Class ViewJFrameImage

    • Field Detail

      • serialVersionUID

        private static final long serialVersionUID
        Use serialVersionUID for interoperability.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • xScreen

        protected static final int xScreen
        Width of the display screen.
      • yScreen

        protected static final int yScreen
        Height of the display screen.
      • componentImage

        protected ViewJComponentEditImage componentImage
        Object where DICOM image, ... is converted and displayed as a Java image
      • controls

        protected ViewControlsImage controls
        Reference to the toolbars located in the controls object.
      • heightResFactor

        protected float heightResFactor
        Storage for correction parameters where datasets have non isotropic values.
      • imageBufferA

        protected float[] imageBufferA
        Buffer used to store image intensities the presently viewed slice of image A.
      • imageBufferB

        protected float[] imageBufferB
        Buffer used to store image intensities the presently viewed slice of image B.
      • infoDialogA

        protected JDialogImageInfo infoDialogA
        reference to the JDialogImageInfo for updating slice/resolutions.
      • logMagDisplay

        protected boolean logMagDisplay
        Flag indicating whether or not that the image should be displayed in Log scale. Used primarily for displaying the FFT of an image.
      • menuBar

        protected javax.swing.JMenuBar menuBar
        Reference to the frame's menu bar.
      • menuBarMaker

        protected ViewMenuBar menuBarMaker
        Constructs the image menu bar.
      • menuBuilder

        protected ViewMenuBuilder menuBuilder
        This object contains a number of useful functions for building a menu and querying the state of menu items.
      • nImage

        protected int nImage
        Number of slices in a 3D dataset.
      • nTImage

        protected int nTImage
        Number of time sequences in a 4D dataset.
      • pixBuffer

        protected int[] pixBuffer
        Integer buffer (4 bytes that stores the concatenated Alpha (1 byte), Red (1 byte), Green ( 1 byte ), Blue (1 byte ) data. The ARGB values are generated by using the imageA intensities as a index into a LUT.
      • pixBufferB

        protected int[] pixBufferB
        Integer buffer (4 bytes that stores the concatenated Alpha (1 byte), Red (1 byte), Green ( 1 byte ), Blue (1 byte ) data. The ARGB values are generated by using the imageB intensities as a index into a LUT.
      • resols

        protected float[] resols
        Storage of the image voxel resolutions. One resolution value per dimension.
      • scrollPane

        protected javax.swing.JScrollPane scrollPane
        The scrollPane where the image is displayed.
      • units

        protected int[] units
        Storage of the resolution units of measure. For example, mm, cm, inches ...
      • widthResFactor

        protected float widthResFactor
        Storage for correction parameters where datasets have non isotropic values.
      • windowLevel

        protected JDialogWinLevel[] windowLevel
        Reference to the two window and level dialogs where [0] is for imageA, [1] for imageB.
      • zoom

        protected float zoom
        Defaults magnification of image to 1.
      • colorChooser

        private ViewJColorChooser colorChooser
        Reference to the color chooser.
      • doOrigins

        private final boolean doOrigins
        When loading an image into B slot, should origins and orients be matched?
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • gridOptions

        private JDialogGridOptions gridOptions
        Only want one gridoptions dialog per jframeimage.
      • isShiftDown

        private boolean isShiftDown
        boolean indicating if shift button is down.
      • paintBrushLocked

        private boolean paintBrushLocked
        used in conjuction with the above variable, stating that the paint brush has been changed but will change back to previous.
      • quickPaintBrushIndex

        private int quickPaintBrushIndex
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • zoomDialog

        private JDialogZoom zoomDialog
        Reference to the magnification tool.
      • multipaintDialog

        protected JDialogMultiPaint multipaintDialog
        reference to the JDialogMultiPaint for shortcuts
      • VOIGroup

        protected javax.swing.ButtonGroup VOIGroup
      • voiMenu

        protected javax.swing.JMenu voiMenu
    • Constructor Detail

      • ViewJFrameImage

        public ViewJFrameImage​(ModelImage _imageA)
        Makes a frame and puts an image into it. Image will be centered on screen.
        _imageA - ModelImage - first image to display
      • ViewJFrameImage

        public ViewJFrameImage​(ModelImage _imageA,
                               ModelLUT LUTa)
        Makes a frame and puts an image into it. Image will be centered on screen.
        _imageA - ModelImage - first image to display
        LUTa - LUT of the imageA (if null grayscale LUT is constructed)
      • ViewJFrameImage

