Class AlgorithmGVF

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    AlgorithmInterface, java.awt.event.ActionListener, java.awt.event.WindowListener, java.lang.Runnable, java.util.EventListener

    public class AlgorithmGVF
    extends AlgorithmBase
    implements AlgorithmInterface
    Snake-like algorithm derivative using BSplines. The algorithm is supplied a polygon (VOI - contour) and that polygon is allowed to evolve to edge of the object generated by calculating the the gradient vector field. The user/programmer supplies the sigmas (scales) at which to calculate the edge map f = |grad(Gsigma(x,y)*I(x,y))|

    2 iterative processes are used. The first calculates the gradient vector field. The gradient of the edge map is used to initialize the iterative equation for the gradient vector field. In the second iterative process which calculates the boundary, the point is moved by the gradient vector field

    This original GVF algorithm has:
    u[i] += mu*del2(u[i]) - Math.sqrt(fx[i]*fx[i] + fy[i]*fy[i])*(u[i] - fx[i]);
    v[i] += mu*del2(v[i]) - Math.sqrt(fx[i]*fx[i] + fy[i]*fy[i])*(v[i] - fy[i]);
    This program uses the generalized GVF algorithm with:
    du/dt = g(|grad f|)del2xy(u) - h(|grad f|)*(u - fx) dv/dt = g(|grad f|)del2xy(v) - h(|grad f|)*(v - fy) g[i] = Math.exp(-(fx[i]*fx[i] + fy[i]*fy[i])/(k*k))
    h[i] = 1 - g[i] du/dt = u(i,j,n+1) - u(i,j,n)/(delta t) del2xy(u) = (1/((delta x)(delta y)))* (u(i+1,j,n) + u(i,j+1,n) + u(i-1,j,n) + u(i,j-1,n) - 4u(i,j,n) = del2(u)/((delta x)*(delta y)) u(i,j,n+1) = u(i,j,n) + g(|grad f|)*(delta t)/((delta x)*(delta y)) * del2(u) - (1 - g(|grad f|)*(u - fx)*delta t Letting detla x = 1, delta y = 1, and delta t = 0.25: u[i] += 0.25f*(g[i]*del2(u[i]) - (1 - g[i])*(u[i] - fx[i]));
    v[i] += 0.25f*(g[i]*del2(v[i]) - (1 - g[i])*(v[i] - fy[i]));
    Stability for the original GVF algorithm requires mu <= 0.25f and stability for the generalized GVF algorithm requires that delta t <= (delta x * delta y)/(4 * gmax) = 1/4. For 3D: delta t <= (delta x * delta y * delta z)/(6* gmax) = 1/6.

    A large scale slows the snake and causes the snake to conform to large scale structure. A small sigma value causes the snake to conform to the small scale structure is therefore more sensitive to noise. The three-dimensional version is really a two-and-half dimensional algorithm where resultant contour in a slice is projected into the adjacent slice and is used as an initialization to the evolution in the new slice.

    Useful references on gradient vector field:
    1.) "Gradient Vector Flow: A New External Force For Snakes", Chenyang Xu and Jerry L. Prince, IEEE Proc. Conf. on Comp. Vis. Patt. Recog. (CVPR'97), pp. 66- 71.
    2.) "Snakes, Shapes, and Gradient Vector Flow", Chenyang Xu and Jerry L. Prince, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, March, 1998, pp. 359-369.
    3.) "Generalized gradient vector flow external forces for active contours", Chenyang Xu and Jerry Prince, Signal Processing, 71(2), December, 1998, pp. 131-139.
    4.) "Gradient Vector Flow Deformable Models", Handbook of Medical Imaging, ChenYang Xu and Jerry Prince, edited by I. Bankman, Academic Press, 2000, pp. 159-169.
    5.) "Image Segmentation Using Deformable Models", Handbook of Medical Imaging -- Volume 2: Medical Imaging and Analysis, Chenyang Xu, Dzung Pham, and Jerry Prince, edited by J.M. Fitzpatrick and M. Sonka, SPIE Press, May, 2000, pp. 129-174.
    More information on gradient vector field can be found at Chenyang Xu's homepage at

    See Also:
    • Field Detail

      • boundaryIterations

        private int boundaryIterations
        Maximum iterations to generate new boundary.
      • do25D

        private boolean do25D
        Only applies to 3D, if true do slice by slice.
      • expGvfBuffer

        private float[] expGvfBuffer
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • extents

        private int[] extents
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • fx

        private float[] fx
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • fy

        private float[] fy
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • fz

        private float[] fz
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • gVal

        private float[] gVal
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • gvfBuffer

        private float[] gvfBuffer
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • gvfIterations

        private int gvfIterations
        Maximum iterations to generate generalized gradient vector field.
      • GxData

        private float[] GxData
        Storage location of the first derivative of the Gaussian in the X direction.
      • GyData

        private float[] GyData
        Storage location of the first derivative of the Gaussian in the Y direction.
      • GzData

        private float[] GzData
        Storage location of the first derivative of the Gaussian in the Z direction.
      • kExtents

        private int[] kExtents
        Dimensionality of the kernel.
      • kValue

        private float kValue
        In the paper "Generalized gradient vector flow external forces for active contours" by Chenyang Xu and Jerry Prince values of 0.05, 0.15, and 0.2 were used for k.
      • length

        private int length
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • propagationFlag

        private boolean propagationFlag
        If true propagate the contour to an adjacent slice.
      • resultVOI

        private VOI resultVOI
        The resultant polygon and the evolution has completed.
      • sigmas

        private float[] sigmas
        Standard deviations of the gaussian used to calculate the kernels.
      • srcVOI

