Class LocalIntensityOrderPattern

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.awt.event.ActionListener, java.awt.event.WindowListener, java.lang.Runnable, java.util.EventListener

    public class LocalIntensityOrderPattern
    extends AlgorithmBase
    • Field Detail



        private float DEFAULT_RADIUS

        private int DEFAULT_NUM_SPATIAL_BINS

        private int DEFAULT_NUM_NEIGHBOURS
    • Constructor Detail

      • LocalIntensityOrderPattern

        public LocalIntensityOrderPattern()
    • Method Detail

      • factorial

        public int factorial​(int num)
      • get_permutation_index

        public int get_permutation_index​(int[] permutation,
                                         int size)
        permutation - array containing all values from 0 to (size - 1) (input/output).
        size - size of the permutation array.
        permutation index. Compute the position of @a permutation in the lexycographcial sorting of permutations of the given @a size. For example, in the lexicographical ordering, permutations of four elements are listed as [1 2 3 4], [1 2 4 3], [1 3 2 4], [1 3 4 2], [1 4 2 3], [1 4 3 2], [2 1 3 4], ..., [4 3 2 1]. The index can be computed as follows. First pick the first digit perm[1]. This is either 1,2,...,n. For each choice of the first digits, there are (n-1)! other permutations, separated therefore by (n-1)! elements in lexicographical order. Process then the second digit perm[2]. This can be though as finding the lexycotraphical index of perm[2], ..., perm[n], a permutation of n-1 elements. This can be explicitly obtained by taking out 1 from all elements perm[i] > perm[1].
      • vl_liopdesc_new

        public LocalIntensityOrderPattern.VlLiopDesc vl_liopdesc_new​(int numNeighbours,
                                                                     int numSpatialBins,
                                                                     float radius,
                                                                     int sideLength)
        numNeighbours - number of neighbours.
        numSpatialBins - number of bins.
        radius - radius of the cirucal sample neighbourhoods.
        sideLength - width of the input image patch (the patch is square).
        new object instance. The value of @a radius should be at least less than half the @a sideLength of the patch.
      • vl_liopdesc_new_basic

        public LocalIntensityOrderPattern.VlLiopDesc vl_liopdesc_new_basic​(int sideLength)
        sideLength - size of the patches to be processed.
        new object.
      • patch_sort

        public void patch_sort​(LocalIntensityOrderPattern.VlLiopDesc array,
                               int size)
        array - (in/out) pointer to the array.
        size - size of the array. The function sorts the array using quick-sort.
      • patch_sort_recursive

        public void patch_sort_recursive​(LocalIntensityOrderPattern.VlLiopDesc array,
                                         int begin,
                                         int end)
        array - (in/out) pointer to the array.
        begin - first element of the array portion.
        end - last element of the array portion. The function sorts the array using quick-sort. Note that
      • neigh_sort

        public void neigh_sort​(LocalIntensityOrderPattern.VlLiopDesc array,
                               int size)
        array - (in/out) pointer to the array.
        size - size of the array. The function sorts the array using quick-sort.
      • neigh_sort_recursive

        public void neigh_sort_recursive​(LocalIntensityOrderPattern.VlLiopDesc array,
                                         int begin,
                                         int end)
        array - (in/out) pointer to the array.
        begin - first element of the array portion.
        end - last element of the array portion. The function sorts the array using quick-sort. Note that
      • vl_liopdesc_process

        public void vl_liopdesc_process​(LocalIntensityOrderPattern.VlLiopDesc self,
                                        float[] desc,
                                        float[] patch)
        self - object instance
        desc - descriptor to be computed (output).
        patch - patch to process Use ::vl_liopdesc_get_dimension to get the size of the descriptor
      • vl_liopdesc_get_intensity_threshold

        public float vl_liopdesc_get_intensity_threshold​(LocalIntensityOrderPattern.VlLiopDesc self)
        self - object.
        intensity threshold.
      • vl_liopdesc_set_intensity_threshold

        public void vl_liopdesc_set_intensity_threshold​(LocalIntensityOrderPattern.VlLiopDesc self,
                                                        float x)
        self - object.
        x - intensity threshold. If non-negative, the threshold as is is used when comparing intensities. If negative, the absolute value of the specified number is multipled by the maximum intensity difference inside a patch to obtain the threshold.
      • vl_liopdesc_get_neighbourhood_radius

        public double vl_liopdesc_get_neighbourhood_radius​(LocalIntensityOrderPattern.VlLiopDesc self)
        self - object.
        neighbourhood radius.
      • vl_liopdesc_get_num_spatial_bins

        public int vl_liopdesc_get_num_spatial_bins​(LocalIntensityOrderPattern.VlLiopDesc self)
        self - object.
        number of spatial bins.
      • test_basic

        public void test_basic()
      • test_blob

        public void test_blob()
      • test_neighbors

        public void test_neighbors()
      • test_multiple

        public void test_multiple()
      • vl_liop

        public float[][] vl_liop​(float[][] data,
                                 int numNeighbors,
                                 int numSpatialBins,
                                 float radius,
                                 float intensityThreshold)
      • vl_liop

        public float[][] vl_liop​(float[][][] data,
                                 int numNeighbors,
                                 int numSpatialBins,
                                 float radius,
                                 float intensityThreshold)
      • runAlgorithm

        public void runAlgorithm()
        Description copied from class: AlgorithmBase
        Actually runs the algorithm. Implemented by inheriting algorithms.
        Specified by:
        runAlgorithm in class AlgorithmBase