Class ViewJComponentTriImage

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    PaintGrowListener, ScreenCoordinateListener, java.awt.event.KeyListener, java.awt.event.MouseListener, java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener, java.awt.event.MouseWheelListener, java.awt.image.ImageObserver, java.awt.MenuContainer,, java.util.EventListener

    public class ViewJComponentTriImage
    extends ViewJComponentEditImage
    implements java.awt.event.MouseWheelListener, java.awt.event.KeyListener, ScreenCoordinateListener
    One of the component images that make up the triplanar view (AXIAL, SAGITTAL, and CORONAL views).

    The protractor does not show up in ViewJComponentEditImage because it is not registered. If newVOI is hit, then the VOI must be registered for the points to show up in EditImage.

    For the ViewJFrameTriImage addPoint command, that the ViewJComponentEditImage mode is set to DEFAULT while the ViewJComponentTriImage mode is set to POINT_VOI. For the Protractor command, the ViewJComponentTriImage mode is set to PROTRACTOR while the ViewJComponentEditImage mode is set to DEFAULT. For the Line command, the ViewJComponentTriImage mode is set to LINE while the ViewJComponentEditImage mode is set to DEFAULT. For the ViewJFrameTriImage center command, the ViewJComponentEditImage mode is set to DEFAULT while the ViewJComponentTriImage mode is set to CENTER_VOI. For the boundingBox command, the ViewJComponentEdit image mode is set to DEFAULT while the ViewJComponentTriImage mode is set to CUBE_BOUNDS. For the traverse command, both EditImage and TriImage have their modes set to DEFAULT. NEW_VOI, PAINT_VOI, DROPPER_PAINT, ERASER_PAINT, and PAINT_CAN are set in both EditImage and TriImage.

    William Gandler
    See Also:
    ViewJFrameTriImage, ViewJComponentDualTriImage, Serialized Form
    • Field Detail

      • serialVersionUID

        private static final long serialVersionUID
        Use serialVersionUID for interoperability.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int SUPERIOR_EDGE
        AC-PC: Superior Edge reference point. Used for conversions by the dialogs that create new AC-PC images.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int POSTERIOR_MARGIN
        AC-PC: Posterior Margin reference point. Used for conversions by the dialogs that create new AC-PC images.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int INFERIOR_EDGE
        AC-PC: Inferior Edge reference point. Used for conversions by the dialogs that create new AC-PC images.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • FIRST_PT

        public static final int FIRST_PT
        AC-PC: First midsagittal reference point. Used for conversions by the dialogs that create new AC-PC images.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • ANOTHER_PT

        public static final int ANOTHER_PT
        AC-PC: Another midsagittal reference point. Used for conversions by the dialogs that create new AC-PC images.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int ANTERIOR_PT
        Talairach: Anterior reference point. Used for conversions by the dialogs that create new Talairach images.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int POSTERIOR_PT
        Talairach: Posterior reference point. Used for conversions by the dialogs that create new Talairach images.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int SUPERIOR_PT
        Talairach: Superior reference point. Used for conversions by the dialogs that create new Talairach images.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int INFERIOR_PT
        Talairach: Inferior reference point. Used for conversions by the dialogs that create new Talairach images.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • LEFT_PT

        public static final int LEFT_PT
        Talairach: Left reference point. Used for conversions by the dialogs that create new Talairach images.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • RIGHT_PT

        public static final int RIGHT_PT
        Talairach: Right reference point. Used for conversions by the dialogs that create new Talairach images.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • dragCenterPt

        protected boolean dragCenterPt
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • axisLabels

        private final java.lang.String[][] axisLabels
        Labels for the axes:.
      • cornerCropPt

        private final WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f[] cornerCropPt
        Crop Bounding Box Corners in Screen Coordinates:.
      • cropColor

        private final java.awt.Color[] cropColor
        Crop Bounding Box Colors:.
      • cropPoints

        private final WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector2f[] cropPoints
        Crop Bounding Box in Screen Coordinates:.
      • crosshairPt

        private final WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f crosshairPt
        The x and y coordinate of the cursor position in screen space of this component.
      • doCenter

        private boolean doCenter
        Whether to show the center of rotation point in the volume and allow the user to change it. doCenter is set true by center command and set false by DEFAULT and CUBE_BOUNDS modes.
      • dragBBpt

