Class ContourPlot.ColorScheme

  • Enclosing class:

    public class ContourPlot.ColorScheme
    extends java.lang.Object
    The ColorScheme is responsible for storing and providing color information, which other components can use. This enables an easy way to distribute color information to multiple components. There is the option to use one of the predefined ContourPlot.DefaultColorScheme or to define custom colors. The color scheme contains five different color attributes, which can be accessed by the respective components.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      ColorScheme​(int primaryColor, int secondaryColor, int tertiaryColor, int quaternaryColor, int textColor, int backgroundColor)
      Constructor for defining a new color scheme.
      ColorScheme​(java.awt.Color primaryColor, java.awt.Color secondaryColor, java.awt.Color tertiaryColor, java.awt.Color quaternaryColor, java.awt.Color textColor, java.awt.Color backgroundColor)
      Constructor for defining a new color scheme.
    • Field Detail

      • color1

        protected final int color1
      • color2

        protected final int color2
      • color3

        protected final int color3
      • color4

        protected final int color4
      • colorText

        protected final int colorText
      • colorBackground

        protected final int colorBackground
    • Constructor Detail

      • ColorScheme

        public ColorScheme​(java.awt.Color primaryColor,
                           java.awt.Color secondaryColor,
                           java.awt.Color tertiaryColor,
                           java.awt.Color quaternaryColor,
                           java.awt.Color textColor,
                           java.awt.Color backgroundColor)
        Constructor for defining a new color scheme.
        primaryColor - primary color of the color scheme
        secondaryColor - secondary color of the color scheme
        tertiaryColor - tertiary color of the color scheme
        quaternaryColor - quarternary color of the color scheme
        textColor - text color of the color scheme
        backgroundColor - the background color
      • ColorScheme

        public ColorScheme​(int primaryColor,
                           int secondaryColor,
                           int tertiaryColor,
                           int quaternaryColor,
                           int textColor,
                           int backgroundColor)
        Constructor for defining a new color scheme.
        primaryColor - primary color of the color scheme (integer packed ARGB)
        secondaryColor - secondary color of the color scheme (integer packed ARGB)
        tertiaryColor - tertiary color of the color scheme (integer packed ARGB)
        quaternaryColor - quarternary color of the color scheme (integer packed ARGB)
        textColor - text color of the color scheme (integer packed ARGB)
        backgroundColor - the background color (integer packed ARGB)
    • Method Detail

      • getColor1

        public int getColor1()
        primary color of the color scheme (integer packed ARGB)
      • getColor2

        public int getColor2()
        secondary color of the color scheme (integer packed ARGB)
      • getColor3

        public int getColor3()
        tertiary color of the color scheme (integer packed ARGB)
      • getColor4

        public int getColor4()
        fourth color of the color scheme (integer packed ARGB)
      • getColorText

        public int getColorText()
        text color of the color scheme (integer packed ARGB)
      • getColorBackground

        public int getColorBackground()
        background color of the scheme (integer packed ARGB)