Class AlgorithmLapMedianess

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.awt.event.ActionListener, java.awt.event.WindowListener, java.lang.Runnable, java.util.EventListener

    public class AlgorithmLapMedianess
    extends AlgorithmBase
    Calculates the Laplacian of the gaussian of an image at a scale defined by the user.
    0.1 Feb 11, 1998
    Matthew J. McAuliffe, Ph.D.
    • Field Detail

      • amplificationFactor

        private float amplificationFactor
        An amplification factor greater than 1.0 causes this filter to act like a highpass filter.
      • entireImage

        private boolean entireImage
        Flag, if true, indicates that the whole image should be processed. If false on process the image over the mask areas.
      • GxxData

        private float[] GxxData
        Storage location of the second derivative of the Gaussian in the X direction.
      • GyyData

        private float[] GyyData
        Storage location of the second derivative of the Gaussian in the Y direction.
      • GzzData

        private float[] GzzData
        Storage location of the second derivative of the Gaussian in the Z direction.
      • kExtents

        private int[] kExtents
        Dimensionality of the kernel.
      • sBuffer

        private byte[] sBuffer
        Buffer that stores the s value in calcInPlace2DBuffer that contributed to resultBuffer.
      • sigmas

        private float[] sigmas
        Standard deviations of the gaussian used to calculate the kernels.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AlgorithmLapMedianess

        public AlgorithmLapMedianess​(ModelImage srcImg,
                                     float[] sigmas,
                                     boolean maskFlag,
                                     boolean img25D,
                                     float ampFactor)
        Constructs a Laplacian algorithm object.
        srcImg - source image model
        sigmas - Gaussian's standard deviations in the each dimension
        maskFlag - Flag that indicates that the Laplacian will be calculated for the whole image if equal to true
        img25D - Flag, if true, indicates that each slice of the 3D volume should be processed independently. 2D images disregard this flag.
        ampFactor - An amplification factor greater than 1.0 causes this filter to act like a highpass filter.
      • AlgorithmLapMedianess

        public AlgorithmLapMedianess​(ModelImage srcImg,
                                     float[] sigmas,
                                     boolean maskFlag,
                                     boolean img25D,
                                     float ampFactor,
                                     boolean activeImage)
        Constructs a Laplacian algorithm object.
        srcImg - source image model
        sigmas - Gaussian's standard deviations in the each dimension
        maskFlag - Flag that indicates that the Laplacian will be calculated for the whole image if equal to true
        img25D - Flag, if true, indicates that each slice of the 3D volume should be processed independently. 2D images disregard this flag.
        ampFactor - An amplification factor greater than 1.0 causes this filter to act like a highpass filter.
        runningInSeparateThread - whether the algorithm is running in a separate thread
      • AlgorithmLapMedianess

        public AlgorithmLapMedianess​(ModelImage destImg,
                                     ModelImage srcImg,
                                     float[] sigmas,
                                     boolean maskFlag,
                                     boolean img25D,
                                     float ampFactor)
        Constructs a Laplacian algorithm object.
        destImg - image model where result image is to stored
        srcImg - source image model
        sigmas - Gaussian's standard deviations in the each dimension
        maskFlag - Flag that indicates that the Laplacian will be calculated for the whole image if equal to true
        img25D - Flag, if true, indicates that each slice of the 3D volume should be processed independently. 2D images disregard this flag.
        ampFactor - An amplification factor greater than 1.0 causes this filter to act like a highpass filter.
      • AlgorithmLapMedianess

        public AlgorithmLapMedianess​(ModelImage destImg,
                                     ModelImage srcImg,
                                     float[] sigmas,
                                     boolean maskFlag,
                                     boolean img25D,
                                     float ampFactor,
                                     boolean activeImage)
        Constructs a Laplacian algorithm object.
        destImg - image model where result image is to stored
        srcImg - source image model
        sigmas - Gaussian's standard deviations in the each dimension
        maskFlag - Flag that indicates that the Laplacian will be calculated for the whole image if equal to true
        img25D - Flag, if true, indicates that each slice of the 3D volume should be processed independently. 2D images disregard this flag.
        ampFactor - An amplification factor greater than 1.0 causes this filter to act like a highpass filter.
        runningInSeparateThread - whether the algorithm is running in a separate thread
    • Method Detail

      • calcInBuffer2D

        public float[] calcInBuffer2D​(float[] buffer,
                                      int[] extents)
        Calculates the laplacian medianess of a 2D image and returns it as a float buffer.
        buffer - DOCUMENT ME!
        extents - DOCUMENT ME!
        Buffer with the laplacian medianess of the image.
      • finalize

        public void finalize()
        Prepares this class for destruction.
        finalize in class AlgorithmBase
      • getSBuffer

        public byte[] getSBuffer()
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • calcInPlace2D

        private void calcInPlace2D​(int nImages)
        Calculates the gradient image and replaces the source image with the new image.
        nImages - number of images to be blurred. If 2D image then nImage = 1, if 3D image where each image is to processed independently then nImages equals the number of images in the volume.
      • calcInPlace2DBuffer

        private float[] calcInPlace2DBuffer​(int nImages,
                                            float[] buffer,
                                            int[] extents)
        Calculates the Laplacian image and replaces the source image with the new image.
        nImages - number of images to be blurred. If 2D image then nImage = 1, if 3D image where each image is to processed independently then nImages equals the number of images in the volume.
        buffer - DOCUMENT ME!
        extents - DOCUMENT ME!
      • calcInPlace3D

        private void calcInPlace3D()
        Calculates the Laplacian and replaces the source image with the new image.
      • calcInPlace3DBuffer

        private float[] calcInPlace3DBuffer​(float[] buffer,
                                            int[] extents)
        Calculates the Laplacian image and replaces the source image with the new image.
        buffer - DOCUMENT ME!
        extents - DOCUMENT ME!
      • calcStoreInDest2D

        private void calcStoreInDest2D​(int nImages)
        This function produces the Laplacian of input image. See this Neva
        nImages - number of images to be blurred. If 2D image then nImage = 1, if 3D image where each image is to processed independently then nImages equals the number of images in the volume.
      • calcStoreInDest3D

        private void calcStoreInDest3D()
        This function produces the Laplacian of input image.
      • makeKernels2D

        private void makeKernels2D​(float[] sigmas)
        Creates Gaussian derivative kernels.
        sigmas - DOCUMENT ME!
      • makeKernels3D

        private void makeKernels3D​(float[] sigmas)
        Creates Gaussian derivative kernels.
        sigmas - DOCUMENT ME!