Class VOI

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Cloneable

    public class VOI
    extends ModelSerialCloneable
    This the Volume Of Interest (VOI) structure. An image can have 32565 different VOIs. A VOI can have multiple contours in a single slice or in other slices. VOIs can be additive or subtractive so that doughnut like objects can be made. A VOI can be different types: annotation, point, line, protractor, polyline and contour. Event-handling routines: to add this object to send out events for listening objects, at least the following 3 methods must be present: addListener, removeListener, fireEvent as present below.
    0.1 Oct 27, 1997
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      private boolean active  
      static int ADDITIVE
      Mask as ones - i.e. put ones to indicate VOI location
      static int ANNOTATION
      Indicates that the VOI is of type ANNOTATION for adding text annotations to an image.
      static int BACK
      Static Variables for VOI and VOI Contour selection.
      static int BACKWARD
      Static Variables for VOI and VOI Contour selection.
      static int BOUNDARY
      Indicates only the boundary of the VOI should be displayed.
      private boolean boundingBox
      If true the bounding box of the VOI should be displayed.
      static int CARDIOLOGY
      Indicates that the VOI is of type CARDIOLOGY, special VOI for specific tasks needed in cardiology.
      private java.awt.Color color
      Indicates the color or the VOI.
      private java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String> comments  
      static int CONTOUR
      Indicates that the VOI is of type CONTOUR.
      private ViewJFrameGraph contourGraph
      ViewJFrameGraph for graphing contours in this VOI
      private VOIBaseVector curves
      A vector array of curves per slice.
      private int curveType
      Indicates the type of VOI (i.e.
      private int displayMode
      Indicates if the VOI should be shown as a boundary or a solid.
      private java.lang.String extension
      extension of voi file name of voi was read in through file
      private boolean fixed
      If true the VOI cannot be moved, if false this VOI can be moved.
      static int FORWARD
      Static Variables for VOI and VOI Contour selection.
      static int FRONT
      Static Variables for VOI and VOI Contour selection.
      private short ID
      ID of the VOI, also used when choosing the display color.
      private float ignoreMax
      Sets the maximum intensity value for operations on B & W images segmented by this VOI
      private float ignoreMaxB
      Sets the maximum blue intensity value for operations on RGB images segmented by this VOI
      private float ignoreMaxG
      Sets the maximum green intensity value for operations on RGB images segmented by this VOI
      private float ignoreMaxR
      Sets the maximum red intensity value for operations on RGB images segmented by this VOI
      private float ignoreMin
      Sets the minimum intensity value for operations on B & W images segmented by this VOI
      private float ignoreMinB
      Sets the minimum blue intensity value for operations on RGB images segmented by this VOI
      private float ignoreMinG
      Sets the minimum green intensity value for operations on RGB images segmented by this VOI
      private float ignoreMinR
      Sets the minimum red intensity value for operations on RGB images segmented by this VOI
      static int LINE
      Indicates that the VOI is of type Line made up of two points.
      javax.swing.event.EventListenerList listenerList
      VOIListeners that are updated when this VOI changes
      private java.lang.String name
      Name of the VOI stored as a string.
      int NOT_A_POINT
      int indicating that no point was found.
      private float opacity
      When in the solid display mode indicates how opaque the VOI should be.
      static int POINT
      Indicates that the POINT is of type Line made up of a single point.
      private int polarity
      Indicates if the VOI should mask ones or mask as zeros.
      static int POLYLINE
      Indicates that the VOI is of type POLYLINE type of contour - end points NOT connected.
      static int POLYLINE_SLICE
      Indicates that the VOI is of type POLYLINE that will go through more than one slice.
      private boolean process
      If true this flag indicates that the VOI should be included (applied) when processing the image.
      static int PROTRACTOR
      Indicates that the VOI is of type PROTRACTOR used to measure angles.
      private static long serialVersionUID
      Use serialVersionUID for interoperability.
      static int SOLID
      Indicates that the VOI should be displayed as a solid and not just a boundary.
      static int SUBTRACTIVE
      Mask as zeros - i.e. put zeros to indicate where the VOI is located
      private int thickness
      The thickness of the VOI lines
      private int UID
      Unique ID for saving & retrieving.
      private boolean visible
      If true the VOI is visible.
      private short watershedID
      Used to objects a label or ID inconjuction with the watershed algorithm.
      private float[] xBounds
      The x - dimension bounds: xBounds [0] = min and xBounds[1] = max.
      private float[] yBounds
      The y - dimension bounds: yBounds [0] = min and yBounds[1] = max.
      private float[] zBounds
      The z - dimension bounds: zBounds [0] = min and zBounds[1] = max.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      VOI​(short id, java.lang.String name)
      Create a VOI with the given id and name.
      VOI​(short id, java.lang.String name, int curveType, float presetHue)
      Constructs a Volume of Interest (VOI).
      VOI​(short id, java.lang.String name, int curveType, float presetHue, int initialCapacity)
      Constructs a Volume of Interest (VOI).
      VOI​(VOI kVOI)
      Copies the VOI into a new VOI object.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void addVOIListener​(VOIListener listener)
      adds the update listener.
      double area()
      Finds the area of the entire VOI of the VOIContour type only.
      double calcLargestDistance​(java.util.BitSet mask, int[] extents, float[] res)
      Calculate the distance of the largest line segment contained entirely within the VOI
      static double calcLargestDistance​(java.util.BitSet mask, int[] extents, float xRes, float yRes, float zRes, float[] xPts, float[] yPts, float[] zPts, WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f kPos1, WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f kPos2)  
      java.lang.Object clone()
