Algorithm4DImageCalculator |
AlgorithmAddMargins |
Algorithm to add or remove margins around the image.
AlgorithmChangeType |
This is a convenience function to convert from one image type to another and remap the data into a new range.
AlgorithmComplexConcat |
Simple algorithm that generates a complex image from real data and imaginary data.
AlgorithmComplexToReal |
Simple algorithm that converts an RGB image to a single greyscale image.
AlgorithmConcat |
Assumes the pixel resolutions are equal.
AlgorithmConcatMult |
AlgorithmConcatMult2Dto3D |
AlgorithmConcatMult3Dto3D |
AlgorithmConcatMult3Dto4D |
AlgorithmConvert3Dto4D |
Converts a 3D dataset that is really a 4D dataset into a 4D dataset.
AlgorithmConvert4Dto3D |
The image is converted from a 4D to a 3D image.
AlgorithmCorrectSpacing |
Algorithm to adjust image volume for cases when the slice spacing is not equal to the slice thickness.
AlgorithmCrop |
Crops 2D and 3D images using a supplied VOI.
AlgorithmCropTilted |
Algorithm to crop a tilted rectangle
AlgorithmCyclicPermutation |
AlgorithmDicomOrder |
Put 3D dataset into dicom order.
AlgorithmDICOMtoAVI |
Recursively traverses a directory and its subfolders, converting all 3D DICOM files to AVI with MP42 Compression.
AlgorithmExtractSlices |
Algorithm that extracts the slices indicated in the list from the srcImage and puts them into the destImage.
AlgorithmExtractSlicesVolumes |
Title: AlgorithmExtractIndividualSlices
AlgorithmFlip |
Flips 2D, 3D or 4D grays scale or color dataset about X, Y, or Z axis (when applicable) when AlgorithmFlip.IMAGE is
passed to the constructor.
AlgorithmImageCalculator |
Algorithm that adds, subtracts, multiplies, or divides an image by by another image.
AlgorithmImageMath |
Algorithm that adds, subtracts, multiplies, or divides an image by some user specified value.
AlgorithmInsertSlice |
Algorithm to insert a slice.
AlgorithmInsertVolume |
AlgorithmMask |
Allow the user to fill a VOI or fill everything outside the VOI with a specific fill value.
AlgorithmMatchImages |
Matches two ModelImages.
AlgorithmMaximumIntensityProjection |
Computes the maximum or the minimum intensity along each projection of a 3D image.
AlgorithmMosaicToSlices |
Algorithm requires input of 2D or 3D mosaics.
AlgorithmNoise |
Algorithm used to add Gaussian, Poisson, Uniform, Rayleigh, or Rician noise to an image.
AlgorithmQuantifyMask |
Algorithm that does basic calculations on Mask images (boolean/ubyte/short)
calculates Center of Mass, area (in resolutions), and number of pixels per mask
AlgorithmRandSliceOrder |
Algorithm that randomizes the order of 3D dataset.
AlgorithmRemoveSlices |
Algorithm verifies the z-th slice should be in included in the destination image, as defined in the list, remove.
AlgorithmRemoveTSlices |
Algorithm to run the remove T slices.
AlgorithmReplaceBlankSlicesWithAverages |
AlgorithmReplaceRemovedSlices |
This algorithm is used to insert averaged slices where slices have been removed -If slices were removed at the
beginning of the original movie, these slices will not be replaced. - Slices are only inserted between the first and
last kept slices
AlgorithmReplaceSlice |
AlgorithmReplaceValue |
Title: AlgorithmReplaceValue
AlgorithmReslice |
Reslices 3D image into (isotropic)cubic voxels.
AlgorithmRGBConcat |
Simple algorithm that generates an RGB image from three gray images.
AlgorithmRGBtoGray |
Simple algorithm that converts an RGB image to a single greyscale image.
AlgorithmRGBtoGrays |
Simple algorithm that converts an RGB image to a red, green, and blue greyscale images.
AlgorithmRGBtoHSB |
Simple algorithm that converts an RGB image to a hue, saturation and brightness greyscale images.
AlgorithmRotate |
An Algorithm to rotate 3D or 4D dataset 90 or 180 degrees about X, Y, or Z axis. 2D Images can also be rotated.
AlgorithmSubsample |
Takes in an image and subsamples it to a new set of dimensions.
AlgorithmSubset |
Algorithm to create a 3D subset image from a 4D image.
AlgorithmSwap34 |
Swaps third and fourth dimensions in 4D dataset.
AlgorithmSwapDims |
Swaps dimensions in 4D dataset.
AlgorithmSwapSlicesVolume |
Title: AlgorithmSwapSlicesVolume
AlgorithmTiltCorrection |