Interface ContourPlot.AdaptableView

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void setView​(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D view)
      Sets the view rectangle that is the range of coordinates to be projected onto the view port.
    • Method Detail

      • setView

        void setView​(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D view)
        Sets the view rectangle that is the range of coordinates to be projected onto the view port.

        For example when setting a view rectangle of (x=-1,y=-1,w=2,h=2) given a viewport of size (w=100,h=100), then a point with coordinates (x=0,y=0) will be projected to (x=50,y=50) on the viewport. A point with coordinates (x=-1,y=-1) will be projected to (x=0,y=0).

        When setting the view rectangle to null, then no projection is happening and the coordinates are mapped directly to view port coordinates. E.g. coordinates (40,40) will be (40,40) on the viewport, as if the view rectangles size was coupled to the viewport size.

        view - the view rectangle (can be null)