      Clone function that calls the super (modelserializable) clone and then manually copies references to the transient VOIListeners (eventlistenerlist)
      void createActiveContourBinaryMask​(java.util.BitSet mask, int xDim, int yDim)
      Creates a binary mask at every slice.
      void createBinaryImage​(ModelImage image, boolean XOR, boolean onlyActive)
      Forms a binary representation of the VOI into the image.
      java.util.BitSet createBinaryMask​(int xDim, int yDim, int slice)
      Creates a binary mask at a slice for that slice only.
      java.util.BitSet createBinaryMask​(int xDim, int yDim, int slice, VOIBase contour)
      Creates a binary mask at a slice for that slice and element only.
      void createBinaryMask​(int xDim, int yDim, int slice, java.util.BitSet mask, boolean XOR, boolean onlyActive)
      Creates a binary mask at a slice.
      void createBinaryMask3D​(java.util.BitSet mask, int xDim, int yDim, boolean XOR, boolean onlyActive)
      Creates a 3D binary mask.
      void createOneElementBinaryMask3D​(java.util.BitSet mask, int xDim, int yDim, boolean XOR, boolean onlyActive, int elementNum)
      Creates a 3D binary mask.
      void createShortImage​(ModelImage image, int offset, boolean XOR, boolean onlyActive)
      Creates a short image of the VOI.
      short[] createShortMask​(short[] mask, int xDim, int yDim, int zDim, boolean XOR)
      Creates a short mask at a slice.
      void createUByteImage​(ModelImage image, int offset, boolean XOR, boolean onlyActive)
      Creates a short image of the VOI.
      private static double[] determineMaxAvg​(float xRes, float yRes, float zRes, float[] xPts, float[] yPts, float[] zPts)
      Gathers max and average statistics to build guessing intervals
      void dispose()  
      boolean equals​(java.lang.String str)
      two VOIs are the same if they have the same name.
      WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f[] exportAllPoints()
      Get Vector3fs from the VOI; can only use with Point.
      WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f exportPoint()
      Returns the first point.
      java.util.Vector<WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f> exportPoints​(int slice)
      Get Vector3fs from the VOI; can only use with Point.
      java.util.Vector<java.awt.Polygon> exportPolygon​(int iSlice)  
      void finalize()  
      private WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f findMaxWidth​(WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f pt, double[] maxDistance, boolean bOnlyActive)
      This is used by the method maxWidth.
      protected void fireVOIBaseAdded​(VOIBase curve)
      Fires a VOI event based on the VOI. calls the listener's addedVOI() method.
      protected void fireVOIBaseRemoved​(VOIBase curve)
      Fires a VOI event based on the VOI. calls the listener's removedVOI() method.
      protected void fireVOIColorChange​(java.awt.Color color)
      protected void fireVOIselection()
      Fires a VOI event based on the VOI. calls the listener's removedVOI() method.
      private static void gatherBoundedPoints​(java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Integer> orig, java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Integer> term, double lowerBound, double upperBound, float xRes, float yRes, float zRes, float[] xPts, float[] yPts, float[] zPts)
      Gathers the points that fall within the required bounds
      boolean getBoundingBoxFlag()
      Accessor that returns the bounding box flag.
      void getBounds​(float[] x, float[] y, float[] z)
      Calculates the extents or boundary of the voi in x, y, and z.
      void getBounds​(int[] x, int[] y, int[] z)
      Calculates the extents or boundary of the voi in x, y, and z.
      java.awt.Color getColor()
      Accessor that returns the VOI's color.
      java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String> getComments()  
      ViewJFrameGraph getContourGraph()
      Returns the contour graph associated with this voi.
      VOIBaseVector getCurves()
      Accessor that returns the curves making up the VOI.
      int getCurveType()
      Accessor that returns the curve type.
      int getDisplayMode()
      Accessor that returns the display mode.
      java.lang.String getExtension()
      Accessor that returns the VOI extension.
      WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f getGeometricCenter()
      Returns the geometric center of the VOI (only contour).
      short getID()
      Accessor that returns the ID.
      private static double getLargest​(java.util.BitSet mask, int[] extents, java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Integer> orig, java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Integer> term, float xRes, float yRes, float zRes, float[] xPoints, float[] yPoints, float[] zPoints, WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f kPos1, WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f kPos2)
      Finds the largest line that lies within entirely within the VOI.
      float getMaximumIgnore()
      Accessor that returns the maximum of the range of intensities to ignore.
      float getMaximumIgnoreB()
      Accessor that returns the maximum of the range of blue intensities to ignore.
      float getMaximumIgnoreG()
      Accessor that returns the maximum of the range of green intensities to ignore.
      float getMaximumIgnoreR()
      Accessor that returns the maximum of the range of red intensities to ignore.
      float getMinimumIgnore()
      Accessor that returns the minimum of the range of intensities to ignore.
      float getMinimumIgnoreB()
      Accessor that returns the minimum of the range of blue intensities to ignore.
      float getMinimumIgnoreG()
      Accessor that returns the minimum of the range of green intensities to ignore.
      float getMinimumIgnoreR()
      Accessor that returns the minimum of the range of red intensities to ignore.
      java.lang.String getName()
      Accessor that returns the name of the VOI.
      int getNumPoints()
      Get the number of points in the VOI file.
      float getOpacity()
      Accessor that returns the opacity of the VOI.
      void getPointCoordinates​(float[] coord)
      This method is used to get the coordinates of a single VOIPoint.
      int getPolarity()
      Accessor that returns.
      int getPositionAndIntensity​(int slice, int contourNo, WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f[] position, float[] intensity, float[] imageBuffer, int xDim)
      Gets the position and intensity for this VOI if it's a line.
      boolean getProcess()
      Accessor that returns whether voi is included in processing.
      int getSize()
      Returns the number of contours in this VOI.
