Class NLConstrainedEngineEP

    • Field Detail

      • a

        protected DoubleDouble[] a
        On completion if exitStatus >= 0 a[] contains the latest (best) estimate of the solution point.
      • absoluteConvergence

        protected DoubleDouble absoluteConvergence
        absolute convergence constant Used to test for convergence by the sum of squares being less than the absoluteConvergence squared.
      • bounds

        protected int bounds
        integer scalar code for assessing the bounds bounds = 0 means an unconstrained problem bounds = 1 means the same lower bounds for all unknowns and the same upper bounds for all unknowns. The lower and upper bound must be stored in bl[0] and bu[0] respectively. bounds = 2 means that the bounds must be supplied by the user in bl[i] and bu[i] for i = 0,1, param - 1.
      • covarMat

        protected DoubleDouble[][] covarMat
        2D array of doubles of dimension nPts by max(4,param) containing the main part of the covariance matrix (Jtranspose * J)inverse, where J is the Jacobian matrix computed at a.
      • ctrlMat

        protected int[] ctrlMat
        Wrapper for ctrl or lctrl communication with driver.
      • internalScaling

        protected boolean internalScaling
        If true, the columns of the Jacobian are scaled to have unit length. If false, internal scaling is not used to compute the Gauss-Newton search direction.
      • iters

        protected int iters
        integer scalar containing the number of iterations until termination.
      • maxIterations

        protected int maxIterations
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      • nPts

        protected int nPts
        integer scalar containing the number of data points.
      • param

        protected int param
        variables integer scalar containing the number of unknowns.
      • parameterConvergence

        protected DoubleDouble parameterConvergence
        parameter convergence constant Used to test for convergence by the relative change in a[] being less than the parameterConvergence.
      • relativeConvergence

        protected DoubleDouble relativeConvergence
        relative convergence constant Used to test for convergence by reduction in objective function being less than relativeConvergence squared.
      • residuals

        protected DoubleDouble[] residuals
        1D array of doubles of dimension nPts containing the value of the residuals at the termination point a;.
      • secondAllowed

        protected boolean secondAllowed
        The method of Newton is allowed at the end of the iteration in some situations (large residuals). If true, the use of second derivatives is permitted
      • tolerance

        protected DoubleDouble tolerance
        pseudo rank tolerance constant used to determine the pseudo rank of the Jacobian J.
      • aset

        private int[] aset
        1D integer array of length param containing a code which indicates whether an unknown is active or not aset[i] = 0 when a[i] is free = +1 when a[i] == bl[i] = -1 when a[i] == bu[i].
      • beta

        private DoubleDouble beta
        scalar containing the norm of the orthogonal projection of residuals onto the space spanned by the columns of the Jacobian.
      • ctrl

        private int ctrl
        ctrl can have 3 different values on entry. If ctrl = 1 or ctrl = -1, compute the residuals for all nPts at a certain point a and return the residuals = yfit - yseries in the array residuals if the functions are computable. If not successful and ctrl was set to 1, set ctrl = -1. If not successful and ctrl was set to -1, set ctrl < -10. If ctrl = 2 and the Jacobian is supplied analytically, calculate the Jacobian = Jij = dymodi/daj. The Jacobian is placed in matrix covarMat. If the Jacobian cannot be calculated, set ctrl < -10. If you wish to compute the Jacobian numerically on return, set ctrl = 0.
      • d1sqs

        private DoubleDouble d1sqs
        scalar containing the predicted reduction in the objective function if gn-direction is used.
      • diag

        private DoubleDouble[] diag
        1D double array of length param conatiaing the diagonal elements of the diagonal matrix D if internalScaling is true. Otherwise, undefined.
      • dx

        private DoubleDouble[] dx
        double working areas 1D array of length param containing the solution of J * dx = -residuals.
      • errorStatus

        private int errorStatus
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      • eval

        private int eval
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      • exitStatus

