Class AlgorithmNonMaxSuppts

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.awt.event.ActionListener, java.awt.event.WindowListener, java.lang.Runnable, java.util.EventListener

    public class AlgorithmNonMaxSuppts
    extends AlgorithmBase
    • Field Detail

      • VOIs

        private VOIVector VOIs
        Non-maximal suppression for features/corners Non maxima suppression and thresholding for points generated by a feature or corner detector. Note: An issue with integer valued images is that if there are multiple pixels all with the same value within distance 2*radius of each other then they will all be marked as local maxima. Copyright (c) 2003-2013 Peter Kovesi Centre for Exploration Targeting The University of Western Australia peter.kovesi at uwa edu au Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. The Software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind. September 2003 Original version August 2005 Subpixel localization and Octave compatibility January 2010 Fix for completely horizontal and vertical lines (by Thomas Stehle, RWTH Aachen University) January 2011 Warning given if no maxima found
      • radius

        private int radius
      • threshold

        private double threshold
      • xsubp

        private double[] xsubp
      • ysubp

        private double[] ysubp
      • subpixel

        private boolean subpixel
    • Constructor Detail

      • AlgorithmNonMaxSuppts

        public AlgorithmNonMaxSuppts​(ModelImage destImg,
                                     ModelImage srcImg,
                                     VOIVector VOIs,
                                     int radius,
                                     double threshold)
        destImg - Optional image. If this is supplied, the thresholded corners are overlayed on this image. This can be useful for parameter tuning
        srcImg - Corner strength image
        VOIs -
        radius - Radius of the region considered in non-maximal suppression. Typical values to use might be 1-3 pixels.
        threshold -
        hcd - byte buffer containing corner points
      • AlgorithmNonMaxSuppts

        public AlgorithmNonMaxSuppts​(ModelImage destImg,
                                     ModelImage srcImg,
                                     VOIVector VOIs,
                                     int radius,
                                     double threshold,
                                     double[] xsubp,
                                     double[] ysubp)
        destImg - Optional image. If this is supplied, the thresholded corners are overlayed on this image. This can be useful for parameter tuning
        srcImg - Corner strength image
        VOIs -
        radius - Radius of the region considered in non-maximal suppression. Typical values to use might be 1-3 pixels.
        threshold -
        xsubp - Sub-pixel localization of feature points is attempted and returned as as additional set of floating point coordinates. Note that you may still want to use the integer valued coordinates to specify centers of correlation windows for feature matching.
        ysubp -