      java.util.Vector<VOIBase> getSliceCurves​(int iSlice)
      Returns a list of contours on a given slice.
      java.util.Vector<VOIBase> getSliceCurves​(int iPlane, int iSlice)
      Returns a list of contours for the given image orientation and slice.
      int getSliceSize​(int iSlice)
      Returns the number of contours for a given slice.
      int getSliceSize​(int iPlane, int iSlice)
      Returns the number of contours for a given image orientation and slice in a 3D image.
      java.util.Vector<VOIBase>[] getSortedCurves​(int iDim)
      Sorts the contours based on the image default orientation.
      java.util.Vector<VOIBase>[] getSortedCurves​(int iPlane, int iDim)
      Sorts the contours based on a given image orientation and the desired image depth for that orientation.
      int getThickness()
      Returns the thickness of the VOI
      int getUID()
      Accessor that returns the Unique ID (original hash code for object).
      int getVOISlices()
      Returns the number of z slices actually containing part of the voi
      short getWatershedID()
      getWatershedID - accessor that returns the watershedID.
      boolean hasListener​(VOIListener listener)  
      VOIBase importCurve​(float[] x, float[] y, float[] z)
      Imports a new curve into this voi.
      void importCurve​(int[] x, int[] y, int[] z)  
      void importCurve​(VOIBase curve)
      Imports the curve into the VOI.
      void importCurve​(WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f[] pt)
      Imports the curve into the VOI, testing for which type.
      void importNewVOI​(int slice, int voiSlice, VOI voi, boolean resize)
      Imports just the VOIs in a slice into this VOI.
      void importPoint​(WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f point)
      Import a new point into this VOI.
      void importPoint​(WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f point, boolean notifyListener)
      Import a new point into this VOI.
      void importPolygon​(java.awt.Polygon gon, int slice)
      Imports the polygon into the VOI (must be a contour).
      boolean isActive()
      Accessor that tells if the VOI is active.
      boolean isAllActive()
      Returns true iff all contours in this VOI are active.
      boolean isEmpty()
      Test whether or not the VOI is empty.
      boolean isFixed()
      Accessor that tells if VOI is fixed.
      boolean isVisible()
      Accessor that tells if the VOI is visible.
      WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f[] maxWidth​(boolean bOnlyActive)
      Finds 2 points that form the maximum width of the VOI.
      void moveVOI​(int slice, int xDim, int yDim, int zDim, int xM, int yM, int zM)
      Move VOI to a new position.
      boolean nearLine​(int x, int y, int slice)
      Tests if a point is near a line.
      boolean nearPoint​(int x, int y, int slice)
      Tests if a point is near a point.
      (package private) void notifyParentVOIProcess​(boolean flag)
      Allows VOIBase's to set their parent's process flag without affecting other contours.
      float pointToContour​(int x, int y, int z)
      Finds the minimum distance from a point to a contour.
      void removeAllVOIListeners()  
      void removeCurve​(VOIBase kCurve)
      Clears VOI of all curves at a slice.
      void removeCurves()
      Clears VOI of all curves.
      void removeCurves​(int slice)
      void removeVOIListener​(VOIListener listener)
      removes the update listener.
      void setActive​(boolean act)
      Sets whether or not the VOI is active.
      void setAllActive​(boolean flag)
      Sets all contours in the VOI as active or inactive.
      void setBoundingBoxFlag​(boolean flag)
      Accessor that sets the flag to the parameter.
      void setColor​(float hue)
      Accessor that sets the color to the parameter.
      void setColor​(java.awt.Color color)
      Accessor that sets the color to the parameter.
      void setComments​(java.lang.String comment)  
      void setContourGraph​(ViewJFrameGraph newGraph)
      Accessor that sets the contourGraph to the parameter.
      void setCurves​(VOIBaseVector newCurves)
      Sets the list of contours in this VOI to a new list.
      void setCurveType​(int curveType)
      Accessor that sets the curveType to the parameter.
      void setDisplayMode​(int mode)
      Accessor that sets the display mode to the parameter.
      void setExtension​(java.lang.String extension)
      Sets the VOI extenstion of voi file name of voi was read in through file
      void setFixed​(boolean fixed)
      Sets whether or not the VOI is fixed.
      void setID​(short ID)
      Accessor that sets the ID to the parameter.
      void setMaximumIgnore​(float max)
      Accessor that sets the maximum of the range of intensities to ignore.
      void setMaximumIgnoreB​(float max)
      Accessor that sets the maximum of the range of blue intensities to ignore.
      void setMaximumIgnoreG​(float max)
      Accessor that sets the maximum of the range of green intensities to ignore.
      void setMaximumIgnoreR​(float max)
      Accessor that sets the maximum of the range of red intensities to ignore.
      void setMinimumIgnore​(float min)
      Accessor that sets the minimum of the range of intensities to ignore.
      void setMinimumIgnoreB​(float min)
      Accessor that sets the minimum of the range of blue intensities to ignore.
      void setMinimumIgnoreG​(float min)
      Accessor that sets the minimum of the range of green intensities to ignore.
      void setMinimumIgnoreR​(float min)
      Accessor that sets the minimum of the range of red intensities to ignore.
      void setName​(java.lang.String name)
      Accessor that sets the VOI's name to the parameter.
      void setOnlyID​(short ID)
      Accessor that sets the ID to the parameter.
      void setOpacity​(float opacity)
      Accessor that sets the opacity to the parameter.
      void setPolarity​(int polarity)
      Accessor that sets the polarity to the parameter.
      void setProcess​(boolean flag)
      Accessor that sets the flag to the parameter.
      void setThickness​(int newThickness)
      Sets the thickness of the VOI
      void setUID​(int uid)
      Sets the unique ID (for saving/retreiving treatment details).
      void setWatershedID​(short wID)
      Accessor that sets the ID to the parameter.
      void setXYDim​(int xDim, int yDim)
      java.lang.String toString()  
      void trim()
      Trims all active contours in the VOI based on the Preferences getTrim and getTrimAdjacent values.
      void update()  
      void updateActive()  
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • serialVersionUID

