Package gov.nih.mipav.view
The gov.nih.mipav.view package contains Objects which are displayed on the
screen. The screen elements include various user-interaction dialogs, frames
and the image elements themselves.
The derivations of each items are keyed as a part of the names themselves; for instance ViewJFrameImage is a class for images and extends ViewJFrameBase.
Interface Summary Interface Description Argument CommandLineParser A MIPAV command line parser reads the arguments provided to MIPAV at the command line.CoordinateChangeListener This interface identifies a class which wants to know about changes to the current coordinates of another frame (such as ViewJFrameTriImage).DialogDefaultsInterface Simple interface for loading and saving default settings for dialogs.FileSelector The FileSelector interface defines the interface for file selector which is used to select files.HistoLUTParent Common interface for swing containers which hold a HistoLUT component so that the image frames and thresholding text areas can be updated correctly.PaintGrowListener Interface to allow different types of ViewJComponents* to work with region grow dialogs.PreviewImageContainer Title: PreviewImageContainerProgressBarInterface Title: ProgressBarInterfaceProgressChangeListener Defines an object which listens for the ProgressChangeEvent.ViewImageUpdateInterface Interface to update display of an image.ViewOpenFrameInterface Simple interface to allow JDialogs to open up a new frame of the same type as was used to create the dialog This allows stand-alone plugins that extend ViewJFrameImage to instantiate a new frame of the same type.VOIHandlerInterface VOIHandlerInterface. -
Class Summary Class Description AlternatingTableCellRenderer Title: AlternatingTableCellRendererBarMeter BarMeter presents a vertical, block-style meter to present numerical information as a fraction of a number of divisions (eg, progress or resource consumption).BorderedButton This class was created for use in the JDialogMultiPaint class.CheckTreeManager ColorIcon This is an icon which is a block of color with bounds specified in the constructor.ColorWheel CustomUIBuilder CustomUIBuilder.UIParams Class that holds the parameters for creating/catching common buttons and menu itemsDICOMDisplayer This class is simply a table that goes in the query GUI and displays progress and error messages.FileSelectorImpl The implementation of the FileSelector interface for the local file system, for the remote file system you should have different implementation, basically this class is a wrapper of the JFileChooser.GetPath This is a static helper class for finding the path to a number of important files to the MIPAV application.ImageRegistryMonitor Tracks registered images, and notifies anybody who is interested in finding out about them.JFrameHistogram Lookup table interface for either grayscale or color (RGB) images.JPanelAnonymizeImage Custom panel for anonymizing DICOM images.JPanelAnonymizePrivateTags The panel class used in anonymize image/directory that displays the private tags in a tree format along with check boxes so that the organization between groups is apparent.JPanelAnonymizePublicTags The panel class used in anonymize image/directory that displays the public tags in a tree format along with check boxes so that the organization between groups is apparent.JPanelChecklist Creates a JPanel to hold a scrolling list of checkboxes.JPanelEdit An abstract class for editing a single, specfic value.JPanelEditAxisOrientation An EditPanel which allows the user to select among the Analyze possibilities for image orientation.JPanelEditBoolean An EditPanel which allows the user to select a boolean value ('true' or 'false').JPanelEditChar Very simple EditPanel which merely edit a letter at a time.JPanelEditDate panel contains 3 fields: 2 comboboxes (day, month), 1 text field (year), panel handles proper day/month and leap-year input.JPanelEditDefault Very simple EditPanel which merely contains some text.JPanelEditImageOrientation An EditPanel which allows the user to select among the Analyze possibilities for image orientation.JPanelEditModality An EditPanel which allows the user to select from a list of modalities (from FileInfoBase.modalityStr).JPanelEditOrientation An EditPanel which allows the user to select among the Analyze possibilities for image orientation.JPanelEditRace An EditPanel which allows the user to select from a list of races.JPanelEditSetOrParam Very simple EditPanel which merely contains some text.JPanelEditSex adds panel with combobox to change field containing the patient's sex.JPanelEditTime panel contains 4 fields: 3 comboboxes (hour, minute, second), 1 text field (decimal fraction of a second),JPanelEditValueType An EditPanel which allows the user to select from a list of parameter