Class AlgorithmConstELSUNCOpt3D

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.awt.event.ActionListener, java.awt.event.WindowListener, java.lang.Runnable, java.util.EventListener

    public class AlgorithmConstELSUNCOpt3D
    extends AlgorithmBase
    Runs ELSUNC for a 3D image.

    Based on ELSUNC allowed by the author with acknowledgement:

    Gauss-Newton Based Algorithms For Constrained Nonlinear Least Squares Problems by Per Lindstrom and Per-Ake Wedin, Institute of Information Processing, University of Umea, S-901 87 Umea, Sweden This can be downleaded from

    0.1 March 19, 2012
    William Gandler
    • Field Detail

      • bracketBound

        private int bracketBound
        The initial bracket size for first iteration of ELSUNC.
      • finalPoint

        private double[] finalPoint
        Final point when optimization is complete.
      • fromOrigin

        private TransMatrixd fromOrigin
        The transformation matrix from the origin of the input image.
      • functionAtBest

        private double functionAtBest
        The cost of the function at the best minimum.
      • minFunctionAtBest

        private double minFunctionAtBest
      • maxIterations

        private int maxIterations
        The maximum number of iterations the optimization allows.
      • myProgressBar

        private ViewJProgressBar myProgressBar
        Progress bar that may be set for long optimization runs.
      • nDims

        private int nDims
        Degress of freedom.
      • parent

        private AlgorithmBase parent
        Parent algorithm that called this optimization.
      • point

        private double[] point
        Point that is currently being optimized.
      • progressBegin

        private int progressBegin
        Where progress is when sent in.
      • progressMax

        private int progressMax
        The max the progress can go to.
      • start

        private double[] start
        Point that was initially passed into function.
      • success

        private boolean success
        Indicates whether the ELSUNC algorithm succeeded in finding a minimum.
      • OARTolerance

        private double[] OARTolerance
        Array of tolerances for each dimension.
      • toOrigin

        protected TransMatrixd toOrigin
        The transformation matrix to the origin of the input image.
      • trLimits

        private float[][] trLimits
        Array of translation and rotation limits for each dimension.
      • status

        private int status
    • Constructor Detail

      • AlgorithmConstELSUNCOpt3D

        public AlgorithmConstELSUNCOpt3D​(AlgorithmBase parent,
                                         WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f com,
                                         int degreeOfFreedom,
                                         AlgorithmOptimizeFunctionBase costFunc,
                                         double[] initial,
                                         double[] tols,
                                         int maxIter,
                                         int bracketBound)
        Constructs a new algorithm with the given centers of mass (needed for setting the transformations), the given cost function (which was constructed with the proper images), the initial point we're looking at, some tolerance within that point to look for the minimum, and the maximum number of iterations.
        parent - Algorithm that called this optimization.
        com - Center of Mass of the input image.
        degreeOfFreedom - Degree of freedom for transformation (must be 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, or 12).
        costFunc - Cost function to use.
        initial - Initial point to start from, length of 12.
        tols - Tolerance for each dimension (tols.length == degreeOfFreedom).
        maxIter - Maximum number of iterations.
        bracketBound - DOCUMENT ME!
    • Method Detail

      • disposeLocal

        public void disposeLocal()
        Sets everything to null and prepares this class for destruction.
      • convertToMatrix

        public TransMatrixd convertToMatrix​(double[] vector)
        Helper method to take the "point" we've been working with as a vector, and convert it into a transformation matrix. The length of the vector should be equal to the global variable nDims, which in turn was initialized by the degrees of freedom originally sent to this algorithm. Therefore, if there are 3 degrees of freedom, we set only the translations; 4 means translation and global scaling; 6 means rotation and translation; 7 means rotation, translation, and global scaling; 9 means rotation, translation, and scaling; and 12 means rotation, translation, scaling, and skewing.
        vector - Vector that represented a "point" in the algorithm which needs to be converted to a matrix.
        The transformation matrix created from the vector.
      • convertToMatrixHalf

        public TransMatrixd convertToMatrixHalf​(double[] vector)
        Helper method to take the "point" we've been working with as a vector, and convert it into a transformation matrix. The length of the vector should be equal to the global variable nDims, which in turn was initialized by the degrees of freedom originally sent to this algorithm. Therefore, if there are 3 degrees of freedom, we set only the translations; 4 means translation and global scaling; 6 means rotation and translation; 7 means rotation, translation, and global scaling; 9 means rotation, translation, and scaling; and 12 means rotation, translation, scaling, and skewing.
        vector - Vector that represented a "point" in the algorithm which needs to be converted to a matrix.
        The transformation matrix created from the vector.
      • convertToMatrixMidsagittal