        private int dragBBpt
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • hasOrientation

        private boolean hasOrientation
        true if the imageActive has an orientation, false if imageActive is of FileInfoBase.UNKNOWN_ORIENT.
      • horizontalTalGridPts

        private int[] horizontalTalGridPts
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • localImageExtents

        private int[] localImageExtents
        imageActive extents in the local (Patient) coordinate system:.
      • m_kLocalCropLower

        private final WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f m_kLocalCropLower
        Lower Crop Bounding Box in Patient Coordinates:.
      • m_kLocalCropUpper

        private final WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f m_kLocalCropUpper
        Upper Crop Bounding Box in Patient Coordinates:.
      • m_kVolumePoint

        private WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f m_kVolumePoint
        Cursor 3D point in FileCoordinates.
      • res

        private float[] res
        Reordered resolutions according to orientation. See ModelStorageBase.getResolutions( int index, int orientation ). The orientation parameter may be either: FileInfoBase.AXIAL, FileInfoBase.CORONAL, FileInfoBase.SAGITTAL for oriented slices, or FileInfoBase.UNKNOWN_ORIENT for the default slice orientation.
      • showAxes

        protected boolean showAxes
        If true, show XY, XZ, or ZY orientation axes in a corner of the component.
      • showBoundingRect

        protected boolean showBoundingRect
        Specifies whether the user wants to show the cropping / paint bounds rectangle.
      • showCrosshairs

        protected boolean showCrosshairs
        If true, show crosshairs indicating the currently position within the component.
      • showTalairachGrid

        protected boolean showTalairachGrid
        Whether to show the talairach grid on the component.
      • showTalairachGridmarkers

        protected boolean showTalairachGridmarkers
        Whether to show the talairach gridmarkers on the component.
      • talairachMajorLineColor

        private final java.awt.Color talairachMajorLineColor
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • talairachMinorLineColor

        private final java.awt.Color talairachMinorLineColor
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • triImageFrame

        protected final ViewJFrameTriImage triImageFrame
        The tri image frame of which this object is a component.
      • verticalTalGridPts

        private int[] verticalTalGridPts
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • voiProtractor

        private VOIProtractor voiProtractor
        The protractor VOI.
      • xColor

        private final java.awt.Color[] xColor
        color of the crosshairs.
      • yColor

        private final java.awt.Color[] yColor
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • zColor

        private final java.awt.Color[] zColor
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • crosshairPixelGap

        private int crosshairPixelGap
        the gap (in one direction) between the center of the crosshair and the actual crosshair line
      • axisOrientation

        private int[] axisOrientation
      • xCursorAdjustment

        private int xCursorAdjustment
      • yCursorAdjustment

        private int yCursorAdjustment
    • Constructor Detail

      • ViewJComponentTriImage

        public ViewJComponentTriImage​(ViewJFrameBase _frame,
                                      ModelImage _imageA,
                                      ModelLUT _LUTa,
                                      float[] imgBufferA,
                                      ModelImage _imageB,
                                      ModelLUT _LUTb,
                                      float[] imgBufferB,
                                      int[] pixelBuffer,
                                      float zoom,
                                      int[] extents,
                                      boolean logMagDisplay,
                                      int _orientation)
        The TriImage component constructor. Sets up the initial slice to show, the placement of the crosshairs, updates the position labels, and the bounding box locations.

        Note that reordering occurs in paintBuffer and pixBuffer, but reordering does not occur in imageBuffer. Thus, for the ZY orientation in hasOrientation imageDim.width and imageDim.height are swapped in paintBuffer and pixBuffer, but not in imageBuffer.

