Class AlgorithmBSpline

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.awt.event.ActionListener, java.awt.event.WindowListener, java.lang.Runnable, java.util.EventListener

    public class AlgorithmBSpline
    extends AlgorithmBase
    Modified code from Aaron Carass's Java implementation of Philippe Thevenaz's Cubic B-spline Interpolation. Code is simply wrapped to allow for calls consistent with MIPAV style as well as allow for 2D images. B-Spline interpolation.
    Philippe Thevenaz, Aaron Carass Jet code is untouched from when the new code was implemented on June 24th, 2014. Fourth-order Bspline for 1-3D lines and 2D surface. This class is based on code from Dave Eberly's MAGIC C++ library.
    • Field Detail

      • mat4

        private static double[][] mat4
        Blending matrix for a 4th degree Bspline.
      • degree

        private int degree
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • dt

        private double[] dt
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • dt_double

        private double[] dt_double
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • geoms

        private double[] geoms
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • geomx

        private double[] geomx
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • geomy

        private double[] geomy
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • geomz

        private double[] geomz
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • width

        private int width
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • height

        private int height
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • depth

        private int depth
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • xold_tbase

        private int xold_tbase
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • xyold_tbase

        private int xyold_tbase
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • imData

        private double[][][] imData
    • Constructor Detail

      • AlgorithmBSpline

        public AlgorithmBSpline()
        default constructor.
    • Method Detail

      • bSpline2D

        public double bSpline2D​(int orderDx,
                                int orderDy,
                                double x,
                                double y)
        This method is out of date, as it provides smoothed interpolation as opposed to precise interpolation. For precise interpolation, use the analogous method in AlgorithmBSpline3D instead, as that provides true B-spline interpolation. This method can also be used to calculate derivatives of the Bspline.
        orderDx - derivative order in x direction (n <= 4 )
        orderDy - derivative order in y direction (n <= 4 )
        x - double point index along the Bspline indicating point of interest
        y - double point index along the Bspline indicating point of interest
        the Bspline interpolated data point
      • bSpline2DC

        public double[] bSpline2DC​(int orderDx,
                                   int orderDy,
                                   double x,
                                   double y)
        This method is out of date, as it provides smoothed interpolation as opposed to precise interpolation. For precise interpolation, use the analogous method in AlgorithmBSpline3D instead, as that provides true B-spline interpolation. This method can also be used to calculate derivatives of the Bspline.
        orderDx - derivative order in x direction (n <= 4 )
        orderDy - derivative order in y direction (n <= 4 )
        x - double point index along the Bspline indicating point of interest
        y - double point index along the Bspline indicating point of interest
        the Bspline interpolated data point
      • bSpline3D

        public double bSpline3D​(int orderDx,
                                int orderDy,
                                int orderDz,
                                double x,
                                double y,
                                double z)
        This method is out of date, as it provides smoothed interpolation as opposed to precise interpolation. For precise interpolation, use the analogous method in AlgorithmBSpline3D instead, as that provides true B-spline interpolation. 3D graph Bspline for black and white. This method can also be used to calculate derivatives of the Bspline. WARNING - programmer must call setup3DBSpline before using this function!!!
        orderDx - derivative order in x direction (n <= 4 )
        orderDy - derivative order in y direction (n <= 4 )
        orderDz - derivative order in z direction (n <= 4 )
        x - double point index along the Bspline indicating point of interest
        y - double point index along the Bspline indicating point of interest
        z - double point index along the Bspline indicating pointof interest
        the Bspline interpolated data point
      • bSpline3DC

        public double[] bSpline3DC​(int orderDx,
                                   int orderDy,
                                   int orderDz,
                                   double x,
                                   double y,
                                   double z)
        This method is out of date, as it provides smoothed interpolation as opposed to precise interpolation. For precise interpolation, use the analogous method in AlgorithmBSpline3D instead, as that provides true B-spline interpolation. 3D graph Bspline for color. This method can also be used to calculate derivatives of the Bspline. WARNING - programmer must call setup3DBSpline before using this function!!!
        orderDx - derivative order in x direction (n <= 4 )
        orderDy - derivative order in y direction (n <= 4 )
        orderDz - derivative order in z direction (n <= 4 )
        x - double point index along the Bspline indicating point of interest
        y - double point index along the Bspline indicating point of interest
        z - double point index along the Bspline indicating point of interest
        the Bspline interpolated data point
      • bSplineJet1D

        public float bSplineJet1D​(byte derivOrder,
                                  float t,
                                  float[] dataX)
        This method can also be used to calculate derivatives of the Bspline.
        derivOrder - derivative order (n <= 4 )
        t - float point index along the Bspline indicating point of interest
        dataX - control points for the Bspline
        the Bspline interpolated data point
      • bSplineJetXY

        public WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector2f bSplineJetXY​(int derivOrder,
                                                                         float t,
                                                                         float[] dataX,
                                                                         float[] dataY)
        This method can also be used to calculate derivatives of the Bspline. Used for smoothing VOI lines
        derivOrder - derivative order (n <= 4 )
        t - float point index along the Bspline indicating point of interest
        dataX - control points for the Bspline
        dataY - control points for the Bspline
        the Bspline interpolated data point
      • bSplineJetXYZ

