Class AlgorithmHistogram

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.awt.event.ActionListener, java.awt.event.WindowListener, java.lang.Runnable, java.util.EventListener

    public class AlgorithmHistogram
    extends AlgorithmBase
    Calculates the histogram for an image. The number of bins is determined by the extents of the histogram model. The calling algorithm can specify if the histogram is to be calculated for whole image or only over VOI regions. The Otsu and Maximum Entrophy thresholds are also automatically calculated and stored in the ModelHistogram structure. The Otsu and Max entropy can take time (minutes) to calculate for histgrams with bins larger than (10,000).
    0.1 September 18, 1997
    See Also:
    • Field Detail

      • dataOutput

        private boolean dataOutput
        Flag indicating whether or not histogram data is output to the data window.
      • entireImage

        private boolean entireImage
        If true the histogram should be calculated for the entire image.
      • highValue

        private double[] highValue
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • histoBuffer

        private int[] histoBuffer
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • histogram

        private ModelHistogram histogram
        Reference to the histogram storage object.
      • image

        private ModelImage image
        Reference to the image.
      • lowValue

        private double[] lowValue
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • RGBOffset

        private int RGBOffset
        Indicates which channel of the RGB image the histogram should be calculated. 1 = Red channel 2 = Green channel 3 = Blue channel
      • summaryBins

        private int summaryBins
        Used to indicate the number of histogram bins when using the constructors that do NOT pass in the histogram object.
      • displayGraph

        private boolean displayGraph
      • userLimits

        private boolean userLimits
      • userMin

        private double userMin
      • userMax

        private double userMax
      • processMode

        private int processMode
    • Constructor Detail

      • AlgorithmHistogram

        public AlgorithmHistogram​(ModelImage image,
                                  int summaryBins)
        Constructs the histogram calculation object for an image.
        image - ModelImage the image
        summaryBins - number of bins in the histogram
      • AlgorithmHistogram

        public AlgorithmHistogram​(ModelHistogram histogram,
                                  ModelImage image,
                                  boolean maskFlag)
        Constructs the histogram calculation object.
        histogram - model of a histogram
        image - model of the source image
        maskFlag - Flag that indicates that the histogram will be calculated for the whole image if equal to true
      • AlgorithmHistogram

        public AlgorithmHistogram​(ModelImage image,
                                  int summaryBins,
                                  boolean maskFlag)
        Constructs the histogram calculation object for an image.
        image - ModelImage the image
        summaryBins - number of bins in the histogram
        maskFlag - Flag that indicates that the histogram will be calculated for the whole image if equal to true
      • AlgorithmHistogram

        public AlgorithmHistogram​(ModelImage image,
                                  int summaryBins,
                                  int processMode,
                                  boolean displayGraph,
                                  boolean userLimits,
                                  float userMin,
                                  float userMax)
        Constructs the histogram calculation object for an image.
        image - ModelImage the image
        summaryBins - number of bins in the histogram
        displayGraph - If true, produces a graph for display
        userLimits - If true, histogram goes from userMin to userMax instead of image.getMin() to image.getMax()
        userMin -
        usermax -
      • AlgorithmHistogram

        public AlgorithmHistogram​(ModelImage image,
                                  int summaryBins,
                                  boolean maskFlag,
                                  boolean displayGraph,
                                  boolean userLimits,
                                  double userMin,
                                  double userMax)
        Constructs the histogram calculation object for an image.
        image - ModelImage the image
        summaryBins - number of bins in the histogram
        maskFlag - Flag that indicates that the histogram will be calculated for the whole image if equal to true
        displayGraph - If true, produces a graph for display
        userLimits - If true, histogram goes from userMin to userMax instead of image.getMin() to image.getMax()
        userMin -
        usermax -
      • AlgorithmHistogram

        public AlgorithmHistogram​(ModelImage image,
                                  int summaryBins,
                                  int RGBOffset)
        Constructs the histogram calculation object for an RGB image.
        image - ModelImage the image
        summaryBins - number of bins in the histogram
        RGBOffset - correct offset for RED = 1 , GREEN = 2, or BLUE = 3 component to be exported
      • AlgorithmHistogram