        _frame - frame where component will be displayed
        _imageA - Model of the image that will be displayed
        _LUTa - LUT used to display imageA
        imgBufferA - storage buffer used to display imageA
        _imageB - Model of the image that will be displayed
        _LUTb - LUT used to display imageB
        imgBufferB - storage buffer used to display imageB
        pixelBuffer - storage buffer used to build a displayable image
        zoom - initial magnification of the image
        extents - initial display dimensions of the image
        logMagDisplay - display log magnitude of the image
        _orientation - display orientation of the image
    • Method Detail

      • clearProtractor

        public void clearProtractor()
      • computeTalairachVoxelPosition

        public void computeTalairachVoxelPosition​(int x,
                                                  int y)
        Computes the talairach grid voxel from a screen coordinate. Also updates the talairach voxel label in the tri-planar frame.
        x - screen x
        y - screen y
      • displayAxes

        public void displayAxes​(boolean doShowAxes)
        Sets whether axes (either anatomical or x,y,z if no orientation info) are shown or not in one of the corners of the component.
        doShowAxes - whether to show the axes
      • displayXHairs

        public void displayXHairs​(boolean doShowCrosshairs)
        Sets whether or not crosshairs are shown in the images.
        doShowCrosshairs - whether to show the tri-image crosshairs
      • disposeLocal

        public void disposeLocal​(boolean flag)
        Sets all variables to null, disposes, and garbage collects (sometimes).
        disposeLocal in class ViewJComponentEditImage
        flag - if true garbage collector should be called.
      • getCenter

        public WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f getCenter()
        Returns the current center point in FileCoordinates:
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • getCrosshairPoint

        public WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector2f getCrosshairPoint()
        Returns the current cross hair position in screen coordinates.
        crosshairPt, the current cross-hair position in screen coordinates
      • getExtents

        public int[] getExtents()
        Returns the extents of the tri planar component (in the component's order, not the image volume's).
        the extents of the tri image component
      • getResolutions

        public float[] getResolutions()
        DOCUMENT ME!
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • getScreenCoordinates

        public WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector2f getScreenCoordinates​(WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f point3d)
        Accepts a point in volume space and converts it to screen space.
        point3d - Point3D the point in volume space
      • getTheta

        public double getTheta()
        Accessor that returns the protractor angle.
        the protractor angle
      • getProtractorCommonVertex

        public WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f getProtractorCommonVertex()
      • getVolumePosition

        public final Point3D getVolumePosition​(int x,
                                               int y,
                                               int z)
        Translate a point on the x-y tri-image component into image volume space. Assumes input parameters have zoom and voxel resolution already factored out.
        x - x value of the point within the component
        y - y value of the point within the component
        z - the z coordinate ( usually == slice ) (the out-of-component dimension)
        the point translated into the image volume
      • getVolumePosition

        public final WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f getVolumePosition​(float x,
                                                                                    float y,
                                                                                    float z)
        Translate a point on the x-y tri-image component into image volume space. Assumes input parameters have zoom and voxel resolution already factored out.
        x - x value of the point within the component
        y - y value of the point within the component
        z - the z coordinate ( usually == slice ) (the out-of-component dimension)
        the point translated into the image volume
      • getXSliceHairColor

        public java.awt.Color getXSliceHairColor()
        Get the color for the crosshairPt.X crosshair.
        the x crosshair color
      • getYSliceHairColor

        public java.awt.Color getYSliceHairColor()
        Get the color for the ySlice crosshair.
        the y crosshair color
      • getZSliceHairColor

        public java.awt.Color getZSliceHairColor()
        Get the color for the zSlice crosshair.
        the z crosshair color
      • isShowBoundingRect

        public boolean isShowBoundingRect()
        Returns whether the bounding rectangle should be drawn.
        whether the bounding rectangle should be drawn
      • keyPressed

        public void keyPressed​(java.awt.event.KeyEvent e)
        keyReleased event method for KeyListener.
        Specified by:
        keyPressed in interface java.awt.event.KeyListener
        e - KeyEvent
      • keyReleased

        public void keyReleased​(java.awt.event.KeyEvent e)
        Specified by:
        keyReleased in interface java.awt.event.KeyListener
      • keyTyped

        public void keyTyped​(java.awt.event.KeyEvent e)
        Specified by:
        keyTyped in interface java.awt.event.KeyListener
      • makeProtractor

        public void makeProtractor()
        Constructs and initializes one of the 3 protractors, depending on which component this is.
      • mouseClicked

        public void mouseClicked​(java.awt.event.MouseEvent mouseEvent)
        When an image is double-clicked with the right-mouse button, the slice of the parent image is updated to match the current volume slice.
        Specified by:
        mouseClicked in interface java.awt.event.MouseListener
        mouseClicked in class ViewJComponentEditImage
        mouseEvent - mouse event
      • mouseDragged

