Class AlgorithmColocalizationEM

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.awt.event.ActionListener, java.awt.event.WindowListener, java.lang.Runnable, java.util.EventListener

    public class AlgorithmColocalizationEM
    extends AlgorithmBase
    An optional registration may be performed before colocalization. In this registration both images or colors are moved halfway to a common center point. AlgorithmRegOAR2D is used with the cost function being the only registration parameter the user can vary in the dialog box. Correlation ratio is the default, but the user can also select least squares, normalized cross correlation, or normalized mutual information. The colocalization will be performed on the registered image or images rather than on the original image. If the maximum data range is decreased, the bin1 or bin2 will be decreased if necessary to keep them from exceeding the actual number of channels in the data range.

    A histogram buffer is generated with bin1 counts along the x axis and bin2 counts along the y axis. bin1 and bin2 are user selectable in the dialog. leftPad, rightPad, bottomPad, and topPad spaces are left around the data area in histBuffer to allow room for axis lines and labels.

    The user specifies the number of gaussian distributions. For each distribution the initial values of the means, standard deviations, and correlation are assigned using a random number generator. Each distribution is initially assigned an equal probability.

    The ellipse corresponds to a contour of constant probabliity density on which the density is smaller by a factor of exp[-0.5] than it is at the mean point. The probability density function is a jointly gaussian or bivariate gaussian density function. In each iteration: 1.) Find the gaussian distribution j with the form: p(x,y/j) = (1/(2*PI*stdxj*stdyj*sqrt(1 - rhoj**2))) * exp{(-1/(2*(1 - rhoj**2)))[((x-meanxj)**2)/(stdxj**2) - (2*rhoj*(x-meanxj)*(y-meanyj))/(stdxj*stdyj) + ((y - meanyj)**2)/(stdyj**2)]} where stdxj and stdyj are the x and y standard deviations and rhoj is the correlation coefficient.

    2.) p(x,y) are found from p(x,y) = sum over j of p(x,y/j)*p(j). 3.) Pold(j/(x,y) = (sum over all j of Pold(x,y/j)*Pold(j))/Pold(x,y)

    The update equations for the values of the new variables for each gaussian distribution j are: 4.) meanxj = (sum over x,y of Pold(j/(x,y))*x)/(sum over x,y of Pold(j/(x,y))) 5.) meanyj = (sum over x,y of Pold(j/(x,y))*y)/(sum over x,y of Pold(j/(x,y))) 6.) stdxj**2 = (sum over x,y of Pold(j/(x,y)) * (x - meanxj)**2)/ (sum over x,y of Pold(j/(x,y))) 7.) stdyj**2 = (sum over x,y of Pold(j/(x,y)) * (y - meanyj)**2)/ (sum over x,y of Pold(j/(x,y))) 8.) rhoj = (sum over x,y of Pold(j/(x,y)) * (x - meanxj) * (y - meanyj)/(stdjx * stdjy))/ (sum over x,y of Pold(j/(x,y)))

    9.) Each new p[j] is found from (sum over x,y of Pold(j/(x,y)))/number of (x,y) points These 9 basic steps are iterated the number of times specified by the user.

    The calculated data is passed to ViewJFrameColocalization.


    1.) Expectation Maximization Algorithm by Ismet Bayraktaroglu ( Code for circles was originally found at but this site is no longer available.

    2.) Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition by Christopher M. Bishop, Oxford University Press, 1995, Section 2.6.2 The EM algorithm, pp. 65 - 72.

    3.) Probability, Random Variables, and Random Signal Principles, Second Edition by Peyton Z. Peebles, Jr., McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1987, Section 5.3 Jointly Gaussian Random Variables, pp. 124 - 128.

    4.) Clustering Algorithms by John A. Hartigan, Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated, 1975, Chapter 5, Mixtures, pp. 113 - 129.

    5.) Principles of Data Mining by David Hand, Heikki Mannila, and Padhraic Smith, A Bradford Book The MIT Press, 2001, pp. 260 - 265, 281 - 284, 315 - 323.

    • Field Detail

      • b1

        float[] b1
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • b2

        float[] b2
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • buffer

        float[] buffer
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • inputMask

        java.util.BitSet inputMask
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • secondBuffer

        float[] secondBuffer
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • xDim

        int xDim
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • yDim

        int yDim
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • zDim

        int zDim
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • baseImage

        private ModelImage baseImage
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • bin1

        private int bin1
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • bin2

        private int bin2
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • bottomPad

        private int bottomPad
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • cost

        private int cost
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • count

        private int count
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • dMax

        private double[] dMax
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • dMin

        private double[] dMin
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • doOr

        private boolean doOr
        If true, or thresholds. If false, and thresholds
      • entireImage

        private boolean entireImage
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • gaussians

        private int gaussians
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • halfMajor

        private double[] halfMajor
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • halfMinor

        private double[] halfMinor
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • iterations

        private int iterations
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • leftPad

        private int leftPad
        Space padding around the histogram data area.
      • mean

        private double[][] mean
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • meanOld

        private double[][] meanOld
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • mostProbableClass

        private byte[] mostProbableClass
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • prob

        private double[] prob
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • probOld

        private double[] probOld
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • probX

        private double[] probX
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • probXOld

        private double[] probXOld
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • register