value types.JPanelFileSelection provides a nice plug-in swing panel to simplify the file-selection process.JPanelHistogram JPanelListController panel to hold and transfer items between two lists. extend to modify the application of the 'left', 'right', and 'delete' or 'up', 'down' and 'delete'.JPanelProgressBar Title: JPanelProgressBarJPanelStatisticsList Custom panel for placing statistics in a selectable checklist panel.JPanelTreeController panel to hold and transfer items between two trees. extend to modify the application of the 'left', 'right', and 'delete' or 'up', 'down' and 'delete'.JPanelVolumeOpacity Simple panel containing the volume renderer opacity controls.JScrollMenu JScrollPopupMenu JScrollPopupMenu.ScrollPopupMenuLayout JTreeDICOM LineMeter LineMeter is a history-graph panel which updates its display once a second, drawing a curve of the history of inputs to setAmplitude().LogStdStreams Title:MaximumLinesDocumentListener MIPAVTableCellRenderer Title: MIPAVTableCellRendererMipavUtil A collection of static methods and frequently used and useful constants are in this utility class.MipavUtil.ActionAdapter Static abstract class similar to mouseAdapter to allow the catching of actionevents from components without having to implement ActionListener.PatientSlice PatientSlice provides oriented or non-oriented interface to the ModelImage data for rendering, with LUT changes.Preferences This class reads the MIPAV preference file.Preferences.LogConfig ProgressChangeEvent ProgressChangeEvent is used to notify interested parties that progress state has changed in the event sourceRubberband An abstract base class for rubberbands.RubberbandEllipse A Rubberband that does ellipses.RubberbandLine A Rubberband that does lines.RubberbandLivewire A Livewire rubberband.RubberbandPolyline A Rubberband that does polylines and polygons.RubberbandProtractor A Rubberband that does protractors.RubberbandRectangle A Rubberband that does rectangles.RubberbandRectangleVOI A Rubberband that does rectangles.ScrollCorrector Corrects a strange behaviour with JScrollPane when lines are appended from another thread.ShortCutted DOCUMENT ME!ViewControlsImage This class builds the control panel used in ViewJFrameImage frames.ViewDICOMDoubleListPanel DOCUMENT ME!ViewDirectoryChooser THIS CLASS IS MOST LIKELY TO BE DESTROYED!!!!!!!!!!ViewFileChooserBase Encapsulates a JFileChooser with MIPAV related components.ViewFileChooserSubsample DOCUMENT ME!ViewFileTreeNode This class is used to represent a file system in a tree.ViewImageDirectory Tree of images beneath the given directory.ViewImageFileFilter A simple file filter to display only files with the appropriate extension in the file dialog.ViewJColorChooser This is a color chooser designed so that the preview panel is not shown.ViewJComponentAnimate DOCUMENT ME!ViewJComponentAnimateClip DOCUMENT ME!ViewJComponentBase Abstract class used for displaying images in the program MIPAV.ViewJComponentColocalizationEM DOCUMENT ME!ViewJComponentColocalizationRegression DOCUMENT ME!ViewJComponentDTIImage ViewJComponent DTI ImageViewJComponentEditImage Basic displayable image object in MIPAV.ViewJComponentFunct This is a custom made Swing component.ViewJComponentGraph This is a custom made Swing component.ViewJComponentGraphAxes ViewJComponentHistoLUT This class extends the ViewJComponentHLUTBase class and used to coordinate how a histogram and LUT for an image are to be displayed to the screen.ViewJComponentHistoRGB This class extends the ViewJComponentHLUTBase class and used to coordinate how a histogram and LUT for an image are to be displayed to the screen.ViewJComponentHLUTBase Abstract class used for generating custom components, especially within images.ViewJComponentLUT Component LUT - the vertical or horizontal bar that gives a visual representation of the lookup table.ViewJComponentLUTTable Component LUT - the vertical or horizontal bar that gives a visual representation of the lookup table.ViewJComponentPedsAtlasIconImage ViewJComponentPreviewImage Preview image displayed when the user clicks on an image file in the directory tree.ViewJComponentRegistration DOCUMENT ME!ViewJComponentSingleRegistration Extended version of ViewJComponentEditImage, used ONLY within the ViewJFrameRegistrationTool This class is tailored to support Reference and Adjusted markers for use with Least Squares and Thin Plate Splines registration operations.ViewJComponentTriImage One of the component images that make up the triplanar view (AXIAL, SAGITTAL, and CORONAL views).ViewJFilterAnimate DOCUMENT ME!ViewJFrameAnimate This class produces a frame surrounding an image whose slices are animated.ViewJFrameAnimateClip This class produces a frame surrounding an image whose slices are animated.ViewJFrameBase This is an abstract class used to display