Class AlgorithmDEMRI3

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.awt.event.ActionListener, java.awt.event.WindowListener, java.lang.Runnable, java.util.EventListener

    public class AlgorithmDEMRI3
    extends AlgorithmBase
    3 model parameters are fit for each voxel in 3D: 1) K_trans in [0, 0.99] 2) User choice of k_ep in [0, 0.99] or ve 3) f_vp in [0, 0.99] K_trans and k_ep default to rates per second, but the user changed select rates per minute. srcImage is a dynamic "4D volume" of MRI signal (3D over time). An optional intrinsic relaxivity map may be obtained by acquiring two acquisition scans at low and high flip angles; otherwise, a single tissue relaxivity can be assumed for the whole brain. References: 1.) "A Unified Magnetic Resonance Imaging Pharmacokinetic Theory: Intravascular and Extracellular Contrast Reagents" by Xin Li, William D. Rooney, and Charles S. Springer, Jr., Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Vol. 54, 2005, pp. 1351-1359. 2.) Erratum: Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Vol. 55, 2006, p.1217. 3.) Quantitative MRI of the Brain, Edited by Paul Tofts, 2003, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., ISBN: 0-47084721-2, Chapter 10, T1-w DCE-MRI: T1-weighted Dynamic Contrast-enhanced MRI by Geoff J. M. Parker and Anwar R. Padhani.
    • Field Detail


        private int FIRST_VOLUME_TISSUE

        private int SEPARATE_VOLUME_TISSUE
      • r1

        private double r1
        Contrast relaxivity rate in 1/(mMol*sec) (0.0 - 1000.0)
      • userSpecifiedBlood

        private boolean userSpecifiedBlood
        If true, user specifed rib, otherwise, voi specified rib
      • rib

        private double rib
        blood intrinsic relaxivity rate in 1/(mMol * sec) input as reciprocal, in seconds (0.001 - 10000.0)
      • tissueSource

        private int tissueSource
      • rit

        private double rit
        tissue intrinsic relaxivity rate in 1/(mMol * sec) specified as reciprocal, in seconds (0.001 - 10000.0)
      • r1i

        private double[] r1i
        non-uniform tissue intrinsic relaxivity map from input 3d + t = 4D image
      • theta

        private double theta
        Flip angle in degrees (0.0 - 90.0)
      • tr

        private double tr
        Time between shots in seconds (0.0 - 10000.0)
      • tf

        private double tf
        Time between frames (volumes) in seconds (0.1 - 30.0)
      • perMinute

        private boolean perMinute
        If perMinute == false, K_trans and k_ep are per second If perMinute == true, K_trans and k_ep are per minute
      • mp

        private double[] mp
        1D Mp(t) data from sagittal sinus VOI
      • nFirst

        private int nFirst
        nfirst injection TR index of input dataset (0 - 1000) Number of TRs before Gd injection
      • useVe

        private boolean useVe
        If false, second parameter is back-transfer rate (k_ep) If true, Second parameter is external celluar volume fraction (ve)
      • epsilon

        private double epsilon
      • min_constr

        private double[] min_constr
      • max_constr

        private double[] max_constr
      • comp

        private double[] comp
      • elist

        private double[] elist
      • ymodel

        private double[] ymodel
      • i

        private int i
      • xDim

        private int xDim
      • yDim

        private int yDim
      • zDim

        private int zDim
      • tDim

        private int tDim
      • cos0

        private double cos0
      • initial

        double[] initial
    • Constructor Detail

      • AlgorithmDEMRI3

        public AlgorithmDEMRI3​(ModelImage destImage,
                               ModelImage srcImage,
                               double[] min_constr,
                               double[] max_constr,
                               double r1,
                               boolean userSpecifiedBlood,
                               double rib,
                               int tissueSource,
                               double rit,
                               ModelImage tissueImage,
                               double theta,
                               double tr,
                               boolean perMinute,
                               int nFirst,
                               boolean useVe)
        Creates a new AlgorithmDEMRI3 object.
    • Method Detail

      • finalize

        public void finalize()
        Prepares this class for destruction.
        finalize in class AlgorithmBase