        private static final long serialVersionUID
        Use serialVersionUID for interoperability.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • FORWARD

        public static final int FORWARD
        Static Variables for VOI and VOI Contour selection.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • BACKWARD

        public static final int BACKWARD
        Static Variables for VOI and VOI Contour selection.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • FRONT

        public static final int FRONT
        Static Variables for VOI and VOI Contour selection.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • BACK

        public static final int BACK
        Static Variables for VOI and VOI Contour selection.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • BOUNDARY

        public static final int BOUNDARY
        Indicates only the boundary of the VOI should be displayed.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • SOLID

        public static final int SOLID
        Indicates that the VOI should be displayed as a solid and not just a boundary.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • ADDITIVE

        public static final int ADDITIVE
        Mask as ones - i.e. put ones to indicate VOI location
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int SUBTRACTIVE
        Mask as zeros - i.e. put zeros to indicate where the VOI is located
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • CONTOUR

        public static final int CONTOUR
        Indicates that the VOI is of type CONTOUR.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • POLYLINE

        public static final int POLYLINE
        Indicates that the VOI is of type POLYLINE type of contour - end points NOT connected.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • LINE

        public static final int LINE
        Indicates that the VOI is of type Line made up of two points.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • POINT

        public static final int POINT
        Indicates that the POINT is of type Line made up of a single point.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int PROTRACTOR
        Indicates that the VOI is of type PROTRACTOR used to measure angles.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int ANNOTATION
        Indicates that the VOI is of type ANNOTATION for adding text annotations to an image.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int CARDIOLOGY
        Indicates that the VOI is of type CARDIOLOGY, special VOI for specific tasks needed in cardiology.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int POLYLINE_SLICE
        Indicates that the VOI is of type POLYLINE that will go through more than one slice.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • NOT_A_POINT

        public final int NOT_A_POINT
        int indicating that no point was found.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • boundingBox

        private boolean boundingBox
        If true the bounding box of the VOI should be displayed.
      • color

        private java.awt.Color color
        Indicates the color or the VOI.
      • thickness

        private int thickness
        The thickness of the VOI lines
      • contourGraph

        private transient ViewJFrameGraph contourGraph
        ViewJFrameGraph for graphing contours in this VOI
      • curves

        private VOIBaseVector curves
        A vector array of curves per slice.
      • curveType

        private int curveType
        Indicates the type of VOI (i.e. CONTOUR, POLYLINE, LINE, POINT, PROTRACTOR, etc. ... )
      • displayMode

        private int displayMode
        Indicates if the VOI should be shown as a boundary or a solid.
      • fixed

        private boolean fixed
        If true the VOI cannot be moved, if false this VOI can be moved.
      • ID

        private short ID
        ID of the VOI, also used when choosing the display color.
      • ignoreMax

        private float ignoreMax
        Sets the maximum intensity value for operations on B & W images segmented by this VOI
      • ignoreMin

        private float ignoreMin
        Sets the minimum intensity value for operations on B & W images segmented by this VOI
      • ignoreMaxR

        private float ignoreMaxR
        Sets the maximum red intensity value for operations on RGB images segmented by this VOI
      • ignoreMinR

        private float ignoreMinR
        Sets the minimum red intensity value for operations on RGB images segmented by this VOI
      • ignoreMaxG

        private float ignoreMaxG
        Sets the maximum green intensity value for operations on RGB images segmented by this VOI
      • ignoreMinG

        private float ignoreMinG
        Sets the minimum green intensity value for operations on RGB images segmented by this VOI
      • ignoreMaxB

        private float ignoreMaxB
        Sets the maximum blue intensity value for operations on RGB images segmented by this VOI
      • ignoreMinB

        private float ignoreMinB
        Sets the minimum blue intensity value for operations on RGB images segmented by this VOI
      • name

        private java.lang.String name
        Name of the VOI stored as a string.
      • opacity

        private float opacity
        When in the solid display mode indicates how opaque the VOI should be. Zero is transparent and one is opaque.
      • polarity

        private int polarity
        Indicates if the VOI should mask ones or mask as zeros.
      • process

        private boolean process
        If true this flag indicates that the VOI should be included (applied) when processing the image.
      • UID

        private int UID
        Unique ID for saving & retrieving.
      • visible

        private boolean visible
        If true the VOI is visible.
      • watershedID

        private short watershedID
        Used to objects a label or ID inconjuction with the watershed algorithm.
      • xBounds

        private float[] xBounds
        The x - dimension bounds: xBounds [0] = min and xBounds[1] = max.
      • yBounds

        private float[] yBounds
        The y - dimension bounds: yBounds [0] = min and yBounds[1] = max.
      • zBounds

        private float[] zBounds
        The z - dimension bounds: zBounds [0] = min and zBounds[1] = max.
      • extension

        private java.lang.String extension
        extension of voi file name of voi was read in through file
      • active

        private boolean active
      • listenerList

        public transient javax.swing.event.EventListenerList listenerList
        VOIListeners that are updated when this VOI changes
      • comments

        private java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String> comments
    • Constructor Detail

      • VOI

        public VOI​(short id,
                   java.lang.String name)
        Create a VOI with the given id and name.
        id - identifier of VOI
        name - name of the VOI
      • VOI

        public VOI​(short id,
                   java.lang.String name,
                   int curveType,
                   float presetHue)
        Constructs a Volume of Interest (VOI).
        id - identifier of VOI
        name - name of the VOI
        curveType - type of curve, either a line or a contour
        presetHue - If presetHue >= 0.0, use this value as the hue
      • VOI

        public VOI​(short id,
                   java.lang.String name,
                   int curveType,
                   float presetHue,
                   int initialCapacity)
        Constructs a Volume of Interest (VOI).
        id - identifier of VOI
        name - name of the VOI
        curveType - type of curve, either a line or a contour
        presetHue - If presetHue >= 0.0, use this value as the hue
      • VOI

        public VOI​(VOI kVOI)
        Copies the VOI into a new VOI object.
        kVOI - VOI to copy.
    • Method Detail