        public AlgorithmHistogram​(ModelHistogram histogram,
                                  int RGBOffset,
                                  ModelImage image,
                                  boolean maskFlag)
        Constructs the histogram calculation object for an RGB image.
        histogram - model of a histogram for a RGB component
        RGBOffset - correct offset for RED = 1 , GREEN = 2, or BLUE = 3 component to be exported
        image - model of the source image
        maskFlag - Flag that indicates that the histogram will be calculated for the whole image if equal to true
      • AlgorithmHistogram

        public AlgorithmHistogram​(ModelImage image,
                                  int summaryBins,
                                  int RGBOffset,
                                  boolean maskFlag)
        Constructs the histogram calculation object for an RGB image.
        image - ModelImage the image
        summaryBins - number of bins in the histogram
        RGBOffset - correct offset for RED = 1 , GREEN = 2, or BLUE = 3 component to be exported
        maskFlag - Flag that indicates that the histogram will be calculated for the whole image if equal to true
      • AlgorithmHistogram

        public AlgorithmHistogram​(ModelImage image,
                                  int summaryBins,
                                  int RGBOffset,
                                  int processMode,
                                  boolean displayGraph,
                                  boolean userLimits,
                                  float userMin,
                                  float userMax)
        Constructs the histogram calculation object for an RGB image.
        image - ModelImage the image
        summaryBins - number of bins in the histogram
        RGBOffset - correct offset for RED = 1 , GREEN = 2, or BLUE = 3 component to be exported
        displayGraph - If true, produces a graph for display * @param userLimits If true, histogram goes from userMin to userMax instead of image.getMin() to image.getMax()
        userMin -
        usermax -
      • AlgorithmHistogram

        public AlgorithmHistogram​(ModelImage image,
                                  int summaryBins,
                                  int RGBOffset,
                                  boolean maskFlag,
                                  boolean displayGraph,
                                  boolean userLimits,
                                  double userMin,
                                  double userMax)
        Constructs the histogram calculation object for an RGB image.
        image - ModelImage the image
        summaryBins - number of bins in the histogram
        RGBOffset - correct offset for RED = 1 , GREEN = 2, or BLUE = 3 component to be exported
        maskFlag - Flag that indicates that the histogram will be calculated for the whole image if equal to true
        displayGraph - If true, produces a graph for display * @param userLimits If true, histogram goes from userMin to userMax instead of image.getMin() to image.getMax()
        userMin -
        usermax -
    • Method Detail

      • disposeLocal

        public void disposeLocal()
        Dispose of local variables.
      • entireImage

        public void entireImage​(boolean flag)
        Sets a flag to indicate if the histogram is to be calculated for the entire image or just the VOI.
        flag - true = histogram of entire image, false = histogram of VOI
      • finalize

        public void finalize()
        Prepares this class for destruction.
        finalize in class AlgorithmBase
      • getHighValue

        public double[] getHighValue()
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • getHistoBuffer

        public int[] getHistoBuffer()
        The buffer of all histogram values.
      • getLowValue

        public double[] getLowValue()
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • getModelHistogram

        public ModelHistogram getModelHistogram()
        Accessor to the histogram.
        returns the model of the histogram
      • runData

        public void runData​(int bins,
                            int VOINum)
        Calculates the histogram and outputs the number of counts per bin and area/volume information.
        bins - number of bins in the histogram
      • entropySplit

        private int entropySplit​(int[] hist)
        Calculate maximum entropy split of a histogram. This method is very similar to Otsu's method. Rather than maximising the inter-class variance, it maximizes the inter-class entropy. Entropy is a measure of the uncertainity of an event taking place. You can calculate it as: S = -(sum)p*log2(p) so it is very straightforward to do using the histogram data. (p is the probability of a pixel greyscale value in the image, and (sum) is the greek capital sigma. It is customary to use log in base 2. P.K. Sahoo, S. Soltani, K.C. Wong and, Y.C. Chen "A Survey of Thresholding Techniques", Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, Vol. 41, pp.233-260, 1988.
        hist - histogram to be thresholded.
        index of the maximum entropy split.`
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - DOCUMENT ME!
      • otsuThreshold

        private int otsuThreshold​(ModelImage image,
                                  int[] histoBuffer)
        This algorithm is an implementation of Otsu thresholding technique based on the minimization of inter-class variance [otsu79].
        image - DOCUMENT ME!
        histoBuffer - DOCUMENT ME!
        DOCUMENT ME!