        private int exitStatus
        integer scalar that indicates why the return was taken. If exitStatus != -1 and exitStatus >= -10, then a[] contains the latest (best) estimate of the solution point. = 1000X convergence because relative predicted reduction in the objective function = (0.5 * chisquare) is less than (relativeConvergence)**2 = 200X convergence because sum of squares is less than (absoluteConvergence)**2 = 30X convergence because the relative change in a is less than parameterConvergence = 4X convergence because we are computing at noise level X, the last digit in the convergence code, indicates how the last steps were computed X = 0 no trouble (Gauss-Newton the last 3 steps) = 1 pseudoRank <> param at termination point = 2 The method of Newton was used (at least) in the last step = 3 The (last - 2) step was subspace minimization, but the last 2 steps were Gauss-Newton steps = 4 The steplength was not unit in both the last 2 steps < 0 indicates that no convergence criterion is fulfilled, but some abnormal termination criterion is satisfied = -1 Invalid starting condition: nPts < param or param <= 0 or nPts <= 0 or maxIterations <= 0 or relativeConvergence < 0 or relativeConvergence < 0 or absoluteConvergence < 0 or tolerance <= 0 or parameterConvergence < 0 or invalid starting point on entry = -2 Number of iterations has exceeded maximum allowed iterations = -3 The Hessian emanating from the second order method is not positive definite = -4 The algorithm would like to use second derivatives but is not allowed to do that = -5 An undamped step with Newton's method is a failure = -6 The latest search direction computed using subspace minimization was not a descent direction (probably caused by wrongly computed Jacobian) = -7 There is only one feasible point, name a[i] = bl[i] = bu[i]; i = 0,1,...,param-1 < -10 Termination due to user stop indicator
      • funcEval

        private int funcEval
        integer scalar containing the total number of function evaluations done inside this routine.
      • g

        private DoubleDouble[] g
        1D array of length param containing the gradient of the objective at the current point.
      • gmat

        private DoubleDouble[][] gmat
        param by param array If secondAllowed if false, gmat can be used as a singly subscripted array of dimension param by setting all second indices to 0.
      • gndok

        private boolean gndok
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      • gnorm

        private DoubleDouble gnorm
        scalar containing norm of the gradient divided by norm of Jacobian.
      • icount

        private int icount
        Variables used for restart information.
      • lattry

        private int lattry
        Variables used for restart information.
      • itotal

        private int itotal
        Variables used for restart information.
      • irank

        private int irank
        Variables used for restart information.
      • imax

        private int imax
        Variables used for restart information.
      • ival

        private int ival
        Variables used for restart information.
      • iev

        private int iev
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      • ifree

        private int ifree
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      • indic

        private int indic
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      • info

        private int info
        Consistently use 1 base indexing rather than 0 based indexing
      • jacobianEval

        private int jacobianEval
        integer scalar containing the number of function evaluations caused by computing Jacobians with difference methods.
      • kod

        private int kod
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      • lineEval

        private int lineEval
        integer scalar containing the number of function evaluations caused by the linesearch algorithm.
      • mdg

        private int mdg
        Leading dimension of array gmat mdg must be >= param if secondAllowed is true.
      • constraintAct

        private int constraintAct
        Number of active constraints.
      • phi

        private DoubleDouble phi
        double scalar containging the value of the objective function = (0.5 * chisquare) at the termination point a.
      • pivit

        private int[] pivit
        array of integers of dimension param containing the permutation matrix E in the decomposition QTranspose * J * D E = (R) (0) pivit[i] contains the index of the column that was moved into column i.
      • prekm1

        private DoubleDouble prekm1
        scalar containing the predicted reduction in the objective if pseudoRank from previous step is used.
      • restart

        private boolean restart
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      • kodkm2

        private int kodkm2
        The suffices km2 and km1 in the names of the variables represent time step k-2 and k-1 respectively. These variables are updated only inside the routine evreuc.
      • rngkm1