        private VOI srcVOI
        The initial VOI to initialize the evolution process.
      • stSlice

        private int stSlice
        Starting slice to evolve contour.
      • uVal

        private float[] uVal
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • vVal

        private float[] vVal
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • wVal

        private float[] wVal
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • xDim

        private int xDim
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • yDim

        private int yDim
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • zDim

        private int zDim
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • outputBuffer

        private float[] outputBuffer
    • Constructor Detail

      • AlgorithmGVF

        public AlgorithmGVF​(ModelImage destImage,
                            ModelImage srcImg,
                            float[] sigmas,
                            int gvfIterations,
                            int boundaryIterations,
                            float k,
                            VOI srcVOI,
                            boolean do25D)
        Creates a new AlgorithmGVF object.
        destImage - image of GVF field magnitude
        srcImg - 2D or 3D source image
        sigmas - describe the scale of the gaussian in each dimension
        gvfIterations - iterations in calculating GVF field
        boundaryIterations - iterations in calculating boundary
        k - GVF constant
        srcVOI - VOI that is to be evolved
        do25D - only applies to 3D, if true do slice by slice
    • Method Detail

      • finalize

        public void finalize()
        Prepares this class for destruction.
        finalize in class AlgorithmBase
      • getResultVOI

        public VOI getResultVOI()
        Accessor that returns the resultant VOI.
        resultant VOI that has localized to the boundaries of the object
      • setPropagation

        public void setPropagation​(boolean flag)
        Sets the propagation flag.
        flag - if true result contour from a slice is propagated to the adjacent slice and used to initialize the snake algorithm for that slice. If false the snake algorithm stops after optimizing the boundary in the present slice.
      • getBilinear

        private static float getBilinear​(int i,
                                         float dx,
                                         float dy,
                                         int[] iExtents,
                                         float[] image)
        Performs bilinear interpolation of image data.
        i - index into image
        dx - change in x from integer
        dy - change in y from integer
        iExtents - dimensions of image
        image - image data
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • calc25D

        private void calc25D()
        Prepares the data and runs the algorithm for a 3D image on a slice by slice basis.
      • calc2D

        private void calc2D()
        Prepares the data and runs the algorithm for a 2D image.
      • calc3D

        private void calc3D()
        Prepares the data and runs the algorithm for a 3D image.
      • calcGVF

        private void calcGVF​(int sliceNum,
                             float[] imgBuffer)
        Calculate GVF from image buffer.
        sliceNum -
        imgBuffer - DOCUMENT ME!
      • calcGVF3D

        private void calcGVF3D​(float[] imgBuffer)
        Calculate GVF from 3D image buffer.
        imgBuffer - DOCUMENT ME!
      • cleanup

        private void cleanup()
        Sets the structures to null.
      • distance

        private double distance​(int x1,
                                int x2,
                                int y1,
                                int y2)
        Calculates the distance between two points.
        x1 - first x coord.
        x2 - second x coord.
        y1 - first y1 coord.
        y2 - second y2 coord.
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • makeKernels2D

        private void makeKernels2D()
        Makes 2D derivative kernels to be used in the calculation of the gradient magnitude.
      • makeKernels3D

        private void makeKernels3D()
        Makes 3D derivative kernels to be used in the calculation of the gradient magnitude.
      • runSnake

        private void runSnake​(float[] xPoints,
                              float[] yPoints,
                              float[] u,
                              float[] v,
                              java.awt.Polygon resultGon)
        Actual function that evolves the boundary.
        xPoints - x coordinates that describe the contour
        yPoints - y coordinates that describe the contour
        u - gradient vector field x component
        v - gradient vector field y component
        resultGon - resultant polygon energy is too much extra computation to be worth computing energy is given by the sum over 0.5*alpha*|first order derivative|**2 + Eext, where v = -grad(Eext). The first derivative of the curve and Eext would also have to be calculated to obtain the energy.
      • runSnake

        private void runSnake​(float[] xPoints,
                              float[] yPoints,
                              float[] zPoints,
                              float[] u,
                              float[] v,
                              VOIBase resultContour)
        Actual function that evolves the boundary.
        xPoints - x coordinates that describe the contour
        yPoints - y coordinates that describe the contour
        u - gradient vector field x component
        v - gradient vector field y component
        resultGon - resultant polygon energy is too much extra computation to be worth computing energy is given by the sum over 0.5*alpha*|first order derivative|**2 + Eext, where v = -grad(Eext). The first derivative of the curve and Eext would also have to be calculated to obtain the energy.
      • setPoints

        private void setPoints​(float[] xPoints,
                               float[] yPoints,
                               java.awt.Polygon gon)
        Takes the polygon and forms two special arrarys for use in the Bspline.
        xPoints - storage location of array of x coord. points
        yPoints - storage location array of y coord. points
        gon - initial polygon
      • setPoints

        private void setPoints​(float[] xPoints,
                               float[] yPoints,
                               float[] zPoints,
                               VOIBase contour)
        Takes the polygon and forms two special arrays for use in the Bspline.
        xPoints - storage location of array of x coord. points
        yPoints - storage location array of y coord. points
        gon - initial polygon
      • algorithmPerformed

        public void algorithmPerformed​(AlgorithmBase algorithm)
        Description copied from interface: AlgorithmInterface
        Called after an algorithm this listener is registered to exits (maybe successfully, maybe not). If the algorithm is run in a separate thread, this call will be made within that thread. If not, this call will be made from that same, shared thread.
        Specified by:
        algorithmPerformed in interface AlgorithmInterface
        algorithm - the algorithm which has just completed