        public void mouseDragged​(java.awt.event.MouseEvent mouseEvent)
        A mouse-dragged event.
        Specified by:
        mouseDragged in interface java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener
        mouseDragged in class ViewJComponentEditImage
        mouseEvent - event that triggered function
      • mouseEntered

        public void mouseEntered​(java.awt.event.MouseEvent mouseEvent)
        Mouse entry handler: tells the parent tri-image frame about the current component orientation.
        Specified by:
        mouseEntered in interface java.awt.event.MouseListener
        mouseEntered in class ViewJComponentEditImage
        mouseEvent - event that triggers this function
      • mouseExited

        public void mouseExited​(java.awt.event.MouseEvent mouseEvent)
        Mouse exit handler: repaints the image to get rid of the cursor if we are in a mode that custom draws the mouse cursor.
        Specified by:
        mouseExited in interface java.awt.event.MouseListener
        mouseExited in class ViewJComponentEditImage
        mouseEvent - event that triggered function
      • mouseMoved

        public void mouseMoved​(java.awt.event.MouseEvent mouseEvent)
        A mouse event. If the mode is level set, draws level sets as user moves mouse. Otherwise, changes the cursor depending on where the mouse is in relation to the VOI.
        Specified by:
        mouseMoved in interface java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener
        mouseMoved in class ViewJComponentEditImage
        mouseEvent - event that triggered the function
      • mousePressed

        public void mousePressed​(java.awt.event.MouseEvent mouseEvent)
        A mouse-pressed event. Sets the mode of the program depending on the cursor mode. If the mode is move, activates the contour or line and enables the delete button.
        Specified by:
        mousePressed in interface java.awt.event.MouseListener
        mousePressed in class ViewJComponentEditImage
        mouseEvent - event that triggered this function
      • mouseReleased

        public void mouseReleased​(java.awt.event.MouseEvent mouseEvent)
        A mouse-released event. This function sets up and draws the VOI according to the mode.
        Specified by:
        mouseReleased in interface java.awt.event.MouseListener
        mouseReleased in class ViewJComponentEditImage
        mouseEvent - event that triggered this function
      • mouseWheelMoved

        public void mouseWheelMoved​(java.awt.event.MouseWheelEvent event)
        Mouse wheel movement handler, used to change the displayed slice in the component.
        Specified by:
        mouseWheelMoved in interface java.awt.event.MouseWheelListener
        mouseWheelMoved in class ViewJComponentEditImage
        event - the mouse wheel rotation event
      • nearBoundsPoint

        public boolean nearBoundsPoint​(int mouseX,
                                       int mouseY,
                                       int boundsX,
                                       int boundsY)
        Returns true if mouse point is close to bounds point.
        mouseX - the x component of the mouse click within the component
        mouseY - the y component of the mouse click within the component
        boundsX - the x component of the bounds point to check against
        boundsY - the y component of the bounds point to check against
        true if mouse point is close to bounds point
      • paintComponent

        public void paintComponent​(java.awt.Graphics graphics)
        Paints the image, optionally draws the axis, the center of rotation point, the talairach grid, etc., and calls drawSelf for all VOIs.
        paintComponent in class ViewJComponentEditImage
        graphics - graphics to draw with
      • removeReference

        public boolean removeReference​(java.lang.String label)
        Remove a talairach / ACPC reference point.
        label - the label of the reference point to remove
        true if the requested reference point was found and removed
      • setCenter

        public void setCenter​(int i,
                              int j,
                              int k)
        setCenter, sets the crosshairPt and the local copies of the volumePosition (in FileCoordinates and PatientCoordinates).
        i - FileCoordinates
        j - FileCoordinates
        k - FileCoordinates
      • setCrop

        public void setCrop​(WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f lower,
                            WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f upper)
        Sets the crop volume.
        lower - the lower corner of the crop volume in FileCoordinates
        upper - the upper corner of the crop volume in FileCoordinates
      • setCrosshairPixelGap

        public void setCrosshairPixelGap​(int newGap)
        Sets the pixel gap to be used by the crosshair (in one direction away from the center)
        newGap - the new gap value
      • setDoCenter