        private int rngkm1
        The suffices km2 and km1 in the names of the variables represent time step k-2 and k-1 respectively. These variables are updated only inside the routine evreuc.
      • kodkm1

        private int kodkm1
        The suffices km2 and km1 in the names of the variables represent time step k-2 and k-1 respectively. These variables are updated only inside the routine evreuc.
      • secind

        private int secind
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      • secondEval

        private int secondEval
        integer scalar containing the number of function evaluations caused by using second derivatives in the method of Newton.
      • speed

        private DoubleDouble speed
        double scalar containing an estimate of the linear convergence factor.
      • srelpr

        private DoubleDouble srelpr
        single relative precision.
      • v

        private DoubleDouble[] v
        1D array of length nPts containing the orthogonal projection of residuals onto space spanned by the first pseudoRank linear independent columns of the Jacobian.
      • outputMes

        protected boolean outputMes
      • testMode

        private boolean testMode
      • analyticalJacobian

        protected boolean analyticalJacobian
      • testCase

        private int testCase
    • Constructor Detail

      • NLConstrainedEngineEP

        public NLConstrainedEngineEP()
      • NLConstrainedEngineEP

        public NLConstrainedEngineEP​(int nPts,
                                     int param)
        NLConstrainedEngine - non-linear fit to a function.
        nPts - number of points to fit to the function to
        param - number of parameters of function
    • Method Detail

      • fitTestModel

        private void fitTestModel()
        Creates a new Fit24DModel object.
        nPoints - DOCUMENT ME!
        xData - DOCUMENT ME!
        yData - DOCUMENT ME!
        initial - DOCUMENT ME!
      • dumpTestResults

        private void dumpTestResults()
      • driverCalls

        private void driverCalls()
      • fitToFunction

        public abstract void fitToFunction​(DoubleDouble[] a,
                                           DoubleDouble[] residuals,
                                           DoubleDouble[][] covarMat)
        fitToFunction communicates with 3 protected variables param, nPts, and ctrlMat ctrlMat is used as a wrapper for ctrl or lctrl. Evaluates the residuals or the Jacobian at a certain a[]
        a - DOCUMENT ME!
        residuals - DOCUMENT ME!
        covarMat - DOCUMENT ME!
      • driver

        public void driver()
      • getChiSquared

        public double getChiSquared()
        getChiSquared - accessor to chi-squared value (goodness-of-fit measure).
        the value of chi squared
      • getParameters

        public double[] getParameters()
        getParameters accessor to function parameters.
        the function parameters determined by the algorithm
      • getResiduals

        public double[] getResiduals()
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        double[] residuals
      • getExitStatus

        public int getExitStatus()
      • analuc

        private void analuc​(int[] prank)
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      • btrunc

        private void btrunc​(int[] prank,
                            boolean internalScaling,
                            DoubleDouble[] work)
        DOCUMENT ME!
        internalScaling - DOCUMENT ME!
        work - DOCUMENT ME!
      • covar

        private void covar()
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      • dimsub

        private void dimsub​(int[] prank,
                            int[] rank)
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • dnrm2

        private DoubleDouble dnrm2​(int n,
                                   DoubleDouble[] x,
                                   int incx)
        DOCUMENT ME!
        n - DOCUMENT ME!
        x - DOCUMENT ME!
        incx - DOCUMENT ME!
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • evreuc

        private void evreuc​(int[] prank)
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • fsumsq

        private void fsumsq​(DoubleDouble alfk,
                            DoubleDouble[] xnew,
                            DoubleDouble[] fnew,
                            DoubleDouble[] fn_val,
                            int[] ctrl)
        DOCUMENT ME!
        alfk - DOCUMENT ME!
        xnew - DOCUMENT ME!
        fnew - DOCUMENT ME!
        phiMat - DOCUMENT ME!
      • gnavuc

        private void gnavuc()
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      • gndunc