images in a 2D planar format.ViewJFrameColocalizationEM This class produces a frame surrounding a 2D histogram with ellipses surrounding the most prominent clusters.ViewJFrameColocalizationRegression This class produces a frame surrounding a 2D histogram with a orthogonal least squares regression line and a threshold point that slides along the line.ViewJFrameCreatePaint Frame that allows the creation of custom paint brushes.ViewJFrameDICOMParser DICOM parser - shows pertinent DICOM tags, allows user to sort on specific values in the tags and open the proper images.ViewJFrameDICOMQuery GUI for DICOM Query and retreival from DICOM compliant servers.ViewJFrameFastMarching2 DOCUMENT ME!ViewJFrameFastMarching3 DOCUMENT ME!ViewJFrameGraph This is a frame which holds a graph in one panel and a set of user buttons in the other.ViewJFrameHistoLUT Deprecated. ViewJFrameHistoRGB Deprecated. ViewJFrameImage Makes a frame and put a single image component into it.ViewJFrameLightBox This class builds a "light box" view of a 3D or 4D dataset.ViewJFrameMemory Contains a seperatly running thread which checks the currently used and available memory.ViewJFrameMessage This class produces a message frame where user data, logging and debug information can be displayed.ViewJFrameMessage.ScrollTextArea DOCUMENT ME!ViewJFrameMessageGraph This class produces a message frame where user data and program can be displayed.ViewJFrameMultimodalitySingleViewer ViewJFrameMultimodalityViewer ViewJFramePaintVasculature Generates a MIP image from a 3D volume.ViewJFrameRegisteredImages Contains a seperatly running thread which checks the list of registered images.ViewJFrameRegistration ViewJFrameRegistration is called in ViewJFrameImage.ViewJFrameRegistrationTool ViewJFrameRegistrationTool is called in ViewJFrameImage.ViewJFrameTriImage This program works with 3D and 4D images.ViewJPanelHistoLUT Panel containing the histogram component (the graph) and the lut component (the gradient vertical bar).ViewJPanelLUT Deprecated. ViewJPopupPlugin Pop-up menu for uninstalling a plugin.ViewJPopupPt DOCUMENT ME!ViewJPopupVOI DOCUMENT ME!ViewJProgressBar Progress bar used everywhere for displaying to the user how long the current process is going to take.ViewJProgressBarMulti Extension of ViewJProgressBar, ViewJProgressBarMulti is used to keep track of multiple algorithms or threads at a single time.ViewJSlider This class extends Java's JSlider to give basic solutions to common slider needs in image processing tasks.ViewMenuBar Build the menus for an image loaded into MIPAV.ViewMenuBuilder This class provides a number of helper methods for building and manipulating menus.ViewOpenFileUI Opens an image file by calling FileIO.readImage and puts it into an image frame.ViewOpenImageSequence The purpose of this class is to present the user with a window enabling him/her to open a sequence of TIFF files based on timepoint-channel-slice ordering.ViewOpenPaintUI ViewOpenVOIUI User interface to open a VOI.ViewSelectableDoubleListPanel DOCUMENT ME!ViewSplashScreen Shows the MIPAV splash screen until the user clicks the image or a few seconds (4 currently).ViewTableModel This is a simple class that creates a DefaultTableModel with uneditable cells.ViewToolBarBuilder Builds the GUI toolbars for the user interface.ViewUserInterface This class is the _glue_ keeps a record of the present structure of the application.ViewVOIVector A simple class that extends Vector mostly to clean-up syntax access to VOI info. in ViewComponentEditImage((VOI)(VOIs.elementAt(i))).isActive()
would be a good example can be re-written as as:VOIs.VOIAt(i).isActive()
VOIContourNode This class is used to represent a contour node in a tree.VOIFrameNode This class is used to represent a frame, such as a slice number.VOIGroupNode This class is used to represent a VOI in a tree.VOIGroupTree wrapper class for JTree.VOIOrientationNode This class is used to represent the orientation of a set of VOI curves.VolumePositionFrame VolumePositionFrame, used by the ViewJFrameTriImage class to display the volume position data.WindowLevel The WindowLevel class provides mouse-driven window-level controls for the ModelLUT or ModelRGB lookup tables. -
Enum Summary Enum Description Argument.InstanceArgument Argument.StaticArgument GetPath.Purpose Preferences.ComplexDisplay Defines options for displaying pixel values of complex images.Preferences.DefaultDisplay Defines options for defining color and brightness display based on pixel values.Preferences.InterpolateDisplay Defines options for interpolating displayed image slices.Preferences.LogLevel Preferences.OperatingSystem Defines operating system on which MIPAV is running.Preferences.SystemArchitecture Defines system architecture on which MIPAV is running.ViewJFrameGraph.FitMode ViewJSlider.SliderType