      • calcLargestDistance

        public static double calcLargestDistance​(java.util.BitSet mask,
                                                 int[] extents,
                                                 float xRes,
                                                 float yRes,
                                                 float zRes,
                                                 float[] xPts,
                                                 float[] yPts,
                                                 float[] zPts,
                                                 WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f kPos1,
                                                 WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f kPos2)
      • determineMaxAvg

        private static double[] determineMaxAvg​(float xRes,
                                                float yRes,
                                                float zRes,
                                                float[] xPts,
                                                float[] yPts,
                                                float[] zPts)
        Gathers max and average statistics to build guessing intervals
      • gatherBoundedPoints

        private static void gatherBoundedPoints​(java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Integer> orig,
                                                java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Integer> term,
                                                double lowerBound,
                                                double upperBound,
                                                float xRes,
                                                float yRes,
                                                float zRes,
                                                float[] xPts,
                                                float[] yPts,
                                                float[] zPts)
        Gathers the points that fall within the required bounds
      • getLargest

        private static double getLargest​(java.util.BitSet mask,
                                         int[] extents,
                                         java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Integer> orig,
                                         java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Integer> term,
                                         float xRes,
                                         float yRes,
                                         float zRes,
                                         float[] xPoints,
                                         float[] yPoints,
                                         float[] zPoints,
                                         WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f kPos1,
                                         WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f kPos2)
        Finds the largest line that lies within entirely within the VOI.
      • addVOIListener

        public void addVOIListener​(VOIListener listener)
        adds the update listener.
        listener - VOIListener.
      • area

        public double area()
        Finds the area of the entire VOI of the VOIContour type only.
        returns the area
      • calcLargestDistance

        public double calcLargestDistance​(java.util.BitSet mask,
                                          int[] extents,
                                          float[] res)
        Calculate the distance of the largest line segment contained entirely within the VOI
        xRes -
        yRes -
        zRes -
      • clone

        public java.lang.Object clone()
        Clone function that calls the super (modelserializable) clone and then manually copies references to the transient VOIListeners (eventlistenerlist)
        clone in class ModelSerialCloneable
        The cloned object. Null if there was an error.
      • createActiveContourBinaryMask

        public void createActiveContourBinaryMask​(java.util.BitSet mask,
                                                  int xDim,
                                                  int yDim)
        Creates a binary mask at every slice.
        mask - the binary mask
        xDim - x dimension, used to index into the image
        yDim - y dimension, used to index into the image
      • createBinaryImage

        public void createBinaryImage​(ModelImage image,
                                      boolean XOR,
                                      boolean onlyActive)
        Forms a binary representation of the VOI into the image.
        image - boolean image where VOI bits are to be set.
        XOR - indicates that nested VOI contours will be exclusive ORed with other contours of the VOI
        onlyActive - Only mask regions that are active (i.e. selected )
      • createBinaryMask

        public java.util.BitSet createBinaryMask​(int xDim,
                                                 int yDim,
                                                 int slice)
        Creates a binary mask at a slice for that slice only.
        xDim - x dimension, used to index into the image
        yDim - y dimension, used to index into the image
        slice - slice to create mask at
        mask the binary mask
      • createBinaryMask

        public void createBinaryMask​(int xDim,
                                     int yDim,
                                     int slice,
                                     java.util.BitSet mask,
                                     boolean XOR,
                                     boolean onlyActive)
        Creates a binary mask at a slice.
        xDim - x dimension, used to index into the image
        yDim - y dimension, used to index into the image
        slice - slice to create mask at
        mask - the binary mask
        XOR - indicates that nested VOI contours will be exclusive ORed with other contours of the VOI
        onlyActive - Only mask regions that are active (i.e. selected )
      • createBinaryMask

        public java.util.BitSet createBinaryMask​(int xDim,
                                                 int yDim,
                                                 int slice,
                                                 VOIBase contour)
        Creates a binary mask at a slice for that slice and element only.
        xDim - x dimension, used to index into the image
        yDim - y dimension, used to index into the image
        slice - slice to create mask at
        contour - element of VOI
        mask the binary mask
      • createBinaryMask3D

        public void createBinaryMask3D​(java.util.BitSet mask,
                                       int xDim,
                                       int yDim,
                                       boolean XOR,
                                       boolean onlyActive)
        Creates a 3D binary mask.
        mask - mask written into
        xDim - x-dimensions of the image.
        yDim - y-dimensions of the images.
        XOR - indicates that nested VOI contours will be exclusive ORed with other contours of the VOI
        onlyActive - Only mask regions that are active (i.e. selected )
      • createOneElementBinaryMask3D

        public void createOneElementBinaryMask3D​(java.util.BitSet mask,
                                                 int xDim,
                                                 int yDim,
                                                 boolean XOR,
                                                 boolean onlyActive,
                                                 int elementNum)
        Creates a 3D binary mask.
        mask - mask written into
        xDim - x-dimensions of the image.
        yDim - y-dimensions of the images.
        XOR - indicates that nested VOI contours will be exclusive ORed with other contours of the VOI
        onlyActive - Only mask regions that are active (i.e. selected )
      • createShortImage

        public void createShortImage​(ModelImage image,
                                     int offset,
                                     boolean XOR,
                                     boolean onlyActive)
        Creates a short image of the VOI. Positions within the VOI are set to the VOI's watershed ID.
        image - short image where VOI labels are to be set.
        offset - value added to watershedID - normally 1
        XOR - indicates that nested VOI contours will be exclusive ORed with other contours of the VOI
        onlyActive - Only mask regions that are active (i.e. selected )
      • createShortMask

        public short[] createShortMask​(short[] mask,
                                       int xDim,
                                       int yDim,
                                       int zDim,
                                       boolean XOR)
        Creates a short mask at a slice.
        mask - the short mask
        xDim - x dimension, used to index into the image
        yDim - y dimension, used to index into the image
        zDim - z dimension, used to index into the image
        XOR - indicates that nested VOI contours will be exclusive ORed with other contours of the VOI
        returns the mask
      • createUByteImage