        public ViewJFrameImage​(ModelImage _imageA,
                               ModelLUT LUTa,
                               java.awt.Dimension loc)
        Makes a frame and puts an image component into it.
        _imageA - First image to display
        LUTa - LUT of the imageA (if null grayscale LUT is constructed)
        loc - location where image should be initially placed
      • ViewJFrameImage

        public ViewJFrameImage​(ModelImage _imageA,
                               ModelImage _imageB)
        Makes a frame and puts an image component into it, does not display the frame through ViewJFrameImage's init() method.
        _imageA - First image to display
        _imageB - Second image to display
      • ViewJFrameImage

        public ViewJFrameImage​(ModelImage _imageA,
                               ModelLUT LUTa,
                               java.awt.Dimension loc,
                               boolean logMagDisplay)
        Makes a frame and puts an image component into it.
        _imageA - First image to display
        LUTa - LUT of the imageA (if null grayscale LUT is constructed)
        loc - location where image should be initially placed
        logMagDisplay - Display log magnitude of image
      • ViewJFrameImage

        public ViewJFrameImage​(ModelSimpleImage simpleImage,
                               java.lang.String name)
        Constructs a ModelSimpleImage VJF
        simpleImage -
        name -
    • Method Detail

      • about

        public void about()
        Makes an aboutDialog box and displays information of the image plane presently being displayed.
      • actionPerformed

        public void actionPerformed​(java.awt.event.ActionEvent event)
        calls various methods depending on the action.
        Specified by:
        actionPerformed in interface java.awt.event.ActionListener
        Specified by:
        actionPerformed in class ViewJFrameBase
        event - event that triggered function
      • close

        public void close()
        Closes window and disposes of frame and component.
        close in class ViewJFrameBase
      • close

        public void close​(boolean closeAll)
        Closes window and disposes of frame and component.
        close in class ViewJFrameBase
      • removeComponentListener

        public void removeComponentListener()
      • removeMouseMotionListener

        public void removeMouseMotionListener()
      • removeWindowListener

        public void removeWindowListener()
      • removeMouseListener

        public void removeMouseListener()
      • removeKeyListener

        public void removeKeyListener()
      • collapseAlltoSinglePaint

        public void collapseAlltoSinglePaint​(boolean showProgressBar)
        This method is provided for the user to convert a masked area back to a painted area. It only affects those areas that were masked with the intensity value that is currently active.
        showProgressBar - DOCUMENT ME!
      • componentResized

        public void componentResized​(java.awt.event.ComponentEvent event)
        Resizes frame and all components.
        Specified by:
        componentResized in interface java.awt.event.ComponentListener
        componentResized in class ViewJFrameBase
        event - event that triggered function
      • decSlice

        public void decSlice()
        Decreases the slice to be displayed by one and updates title frame.
      • decSliceEyeTracker

        public void decSliceEyeTracker()
      • doLinkedScrolling

        public void doLinkedScrolling​(int offset)
      • enableImageB

        public void enableImageB​(boolean enable)
        Quick and simple way for ViewJFrameBase to tell the ViewJFrameImage it created to set the menu (right now only for 2Dimensional) for image B.
        enable - whether to enable the imageB related menu items
      • changeMenuEnables

        public void changeMenuEnables()
        Routine to enable some menu items and disable othter menu items when the dimensionality or type of the image is changed.
      • finalize

        public void finalize()
                      throws java.lang.Throwable
        Cleans memory.
        finalize in class ViewJFrameBase
        java.lang.Throwable - the Exception raised by this method
      • getAlphaBlend

        public float getAlphaBlend()
        Returns the alphaBlend value for blending between imageA and imageB.
        getAlphaBlend in class ViewJFrameBase
        the alphaBlend value for blending between imageA and imageB
      • getComponentImage

        public ViewJComponentEditImage getComponentImage()
        Returns the reference to the component image.
        component image
      • getControls

        public ViewControlsImage getControls()
        Get control widgets (toolbars, sliders) for the image frame.
        Specified by:
        getControls in class ViewJFrameBase
        the controls for this image frame
      • getFrameHeight

        public int getFrameHeight()
        Return the height that the frame should have.
        the frame's height
      • getFrameSize

        public java.awt.Dimension getFrameSize()
        Return the preferred size for the frame.
        the size the frame should be
      • getFrameSize

