Class AlgorithmVOIShapeInterpolation

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    AlgorithmInterface, java.awt.event.ActionListener, java.awt.event.WindowListener, java.lang.Runnable, java.util.EventListener

    public class AlgorithmVOIShapeInterpolation
    extends AlgorithmBase
    implements AlgorithmInterface
    pandyan This algorithm calculates the VOI Shape Based Interpolation algorithm works the following way: Once 2 closed voi contour shapes are selected in non-contiguous slices, both slices are extracted out of the 3d dataset. Each one has its voi moved to the center of the image to obtain maximum overlap. Then distance maps are created and then interpolated depending on num slices in between...then they the shapes are moved to their proper position.
    • Field Detail

      • sliceIndex1

        private int sliceIndex1
        slice index for voi1
      • sliceIndex2

        private int sliceIndex2
        slice index for voi2
      • numSlicesInBetween

        private int numSlicesInBetween
        num slice in between voi1 and voi2
      • imageSlice1

        private ModelImage imageSlice1
        2d image containing voi1
      • imageSlice2

        private ModelImage imageSlice2
        2d image containing voi2
      • maskImage1

        private ModelImage maskImage1
        mask image 1
      • maskImage2

        private ModelImage maskImage2
        mask imag 2
      • distanceMap1

        private ModelImage distanceMap1
        distance map 1
      • distanceMap2

        private ModelImage distanceMap2
        distance map 2
      • averageDistanceMaps

        private ModelImage[] averageDistanceMaps
        distance maps
      • inBetweenBooleanShapes

        private ModelImage[] inBetweenBooleanShapes
        tween shape s
      • finalContours

        private VOIContour[] finalContours
        final voi contour shapes
      • geomCenter1

        private WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f geomCenter1
        geom center voi1
      • geomCenter2

        private WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f geomCenter2
        geom center voi2
      • imageCenter

        private WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f imageCenter
        image center
      • VOIHandle

        private VOI VOIHandle
        handle to src image's VOI
    • Constructor Detail

      • AlgorithmVOIShapeInterpolation

        public AlgorithmVOIShapeInterpolation()
      • AlgorithmVOIShapeInterpolation

        public AlgorithmVOIShapeInterpolation​(ModelImage srcImage,
                                              int sliceIndex1,
                                              VOIContour VOI1,
                                              int sliceIndex2,
                                              VOIContour VOI2,
                                              VOI VOIHandle)
        srcImage -
        sliceIndex1 -
        VOI1 -
        sliceIndex2 -
        VOI2 -
    • Method Detail

      • linearInterpGetY

        public float linearInterpGetY​(float x)
        get y based on equation of linear interpolation