        public void setDoCenter​(boolean doCenter)
        Sets whether the center of rotation point should be displayed and the user should be allowed to change it.
        doCenter - whether the center of rotation point should be displayed and the user should be allowed to change it
      • setReferenceXY

        public void setReferenceXY​(int pointType,
                                   WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f pt)
        Set a talairach / ACPC reference point.
        pointType - the reference point type
        pt - the point position (in image volume space)
      • setShowBoundingRect

        public void setShowBoundingRect​(boolean flag)
        Sets whether the bounding rectangle should be drawn.
        flag - whether the bounding rectangle should be drawn
      • setXSliceHairColor

        public void setXSliceHairColor​(java.awt.Color c)
        Change the color for the x crosshair.
        c - the new crosshair color
      • setYSliceHairColor

        public void setYSliceHairColor​(java.awt.Color c)
        Change the color for the y crosshair.
        c - the new crosshair color
      • setZoom

        public void setZoom​(float zX,
                            float zY)
        sets the screen scale variable when setZoom is called:
        setZoom in class ViewJComponentBase
        zX - new zoom factor in X
        zY - new zoom factor in Y
      • setZSliceHairColor

        public void setZSliceHairColor​(java.awt.Color c)
        Change the color for the z crosshair.
        c - the new crosshair color
      • show

        public boolean show​(int tSlice,
                            ModelLUT _LUTa,
                            ModelLUT _LUTb,
                            boolean forceShow,
                            int _interpMode)
        DOCUMENT ME!
        tSlice - DOCUMENT ME!
        _LUTa - DOCUMENT ME!
        _LUTb - DOCUMENT ME!
        forceShow - DOCUMENT ME!
        _interpMode - DOCUMENT ME!
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • showTalairachGrid

        public void showTalairachGrid​(boolean doShowTalairachGrid)
        Sets whether or not lines dividing the Talairach regions are shown.
        doShowTalairachGrid - whether to show the talairach region grid
      • showTalairachGridmarkers

        public void showTalairachGridmarkers​(boolean doShowTalairachGridmarkers)
        Sets whether the talairach grid markers will be displayed.
        doShowTalairachGridmarkers - boolean show talairach grid markers
      • update

        public void update​(java.awt.Graphics g)
        Calls paintComponent - reduces flicker.
        update in class ViewJComponentBase
        g - graphics to draw with
      • updateCrosshairPosition

        public void updateCrosshairPosition​(int x,
                                            int y)
        Changes the crosshair coordinate (screen coordinate) that this component should display.
        x - which x screen coordinate to show
        y - which y screen coordinate to show
        See Also:
        #xSlice, #ySlice, #zSlice
      • finalize

        protected void finalize()
                         throws java.lang.Throwable
        Clean up memory used by the component.
        finalize in class ViewJComponentEditImage
        java.lang.Throwable - if there is a problem encountered during memory clean-up
        See Also:
      • makePaintImage

        protected void makePaintImage​(int[] paintImageBuffer,
                                      java.util.BitSet paintBitmap,
                                      int slice,
                                      ViewJFrameBase frame,
                                      boolean b2D)
        This method creates a buffer that will be used to make an image of the painted area on-screen.
        makePaintImage in class ViewJComponentBase
        paintImageBuffer - int[] the buffer to fill that will make the paint image
        paintBitmap - the bit map representing the painted pixels
        slice - the current slice to paint if this is a 3D image
        frame - the ViewJFrameBase containing the painted component.
        b2D - when true this is a 2D image component, when false it is greater than 2D
      • updatePaintBitmap

        protected void updatePaintBitmap​(boolean paintPixels,
                                         int x,
                                         int y)
        Updates the image volume's paint bitmap based on the current position of the mouse in the component, called after a mouse action indicates the user wants part of the image either painted or erased.
        paintPixels - if true, the pixels under the paint brush should be painted. if false, they are cleared of any paint
        x - the x position of the mouse, adjusted for zoom and resolutions
        y - the y position of the mouse, adjusted for zoom and resolutions
      • cornerToCrop

        private void cornerToCrop()
        Creates the four corners of the crop bounding box, based on the two corner crop points:
      • drawAxes

        private void drawAxes​(java.awt.Graphics2D offscreenGraphics2d)
        Convenience method called by paintComponent(). Inserted here for simplicity's sake.
        offscreenGraphics2d - Graphics2D
      • drawBoundingRect