        public WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f bSplineJetXYZ​(int derivOrder,
                                                                          float t,
                                                                          float[] dataX,
                                                                          float[] dataY,
                                                                          float[] dataZ)
        This method can also be used to calculate derivatives of the Bspline. Used for smoothing VOI lines
        derivOrder - derivative order (n <= 4 )
        t - float point index along the Bspline indicating point of interest
        dataX - control points for the Bspline
        dataY - control points for the Bspline
        dataZ - control points for the Bspline
        the Bspline interpolated data point
      • bSplineJetXYZ_double

        public javax.vecmath.Vector3d bSplineJetXYZ_double​(int derivOrder,
                                                           float t,
                                                           float[] dataX,
                                                           float[] dataY,
                                                           float[] dataZ)
        This method can also be used to calculate derivatives of the Bspline.
        derivOrder - derivative order (n <= 4 )
        t - float point index along the Bspline indicating point of interest
        dataX - control points for the Bspline
        dataY - control points for the Bspline
        dataZ - control points for the Bspline
        the Bspline interpolated data point
      • resetBspline

        public void resetBspline()
        Resets parameters used by the Bsplines.
      • runAlgorithm

        public void runAlgorithm()
        Default method that is not really appropriate for this class but must be defined because this class extends AlgorithmBase.
        Specified by:
        runAlgorithm in class AlgorithmBase
      • setup2DBSpline

        public void setup2DBSpline​(double[] vol,
                                   int[] extents,
                                   int _degree)
        Allocates memory and constructs arrays needed for BSpline.
        vol - volume comprising control points for the Bspline
        extents - vol extents (xDim,yDim)
        _degree - degree of spline (3 or 4)
      • setup2DBSplineC

        public void setup2DBSplineC​(double[] vol,
                                    int[] extents,
                                    int _degree)
        Allocates memory and constructs arrays needed for BSpline.
        vol - volume comprising control points for the Bspline
        extents - vol extents (xDim,yDim)
        _degree - degree of spline (3 or 4)
      • setup3DBSpline

        public void setup3DBSpline​(double[] vol,
                                   int[] extents,
                                   int _degree)
        setup3DBSpline - setup 3D Bspline for black and white. Allocates memory and constructs arrays needed for BSpline
        vol - volume comprising control points for the Bspline
        extents - vol extents (xDim,yDim, zDim)
        _degree - degree of spline (3 or 4)
      • setup3DBSplineC

        public void setup3DBSplineC​(double[] vol,
                                    int[] extents,
                                    int _degree)
        Allocates memory and constructs arrays needed for BSpline.
        vol - volume comprising control points for the Bspline
        extents - vol extents (xDim,yDim, zDim)
        _degree - degree of spline (3 or 4)
      • interpolateBSpline

        private double interpolateBSpline​(double[][][] image,
                                          double x,
                                          double y,
                                          double z,
                                          int SplineDegree)
        Do the B-Spline Interpolation
        Bcoeff - B-spline array of coefficients
        Width - Width of the image
        Height - Height of the image
        Depth - Depth of the image
        x - x coordinate where to interpolate
        y - y coordinate where to interpolate
        z - z coordinate where to interpolate
        SplineDegree - Degree of the B-Spline
      • interpolateBSpline2D

        private double interpolateBSpline2D​(double[][][] image,
                                            double x,
                                            double y,
                                            int SplineDegree)
      • ConvertToInterpolationCoefficients

        private void ConvertToInterpolationCoefficients​(double[] c,
                                                        int DataLength,
                                                        double[] z,
                                                        int NbPoles,
                                                        double Tolerance)
        c - Samples
        DataLength - Number of samples or coefficients
        z - Poles
        NbPoles - Number of poles
        Tolerance - Admissible relative error
      • InitialCausalCoefficient

        private double InitialCausalCoefficient​(double[] c,
                                                int DataLength,
                                                double z,
                                                double Tolerance)
      • InitialAntiCausalCoefficient

        private double InitialAntiCausalCoefficient​(double[] c,
                                                    int DataLength,
                                                    double z)
      • GetRow

        private double[] GetRow​(int y,
                                int z,
                                double[][][] Image,
                                int width)
      • PutRow

        private void PutRow​(double[] Line,
                            int y,
                            int z,
                            double[][][] Image)
      • GetColumn

        private double[] GetColumn​(int x,
                                   int z,
                                   double[][][] Image)
      • PutColumn

        private void PutColumn​(double[] Line,
                               int x,
                               int z,
                               double[][][] Image)
      • GetVertical

        private double[] GetVertical​(int x,
                                     int y,
                                     double[][][] Image)
      • PutVertical

        private void PutVertical​(double[] Line,
                                 int x,
                                 int y,
                                 double[][][] Image)
      • SamplesToCoefficients

        private int SamplesToCoefficients​(double[][][] Image,
                                          int SplineDegree)
      • SamplesToCoefficients2D

        private int SamplesToCoefficients2D​(double[][][] Image,
                                            int SplineDegree)