Class ModelRGB

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Cloneable

    public class ModelRGB
    extends ModelStorageBase
    Model of a RGB Table. 256 length red, green, and blue tables are constructed from the red, green, and blue transfer functions. A 256 indexedRGB integer array is returned by exportIndexedRGB with alpha always equal to 255 in the most significant byte, followed by red, green, and blue in the following bytes with the red, green , and blue values able to vary from 0 to 255.
    Matthew J. McAuliffe, Ph.D., William Gandler
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail

      • serialVersionUID

        private static final long serialVersionUID
        Use serialVersionUID for interoperability.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • blueLine

        private TransferFunction blueLine
        Function that maps the blue function of the LUT.
      • BOn

        private boolean BOn
        Flag indicating whether the blue channel should be displayed.
      • GOn

        private boolean GOn
        Flag indicating whether the green channel should be displayed.
      • greenLine

        private TransferFunction greenLine
        Function that maps the green function of the LUT.
      • indexedRGB

        private int[] indexedRGB
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • nColors

        private int nColors
        Number of colors in the LUT.
      • redLine

        private TransferFunction redLine
        Function that maps the red function of the LUT.
      • ROn

        private boolean ROn
        Flag indicating whether the red channel should be displayed.
      • x

        private float[] x
        The X coordinates of the transfer functions.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ModelRGB

        public ModelRGB()
        Default constructor.
      • ModelRGB

        public ModelRGB​(int[] dimExtents)
        dimExtents - array indicating RGB table extent in each dimension (e.g. 4x256)
    • Method Detail

      • evenDistributionFunctions

        public void evenDistributionFunctions()
        Creates the R, G, and B transfer functions to produce a gray scale LUT.
      • exportIndexedRGB

        public final int[] exportIndexedRGB()
        This is a method to export a special int array where the alpha is stored in the most significant byte, then red, green and blue.
        indexedRGB location to which the exporting takes place
      • getBlueFunction

        public TransferFunction getBlueFunction()
        Accessor that returns the blue transfer function.
        the transfer function that describes how to map the blue values
      • setBlueFunction

        public void setBlueFunction​(TransferFunction fn)
        Accessor that returns the blue transfer function.
      • getBOn

        public final boolean getBOn()
        Returns the boolean indicating if the blue channel should be displayed.
        BOn = true then display the blue channel (default = true)
      • getColor

        public java.awt.Color getColor​(int index)
        Gets a specific index of the RGB table.
        index - index of the RGB table, normally 0-255
        RGBcolor color at index
      • getGOn

        public final boolean getGOn()
        Returns the boolean indicating if the green channel should be displayed.
        GOn = true then display the green channel (default = true)
      • getGreenFunction

        public TransferFunction getGreenFunction()
        Accessor that returns the green transfer function.
        the transfer function that describes how to map the green values
      • setGreenFunction

        public void setGreenFunction​(TransferFunction fn)
        Accessor that returns the green transfer function.
      • getRedFunction

        public TransferFunction getRedFunction()
        Accessor that returns the red transfer function.
        the transfer function that describes how to map the red values
      • setRedFunction

        public void setRedFunction​(TransferFunction fn)
        Accessor that returns the red transfer function.
      • getROn

        public final boolean getROn()
        Returns the boolean indicating if the red channel should be displayed.
        RaOn = true then display the red channel (default = true)
      • makeGrayTransferFunctions

        public void makeGrayTransferFunctions()
        Creates the R, G, and B transfer functions to produce a gray scale LUT.
      • makeHorizonTransferFunctions

        public void makeHorizonTransferFunctions()
        Creates the R, G, and B transfer functions to produce a horizontal linear scale LUT.
      • makeIndexedRGB

        public void makeIndexedRGB()
        Special RGB table to be used to display java image. Assumes RGB values that range between (0 and 255) are stored in the RGB table;
      • makeRGB

        public void makeRGB​(int _nColors)
        This method uses the R, G, B transfer functions to build the desired RGB tables.
        _nColors - indicates the number of colors to used in the RGB table.
      • setBOn

        public final void setBOn​(boolean blueOn)
        Sets if the blue channel to the boolean value.
        blueOn - if true blue channel should be displayed.
      • setColor

        public void setColor​(int index,
                             java.awt.Color RGBcolor)
        Sets a specific index of the RGB table with the given color.
        index - index of the RGB table, normally 0-255
        RGBcolor - color to be placed at the index
      • setGOn

        public final void setGOn​(boolean greenOn)
        Sets if the green channel to the boolean value.
        greenOn - if true green channel should be displayed.
      • setROn

        public final void setROn​(boolean redOn)
        Sets if the red channel to the boolean value.
        redOn - if true red channel should be displayed.
      • calcRGBBand

        private void calcRGBBand​(TransferFunction function,
                                 float[] band)
        Calculates the color band (i.e. red, green, blue) for the LUT using the the corresponding transfer function
        function - the band's transfer function
        band - storage location after conversion from transfer function to the band