        public void createUByteImage​(ModelImage image,
                                     int offset,
                                     boolean XOR,
                                     boolean onlyActive)
        Creates a short image of the VOI. Positions within the VOI are set to the VOI's watershed ID.
        image - short image where VOI labels are to be set.
        offset - value added to watershedID - normally 1
        XOR - indicates that nested VOI contours will be exclusive ORed with other contours of the VOI
        onlyActive - Only mask regions that are active (i.e. selected )
      • dispose

        public void dispose()
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.String str)
        two VOIs are the same if they have the same name.
        str - name of the VOI to compare this to.
        true if the names of the VOIs are equal.
      • exportAllPoints

        public WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f[] exportAllPoints()
        Get Vector3fs from the VOI; can only use with Point.
        array of points at the slice
      • exportPoint

        public WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f exportPoint()
        Returns the first point.
        return the first point from the VOIPoint object
      • exportPoints

        public java.util.Vector<WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f> exportPoints​(int slice)
        Get Vector3fs from the VOI; can only use with Point.
        slice - index of slice
        array of points at the slice
      • finalize

        public void finalize()
                      throws java.lang.Throwable
        finalize in class java.lang.Object
      • getBoundingBoxFlag

        public boolean getBoundingBoxFlag()
        Accessor that returns the bounding box flag.
        the process
      • getBounds

        public void getBounds​(float[] x,
                              float[] y,
                              float[] z)
        Calculates the extents or boundary of the voi in x, y, and z.
        x - two element array where x[0] = min extent of the Contour and x[1] = max extent of the Contour in the x dimension
        y - two element array where y[0] = min extent of the Contour and y[1] = max extent of the Contour in the y dimension
        z - two element array where z[0] = min extent of the Contour and z[1] = max extent of the Contour in the z dimension
      • getBounds

        public void getBounds​(int[] x,
                              int[] y,
                              int[] z)
        Calculates the extents or boundary of the voi in x, y, and z.
        x - two element array where x[0] = min extent of the Contour and x[1] = max extent of the Contour in the x dimension
        y - two element array where y[0] = min extent of the Contour and y[1] = max extent of the Contour in the y dimension
        z - two element array where z[0] = min extent of the Contour and z[1] = max extent of the Contour in the z dimension
      • getColor

        public java.awt.Color getColor()
        Accessor that returns the VOI's color.
        the color
      • getComments

        public java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String> getComments()
      • getContourGraph

        public ViewJFrameGraph getContourGraph()
        Returns the contour graph associated with this voi.
        contour graph associated with this voi.
      • getCurves

        public VOIBaseVector getCurves()
        Accessor that returns the curves making up the VOI.
        the curves
      • getCurveType

        public int getCurveType()
        Accessor that returns the curve type.
        the curve type
      • getDisplayMode

        public int getDisplayMode()
        Accessor that returns the display mode.
        the display mode
      • getExtension

        public java.lang.String getExtension()
        Accessor that returns the VOI extension.
        extension of voi file name of voi was read in through file
      • getGeometricCenter

        public WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f getGeometricCenter()
        Returns the geometric center of the VOI (only contour).
        returns the geometric center
      • getID

        public short getID()
        Accessor that returns the ID.
        the ID
      • getMaximumIgnore

        public float getMaximumIgnore()
        Accessor that returns the maximum of the range of intensities to ignore.
        The maximum.
      • getMinimumIgnore

        public float getMinimumIgnore()
        Accessor that returns the minimum of the range of intensities to ignore.
        The minimum.
      • getMaximumIgnoreR

        public float getMaximumIgnoreR()
        Accessor that returns the maximum of the range of red intensities to ignore.
        The maximum.
      • getMinimumIgnoreR

        public float getMinimumIgnoreR()
        Accessor that returns the minimum of the range of red intensities to ignore.
        The minimum.
      • getMaximumIgnoreG

        public float getMaximumIgnoreG()
        Accessor that returns the maximum of the range of green intensities to ignore.
        The maximum.
      • getMinimumIgnoreG

        public float getMinimumIgnoreG()
        Accessor that returns the minimum of the range of green intensities to ignore.
        The minimum.
      • getMaximumIgnoreB

        public float getMaximumIgnoreB()
        Accessor that returns the maximum of the range of blue intensities to ignore.
        The maximum.
      • getMinimumIgnoreB

        public float getMinimumIgnoreB()
        Accessor that returns the minimum of the range of blue intensities to ignore.
        The minimum.
      • getName

        public java.lang.String getName()
        Accessor that returns the name of the VOI.
        the name
      • getNumPoints

        public int getNumPoints()
        Get the number of points in the VOI file.
        numPoints number of points
      • getOpacity

        public float getOpacity()
        Accessor that returns the opacity of the VOI.
        the opacity
      • getPointCoordinates

        public void getPointCoordinates​(float[] coord)
        This method is used to get the coordinates of a single VOIPoint.
        coord - this float array contains the x-coordinate in the first element and the y coordinate in the second element
      • getPolarity

        public int getPolarity()
        Accessor that returns.
        the polarity
      • getPositionAndIntensity

        public int getPositionAndIntensity​(int slice,
                                           int contourNo,
                                           WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f[] position,
                                           float[] intensity,
                                           float[] imageBuffer,
                                           int xDim)
        Gets the position and intensity for this VOI if it's a line.
        slice - slice where the line is located
        contourNo - the contour within the image slice
        position - position of the line (x-coordinates)
        intensity - intensity of the line (y-coordinates)
        imageBuffer - image buffer
        xDim - x dimension
        the number of points in the position and intensity array that have a valid data.
      • getProcess

        public boolean getProcess()
        Accessor that returns whether voi is included in processing.
        the process
      • getSize

        public int getSize()
        Returns the number of contours in this VOI.
        number of contours in this VOI.
      • getSliceCurves

        public java.util.Vector<VOIBase> getSliceCurves​(int iSlice)
        Returns a list of contours on a given slice.
        iSlice - the slice in the image.
        list of contours for the slice.
      • getSliceCurves

