Class ModelLUT

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Cloneable

    public class ModelLUT
    extends ModelStorageBase
    Model of a Lookup Table (LUT). At present, one can construct 10 different LUTs: GRAY, SPECTRUM, HOTMETAL, COOLHOT, SKIN, STRIPED, RED, GREEN, BLUE, GRAY_BR, and BONE. This class allows the programmer to specify the number of colors for the LUT. The LUT extents should be 4 x 256 or problems may arise with the differing colormaps (This class can be extended to handle arbitrary size LUTs but 256 is almost universal). There are 256 locations with alpha, red, green, and blue values as floats in order to store both RGB or HSI or etc. The LUTs are calculated from the corresponding transfer functions for each of a, r, g, and b.
    Matthew J. McAuliffe, Ph.D.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail

      • serialVersionUID

        private static final long serialVersionUID
        Use serialVersionUID for interoperability.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • GRAY

        public static final int GRAY
        Sets up the transfer function colors to be gray.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • SPECTRUM

        public static final int SPECTRUM
        Sets up the transfer function colors to be colours of .
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • HOTMETAL

        public static final int HOTMETAL
        Sets up the transfer function colors to be hotmetal.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • COOLHOT

        public static final int COOLHOT
        Sets up the transfer function colors to be cool-hot.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • SKIN

        public static final int SKIN
        Sets up the transfer function colors to be skin-colors.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • STRIPED

        public static final int STRIPED
        Sets up the transfer function colors to be striped.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • RED

        public static final int RED
        Sets up the transfer function colors to be monochrome-red.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • GREEN

        public static final int GREEN
        Sets up the transfer function colors to be monochrome-green.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • BLUE

        public static final int BLUE
        Sets up the transfer function colors to be monochrome-blue.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • GRAY_BR

        public static final int GRAY_BR
        Sets up the transfer function colors to be gray, with blue in the first location, red in the last location.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • BONE

        public static final int BONE
        Sets up the transfer function to be yellow-ish orange which is supposed to make bones look good.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • alphaLine

        private TransferFunction alphaLine
        Fucntion that attenuates image values.
      • blueLine

        private TransferFunction blueLine
        Function that maps the blue function of the LUT.
      • greenLine

        private TransferFunction greenLine
        Function that maps the green function of the LUT.
      • indexedLUT

        private int[] indexedLUT
        Special int array where the LUT is packed with alpha in the most significant byte of the int, followed red, green, and blue.
      • nColors

        private int nColors
        Number of colors in the LUT.
      • redLine

        private TransferFunction redLine
        Function that maps the red function of the LUT.
      • remappedLUT

        private int[] remappedLUT
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • transferLine

        private TransferFunction transferLine
        Function that maps image values into the LUT. The x coord. ranges [image.min, image.max];
      • type

        private int type
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • x

        private float[] x
        The X coordinates of the transfer functions.
      • customLUTsLocation

        public static final java.lang.String customLUTsLocation
        Opens and returns a buffered reader for a given custom LUT name.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • ModelLUT

        public ModelLUT()
        Default Constructor.
      • ModelLUT

        public ModelLUT​(int _type,
                        int _nColors,
                        int[] dimExtents)
        _type - indicates type of lut (ie. GRAY, SPECTRUM ...)
        _nColors - number of colors defined in LUT
        dimExtents - array indicating LUT extent in each dimension (e.g. 4x256)
    • Method Detail