        private boolean register
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • rho

        private double[] rho
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • rhoOld

        private double[] rhoOld
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • rightPad

        private int rightPad
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • segBuffer

        private byte[] segBuffer
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • segImage

        private ModelImage segImage
        Displays classes to which pixels belong.
      • std

        private double[][] std
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • stdOld

        private double[][] stdOld
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • theta

        private double[] theta
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • threshold1

        private float threshold1
        The minimum values that are considered as data values.
      • threshold2

        private float threshold2
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • topPad

        private int topPad
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • useBlue

        private boolean useBlue
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • useGreen

        private boolean useGreen
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • useRed

        private boolean useRed
        DOCUMENT ME!
    • Constructor Detail

      • AlgorithmColocalizationEM

        public AlgorithmColocalizationEM​(ModelImage destImg,
                                         ModelImage segImage,
                                         ModelImage srcImg,
                                         ModelImage baseImage,
                                         int bin1,
                                         int bin2,
                                         float threshold1,
                                         float threshold2,
                                         boolean doOr,
                                         int leftPad,
                                         int rightPad,
                                         int bottomPad,
                                         int topPad,
                                         boolean entireImage,
                                         boolean register,
                                         int cost,
                                         int gaussians,
                                         int iterations)
        Constructor for images in which 2D histogram is placed in a predetermined destination image. Used for 2 black and white images
        destImg - image model where result image is to stored
        segImage - image to display classes to which pixels belong
        srcImg - image for x axis of histogram
        baseImage - image for y axis of histogram
        bin1 - histogram x axis bin number
        bin2 - histogram y axis bin number
        threshold1 - minimum value for data in sourceImage
        threshold2 - minimum value for data in baseImage
        doOr - If true, or thresholds. If false, and thresholds.
        leftPad - space to the left of the histogram bin area
        rightPad - space to the right of the histogram bin area
        bottomPad - space to the bottom of the histogram bin area
        topPad - space to the top of the histogram bin area
        entireImage - If false, only use data from VOI region
        register - If true register 2 black and white images before colocalization
        cost - Cost function used in registration
        gaussians - Number of gaussians
        iterations - Number of iterations
      • AlgorithmColocalizationEM

        public AlgorithmColocalizationEM​(ModelImage destImg,
                                         ModelImage segImage,
                                         ModelImage srcImg,
                                         int bin1,
                                         int bin2,
                                         float threshold1,
                                         float threshold2,
                                         boolean doOr,
                                         int leftPad,
                                         int rightPad,
                                         int bottomPad,
                                         int topPad,
                                         boolean useRed,
                                         boolean useGreen,
                                         boolean useBlue,
                                         boolean entireImage,
                                         boolean register,
                                         int cost,
                                         int gaussians,
                                         int iterations)
        Constructor for images in which 2D histogram is placed in a predetermined destination image. Used for 1 color image.
        destImg - image model where result image is to stored
        segImage - image to display classes to which pixels belong
        srcImg - source image model
        bin1 - histogram x axis bin number
        bin2 - histogram y axis bin number
        threshold1 - minimum data value for first color
        threshold2 - minimum data value for second color
        doOr - If true, or thresholds. If false, and thresholds.
        leftPad - space to the left of the histogram bin area
        rightPad - space to the right of the histogram bin area
        bottomPad - space to the bottom of the histogram bin area
        topPad - space to the top of the histogram bin area
        useRed - DOCUMENT ME!
        useGreen - DOCUMENT ME!
        useBlue - DOCUMENT ME!
        entireImage - If false, use only data from VOI region
        register - If true, register 2 colors before colocalization
        cost - Cost function used in registration
        gaussians - Number of gaussians
        iterations - Number of iterations
    • Method Detail

      • finalize

        public void finalize()
        Prepares this class for destruction.
        finalize in class AlgorithmBase
      • updateFileInfo

        public void updateFileInfo​(ModelImage image,
                                   ModelImage resultImage)
        Copy important file information to resultant image structure.
        image - Source image.
        resultImage - Resultant image.
      • calc2D

        private void calc2D()
        This function produces a 2D histogram image with srcImage values represented across the x axis and baseImage values represented across the y axis.
      • calc3D

        private void calc3D()
        This function produces a 2D histogram image with srcImage values represented across the x axis and baseImage values represented across the y axis.
      • calcColor2D

        private void calcColor2D()
        This function produces a 2D histogram image with first color values represented across the x axis and second color values represented across the y axis.
      • calcColor3D

        private void calcColor3D()
        This function produces a 2D histogram image with first color values represented across the x axis and second color values represented across the y axis.
      • emfunction

        private void emfunction()
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • getProbX

        private void getProbX()
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • getProbXOld

        private void getProbXOld()
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • newToOld

        private void newToOld()
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • probjxOld

        private double probjxOld​(int i,
                                 int j)
        DOCUMENT ME!
        i - DOCUMENT ME!
        j - DOCUMENT ME!
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • probXj

        private double probXj​(int i,
                              int j)
        DOCUMENT ME!
        i - DOCUMENT ME!
        j - DOCUMENT ME!
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • probXjOld

        private double probXjOld​(int i,
                                 int j)
        DOCUMENT ME!
        i - DOCUMENT ME!
        j - DOCUMENT ME!
        DOCUMENT ME!