        public java.util.Vector<VOIBase> getSliceCurves​(int iPlane,
                                                        int iSlice)
        Returns a list of contours for the given image orientation and slice.
        iPlane - , the plane direction to slice the 3D image (x, y, or z).
        iSlice - the slice number.
        list of contours.
      • getSliceSize

        public int getSliceSize​(int iSlice)
        Returns the number of contours for a given slice.
        iSlice - the slice number in the 3D image.
        number of contours for the slice.
      • getSliceSize

        public int getSliceSize​(int iPlane,
                                int iSlice)
        Returns the number of contours for a given image orientation and slice in a 3D image.
        iPlane - the plane direction to slice the 3D image (x,y, or z).
        iSlice - the slice number.
        the number of contours.
      • getSortedCurves

        public java.util.Vector<VOIBase>[] getSortedCurves​(int iDim)
        Sorts the contours based on the image default orientation.
        iDim - the number of slices in the image for the default z-direction of the image.
        an array of contour lists, one list per slice in the image.
      • getSortedCurves

        public java.util.Vector<VOIBase>[] getSortedCurves​(int iPlane,
                                                           int iDim)
        Sorts the contours based on a given image orientation and the desired image depth for that orientation.
        iPlane - the direction to slice the 3D image (x, y, or z).
        iDim - the number of slice in the given orientation.
        an array of contour lists, one per slice in the image.
      • getThickness

        public int getThickness()
        Returns the thickness of the VOI
      • getUID

        public int getUID()
        Accessor that returns the Unique ID (original hash code for object).
        the unique ID
      • getVOISlices

        public int getVOISlices()
        Returns the number of z slices actually containing part of the voi
      • getWatershedID

        public short getWatershedID()
        getWatershedID - accessor that returns the watershedID.
        the ID
      • hasListener

        public boolean hasListener​(VOIListener listener)
      • importCurve

        public VOIBase importCurve​(float[] x,
                                   float[] y,
                                   float[] z)
        Imports a new curve into this voi.
        x - x-positions of the curve.
        y - y-positions of the curve.
        z - z-positions of the curve.
        the new VOIBase object created by the importCurve.
      • importCurve

        public void importCurve​(int[] x,
                                int[] y,
                                int[] z)
      • importCurve

        public void importCurve​(WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f[] pt)
        Imports the curve into the VOI, testing for which type.
        pt - array of 3D points to import
      • importCurve

        public void importCurve​(VOIBase curve)
        Imports the curve into the VOI.
        curve - curve to import
      • importNewVOI

        public void importNewVOI​(int slice,
                                 int voiSlice,
                                 VOI voi,
                                 boolean resize)
        Imports just the VOIs in a slice into this VOI.
        slice - slice indicates the slice where the contour(s) is to be located
        voiSlice - voiSlice indicates the slice where the contour(s) is to be copied from
        voi - added to VOI
        resize - when true clear the existing curves.
      • importPoint

        public void importPoint​(WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f point)
        Import a new point into this VOI. This VOI must be of type POINT.
        point -
      • importPoint

        public void importPoint​(WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f point,
                                boolean notifyListener)
        Import a new point into this VOI. This VOI must be of type POINT.
        point -
      • importPolygon

        public void importPolygon​(java.awt.Polygon gon,
                                  int slice)
        Imports the polygon into the VOI (must be a contour).
        gon - polygon to import
        slice - index of slice of new polygon
      • exportPolygon

        public java.util.Vector<java.awt.Polygon> exportPolygon​(int iSlice)
      • isActive

        public boolean isActive()
        Accessor that tells if the VOI is active.
        boolean active
      • isAllActive

        public boolean isAllActive()
        Returns true iff all contours in this VOI are active.
        true iff all contours in this VOI are active.
      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
        Test whether or not the VOI is empty.
        boolean result of test
      • isFixed

        public boolean isFixed()
        Accessor that tells if VOI is fixed. A fixed VOI cannot be modified.
        boolean fixed
      • isVisible

        public boolean isVisible()
        Accessor that tells if the VOI is visible.
        boolean visible
      • maxWidth

        public WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f[] maxWidth​(boolean bOnlyActive)
        Finds 2 points that form the maximum width of the VOI.
        returns the two points.
      • moveVOI

        public void moveVOI​(int slice,
                            int xDim,
                            int yDim,
                            int zDim,
                            int xM,
                            int yM,
                            int zM)
        Move VOI to a new position.
        slice - slice where the VOI is located
        xDim - x dimension maximum
        yDim - y dimension maximum
        zDim - z dimension maximum
        xM - amount in pixels to move the line in the x direction
        yM - amount in pixels to move the line in the y direction
        zM - amount in pixels to move the line in the z direction
      • nearLine

        public boolean nearLine​(int x,
                                int y,
                                int slice)
        Tests if a point is near a line.
        x - x coordinate of line
        y - y coordinate of line
        slice - index of slice in curve array
        result of test
      • nearPoint

        public boolean nearPoint​(int x,
                                 int y,
                                 int slice)
        Tests if a point is near a point.
        x - x coordinate of point
        y - y coordinate of point
        slice - index of slice in curve array
        result of test
      • pointToContour

        public float pointToContour​(int x,
                                    int y,
                                    int z)
        Finds the minimum distance from a point to a contour. If the point is in a contour, the distance is given a negative sign. If the point is outside contours, the distance is given a positive sign. The contour points are connected by straight line segments between the points so simply find the distances from the point to each line segment comprising the contours.
        x - input x-position
        y - input y-position
        z - input z-position
      • removeAllVOIListeners

        public void removeAllVOIListeners()
      • removeCurve

        public void removeCurve​(VOIBase kCurve)
        Clears VOI of all curves at a slice.
        slice - index of slice of curves to remove
      • removeCurves

        public void removeCurves()
        Clears VOI of all curves.
        slice - index of slice of curves to remove
      • removeCurves

