes Bessel functions of complex arguments and a nonnegative order.
BesselEP |
This module computes Bessel functions of complex arguments and a nonnegative order.
BlindDeblur |
We place our efforts in writing this package in the public domain.
Cephes |
Correct values for ndtri are taken from scipy-main/scipy/special/tests/ under the BSD-3 license:
Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Enthought, Inc. 2003-2022, SciPy Developers.
CeresSolver |
This is a port of the C++ files in ceres-solver-1.14.0 under the BSD license:
Ceres Solver - A fast non-linear least squares minimizer Copyright 2015
Google Inc.
CeresSolver2 |
This is a port of the C++ files in ceres-solver-1.14.0 under the BSD license:
Ceres Solver - A fast non-linear least squares minimizer Copyright 2015
Google Inc.
CeresSolverNISTTest |
CeresSolverTest |
ConfluentHypergeometric |
This code calculates the confluent hypergeometric function of the first and second kinds For the confluent
hypergeometric function of the first kind a typical usage for the routine requiring real parameters and a real
argument would be:
ConjugateGradient |
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2018 Komahan Boopathy
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
ConjugateGradientTest |
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2018 Komahan Boopathy
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
ContourPlot |
The Contours class provides methods to compute contour lines and contour bands
from a 2D regular grid of scalar values.
ContourPlot.BufferedImageFactory |
Class providing convenience methods for converting Images to BufferedImages.
ContourPlot.CharacterAtlas |
The CharacterAtlas class is a texture atlas for looking up character textures.
ContourPlot.ColorOperations |
The ColorOperations class contains methods for manipulating
32bit ARGB color values.
ContourPlot.ExtendedWilkinson |
Implementation of the extended Wilkinson algorithm for tick label positioning.
ContourPlot.FontProvider |
ContourPlot.ImageSaver |
Class providing convenience methods for saving Images to file.
ContourPlot.Iterators |
Class holding all of the Iterator and Spliterator classes
used in the ContourPlot.ImgBase interface.
ContourPlot.Iterators.ColSpliterator<P extends ContourPlot.PixelBase> |
Special Spliterator which guarantees that each split will cover at least
an entire column of the image.
ContourPlot.Iterators.ImgAreaIterator<P extends ContourPlot.PixelBase> |
The standard iterator class for iterating over an area of an image.
ContourPlot.Iterators.ImgAreaSpliterator<P extends ContourPlot.PixelBase> |
Spliterator class for images bound to a specific area
ContourPlot.Iterators.ImgIterator<P extends ContourPlot.PixelBase> |
The standard Iterator class for images.
ContourPlot.Iterators.ImgSpliterator<P extends ContourPlot.PixelBase> |
The standard Spliterator class for images.
ContourPlot.Iterators.RowSpliterator<P extends ContourPlot.PixelBase> |
Special Spliterator for images which guarantees that each split will cover at least
an entire row of the image.
ContourPlot.Legend |
ContourPlot.Legend.ColormapLabel |
ContourPlot.Legend.GlyphLabel |
ContourPlot.Legend.LineLabel |
ContourPlot.Pair<T1,T2> |
Pair class.
ContourPlot.PixelConvertingSpliterator<P extends ContourPlot.PixelBase,T> |
ContourPlot.PointDetails |
Class for storing all the details of a single point to be rendered.
ContourPlot.SignedDistanceCharacters |
The SignedDistanceCharacters class comprises signed distance fields
of a set of characters.
ContourPlot.Utils |
Class containing utility methods
CopyMoveAttackDetection |
CopyMoveAttackDetection2 |
Covdet |
Copyright (C) 2013-14 Andrea Vedaldi.
CubicEquation |
This is a port of code written by Gerolamo Cardano under the Code Project Open Licence.
curev |
curfit |
DAgostinosKsquaredTest |
This code calculates the Ksquared statistic of an input array x[].
dataStruct |
DBSCANClusteringSegment |
% Copyright (c) 2013 Peter Kovesi
% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
% of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
% in the Software without restriction, subject to the following conditions:
% The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
% all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
% The Software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind.
