Class AlgorithmPowellOptBase

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    de.jtem.numericalMethods.calculus.function.RealFunctionOfSeveralVariables, java.awt.event.ActionListener, java.awt.event.WindowListener, java.lang.Runnable, java.util.EventListener
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    AlgorithmPowellOpt2D, AlgorithmPowellOpt3D

    public abstract class AlgorithmPowellOptBase
    extends AlgorithmBase
    implements de.jtem.numericalMethods.calculus.function.RealFunctionOfSeveralVariables
    Powell's Method

    Runs Powell's method. Powell's method is a way to find minimums without finding derivatives. Basically, it starts at some point P in N-dimensional space, proceeds in a direction, and minimizes along that line using a 1-dimensional minimization method. It continues like this until the point has moved by less than the tolerance. It starts with the initial point defined in the constructor and initial directions of (1 0 ... 0) (0 1 0 ... ) ..., the basis vectors. At the end, "point" is the best point found and functionAtBest is the value at "point".

    This is an abstract class which contains many of the basic functions needed to run Powell's method. 2D and 3D versions extend this version.

    This optimization technique is based on FLIRT. FLIRT stands for FMRIB's Linear Image Registration Tool. For more information on FLIRT, visit their homepage at Their main paper is:

    Jenkinson, M. and Smith, S. (2001a).
    A global optimisation method for robust affine registration of brain images.
    Medical Image Analysis, 5(2):143-156.

    0.1 Oct 1, 2001, 0.2 March 27, 2008
    Neva Cherniavsky, Hailong Wang, Ph.D
    • Field Detail

      • TINY

        private static final double TINY
        Used to prevent division by zero.
      • fromOrigin

        protected TransMatrixd fromOrigin
        The transformation matrix from the origin of the input image.
      • maxIterations

        protected int maxIterations
        The maximum number of iterations the optimization allows.
      • dof

        protected int dof
        Degrees of freedom.
      • parent

        protected AlgorithmBase parent
        Parent algorithm that called this optimization.
      • tolerance

        protected double[] tolerance
        Array of tolerances for each dimension.
      • toOrigin

        protected TransMatrixd toOrigin
        The transformation matrix to the origin of the input image.
      • points

        protected Vectornd[] points
        Array used to hold the initial points, final points and costs
      • parallelPowell

        protected boolean parallelPowell
        The flag for parallel powell's method
      • useJTEM

        protected boolean useJTEM
        When true, JTEM is used, otherwise, JTEM is used.
      • paths

        protected java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.Long,​java.util.Vector<java.util.Vector<WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3d>>> paths
        Store the paths for every thread.
      • pathRecorded

        protected boolean pathRecorded
        The flag to indicate whether the searching path need to be recorded.
      • savedStartPoint

        double[] savedStartPoint
        The different searches change the number of variables in the transformation matrix that change. This fills in the rest of the 'constant' portion of the matrix.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AlgorithmPowellOptBase

        public AlgorithmPowellOptBase​(AlgorithmBase parentAlgo,
                                      int degreeOfFreedom,
                                      AlgorithmOptimizeFunctionBase costFunc,
                                      double[] tols,
                                      int maxIter)
        Constructs a new algorithm with the given centers of mass (needed for setting the transformations), the given cost function (which was constructed with the proper images), the initial point we're looking at, and some tolerance within that point to look for the minimum. The initial point contains rotations, translations, scales, and skews.
        parentAlgo - DOCUMENT ME!
        degreeOfFreedom - Degree of freedom for transformation (must be 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, or 12).
        costFunc - Cost function to use.
        tols - Tolerance for each dimension (tols.length == degreeOfFreedom).
        maxIter - The maximum iterations.
    • Method Detail

      • convertToMatrix

        public TransMatrixd convertToMatrix​(double[] vector)
        Convert a transformation vector to a transformation matrix.
        vector - a transformation vector.
        a transformation matrix
      • convertToMatrix

        public abstract TransMatrixd convertToMatrix​(TransMatrixd toOrigin,
                                                     TransMatrixd fromOrigin,
                                                     double[] vector)
        Convert a transformation vector to a transformation matrix about the origin.
        toOrigin - the matrix translating the origin to some specified point
        fromOrigin - the matrix translating the origin back.
        vector - a transformation vector.
        a transformation matrix.
      • constructPoint

        public abstract double[] constructPoint​(double[] defaultPoint,
                                                double[] point)
        Construct a full transformation vector from the partial transformation vector. For missing values in point, the values in defaultPoint will be used.
        defaultPoint - a default full transformation vector.
        point - a partial or full transformation vector.
        a full transformation vector.
      • convertToMatrix

        public final TransMatrixd convertToMatrix​(double[] defaultPoint,
                                                  double[] point)
        Convert a transformation vector to a transformation matrix. For missing values, use the values from defaultPoint.
        defaultPoint - a start transformation vector.
        point - a transformation vector.
        a transformation matrix.
      • extractPoint

        public abstract double[] extractPoint​(double[] startPoint)
        Extract the partial or full transformation vector from the start transformation vector, which will be optimized.
        startPoint - the start full transformation vector.
        the partial or full transformation vector which will be optimized.
      • getPoint

        public double[] getPoint​(int index)
        Return the full transformation vector.
        index - the index of the transformation vector.
        the full transformation vector.
      • getPoint

        public double[] getPoint​(int index,
                                 double sample)
        Obtain the transformation vector and adjust its translation by sample parameters.
        index - the index of transformation vector.
        sample - the translation scaling parameter.
        the translation scaled transformation vector.
      • getCost