        public java.awt.Dimension getFrameSize​(java.awt.Dimension size)
        Return the preferred size for the frame.
        size - if non-null, its dimensions are changed to the size the frame should be
        the size the frame should be
      • getFrameWidth

        public int getFrameWidth()
        Return the width that the frame should have.
        the frame's width
      • getViewMenuBar

        public ViewMenuBar getViewMenuBar()
      • getJMenuBar

        public javax.swing.JMenuBar getJMenuBar()
        getJMenuBar in class javax.swing.JFrame
      • getRegisteredFramedImages

        public java.util.Vector<ModelImage> getRegisteredFramedImages​(ModelImage activeImage)
        Returns the Vector of Registered Framed Images that are of the same number of dimensions as the active image and same extents for dimesions 3, 4, and 5.
      • getRegisteredFramedImages4D3D

        public java.util.Vector<ModelImage> getRegisteredFramedImages4D3D​(ModelImage activeImage)
        If active image is 4D, this returns all 3d images that have same x,y,and z dimensionality as the 4d image
      • getRegisteredFramedImagesSize

        public int getRegisteredFramedImagesSize()
        Returns the size of the RegisteredFramedImages Vector.
        size of the Vector
      • getRGBTA

        public ModelRGB getRGBTA()
        Gets the RGB LUT table for ARGB image A.
        getRGBTA in class ViewJFrameBase
        RGBT the new RGB LUT to be applied to the image
      • getRGBTB

        public ModelRGB getRGBTB()
        Gets the RGB LUT table for ARGB image B.
        getRGBTB in class ViewJFrameBase
        RGBT the new RGB LUT to be applied to the image
      • getScrollPane

        public javax.swing.JScrollPane getScrollPane()
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • getScrollPaneSize

        public java.awt.Dimension getScrollPaneSize​(java.awt.Dimension size)
        Return the preferred size for the component image scroll pane.
        size - if non-null, its dimensions are changed to the size the scroll pane should be
        the size the scroll pane should be
      • getViewableSlice

        public int getViewableSlice()
        Get the top-most slice.
        returns the slice which is currently displayed
      • getViewableTimeSlice

        public int getViewableTimeSlice()
        Gets the current Time slice which is being viewed.
        int the current time slice
      • handleMaskToPaint

        public boolean handleMaskToPaint​(boolean showProgressBar)
        This method is provided for the user to convert a masked area back to a painted area. It only affects those areas that were masked with the intensity value that is currently active.
        showProgressBar - DOCUMENT ME!
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • incSlice

        public void incSlice()
        Increases the slice to be displayed by one and updates title frame.
      • incSliceEyeTracker

        public void incSliceEyeTracker()
      • initExtentsVariables

        public void initExtentsVariables​(ModelImage img)
        Initializes the variables based on the image extents. (i.e. number of slices, number of time slices, the initial z-slice, etc.
        img - the image to set the extent variables for
      • keyPressed

        public void keyPressed​(java.awt.event.KeyEvent e)
        ********************************************************************* **************************** Key Events *** **************************.*********************************************************************
        Specified by:
        keyPressed in interface java.awt.event.KeyListener
        e - DOCUMENT ME!
      • keyReleased

        public void keyReleased​(java.awt.event.KeyEvent e)
        DOCUMENT ME!
        Specified by:
        keyReleased in interface java.awt.event.KeyListener
        e - DOCUMENT ME!
      • keyTyped

        public void keyTyped​(java.awt.event.KeyEvent e)
        DOCUMENT ME!
        Specified by:
        keyTyped in interface java.awt.event.KeyListener
        e - DOCUMENT ME!
      • mouseClicked

        public void mouseClicked​(java.awt.event.MouseEvent event)
        DOCUMENT ME!
        Specified by:
        mouseClicked in interface java.awt.event.MouseListener
        event - DOCUMENT ME!
      • mouseDragged

        public void mouseDragged​(java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
        DOCUMENT ME!
        Specified by:
        mouseDragged in interface java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener
        e - DOCUMENT ME!
      • mouseEntered

        public void mouseEntered​(java.awt.event.MouseEvent event)
        DOCUMENT ME!
        Specified by:
        mouseEntered in interface java.awt.event.MouseListener
        event - DOCUMENT ME!
      • mouseExited

        public void mouseExited​(java.awt.event.MouseEvent event)
        DOCUMENT ME!
        Specified by:
        mouseExited in interface java.awt.event.MouseListener
        event - DOCUMENT ME!
      • mouseMoved

