Class AlgorithmSubsample

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.awt.event.ActionListener, java.awt.event.WindowListener, java.lang.Runnable, java.util.EventListener

    public class AlgorithmSubsample
    extends AlgorithmBase
    Takes in an image and subsamples it to a new set of dimensions. The subsample image is a Gaussian weighted average of neighboring pixels (voxels) of the original image. For 4D images only the first 3 dimensions are subsampled
    Evan McCreedy
    • Field Detail

      • posRatios

        private double[] posRatios
        Ratios used to translate points in the result image to points in the source image.
      • processIndep

        private boolean processIndep
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • resultExtents

        private int[] resultExtents
        Extents the resultImage should have.
      • resultImage

        private ModelImage resultImage
        Result image.
      • paddedImage

        private ModelImage paddedImage
        Padded image.
      • sigmas

        private float[] sigmas
        Std deviation of the Gaussian function.
      • srcImage

        private ModelImage srcImage
        Image to subsample from.
      • transformVOI

        private boolean transformVOI
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • transMatrix

        private TransMatrix transMatrix
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • trilinearFlag

        private boolean trilinearFlag
        Whether to perform trilinear filtering when getting intensities of points on the source image.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AlgorithmSubsample

        public AlgorithmSubsample​(ModelImage src,
                                  ModelImage result,
                                  int[] newExtents,
                                  int[] padExtents,
                                  float[] _sigmas,
                                  boolean indep,
                                  boolean transformVOI,
                                  TransMatrix transMatrix,
                                  boolean doPad)
        Setup for a later subsampling of an image.
        src - image to be subsampled
        result - image created by subsampling
        newExtents - dimensions of the result image to be sampled into
        _sigmas - x, y, and z scales for the gaussian function
        indep - process slices independently (cannot change the z dimension)
        transformVOI - if true transform the VOIs
        transMatrix - transformation matrix
    • Method Detail

      • finalize

        public void finalize()
        Prepares this class for destruction.
        finalize in class AlgorithmBase
      • getResultImage

        public ModelImage getResultImage()
        Return the result image (or null if not created yet).
        the subsampled image
      • computeGaussian2D

        private double computeGaussian2D​(double locX,
                                         double locY,
                                         double sigmaX,
                                         double sigmaY)
        Compute the value of the 2D gaussian at a point.
        locX - x location of the value to compute
        locY - y location of the value to compute
        sigmaX - standard deviation of the guassian in the x dimension
        sigmaY - standard deviation of the guassian in the y dimension
        the value of the 2D gaussian at the given point
      • computeGaussian3D

        private double computeGaussian3D​(double locX,
                                         double locY,
                                         double locZ,
                                         double sigmaX,
                                         double sigmaY,
                                         double sigmaZ)
        Computes the gaussian weights for a particular point. Written by Paul Hemler in AlgorithmVesselSegmenation.
        locX - distance to go in the x dir from the point
        locY - distance to go in the y dir from the point
        locZ - distance to go in the z dir from the point
        sigmaX - stddev of the gaussian function in the x dir
        sigmaY - stddev of the gaussian function in the y dir
        sigmaZ - stddev of the gaussian function in the z dir
        the gaussian weight coeff.
      • computeRatios

        private void computeRatios()
        Computes the image scaling ratios.
      • getNearestNeighborPos2D

        private float[] getNearestNeighborPos2D​(float x,
                                                float y)
        Translates a point from the result image to the source image.
        x - x coordinate of point to be translated
        y - y coordinate of point to be translated
        the translated point on the source image
      • getNearestNeighborPos3D

        private float[] getNearestNeighborPos3D​(float x,
                                                float y,
                                                float z)
        Translates a point from the result image to the source image.
        x - x coordinate of point to be translated
        y - y coordinate of point to be translated
        z - z coordinate of point to be translated
        the translated point on the source image
      • getTriLinearVal3D

        private float getTriLinearVal3D​(float x,
                                        float y,
                                        float z,
                                        int channelIndex,
                                        ModelSimpleImage src)
        Version of get that performs tri-linear interpoloation. Note: does NOT perform bounds checking.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        channelIndex - color channel
        src - image to get intensity value from
        the tri-linear interpolated value
      • getTriLinearVal3D

        private float getTriLinearVal3D​(float x,
                                        float y,
                                        float z,
                                        int t,
                                        int channelIndex,
                                        ModelSimpleImage src)
        Version of get that performs tri-linear interpoloation. Note: does NOT perform bounds checking.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        t - t coordinate
        channelIndex - color channel
        src - image to get intensity value from
        the tri-linear interpolated value
      • getValue2D

        private float getValue2D​(float x,
                                 float y,
                                 float z,
                                 int channelIndex,
                                 ModelSimpleImage src)
        Get the value of a 2D point.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate (0 if really 2D)
        channelIndex - color channel
        src - image to sample from
        the point's value
      • getValue3D

        private float getValue3D​(float x,
                                 float y,
                                 float z,
                                 int channelIndex,
                                 ModelSimpleImage src)
        Get the value of a 3D point.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        channelIndex - color channel
        src - image to sample from
        the point's value
      • getValue3D

        private float getValue3D​(float x,
                                 float y,
                                 float z,
                                 int t,
                                 int channelIndex,
                                 ModelSimpleImage src)
        Get the value of a 4D point.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        t - DOCUMENT ME!
        channelIndex - color channel
        src - image to sample from
        the point's value
      • subsample2D

        private ModelSimpleImage subsample2D​(int nImages)
        Subsample a 2D image.
        nImages - the number of 2D images to subsample (1 if really 2D)
        the subsampled image
      • subsample3D

        private ModelSimpleImage subsample3D()
        Perform the subsampling. Create a result image with the extents given into the constuctor. Then, for each point in the result image, find point which corresponds to it in the source image. Add up weighted intensities of the neighbors of this point in the source image and the intensity of the point itself. Store this value in the point of the result image. Once all points in the result image have been visted, return the result image.
        resampled image
      • subsample4D

        private ModelSimpleImage subsample4D()
        Perform the subsampling. Create a result image with the extents given into the constuctor. Then, for each point in the result image, find point which corresponds to it in the source image. Add up weighted intensities of the neighbors of this point in the source image and the intensity of the point itself. Store this value in the point of the result image. Once all points in the result image have been visted, return the result image. Does not subsample in fourth time dimension - 3.5D operation
        resampled image
      • transform25DVOI

        private void transform25DVOI​(ModelImage image,
                                     float[] imgBuffer,
                                     TransMatrix xfrm)
        Transforms and resamples a 2D or 25D VOI using nearest neighbor interpolation.
        1. Export VOIs as a mask image
        2. Transform mask
        3. Extract VOI contours from mask image and put in new image.
        image - Image where VOIs are stored
        imgBuffer - Image array
        xfrm - Transformation matrix to be applied
      • transform3DVOI

        private void transform3DVOI​(ModelImage image,
                                    float[] imgBuffer,
                                    TransMatrix xfrm)
        Transforms and resamples a 3D VOI using nearest neighbor interpolation.
        1. Export VOIs as a mask image
        2. Transform mask
        3. Extract VOI contours from mask image and put in new image.
        image - Image where VOIs are stored
        imgBuffer - Image array
        xfrm - Transformation matrix to be applied
      • makeImageName

        private static java.lang.String makeImageName​(java.lang.String image_name,
                                                      java.lang.String ext)
        Helper method for making the result image's name. Strips the current extension from the original name, adds the given extension, and returns the new name.
        image_name - the original image's name
        ext - Extension to add which gives information about what algorithm was performed on the image.
        The new image name.