        private void drawBoundingRect​(java.awt.Graphics graphics)
        Draws the cropping rectangle.
        graphics - the graphics object to draw with
      • drawCenterMark

        private void drawCenterMark​(java.awt.Graphics2D offscreenGraphics2d)
        Convenience method called by paintComponent(). Inserted here for simplicity's sake.
        offscreenGraphics2d - Graphics2D
      • drawCrosshairLines

        private void drawCrosshairLines​(java.awt.Graphics2D offscreenGraphics2d)
        Convenience method called by drawCrosshairsXY(). Inserted here for simplicity's sake.
        offscreenGraphics2d - Graphics2D
      • drawCrosshairs

        private void drawCrosshairs​(java.awt.Graphics2D offscreenGraphics2d)
        Draws the crosshairs for this oriented tri-planar component.
        offscreenGraphics2d - the graphics context to draw with
      • drawCrosshairStubs

        private void drawCrosshairStubs​(java.awt.Graphics2D offscreenGraphics2d)
        Convenience method called by drawCrosshairs. Inserted here for simplicity's sake.
        offscreenGraphics2d - Graphics2D
      • drawTalairachGrid_AXIAL

        private void drawTalairachGrid_AXIAL​(java.awt.Graphics2D offscreenGraphics2d)
        Convenience method called by paintComponent(). Inserted here for simplicity's sake.
        offscreenGraphics2d - Graphics2D
      • drawTalairachGrid_CORONAL

        private void drawTalairachGrid_CORONAL​(java.awt.Graphics2D offscreenGraphics2d)
        Convenience method called by paintComponent(). Inserted here for simplicity's sake.
        offscreenGraphics2d - Graphics2D
      • drawTalairachGrid_SAGITTAL

        private void drawTalairachGrid_SAGITTAL​(java.awt.Graphics2D offscreenGraphics2d)
        Convenience method called by paintComponent(). Inserted here for simplicity's sake.
        offscreenGraphics2d - Graphics2D
      • getDashedStroke

        private java.awt.BasicStroke getDashedStroke()
        Builds the dashed stroke used to render the minor talairach grid lines.
        the BasicStroke object used to render the minor talairach grid lines
      • showUsingOrientation

        private boolean showUsingOrientation​(int tSlice,
                                             ModelLUT _LUTa,
                                             ModelLUT _LUTb,
                                             boolean forceShow,
                                             int _interpMode)
        For generating the display of 1 or 2 RGB images.
        tSlice - t (time) slice to show
        _LUTa - DOCUMENT ME!
        _LUTb - DOCUMENT ME!
        forceShow - forces this method to import image and recalculate java image
        _interpMode - DOCUMENT ME!
        boolean to indicate if the show was successful
      • updateCrop

        private void updateCrop​(int index,
                                WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector2f mousePoint)
        Updates the crop bounding volume when a point on the crop bounding box is dragged with the mouse. Converts the mousePoint to the crop corners, converts from Screen space to PatientCoordinates (ScreenToLocal), then converts from PatientCoordinates to FileCoordinates and passes the new crop volume information to the ViewJFrameTriImage container class.
        index - the index of the bounding box that changed
        mousePoint - the screen-space coordinats of the changed bounding box point.
      • updateSlice

        private void updateSlice​(int newSlice)
        updates the slice value when the wheel is moved or the page_up, page_down keys are pressed. Does bounds checking and comparison with the current slice value. Sets the new position and updates the triImageFrame.
        newSlice - the new slice value
      • screenToFile

        public boolean screenToFile​(int iX,
                                    int iY,
                                    int iZ,
                                    WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f kVolumePt)
        screenToFile in class ViewJComponentEditImage
      • screenToFile

        public boolean screenToFile​(WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f kScreen,
                                    WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f kFile)
        screenToFile in class ViewJComponentEditImage
      • upSlice

        public WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f upSlice()
        Increments the current slice in local coordinates and returns the new position in the view-independent file coordinates.
        upSlice in class ViewJComponentEditImage
      • downSlice

        public WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f downSlice()
        Decrements the current slice in local coordinates and returns the new position in the view-independent file coordinates.
        downSlice in class ViewJComponentEditImage