      • finalize

        public void finalize()
        Description copied from class: ModelStorageBase
        Calls disposeLocal of this class to ensure this class nulls the references to global class variables so that memory will be recovered.
        finalize in class ModelStorageBase
      • buildTDistLUT

        public static ModelLUT buildTDistLUT​(int dof,
                                             double sig,
                                             ModelImage image)
        Build LUT consisting of a student t-distribution at the specified level os significance for the given degrees of freedom.
        dof - degrees of freedom
        sig - level of significance
        image -
      • exportIndexedLUT

        public final int[] exportIndexedLUT()
        This is a method to export a special int array where the alpha is stored in the most significant byte, then red, green and blue. Note that the transfer function has been applied to it.
        remappedLUT location where indexLUT will be exported to
      • exportIndexedLUTMin

        public static void exportIndexedLUTMin​(ModelLUT kLut,
                                               byte[] remappedLUTMin)
        kLUT - model lut
        kTransferLine - transfer function
        iHeight - lut height
        iTable -
      • exportIndexedLUTMin

        public static void exportIndexedLUTMin​(ModelLUT kLut,
                                               byte[] remappedLUTMin,
                                               int index)
      • exportIndexedLUTMin

        public static void exportIndexedLUTMin​(ModelRGB kRGBT,
                                               byte[] remappedLUTMin)
      • exportIndexedLUT

        public final int exportIndexedLUT​(int[] arrayLUT)
        This is a method to export a special int array where the alpha is stored in the most significant byte, then red, green and blue. Without the transfer function applied to the LUT
        arrayLUT - location where indexLUT will be exported.
        int 0 indictes error, and 1 indicates successful completion
      • exportRGB_LUT

        public final float[][] exportRGB_LUT​(boolean applyAlpha)
        This is a method to export a 2D float array of the LUT. This method is used by the ViewJComponent show methods to blend between two images.
        applyAlpha - flag indicating if the LUT's alpha values should be applied
        float returns the RGB LUT a 2D array
      • getAlphaFunction

        public TransferFunction getAlphaFunction()
        Accessor that returns the alpha transfer function.
        the transfer function that describes how to map the alpha values
      • getBlueFunction

        public TransferFunction getBlueFunction()
        Accessor that returns the blue transfer function.
        the transfer function that describes how to map the blue values
      • getColor

        public java.awt.Color getColor​(int index)
        Gets a specific index of the LUT.
        index - index of the LUT, normally 0-255
        LUTcolor color at index
      • getGreenFunction

        public TransferFunction getGreenFunction()
        Accessor that returns the green transfer function.
        the transfer function that describes how to map the green values
      • getLUTType

        public int getLUTType()
        Accessor to get LUT type.
        LUT type
      • getRedFunction

        public TransferFunction getRedFunction()
        Accessor that returns the red transfer function.
        the transfer function that describes how to map the red values
      • getTransferFunction

        public TransferFunction getTransferFunction()
        Accessor that returns the transfer function.
        the transfer function that describes how to remap the image intensities into display values from the LUT.
      • invertLUT

        public void invertLUT()
        Inverts the LUT using the values stored in the band arrays and not the transfer functions.
      • makeBlueTransferFunctions

        public void makeBlueTransferFunctions()
        Creates the R, G, and B transfer functions to produce a blue scale LUT.
      • makeBoneTransferFunctions

        public void makeBoneTransferFunctions()
        Creates the R, G, and B transfer functions to produce a bone scale LUT.
      • makeCoolHotTransferFunctions

        public void makeCoolHotTransferFunctions()
        Creates the R, G, and B transfer functions to produce a "Cool hot" scale LUT. (blue -> pink -> red -> orange -> yellow -> white)
      • makeCTThighTransferFunctions

        public void makeCTThighTransferFunctions()
        Makes a LUT specifically for viewing CT thigh images
      • makeGrayBRTransferFunctions

        public void makeGrayBRTransferFunctions()
        Creates the R, G, and B transfer functions to produce a gray scale LUT.
      • makeGrayTransferFunctions

        public void makeGrayTransferFunctions()
        Creates the R, G, and B transfer functions to produce a gray scale LUT.
      • makeGreenTransferFunctions

        public void makeGreenTransferFunctions()
        Creates the R, G, and B transfer functions to produce a green scale LUT.
      • makeHotMetalTransferFunctions