        public final double getCost​(int index)
        Returns the cost for the transformation vector.
        index - the index of transformation vector.
        the cost for the transformation vector.
      • getMatrix

        public final TransMatrixd getMatrix​(int index)
        Obtain the transformation vector and convert to the matrix representation.
        index - the index of transformation vector.
        the transformation matrix
      • getMatrix

        public abstract TransMatrixd getMatrix​(int index,
                                               double sample)
        Obtain the transformation vector and convert to the matrix representation, then scale the translation by sample.
        index - the index of transformation vector.
        sample - the translation scaling parameter.
        the scaled transformation matrix.
      • adjustTranslation

        public abstract void adjustTranslation​(TransMatrixd mat,
                                               double sample)
        Adjust the translation of the transformation matrix by the sample pararmeter.
        mat - the transformation matrix
        sample - the resolution adjusting parameter.
      • measureCost

        public final double measureCost​(double[] point)
        Measure the cost value for the given transformation vector.
        point - a transformation vector.
        the cost value.
      • measureCost

        public final double measureCost​(TransMatrixd m)
        Measure the cost value for the given transformation matrix.
        m - a transformation matrix.
        the cost value.
      • copyPoint

        public static final double[] copyPoint​(double[] point)
        Make a copy of the transformation vector
        point - a transformation vector.
        the copy of the transformation vector.
      • scalePoint

        public static final double[] scalePoint​(double[] point,
                                                double scale)
        Scale the point by scale parameter and store it into another vector.
        point - the transformation vector.
        scale - the scale parameter.
        the scaled transformation vector
      • scalePoint

        public final double[] scalePoint​(int index,
                                         double scale)
        Obtain the transformation vector and make a copy, then scale it by scale parameter.
        index - the index of transformation vector
        scale - the scale parameter
        the new scaled transformation vector.
      • disposeLocal

        public void disposeLocal()
        Sets everything to null and prepares this class for destruction.
      • setMaxIterations

        public void setMaxIterations​(int max)
        Accessor that sets the maximum number of iterations.
        max - The max number of iterations.
      • lineMinimization

        public void lineMinimization​(double[] pt,
                                     double[] directions,
                                     double[] bestCost)
        Minimizes the point along the given vector direction. Given an initial point and a guess as to how far from that point we should go to look for a minimum.
        pt -
        directions -
        bestCost -
      • getPoints

        public Vectornd[] getPoints()
        Return an array of transformation vector. The meanings of those transformation vector are as following: the initial transformation vector: before algorithm is performed the final transformation vector: after algorithm was performed.
      • setPoints

        public void setPoints​(Vectornd[] points)
        Sets the transformation vectors.
        points - the transformation vectors.
      • print

        public void print​(double[] pt,
                          java.lang.String message)
        The utility function used to print information.
        pt - a double array.
        message - the message
      • optimize

        public void optimize​(Vectornd v)
        Finds optimal point for the given initial point
        v - the initial point
      • optimizeBlock

        public void optimizeBlock​(int start,
                                  int end)
        Optimize several initial points.
        start -
        end -
      • runAlgorithm

        public void runAlgorithm()
        Runs Powell's method. Powell's method is a way to find minimums without finding derivatives. Basically, it starts at some point P in N-dimensional space, proceeds in a direction, and minimizes along that line using golden search. It then resets the point and minimizes again, until the point moves by less than the tolerance. This method starts with the initial point defined in the constructor and initial directions of (1 0 ... 0) (0 1 0 ... ) ..., the basis vectors. At the end, "point" is the best point found and functionAtBest is the value at "point".
        Specified by:
        runAlgorithm in class AlgorithmBase
      • isParallelPowell

        public boolean isParallelPowell()
      • setParallelPowell

        public void setParallelPowell​(boolean parallelPowell)
      • setUseJTEM

        public void setUseJTEM​(boolean bOn)
      • updatePoint

        public abstract void updatePoint​(double[] point,
                                         double cost,
                                         Vectornd v)
        Store the optimal point and cost to v
        point - the optimal point.
        cost - the optimal cost.
        v - the Vectornd variable used by upper level algorithm.
      • createTerrain

        public double[] createTerrain​(double transXFrom,
                                      double transXTo,
                                      double transXStep,
                                      double transYFrom,
                                      double transYTo,
                                      double transYStep,
                                      double rotFrom,
                                      double rotTo,
                                      double rotStep)
      • createTerrain

        private void createTerrain​(double[] terrain,
                                   double transXFrom,
                                   double transXTo,
                                   double transXStep,
                                   int xstart,
                                   int xdim,
                                   double transYFrom,
                                   double transYTo,
                                   double transYStep,
                                   int ystart,
                                   int ydim,
                                   double rotFrom,
                                   double rotTo,
                                   double rotStep,
                                   int zstart,
                                   int zdim)
      • isPathRecorded

        public boolean isPathRecorded()
      • setPathRecorded

        public void setPathRecorded​(boolean pathRecorded)
      • getMaxIterations

        public int getMaxIterations()
      • eval

        public double eval​(double[] x)
        Specified by:
        eval in interface de.jtem.numericalMethods.calculus.function.RealFunctionOfSeveralVariables
      • getNumberOfVariables

        public int getNumberOfVariables()
        Specified by:
        getNumberOfVariables in interface de.jtem.numericalMethods.calculus.function.RealFunctionOfSeveralVariables