Package gov.nih.mipav.model.algorithms
Class TemporalBroxOpticalFlow
- java.lang.Object
- java.lang.Thread
- gov.nih.mipav.model.algorithms.AlgorithmBase
- gov.nih.mipav.model.algorithms.TemporalBroxOpticalFlow
- All Implemented Interfaces:
public class TemporalBroxOpticalFlow extends AlgorithmBase
Field Summary
Fields Modifier and Type Field Description private double
private ModelImage
private ModelImage
private double
private double
private double
private int
private int
private int
private int
private double
private double
private int
private int
private int
private double
private boolean
private double
private double
private double
(package private) TVL1FLOW
private boolean
private double
Fields inherited from class gov.nih.mipav.model.algorithms.AlgorithmBase
destFlag, destImage, image25D, mask, maxProgressValue, minProgressValue, multiThreadingEnabled, nthreads, progress, progressModulus, progressStep, runningInSeparateThread, separable, srcImage, threadStopped
Constructor Summary
Constructors Constructor Description TemporalBroxOpticalFlow()
TemporalBroxOpticalFlow(ModelImage destuImg, ModelImage destvImg, ModelImage srcImg, double alpha, double gamma, int nscales, double zfactor, double TOL, int inner_iter, int outer_iter, boolean verbose)
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Modifier and Type Method Description void
brox_optic_flow(double[] I, double[] u, double[] v, int nx, int ny, int frames, double alpha, double gamma, double TOL, int inner_iter, int outer_iter, boolean verbose)
Compute the optic flow with the Brox temporal methodvoid
brox_optic_flow(double[] I, double[] u, double[] v, int nxx, int nyy, int frames, double alpha, double gamma, int nscales, double nu, double TOL, int inner_iter, int outer_iter, boolean verbose)
Multiscale approach for computing the optical flowvoid
divergence_u(double[] u, double[] v, double[] psi1, double[] psi2, double[] psi3, double[] psi4, double[] psi5, double[] psi6, double[] div_u, double[] div_v, int nx, int ny, int nz)
Compute the divergence of the optical flowvoid
Dxx(double[] I, double[] Ixx, int nx, int ny)
Compute the second order X derivativevoid
Dxy(double[] I, double[] Ixy, int nx, int ny)
Compute the second order XY derivativevoid
Dyy(double[] I, double[] Iyy, int nx, int ny)
Compute the second order Y derivativevoid
gaussian(double[] in, double[] out, int xdim, int ydim, double sigma, int bc, int precision)
Convolution with a Gaussianvoid
gaussian(double[] I, int xdim, int ydim, double sigma, int bc, int precision)
Convolution with a Gaussianvoid
getminmax(double[] min, double[] max, double[] x, int n)
Compute the max and min of an arrayvoid
gradient(double[] input, double[] dx, double[] dy, int nx, int ny)
Compute the gradient with central differencesvoid
gradient3(double[] input, double[] dx, double[] dy, double[] dz, int nx, int ny, int nz)
Compute the 3D gradient with central differencesvoid
image_normalization(double[] I, double[] In, int size)
Function to normalize the images between 0 and 255void
mask3x3(double[] input, double[] output, int nx, int ny, double[] mask)
Function to apply a 3x3 mask to an imagedouble
process_frame(double[] Au, double[] Av, double[] Du, double[] Dv, double[] D, double[] du, double[] dv, double alpha, double[] psi1, double[] psi2, double[] psi3, double[] psi4, double[] psi5, double[] psi6, int f, int nx, int ny, int df0, int df1)
Procedure to compute the motion increment in one framevoid
psi_data(double[] I1, double[] I2, double[] I2x, double[] I2y, double[] du, double[] dv, double[] psip, int size)
Compute the coefficients of the robust functional (data term)void
psi_divergence(double[] psi, double[] psi1, double[] psi2, double[] psi3, double[] psi4, double[] psi5, double[] psi6, int nx, int ny, int nz)
Compute the coefficients of the divergence termvoid
psi_gradient(double[] I1x, double[] I1y, double[] I2x, double[] I2y, double[] I2xx, double[] I2xy, double[] I2yy, double[] du, double[] dv, double[] psip, int size)
Compute the coefficients of the robust functional (gradient term)void
psi_smooth(double[] ux, double[] uy, double[] ut, double[] vx, double[] vy, double[] vt, double[] psi, int size)
Compute the coefficients of the robust functional (smoothness term)void
Actually runs the algorithm.double
sor_iteration(double[] Au, double[] Av, double[] Du, double[] Dv, double[] D, double[] du, double[] dv, double alpha, double[] psi1, double[] psi2, double[] psi3, double[] psi4, double[] psi5, double[] psi6, int f, int df0, int df1, int i, int ny, int dy0, int dy1, int j, int nx, int dx0, int dx1)
SOR iteration in one position-
Methods inherited from class gov.nih.mipav.model.algorithms.AlgorithmBase
actionPerformed, addListener, addProgressChangeListener, calculateImageSize, calculatePrincipleAxis, computeElapsedTime, computeElapsedTime, convertIntoFloat, delinkProgressToAlgorithm, delinkProgressToAlgorithmMulti, displayError, errorCleanUp, finalize, fireProgressStateChanged, fireProgressStateChanged, fireProgressStateChanged, fireProgressStateChanged, fireProgressStateChanged, generateProgressValues, getDestImage, getElapsedTime, getMask, getMaxProgressValue, getMinProgressValue, getNumberOfThreads, getProgress, getProgressChangeListener, getProgressChangeListeners, getProgressModulus, getProgressStep, getProgressValues, getSrcImage, isCompleted, isImage25D, isMultiThreadingEnabled, isRunningInSeparateThread, isThreadStopped, linkProgressToAlgorithm, linkProgressToAlgorithm, makeProgress, notifyListeners, removeListener, removeProgressChangeListener, run, setCompleted, setImage25D, setMask, setMaxProgressValue, setMinProgressValue, setMultiThreadingEnabled, setNumberOfThreads, setProgress, setProgressModulus, setProgressStep, setProgressValues, setProgressValues, setRunningInSeparateThread, setSrcImage, setStartTime, setThreadStopped, startMethod, windowActivated, windowClosed, windowClosing, windowDeactivated, windowDeiconified, windowIconified, windowOpened