        public void makeHotMetalTransferFunctions()
        Creates the R, G, and B transfer functions to produce a spectrum scale LUT. (black -> red -> orange -> yellow -> white)
      • makeIndexedLUT

        public void makeIndexedLUT​(int[] opacityArray)
        Special LUT to be used to display java image. Assumes RGB values that range between (0 and 255) are stored in the LUT;
        opacityArray - DOCUMENT ME!
      • makeLUT

        public void makeLUT​(int _nColors)
        This method uses the A, R, G, B transfer functions to build the desired LUT.
        _nColors - indicates the number of colors to used in the LUT.
      • makeRedTransferFunctions

        public void makeRedTransferFunctions()
        Creates the R, G, and B transfer functions to produce a red scale LUT.
      • makeSkinTransferFunctions

        public void makeSkinTransferFunctions()
        Creates the R, G, and B transfer functions to produce a skin scale LUT. (blue -> pink -> red -> orange -> yellow -> white)
      • makeSpectrumTransferFunctions

        public void makeSpectrumTransferFunctions()
        Creates the R, G, and B transfer functions to produce a spectrum scale LUT. (blue -> light blue -> green -> yellow -> orange -> red)
      • makeStripedLUT

        public void makeStripedLUT()
        makeStripedLUT -
      • makeCustomizedLUT

        public void makeCustomizedLUT​(java.lang.String name)
        makeVR with customized LUT
      • oneToZeroLUTAdjust

        public void oneToZeroLUTAdjust()
        The purpose of this method is to adjust the zero index of the LUT from (1, 1, 1) to (0, 0, 0) The reason is so image A and image B are not blended throughout by default.
      • resetAlphaLine

        public void resetAlphaLine()
        Resets the alpha function to be linear.
      • resetTransferLine

        public void resetTransferLine​(float min,
                                      float max)
        Resets the transfer function to be linear.
        min - DOCUMENT ME!
        max - DOCUMENT ME!
      • resetTransferLine

        public void resetTransferLine​(float min,
                                      float imgMin,
                                      float max,
                                      float imgMax)
        Resets the transfer function to be linear.
        min - float the minimum for the data range of this image type
        imgMin - float the actual minimum data value for the image
        max - float the maximum for the data range of this image type
        imgMax - float the actual maximum data value for the image
      • setColor

        public void setColor​(int index,
                             java.awt.Color LUTcolor)
        Sets a specific index of the LUT with the given color.
        index - index of the LUT, normally 0-255
        LUTcolor - color to be placed at the LUT
      • setColor

        public void setColor​(int index,
                             int alpha,
                             int red,
                             int green,
                             int blue)
        Sets a specific index of the LUT with the given color and updates the compressed LUT.
        index - int index of the LUT
        alpha - int 0-255 alpha
        red - int 0-255 red
        green - int 0-255 green
        blue - int 0-255 blue
      • setTransferFunction

        public void setTransferFunction​(TransferFunction txFunction)
        Sets the LUTs transfer function.
        txFunction - DOCUMENT ME!
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        displays the LUT colours and alpha values in hex.
        toString in class java.lang.Object
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString​(boolean displayInHex,
                                         boolean displayAlphaValues)
        Presents the Lookuptable by.
        displayInHex - DOCUMENT ME!
        displayAlphaValues - DOCUMENT ME!
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • zeroToOneLUTAdjust

        public void zeroToOneLUTAdjust()
        The purpose of this method is to adjust the zero index of the LUT from (0, 0, 0) to (1, 1, 1) The reason is so image A and image B are blended throughout by default.
      • calcBand

        private void calcBand​(TransferFunction function,
                              float[] band)
        Calculates the color band (i.e. red, green, blue) for the LUT using the the corresponding transfer function
        function - the band's transfer function
        band - storage location after conversion from transfer function to the band
      • getIndexedLUT

        public int[] getIndexedLUT()
      • openLUTFile

        public static final openLUTFile​(java.lang.String lutName)