DiscreteCosineTransform |
This routines except the SLOW routines are ported from FORTRAN to Java from:
DiscreteSineTransform |
DoublyConnectedSC |
DSC_MRI_toolbox |
EllipticIntegral |
Erfinv |
Fastfit |
FitExponential |
FitExponential -fits an array of points to an exponential of the type y = a0 + a1*exp(a2*x).
FitGaussian |
FitGaussian -fits an array of points to a normal curve, general from f = a*exp(-(x-b)^2/2sigma^2)
Will also perform thresholding techniques to determine useful data points for fitting
FitLaplace |
FitLaplace -fits an array of points to a normal curve, general from f = a*exp(Math.abs(x-mu)/beta)
Will also perform thresholding techniques to determine useful data points for fitting
FitLine |
y = mx + b;.
FitLorentz |
FitLorentz -fits an array of points to a lorentz distribution, thresholding techniques come from ViewJFrameGraph,
no need to implement here
FitMultiExponential |
FitMultiExponential -fits an array of points to an multiexponential of the type
y = a0 + a1*exp(a2*x) + a3*exp(a4*x) + ...
FitRayleigh |
For -infinity < a < +infinity and b > 0
y = scale factor * (2/b)*(x - a)*exp(-((x-a)**2)/b)*u(x - a)
where u(x-a) = 0 for x < a and = 1 for x >= a.
FloodFill |
fMRIBlindDeconvolution |
Gamma |
This code calculates the gamma function of an input argument x.
GaussianMixtureModelsIncompleteSamples |
dirichletRnd ported from mixGaussRnd.m by Mo Chen
Copyright (c) 2016, Mo Chen
All rights reserved.
GaussianOneDimKernel |
GenerateDGaussian |
Calculates an n-dimensional gaussian volume at a given scale, kernel size, and normalized derivative (through the
fourth order) in any of the dimensions.
GenerateGaussian |
Calculates an n-dimensional gaussian volume at a given scale, kernel size, and normalized derivative (through the
fourth order) in any of the dimensions.
HaarTransform |
HartleyTransform |
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2015 Eugeniy Sokol
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute,
sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
HartleyTransform2 |
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
Submillimeter Receiver Laboratory
transform.c S.
HistogramOfOrientedGradients |
Copyright (C) 2007-11, Andrea Vedaldi and Brian Fulkerson
Copyright (C) 2012-13, The VLFeat Team
All rights reserved.
HornSchunk |
Hypergeometric |
The function 2F1(a,b,c,x) is the hypergeometric function or Gauss's hypergeometric function.
ImageQuality |
indexValue |
indexValueComparator |
Integration2 |
This is a port of FORTRAN numerical integration routines in QUADPACK found at
Reference: R.
Integration2EP |
This is a port of FORTRAN numerical integration routines in QUADPACK found at
Reference: R.
InverseLaplace |
This is a port of the MATLAB INVLAP.M, a numerical inverse Laplace transform using the de Hoog algorithm, copyright
by Karl Hollenbeck on November 22, 1996, Department of Hydrodynamics and Water Resources, Technical University of
Denmark, DK-2800 Lyngby Downloaded from MATLAB central in ECP1
InverseLaplace2 |
This is a port of the numerical inverse Laplace transform found as the FORTRAN implementation of Algorithm 619 from
the collected algorithms from the ACM found at
InverseLaplaceqd |
This is a port of niltqd.m, a fast numerical inverse Laplace transform based on FFT and quotient-difference algorithm
by Lubomir Brancik, 2001, Brno University of Technology.
InverseLaplaceTest |
JacobianElliptic |
Calculate Jacobian Elliptic functions.
KDTree |
Original code Copyright (C) 2007-2011 John Tsiombikas
Ported to Java by William Gandler
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
This is a port of the FORTRAN 77 L-BFGS-B code to Java
L-BFGS-B is released under the “New BSD License” (aka “Modified BSD License”
or “3-clause license”)
=========== L-BFGS-B (version 3.0.
libdt |
libdt - OpenCV library for Dynamic Textures - version 1.0
Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Antoni B.
Copyright (c) 2000-2023 Chih-Chung Chang and Chih-Jen Lin
All rights reserved.