        public void mouseMoved​(java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
        DOCUMENT ME!
        Specified by:
        mouseMoved in interface java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener
        e - DOCUMENT ME!
      • mousePressed

        public void mousePressed​(java.awt.event.MouseEvent event)
        DOCUMENT ME!
        Specified by:
        mousePressed in interface java.awt.event.MouseListener
        event - DOCUMENT ME!
      • mouseReleased

        public void mouseReleased​(java.awt.event.MouseEvent event)
        DOCUMENT ME!
        Specified by:
        mouseReleased in interface java.awt.event.MouseListener
        event - DOCUMENT ME!
      • printImage

        public void printImage()
        Method to send an image to the printer.
      • removeControls

        public void removeControls()
        Removes the menu and controls of the main frame so that a new frame can load the main frame with the proper controls. Since the controls point to this particular image, when we remove the controls, turn off the highlight box.
        Specified by:
        removeControls in class ViewJFrameBase
        See Also:
        ViewJComponentEditImage.useHighlight(boolean), Component.repaint()
      • saveImageInfo

        public void saveImageInfo()
        Saves the image info; need to do before saving image.
      • setActiveImage

        public void setActiveImage​(int active)
        Sets the active image for drawing VOIs. VOIs are only drawn in the active image. In addition, algorithms are executed on the active window.
        Specified by:
        setActiveImage in interface VOIManagerInterfaceListener
        Specified by:
        setActiveImage in class ViewJFrameBase
        active - IMAGE_A or IMAGE_B
      • setAlphaBlend

        public void setAlphaBlend​(int value)
        Sets the alpha blending of parameter for two image displaying.
        Specified by:
        setAlphaBlend in class ViewJFrameBase
        value - amount [0,100] that is the percentage of Image A to be displayed
      • setAndLoad

        public boolean setAndLoad​(ModelImage image2load)
        DOCUMENT ME!
        image2load - DOCUMENT ME!
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • setAndLoad

        public boolean setAndLoad​(ModelImage image2load,
                                  boolean doOrigins,
                                  boolean doOrients,
                                  double defaultValue,
                                  double defaultRed,
                                  double defaultGreen,
                                  double defaultBlue)
        DOCUMENT ME!
        image2load - DOCUMENT ME!
        doOrigins - DOCUMENT ME!
        doOrients - DOCUMENT ME!
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • setControls

        public void setControls()
        Sets the menu and controls (i.e. toolbars) of the main frame! This puts the menus and controls needed to controls the operations of this frame. Different image frames have different menu and controls. Notify this componentImage that it needs to display highlight box, notifying user that this componentImage is the image being controlled
        Specified by:
        setControls in class ViewJFrameBase
        See Also:
        ViewJComponentEditImage.useHighlight(boolean), Component.repaint()
      • setEnabled

        public void setEnabled​(boolean flag)
        Controls whether or not the images/VOIs of the frame can be modified.
        Specified by:
        setEnabled in class ViewJFrameBase
        flag - if true the image/VOIs can be modified; if false image/VOIs can NOT be modified
      • setImageB

        public void setImageB​(ModelImage _imageB)
        Sets the reference to imageB.
        Specified by:
        setImageB in class ViewJFrameBase
        _imageB - image to set the frame to
      • setLUTa

        public void setLUTa​(ModelLUT LUT)
        Sets the LUT for image A.
        setLUTa in class ViewJFrameBase
        LUT - the LUT
      • setLUTb

        public void setLUTb​(ModelLUT LUT)
        Sets the LUT for image B.
        setLUTb in class ViewJFrameBase
        LUT - the LUT
      • setOutputWindowBox

        public void setOutputWindowBox​(boolean isShown)
        Updates the checkbox to show whether or not the output window is currently displayed.
        isShown - boolean is the output window shown
      • setPaintBitmapSwitch

        public void setPaintBitmapSwitch​(boolean paintBitmapSwitch)
        When switching the active image, copy the paintBitmap of the previous active image into the paintBitmap of the new active image.
        Specified by:
        setPaintBitmapSwitch in class ViewJFrameBase
        paintBitmapSwitch - if true do not getMask on a setActiveImage command
      • setRGBTA

        public void setRGBTA​(ModelRGB RGBT)
        Sets the RGB LUT table for ARGB image A.
        Specified by:
        setRGBTA in class ViewJFrameBase
        RGBT - the new RGB LUT to be applied to the image
      • setRGBTB