        public TransMatrixd convertToMatrixMidsagittal​(double[] vector)
        Helper method to take the "point" we've been working with as a vector, and convert it into a transformation matrix. The length of the vector should be equal to the global variable nDims, which in turn was initialized by the degrees of freedom originally sent to this algorithm. Therefore, if there are 3 degrees of freedom, we set only the translations; 4 means translation and global scaling; 6 means rotation and translation; 7 means rotation, translation, and global scaling; 9 means rotation, translation, and scaling; and 12 means rotation, translation, scaling, and skewing.
        vector - Vector that represented a "point" in the algorithm which needs to be converted to a matrix.
        The transformation matrix created from the vector.
      • getFinal

        public double[] getFinal()
        Accessor that returns the final point with translations, rotations, scales, and skews representing the best tranformation.
        vector representing the best transformation in terms of translations, rotations, scales, and skews.
      • getFinal

        public double[] getFinal​(double[] point)
        Accessor that returns the final point with translations, rotations, scales, and skews representing the best tranformation.
        vector representing the best transformation in terms of translations, rotations, scales, and skews.
      • getFinal

        public double[] getFinal​(float sample)
        Accessor that returns the final point with translations, rotations, scales, and skews representing the best tranformation.
        sample - the voxel resolution
        vector representing the best transformation in terms of translations, rotations, scales, and skews.
      • getMatrix

        public TransMatrixd getMatrix()
        Accessor that returns the matrix representing the best transformation.
        matrix representing the best transformation.
      • getMatrix

        public TransMatrixd getMatrix​(float sample)
        Accessor that returns the matrix representing the best transformation. The passed in parameter represents the resolution (same in all directions and for both input and reference images, since resampled isotropically). Since the optimization was done in pixel space, not millimeter space, the translation parameters need to be scaled by the sample value.
        sample - the voxel resolution
        matrix representing the best transformation.
      • getMatrixHalf

        public TransMatrixd getMatrixHalf()
        Accessor that returns the matrix representing the best tranformation. All of the components of the transformation are halved from the 'best transformation' matrix.
        matrix representing the best transformation with its components halved.
      • getMatrixHalf

        public TransMatrixd getMatrixHalf​(float sample)
        Accessor that returns the matrix representing the best tranformation. The passed in parameter represents the resolution (same in all directions and for both input and reference images, since resampled isotropically). Since the optimization was done in pixel space, not millimeter space, the translation parameters need to be scaled by the sample value. All of the components of the transformation are halved from the 'best transformation' matrix.
        sample - the voxel resolution
        matrix representing the best transformation with its components halved.
      • getMatrixMidsagittal

        public TransMatrixd getMatrixMidsagittal()
        Accessor that returns the matrix representing the best tranformation. This transformation contains only the z rotation and the x and y translation, to be used in the midsagittal alignment algorithm.
        matrix representing the best transformation's z rot and x and y trans.
      • getMatrixMidsagittal

        public TransMatrixd getMatrixMidsagittal​(float sample)
        Accessor that returns the matrix representing the best tranformation. The passed in parameter represents the resolution (same in all directions and for both input and reference images, since resampled isotropically). Since the optimization was done in pixel space, not millimeter space, the translation parameters need to be scaled by the sample value. This transformation contains only the z rotation and the x and y translation, to be used in the midsagittal alignment algorithm.
        sample - the voxel resolution
        matrix representing the best transformation's z rot and x and y trans.
      • measureCost

        public void measureCost()
        Calls cost function with point and saves result in functionAtBest.
      • runAlgorithm

        public void runAlgorithm()
        Runs ELSUNC along one dimension at a time as long as the costFunction improves during one cycle of runs along every dimension.
        Specified by:
        runAlgorithm in class AlgorithmBase
      • setInitialPoint

        public void setInitialPoint​(double[] initial)
        Sets the initial point to the value passed in.
        initial - Initial point.
      • setLimits

        public void setLimits​(float[][] limits)
        Sets the limits on rotation and translation.
        limits - limits
      • getCost

        public double getCost()
        Returns the cost of the best transformation.
        The cost of the best transformation.
      • getPoint

        public double[] getPoint()
        Returns the optimized point, with length == degrees of freedom.
        The optimized point.
      • setMaxIterations

        public void setMaxIterations​(int max)
        Sets the maximum number of iterations.
        max - The max number of iterations.
      • didSucceed

        public boolean didSucceed()
        Returns whether or not a minimum was found.
        whether or not a minimum was found.
      • setProgressBar

        public void setProgressBar​(ViewJProgressBar progress,
                                   int begin,
                                   int max)
        Accessor that sets the progress bar so it can be updated from here.
        progress - DOCUMENT ME!
        begin - Value of progress bar when sent here.
        max - Maximum value allowed.