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Thread
activeCount, checkAccess, clone, countStackFrames, currentThread, dumpStack, enumerate, getAllStackTraces, getContextClassLoader, getDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler, getId, getName, getPriority, getStackTrace, getState, getThreadGroup, getUncaughtExceptionHandler, holdsLock, interrupt, interrupted, isAlive, isDaemon, isInterrupted, join, join, join, onSpinWait, resume, setContextClassLoader, setDaemon, setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler, setName, setPriority, setUncaughtExceptionHandler, sleep, sleep, start, stop, suspend, toString, yield
Field Detail
private final double EPSILON
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int MAXITER
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final double SOR_PARAMETER
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final double GAUSSIAN_SIGMA
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final double PAR_DEFAULT_ALPHA
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final double PAR_DEFAULT_GAMMA
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int PAR_DEFAULT_NSCALES
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final double PAR_DEFAULT_ZFACTOR
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final double PAR_DEFAULT_TOL
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int PAR_DEFAULT_INNER_ITER
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int PAR_DEFAULT_OUTER_ITER
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final boolean PAR_DEFAULT_VERBOSE
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private ModelImage destuImage
private ModelImage destvImage
private double alpha
private double gamma
private int nscales
private double zfactor
private double TOL
private int initer
private int outiter
private boolean verbose
Constructor Detail
public TemporalBroxOpticalFlow()
public TemporalBroxOpticalFlow(ModelImage destuImg, ModelImage destvImg, ModelImage srcImg, double alpha, double gamma, int nscales, double zfactor, double TOL, int inner_iter, int outer_iter, boolean verbose)
Method Detail
public void runAlgorithm()
Description copied from class:AlgorithmBase
Actually runs the algorithm. Implemented by inheriting algorithms.- Specified by:
in classAlgorithmBase
public void gaussian(double[] I, int xdim, int ydim, double sigma, int bc, int precision)
Convolution with a Gaussian
public void gaussian(double[] in, double[] out, int xdim, int ydim, double sigma, int bc, int precision)
Convolution with a Gaussian
public void mask3x3(double[] input, double[] output, int nx, int ny, double[] mask)
Function to apply a 3x3 mask to an image
public void Dxx(double[] I, double[] Ixx, int nx, int ny)
Compute the second order X derivative
public void Dyy(double[] I, double[] Iyy, int nx, int ny)
Compute the second order Y derivative
public void Dxy(double[] I, double[] Ixy, int nx, int ny)
Compute the second order XY derivative
public void gradient(double[] input, double[] dx, double[] dy, int nx, int ny)
Compute the gradient with central differences
public void gradient3(double[] input, double[] dx, double[] dy, double[] dz, int nx, int ny, int nz)
Compute the 3D gradient with central differences
public void psi_divergence(double[] psi, double[] psi1, double[] psi2, double[] psi3, double[] psi4, double[] psi5, double[] psi6, int nx, int ny, int nz)
Compute the coefficients of the divergence term
public void divergence_u(double[] u, double[] v, double[] psi1, double[] psi2, double[] psi3, double[] psi4, double[] psi5, double[] psi6, double[] div_u, double[] div_v, int nx, int ny, int nz)
Compute the divergence of the optical flow
public void psi_data(double[] I1, double[] I2, double[] I2x, double[] I2y, double[] du, double[] dv, double[] psip, int size)
Compute the coefficients of the robust functional (data term)
public void psi_gradient(double[] I1x, double[] I1y, double[] I2x, double[] I2y, double[] I2xx, double[] I2xy, double[] I2yy, double[] du, double[] dv, double[] psip, int size)
Compute the coefficients of the robust functional (gradient term)
public void psi_smooth(double[] ux, double[] uy, double[] ut, double[] vx, double[] vy, double[] vt, double[] psi, int size)
Compute the coefficients of the robust functional (smoothness term)
public double sor_iteration(double[] Au, double[] Av, double[] Du, double[] Dv, double[] D, double[] du, double[] dv, double alpha, double[] psi1, double[] psi2, double[] psi3, double[] psi4, double[] psi5, double[] psi6, int f, int df0, int df1, int i, int ny, int dy0, int dy1, int j, int nx, int dx0, int dx1)
SOR iteration in one position
public double process_frame(double[] Au, double[] Av, double[] Du, double[] Dv, double[] D, double[] du, double[] dv, double alpha, double[] psi1, double[] psi2, double[] psi3, double[] psi4, double[] psi5, double[] psi6, int f, int nx, int ny, int df0, int df1)
Procedure to compute the motion increment in one frame
public void brox_optic_flow(double[] I, double[] u, double[] v, int nx, int ny, int frames, double alpha, double gamma, double TOL, int inner_iter, int outer_iter, boolean verbose)
Compute the optic flow with the Brox temporal method
public void getminmax(double[] min, double[] max, double[] x, int n)
Compute the max and min of an array
public void image_normalization(double[] I, double[] In, int size)
Function to normalize the images between 0 and 255
public void brox_optic_flow(double[] I, double[] u, double[] v, int nxx, int nyy, int frames, double alpha, double gamma, int nscales, double nu, double TOL, int inner_iter, int outer_iter, boolean verbose)
Multiscale approach for computing the optical flow