        public void setRGBTB​(ModelRGB RGBT)
        Sets the RGB LUT table for ARGB image B.
        Specified by:
        setRGBTB in class ViewJFrameBase
        RGBT - the new RGB LUT to be applied to the image
      • setShiftDown

        public void setShiftDown​(boolean isShiftDown)
        DOCUMENT ME.*
        isShiftDown - DOCUMENT ME!
      • setSlice

        public void setSlice​(int slice)
        Sets the slice to be displayed and updates title frame.
        Specified by:
        setSlice in interface ViewImageUpdateInterface
        slice - indicates image slice to be displayed
      • setSlice

        public void setSlice​(int slice,
                             boolean updateLinkedImages)
        DOCUMENT ME!
        slice - DOCUMENT ME!
        updateLinkedImages - DOCUMENT ME!
      • setTimeSlice

        public void setTimeSlice​(int slice)
        Sets the slice to be displayed and updates title frame.
        Specified by:
        setTimeSlice in interface ViewImageUpdateInterface
        slice - indicates image time-slice (4th dimension) to be displayed
      • setTimeSlice

        public void setTimeSlice​(int slice,
                                 boolean checkScroll)
        Sets the slice to be displayed and updates title frame.
        slice - indicates image time-slice (4th dimension) to be displayed
        whether - linked images should change their linked image sets
      • setTitle

        public void setTitle()
        Sets the title of the frame with the image name and the slice location.
        Specified by:
        setTitle in class ViewJFrameBase
      • setZoomB

        public boolean setZoomB()
        Sets the magnification of Image B. Allocates the image buffers so that it can be displayed properly.
        true if setting the zoom on imageB was successful
      • setZoomDialogNull

        public void setZoomDialogNull()
        Sets the magnification dialog to null.
      • showEditImageInfo

        public void showEditImageInfo()
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • stateChanged

        public void stateChanged​(javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent event)
        DOCUMENT ME!
        Specified by:
        stateChanged in interface javax.swing.event.ChangeListener
        stateChanged in class ViewJFrameBase
        event - DOCUMENT ME!
      • triPlanarClosing

        public void triPlanarClosing()
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • updateFrame

        public void updateFrame​(float sX,
                                float sY)
        Updates the this frame's size the components sizes. If the magnified image fits into the frame that will fit into the screen then frame and image are sized appropriately. If the frame, to fit the image, exceeds the screen size the frame remains the same size and the image magnified and placed in the scroll pane.
        sX - zoom in the x dimension
        sY - zoom in the y dimension
      • updateFrame

        public void updateFrame​(float sX,
                                float sY,
                                int x,
                                int y)
        public void updateFrame(float xZoom, float yZoom, int x, int y) This method is called when the user is zooming in or out.
        sX - float zoom in the x dimension
        sY - float zoom in the y dimension
        x - int X-pixel the user wants to zoom around
        y - int Y-pixel the user wants to zoom around
      • updateImageExtents

        public boolean updateImageExtents()
        This methods calls the componentImage's REPAINT method to redraw the screen. The extents on this image have changed, so the extents need to be read in again and menus, panes and slide bars adjusted accordingly.
        Specified by:
        updateImageExtents in interface ViewImageUpdateInterface
        Specified by:
        updateImageExtents in class ViewJFrameBase
        whether the image extents update was successful
        See Also:
      • updateImages

        public boolean updateImages()
        This methods calls the componentImage's update method to redraw the screen - fastest of the three update methods.
        Specified by:
        updateImages in interface ViewImageUpdateInterface
        boolean confirming successful update
      • updateImages

        public boolean updateImages​(boolean forceShow)
        This methods calls the componentImage's update method to redraw the screen. Without LUT changes.
        Specified by:
        updateImages in interface ViewImageUpdateInterface
        forceShow - forces show to re import image and calc. java image
        boolean confirming successful update
      • updateImages

        public boolean updateImages​(boolean forceShow,
                                    int interpMode)
        This methods calls the componentImage's update method to redraw the screen. Without LUT changes.
        forceShow - forces show to re import image and calc. java image
        interpMode -
        boolean confirming successful update
      • updateImages