        private DoubleDouble gndunc​(boolean internalScaling,
                                    int[] prank,
                                    DoubleDouble[] work)
        DOCUMENT ME!
        internalScaling - DOCUMENT ME!
        pseudoRankMat - DOCUMENT ME!
        work - DOCUMENT ME!
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • hess

        private void hess()
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • jacdif

        private void jacdif​(int[] ctrl)
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • jtrj

        private void jtrj​(int nn)
        DOCUMENT ME!
        nn - DOCUMENT ME!
      • lineuc

        private void lineuc​(DoubleDouble[] gmod,
                            DoubleDouble dphize,
                            DoubleDouble alplow)
        DOCUMENT ME!
        gmod - DOCUMENT ME!
        dphize - DOCUMENT ME!
        alplow - DOCUMENT ME!
      • lsunc

        private void lsunc()
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • minrm1

        private void minrm1​(DoubleDouble[] v2)
        DOCUMENT ME!
        v2 - DOCUMENT ME!
      • minrm2

        private void minrm2()
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      • newunc

        private void newunc()
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      • oner

        private void oner​(DoubleDouble[] x)
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      • outuc

        private void outuc()
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      • pivec

        private void pivec​(DoubleDouble[] work)
        DOCUMENT ME!
        work - DOCUMENT ME!
      • pregn

        private void pregn​(DoubleDouble[] work,
                           int mindim,
                           int[] prank,
                           int[] dim)
        DOCUMENT ME!
        work - DOCUMENT ME!
        mindim - DOCUMENT ME!
      • presub

        private void presub​(DoubleDouble[] work,
                            int[] prank,
                            int[] rank)
        DOCUMENT ME!
        work - DOCUMENT ME!
      • reavuc

        private void reavuc()
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      • releps

        private void releps()
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      • rtrw1

        private void rtrw1​(int nn)
        DOCUMENT ME!
        nn - DOCUMENT ME!
      • scalv

        private void scalv​(DoubleDouble[] v,
                           DoubleDouble factor,
                           int n)
        DOCUMENT ME!
        v - DOCUMENT ME!
        factor - DOCUMENT ME!
        n - DOCUMENT ME!
      • scaunc

        private void scaunc()
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      • schdc

        private void schdc​(int nn,
                           int[] jpvt,
                           int job)
        DOCUMENT ME!
        nn - DOCUMENT ME!
        jpvt - DOCUMENT ME!
        job - DOCUMENT ME!
      • secuc

        private void secuc()
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      • soliuc

        private void soliuc​(DoubleDouble tau,
                            int[] prank)
        DOCUMENT ME!
        tau - DOCUMENT ME!
      • sposl

        private void sposl​(int nn)
        DOCUMENT ME!
        nn - DOCUMENT ME!
      • sqrdc

        private void sqrdc​(DoubleDouble[][] x,
                           int n,
                           int p,
                           DoubleDouble[] qraux,
                           int[] jpvt,
                           int job)
        DOCUMENT ME!
        x - DOCUMENT ME!
        n - DOCUMENT ME!
        p - DOCUMENT ME!
        qraux - DOCUMENT ME!
        jpvt - DOCUMENT ME!
        job - DOCUMENT ME!
      • stepuc

        private void stepuc​(int[] prank)
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      • strsl

        private void strsl​(int[] prank,
                           DoubleDouble[] b)
        DOCUMENT ME!
        b - DOCUMENT ME!
      • subuc

        private void subuc​(int[] prank,
                           int[] rank)
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • termuc

        private void termuc​(int[] prank,
                            DoubleDouble aNorm)
        DOCUMENT ME!
        aNorm - DOCUMENT ME!
      • triunc

        private void triunc​(DoubleDouble tol,
                            int constraintAct,
                            int[] prank)
        DOCUMENT ME!
        tol - DOCUMENT ME!
        constraintAct - DOCUMENT ME!
      • twor

        private void twor()
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