LightboxGenerator |
The class creates a RGB image of a 3d image in a Lightbox type format.
Lmmin |
To run self tests in another module put:
if (testMode) {
new FitAll();
class FitAll extends Lmmin {
public FitAll() {
public void fitToFunction(double x[], double fvec[], int info[]) {
LocalIntensityOrderPattern |
Port of LSCM, Least squares conformal mapping
This package includes the prototype code for implementing least squares conformal maps.
LsqFit |
LsqFit.jl is licensed under the MIT License:
Returns the argmin over x of `sum(f(x).^2)` using the Levenberg-Marquardt
algorithm, and an estimate of the Jacobian of `f` at x.
ModifiedCholeskyFactorization |
Copyright (c) 2015, Sheung Hun Cheng and Nicholas J.
MotionDetection |
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2021 Jitendra Singh Bisht
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
NelderMead |
Nelder-Mead original code copyright 2017 by Matteo Maggioni under the MIT Licence.
NESolve |
This is a port of nesolve.m and supporting files coded in MATLAB by Richard T.
NL2sol |
This is a port of the source code nl2sol.f90 and the nl2sol_prb2.f90 extensive set of tests from FORTRAN into Java.
NLConstrainedEngine |
Display results of displaying exponential fitting parameters.
NLConstrainedEngineEP |
Display results of displaying exponential fitting parameters.
NLFittedFunction |
NLMeans_filt2D |
NMSimplex |
public class Objfunc implements Objfun
public double evalObjfun(double x[]){
return (100*(x[1]-x[0]*x[0])*(x[1]-x[0]*x[0])+(1.0-x[0])*(1.0-x[0]));
public class Constraint implements Constraints
double round2(double num, int precision)
double rnum;
int tnum;
rnum = num*Math.pow(10,precision);
tnum = (int)(rnum < 0 ?
NoiseLevel |
NonnegativeMatrixFactorization |
OastDetector9_16 |
oast9 - OAST, an optimal corner detector based on the
accelerated segment test for a 16 pixel mask
Copyright (c) 2010, Elmar Mair
All rights reserved.
OpenCLAlgorithmBase |
Abstract base class for implementing Algorithms in OpenCL.
OpenCLInfo |
Displays OpenCL information in a table.
OpticalFlowToolbox |
Poly |
Solution of cubic, quartic, and quintic equations
Ported from code written by (c) Khashin S.I.
// khash2 (at)
// Thanks to Alexandr Rakhmanin
// public domain
PreconditionedConjugateGradient |
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2018 Komahan Boopathy
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Psi |
This code calculates the psi function of an input argument x.
PyramidToolbox |
QuarticEquation |
Copyright Yair Chuchem 2011.
QuarticEquationEP |
Copyright Yair Chuchem 2011.
Quaternions |
Copyright (c) 2000-2009, Jay St.
RandomNumberGen |
Algorithm that produces a random number (Gaussian or uniform) in a specific user/programmer defined range.
RectangularConformalMap |
SchwarzChristoffelMapping |
SchwarzChristoffelMapping2 |
Copyright (C) 2007-11, Andrea Vedaldi and Brian Fulkerson
Copyright (C) 2012-13, The VLFeat Team
All rights reserved.
SIFTImageSimilarity |
SlantTransform |
One dimensional forward and inverse slant transforms are ported from FORATRAN programs in Appendix A
of AD-767 758 Technical Report Slant Transform Image Coding by Wen-Hsiung Cheng of the University of
Southern California, prepared for the Advanced Research Projects Agency, Air Force Eastern Test Range, May 1973.
SpatialBroxOpticalFlow |
splev |
sproot |
Statistics |
StatisticsTable |
StochasticForests |
SymmsIntegralMapping |
TemporalBroxOpticalFlow |
Vectornd |
N dimension vector class with the cost value.
WalshHadamardTransform |
Copyright (c) 2016, suresh
All rights reserved.
WalshHadamardTransform2 |
WalshHadamardTransform3 |
WeibullDistribution |
WishartVariateGenerator |
Ported from original FORTRAN code Algorithm AS 53: Wishart Variate Generator
Authors: W.