        public boolean updateImages​(ModelLUT LUTa,
                                    ModelLUT LUTb,
                                    boolean forceShow,
                                    int interpMode)
        This methods calls the componentImage's update method to redraw the screen.
        Specified by:
        updateImages in interface ViewImageUpdateInterface
        LUTa - LUT used to update imageA
        LUTb - LUT used to update imageB
        forceShow - forces show to re import image and calc. java image
        interpMode - image interpolation method (Nearest or Smooth)
        boolean confirming successful update
      • updateMenubar

        public void updateMenubar()
        This method updates the menubar; ie: after an image has been opened.
      • updateWinLevel

        public void updateWinLevel​(int min,
                                   int max)
        Update the window level sliders from the CT preset dialog.
        min - min value.
        max - max value.
      • windowClosing

        public void windowClosing​(java.awt.event.WindowEvent event)
        Closes window and disposes of frame and component.
        Specified by:
        windowClosing in interface java.awt.event.WindowListener
        windowClosing in class ViewJFrameBase
        event - Event that triggered function
      • createBuffers

        protected int[] createBuffers()
                               throws java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
        Create the buffers for imageA and imageB.
        the extents of the buffers
        java.lang.OutOfMemoryError - if enough memory cannot be allocated for this method
      • getActiveImageInfoDialog

        protected JDialogImageInfo getActiveImageInfoDialog()
        Returns a reference to the image info dialog for the active image. Image A and image B have references to their individual dialogs.
        a reference to the image info dialog for the active image
      • getImageInfoDialogB

        protected JDialogImageInfo getImageInfoDialogB()
        Returns the image info dialog for image B.
        the image info dialog for image B
      • getScrollPaneHeight

        protected int getScrollPaneHeight()
        Get the height of the scroll pane holding the component image.
        the height of the component image scroll pane
      • getScrollPaneSize

        protected java.awt.Dimension getScrollPaneSize()
        Get the size of the scroll pane holding the component image.
        the size of the component image scroll pane
      • getScrollPaneWidth

        protected int getScrollPaneWidth()
        Get the width of the scroll pane holding the component image.
        the width of the component image scroll pane
      • initLUT

        protected void initLUT()
                        throws java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
        Creates and initializes the LUT for the first image (imageA) if it hasn't been already.
        java.lang.OutOfMemoryError - if enough memory cannot be allocated for this method
      • initResolutions

        public void initResolutions()
        Initializes the resolutions and units from the image.
      • initZoom

        public void initZoom()
        Initializes the zoom variables for the first image (imageA).
      • makeTitle

        protected java.lang.String makeTitle()
        Constructs the title of the frame with the image name and the slice location.
        the image frame title
      • testParameter

        protected boolean testParameter​(java.lang.String str,
                                        double minValue,
                                        double maxValue)
        Tests that the entered parameter is in range.
        str - the value entered by the user
        minValue - the minimum value this variable may be set to
        maxValue - the maximum value this variable may be set to
        boolean result of test
      • updateHistoLUTFrame

        protected void updateHistoLUTFrame​(int imageAorB)
        Displays histoLUT frame for a gray scale image.
        imageAorB - whether to show the IMAGE_A, IMAGE_B or IMAGE_A_B lut frame
      • updateHistoLUTFrame

        protected void updateHistoLUTFrame​(int imageAorB,
                                           ViewJComponentEditImage compImg)
        Displays histoLUT frame for a gray scale image.
        imageAorB - whether to show the IMAGE_A, IMAGE_B or IMAGE_A_B lut frame
        compImg - the component image with the image histogram frames to update
      • updateHistoRGBFrame

        protected void updateHistoRGBFrame​(int imageAorB)
        Displays histoRGB frame for an RGB image.
        imageAorB - indicates whether to show IMAGE_A, IMAGE_B or IMAGE_A_B (both).
      • updateHistoRGBFrame

        protected void updateHistoRGBFrame​(int imageAorB,
                                           ViewJComponentEditImage compImg)
        Displays histoRGB frame for an RGB image.
        imageAorB - indicates whether to show IMAGE_A, IMAGE_B or IMAGE_A_B (both).
        compImg - the component image with the image histogram frames to update
      • adjustScrollbars

        private void adjustScrollbars​(int x,
                                      int y)
        DOCUMENT ME!
        x - int
        y - int
      • computeIdealWindowSize