        public void removeCurves​(int slice)
        Clears VOI of all curves at a slice.
        slice - index of slice of curves to remove
      • removeVOIListener

        public void removeVOIListener​(VOIListener listener)
        removes the update listener.
        listener - VOIListener to remove.
      • setActive

        public void setActive​(boolean act)
        Sets whether or not the VOI is active.
        act - boolean to set active to
      • setAllActive

        public void setAllActive​(boolean flag)
        Sets all contours in the VOI as active or inactive.
        flag - boolean to set VOI active or inactive
      • setBoundingBoxFlag

        public void setBoundingBoxFlag​(boolean flag)
        Accessor that sets the flag to the parameter.
        flag - the visible flag
      • setColor

        public void setColor​(java.awt.Color color)
        Accessor that sets the color to the parameter.
        color - the color
      • setColor

        public void setColor​(float hue)
        Accessor that sets the color to the parameter.
        hue - the color of the VOI
      • setComments

        public void setComments​(java.lang.String comment)
      • setContourGraph

        public void setContourGraph​(ViewJFrameGraph newGraph)
        Accessor that sets the contourGraph to the parameter.
        newGraph - the graph
      • setCurves

        public void setCurves​(VOIBaseVector newCurves)
        Sets the list of contours in this VOI to a new list.
        newCurves - new list of VOIBase contours.
      • setCurveType

        public void setCurveType​(int curveType)
        Accessor that sets the curveType to the parameter.
        curveType - the curve type
      • setDisplayMode

        public void setDisplayMode​(int mode)
        Accessor that sets the display mode to the parameter.
        mode - the display mode
      • setExtension

        public void setExtension​(java.lang.String extension)
        Sets the VOI extenstion of voi file name of voi was read in through file
        extension -
      • setFixed

        public void setFixed​(boolean fixed)
        Sets whether or not the VOI is fixed.
        fixed - boolean to set fixed to
      • setID

        public void setID​(short ID)
        Accessor that sets the ID to the parameter.
        ID - the ID
      • setMaximumIgnore

        public void setMaximumIgnore​(float max)
        Accessor that sets the maximum of the range of intensities to ignore.
        max - The maximum.
      • setMinimumIgnore

        public void setMinimumIgnore​(float min)
        Accessor that sets the minimum of the range of intensities to ignore.
        min - The minimum.
      • setMaximumIgnoreR

        public void setMaximumIgnoreR​(float max)
        Accessor that sets the maximum of the range of red intensities to ignore.
        max - The maximum.
      • setMinimumIgnoreR

        public void setMinimumIgnoreR​(float min)
        Accessor that sets the minimum of the range of red intensities to ignore.
        min - The minimum.
      • setMaximumIgnoreG

        public void setMaximumIgnoreG​(float max)
        Accessor that sets the maximum of the range of green intensities to ignore.
        max - The maximum.
      • setMinimumIgnoreG

        public void setMinimumIgnoreG​(float min)
        Accessor that sets the minimum of the range of green intensities to ignore.
        min - The minimum.
      • setMaximumIgnoreB

        public void setMaximumIgnoreB​(float max)
        Accessor that sets the maximum of the range of blue intensities to ignore.
        max - The maximum.
      • setMinimumIgnoreB

        public void setMinimumIgnoreB​(float min)
        Accessor that sets the minimum of the range of blue intensities to ignore.
        min - The minimum.
      • setName

        public void setName​(java.lang.String name)
        Accessor that sets the VOI's name to the parameter.
        name - the name
      • setOnlyID

        public void setOnlyID​(short ID)
        Accessor that sets the ID to the parameter.
        ID - the ID
      • setOpacity

        public void setOpacity​(float opacity)
        Accessor that sets the opacity to the parameter.
        opacity - the opacity
      • setPolarity

        public void setPolarity​(int polarity)
        Accessor that sets the polarity to the parameter.
        polarity - the polarity
      • setProcess

        public void setProcess​(boolean flag)
        Accessor that sets the flag to the parameter.
        flag - the process flag
      • notifyParentVOIProcess

        void notifyParentVOIProcess​(boolean flag)
        Allows VOIBase's to set their parent's process flag without affecting other contours. If not all contours are in the same state, this will not be set.
        flag - the process flag
      • setThickness

        public void setThickness​(int newThickness)
        Sets the thickness of the VOI
        newThickness - the new thickness
      • setUID

        public void setUID​(int uid)
        Sets the unique ID (for saving/retreiving treatment details).
        uid - - unique ID
      • setWatershedID

        public void setWatershedID​(short wID)
        Accessor that sets the ID to the parameter.
        wID - the ID
      • setXYDim

        public void setXYDim​(int xDim,
                             int yDim)
        Accessor that sets xDim and yDim.
        xDim - x dimension
        yDim - y dimension
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • trim

        public void trim()
        Trims all active contours in the VOI based on the Preferences getTrim and getTrimAdjacent values.
      • update

        public void update()
      • updateActive

        public void updateActive()
      • findMaxWidth

        private WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f findMaxWidth​(WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f pt,
                                                                          double[] maxDistance,
                                                                          boolean bOnlyActive)
        This is used by the method maxWidth.
        pt - calculate the distance from this point to any point on any of the contours which form the VOI.
        maxDistance - single array value to keep track of the largest
        the maximum width of the VOI
      • fireVOIBaseAdded

        protected void fireVOIBaseAdded​(VOIBase curve)
        Fires a VOI event based on the VOI. calls the listener's addedVOI() method.
        curve - new curve added to this VOI.
      • fireVOIBaseRemoved

        protected void fireVOIBaseRemoved​(VOIBase curve)
        Fires a VOI event based on the VOI. calls the listener's removedVOI() method.
        curve - curve removed from this VOI.
      • fireVOIColorChange

        protected void fireVOIColorChange​(java.awt.Color color)
        color -
      • fireVOIselection

        protected void fireVOIselection()
        Fires a VOI event based on the VOI. calls the listener's removedVOI() method.