        protected void computeIdealWindowSize()
        private void computeIdealWindowSize() This method will enlarge or shrink the window size in response to the componentImage being zoomed. It will only resize the window to IMAGE_SCREEN_RATIO of the screen size, in this case 3/5. If the image is zoomed past that size, scrollbars are added. If the user has dragged the window to a size larger than 3/5 of screen size, I assume he wants it that way and the window will not be resized in that case upon zoom-in.
      • init

        private void init​(ModelLUT LUTa,
                          java.awt.Dimension loc,
                          boolean logMagDisplay)
                   throws java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
        Initializes the frame and variables.
        LUTa - LUT of the imageA (if null grayscale LUT is constructed)
        loc - location where image should be initially placed
        logMagDisplay - a boolean indicating if the log magnitude of image should be displayed.
        java.lang.OutOfMemoryError - if enough memory cannot be allocated for the GUI
      • initComponentImage

        protected void initComponentImage​(int[] extents)
                                   throws java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
        Creates and initializes the component image for the given image.
        extents - the image dimensionality.
        java.lang.OutOfMemoryError - if enough memory cannot be allocated for this method
      • isMultipleImages

        private boolean isMultipleImages()
        Helper method to establish if there are other images so that a dialog can be created. Used by registration methods, load frame, etc.
        true if there are images to operate on.
      • isMultipleSameSizeImages

        private boolean isMultipleSameSizeImages​(boolean isForCalculator)
        Helper method to establish if there are images of the same dimensionality so that a dialog can be created. Used by image calculator, concat, etc.
        isForCalculator - whether this call is being done before using the image calculator
        true if there are images to operate on.
      • propagatePaintToAllSlices

        private void propagatePaintToAllSlices()
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • propagatePaintToNextSlice

        private void propagatePaintToNextSlice()
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • propagatePaintToPreviousSlice

        private void propagatePaintToPreviousSlice()
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • checkForActiveVOIs

        private boolean checkForActiveVOIs()
      • convertVOITBI

        private void convertVOITBI()
      • surfaceReconstructionTBI

        private void surfaceReconstructionTBI()
      • saveMergedVOIs

        private void saveMergedVOIs()
        This method merges the 3 axial, sagittal, coronal VOIs and save them into one cloudy points file. This function is used by the prostate surface reconstruction analysis.
      • reconstructSurfaceFromVOIs

        private void reconstructSurfaceFromVOIs()
        Reconstruct the prostate surface from the coarse VOIs cloudy points.
      • saveProstateFeatures

        private void saveProstateFeatures()
      • saveProstateFeatures2D

        private void saveProstateFeatures2D()
      • saveProstateBoundaryFeature

        private void saveProstateBoundaryFeature()
      • testProstateFeatures2D

        private void testProstateFeatures2D()
      • testProstateFeatures

        public void testProstateFeatures()
      • testProstateFeaturesClassification

        private void testProstateFeaturesClassification()
      • testProstateFeaturesTrain

        private void testProstateFeaturesTrain()
      • testProstateBoundaryFeatureTrain

        private void testProstateBoundaryFeatureTrain()
      • generateAtlasImage

        private void generateAtlasImage()
        Read the 3D atlas images directory, convert each 3D image to 2D slices based atlas. And save the final 2D slice and corresponding VOIs to specified atlas directory.
      • generateEndingSlices

        private void generateEndingSlices()
      • aamGroups

        private void aamGroups()
      • aamGroupRename

        private void aamGroupRename()
      • aamClassification

        private void aamClassification()
      • deepCNNTrain

        private void deepCNNTrain()
      • deepCNNTest

        private void deepCNNTest()
      • deepCNNConvert

        private void deepCNNConvert()
      • deepKneesAtlas

        private void deepKneesAtlas()
      • deepKneesMap

        private void deepKneesMap()
      • deepCNNMap

        private void deepCNNMap()
      • hedCNNMap

        private void hedCNNMap()
      • aamMLClassification

        private void aamMLClassification()
      • extractCEFeature

        private void extractCEFeature()
      • loadProstateMask

        private void loadProstateMask()
      • prostateSemiAutoBSplineFuzzyC

        private void prostateSemiAutoBSplineFuzzyC()
      • prostateSemiAutoBSpline

        private void prostateSemiAutoBSpline()
      • initVOI

        protected void initVOI()
        Initialize the 3D VOI interface.
      • getFrameLandMarkPoints

        public int[] getFrameLandMarkPoints()
        Get the frame four corner landmark points.
        landmark points result[0] = startX; result[1] = startY; result[2] = endX; result[3] = endY;