Class VolumeImage

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class VolumeImage
    extends java.lang.Object
    The VolumeImage class provides an interface between the MIPAV ModelImage and the 2D and 3D Textures used to render the ModelImage on the GPU. The VolumeImage creates the supporting Texture and GraphicImage objects that pass the ModelImage data to the GPU. It also creates Texture and GraphicsImage objects for the ModelImage Look-up Table (LUT) and the ModelImage opacity transfer function. Other textures that are used for advanced volume rendering, such as a normal map for surface rendering, and the gradient-magnitude and laplace images for the multi-histogram rendering are calculated and passed on-demand to the GPU when the user selects these options in the Volume-Renderer user-interface. The VolumeImage data structure handles all GPU content for rendering one ModelImage. All Textures and GraphicsImages are initialized and stored in the VolumeImage. When needed by the renderer they are loaded onto the GPU. Any images that are derived from the ModelImage: Normal map, Gradient Magnitude, Laplace, are either read from file or calculated and then written to file. The supporting files are stored in a directory on disk located next to the original ModelImage. The directory is named with the ModelImage name followed by "_RenderFiles".
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      private WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector2f[] m_akGradientMagMinMax
      3D sub-images (4D data)
      private WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector2f[] m_akHistoTCoord
      Texture coordinates for displaying histogram in 2D
      private boolean m_bGMInit
      Set to true if the Gradient Magnitude texture map has been initialized.
      private boolean m_bHistoInit
      Set to true when the multi-histogram histogram texture has been initialized.
      private boolean m_bNormalsInit
      Set to true if the Normal Map has been initialized.
      private float m_fDRRNormalize  
      private float m_fMax
      Image scale factors for display in 3D
      private float m_fX
      Image scale factors for display in 3D
      private float m_fY
      Image scale factors for display in 3D
      private float m_fZ
      Image scale factors for display in 3D
      private int m_iMaxExtent  
      private int m_iTimeSlice
      Current position in time (4D data)
      private int m_iTimeSteps
      Total number of time-slices (4D data)
      private WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage m_kColorMap
      Data storage for color map:
      private WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture m_kColorMapTarget
      Texture object for color map:
      private java.lang.String m_kDir
      Directory for calculated images
      private WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage[] m_kHisto
      Histogram data for multi-histogram interface
      private WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture m_kHistoTarget
      Texture object for data:
      private ModelImage m_kImage
      Reference to ModelImage image
      private ModelImage m_kImageGM  
      private ModelLUT m_kLUT
      private WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage[] m_kNormal
      Data storage for normals:
      private WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture m_kNormalMapTarget
      Texture object for normal map:
      private WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage m_kOpacityMap_GM
      GraphicsImage contains GM opacity transfer function data:
      private WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture m_kOpacityMapTarget_GM
      Texture contains texture filter modes and GraphicsImage for opacity transfer function:
      private java.lang.String m_kPostfix
      Image name post-fix typically either 'A' or 'B'
      private ModelRGB m_kRGBT
      private WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture m_kScratchTarget
      Texture object for GPU computations:
      private WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage m_kSurfaceImage
      Data storage for surfaces:
      private WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture m_kSurfaceTarget
      Texture object for surfaces:
      private WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage[] m_kVolume
      Data storage for volume:
      private WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage[] m_kVolumeGM
      Data storage for volume gradient magnitude:
      private WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture m_kVolumeGMTarget
      Texture object for volume gradient magnitude data:
      private WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture m_kVolumeTarget
      Texture object for data:
      private TransferFunction opacityTransferFn  
      private static long serialVersionUID  
      protected java.util.Vector<WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.ColorRGB> surfaceColor
      A vector of BitSet masks, one for each surface loaded into the viewer.
      protected java.util.Vector<java.util.BitSet> surfaceMask
      A vector of BitSet masks, one for each surface loaded into the viewer.
      protected java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> surfaceNames
      A vector of the mask names, so they can be accessed by name:
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      private void addNormals​(ModelImage kImage, int iTimeSlice)  
      static boolean checkImage​(ModelImage kImage1, ModelImage kImage2)
      Checks that the two input images match extents, units of measure and resolutions.
      protected float computeIntegralNormalizationFactor()
      In order to map line integrals of image intensity to RGB colors where each color channel is 8 bits, it is necessary to make sure that the integrals are in [0,255].
      void CopyNormalFiles​(int i, ModelImage kImage)
      When the ModelImage data is rendered as a solid surface, the Normal map is used in the rendering.
      private WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage createGM_Laplace​(ModelImage kImageGM, ModelImage kImageL, WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage kVolumeImage, int iTimeSlice, boolean bSwap)  
      static ModelImage CreateImageFromTexture​(WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage kImage)
      Read the current Volume Texture from the GPU and return a new ModelImage of that data.
      static ModelImage CreateImageFromTexture​(WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage kImage, boolean bSwap)
      Copy the data from the input GraphicsImage and return a new ModelImage of that data.
      void dispose()
      Memory cleanup.
      private void GenerateHistogram​(WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage[] kImage, WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage[] kImageGM, java.lang.String kPostFix, int start, int end)
      Generate 2D histogram from the input image and the gradient-magnitude
      void GenerateNormalFiles​(VolumeTriPlanarInterface parentFrame)
      This function is called when the user selects the Surface or Composite Surface volume rendering option.
      WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture GetColorMapTarget()
      Return the Color Map Texture.
      float getDRRNorm()
      Return the normalization factor for DDR rendering mode.
      static ModelImage getGradientMagnitude​(ModelImage kImage, int i)
      Calculates and stores the gradient magnitude images (3D or 4D) for the input image.
      ModelImage GetGradientMagnitudeImage()  
      float GetGradientMagnitudeMax()  
      float GetGradientMagnitudeMin()  
      WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector2f GetGradientMagnitudeMinMax()  
      WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture GetGradientMapTarget()
      Return the Gradient Magnitude Texture.
      WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture GetHistoTarget()
      Returns the multi-histogram histogram Texture.
      WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector2f[] GetHistoTCoords()
      Return the texture coordinates for the multi-histogram histogram texture.
      ModelImage GetImage()
      Return the ModelImage volume data.
      ModelStorageBase getLUT()
      Return the Volume RGBT.
      ModelLUT GetLUT()
      Return the ModelImage LUT.
      int GetMaxExtent()  
      WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture GetNormalMapTarget()
      Return the Normal map Texture.
      TransferFunction getOpacityFn()  
      WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture GetOpacityMapGMTarget()
      Return the gradient magnitude opacity transfer function Texture.
      java.lang.String GetPostfix()
      Return the postfix for this VolumeImage.
      ModelRGB GetRGB()
      Return the Volume RGBT.
      float GetScaleMax()
      The ModelImage Volume max-scale factor.
      float GetScaleX()
      The ModelImage Volume x-scale factor.
      float GetScaleY()
      The ModelImage Volume y-scale factor.
      float GetScaleZ()
      The ModelImage Volume z-scale factor.
      WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture GetScratchTarget()  
      WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture GetSurfaceTarget()
      Return the surface mask Texture.
      int GetTimeSlice()
      Returns the current rendered time-slice for 4D images.
      float GetTransferedValue​(int x, int y, int z)  
      WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture GetVolumeTarget()
      Return the Texture containing the volume data.
      java.nio.Buffer GetVolumeTargetBuffer()
      Return the Buffer containing the volume data, which is stored in the Texture GrapicsImage.
      private void init​(ViewJProgressBar kProgress, int iProgress, boolean initGradientMagnitude)
      Initialize the VolumeImage with the ModelImage data.
      private WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage initColorMap()  
      static WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage InitColorMap​(WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture kTexture, WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage kImage, ModelStorageBase kLUT, java.lang.String kPostFix)
      Initialize the textures for the color lookup table.
      private void initImages()
      Intializes the Textures and GraphicsImages used to render the ModelImage this VolumeImage represents.
      private void initImagesColor()  
      private void initLUT()
      Create a new LUT for the input image.
      WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage InitOpacityMap​(ModelImage kImage, java.lang.String kPostFix)
      Initialize the GraphicsImage for the opacity lookup table.
      private void InitScale()
      Initialize the scale factors.
      private WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage initVolumeData​(ModelImage kImage, int iTimeSlice, WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture kVolumeTexture, java.lang.String kImageName, boolean bSwap, boolean bRescale)  
      boolean IsColorImage()
      Return true if the Volume image is a color image.
      boolean isHistoInit()
      Returns true if the multi-histogram histogram texture has been initialized, false otherwise.
      private static ModelImage ReadFromDisk​(java.lang.String kImageName, java.lang.String kDir)
      Reads an image from disk.
      private void readObject​( in)  
      void ReleaseVolume()
      Release the Textures containing the volume data.
      void removeSurfaceMask​(java.lang.String name)
      Delete the surface mask, using the name of the mask as reference.
      private WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage resetVolumeData​(ModelImage kImage, int iTimeSlice, WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage kGraphicsImage, WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture kVolumeTexture, java.lang.String kImageName, boolean bSwap, boolean bRescale)  
      void SetGradientMagnitude​(ModelImage kGradientMagnitude, boolean bComputeLaplace, java.lang.String kPostfix)
      Called when the user selects the Gradient Magnitude option or the Multi-Histogram option in the Volume Renderer.
      void SetRGBT​(ModelRGB kRGBT)
      Sets the ModelRGB for the iImage.
      void setSurfaceMask​(java.lang.String name, WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.ColorRGB color, java.util.BitSet mask)
      Add a new surface mask.
      void setSurfaceMaskColor​(java.lang.String name, WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.ColorRGB color)
      Delete the surface mask, using the name of the mask as reference.
      void SetTimeSlice​(int iSlice)
      Sets the time slices for 4D data.
      private float TransferValue​(float value)  
      private void update4D()
      Go to the next 3D volume sub-image for the 4D animation.
      void update4D​(boolean bForward)
      Updates the current time slice.
      void UpdateData​(ModelImage kImage, boolean reload)
      Update the image data.
      static WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage UpdateData​(ModelImage kImage, int iTimeSlice, ModelImage kNewImage, WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage kVolumeImage, WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture kVolumeTexture, java.lang.String kImageName, boolean bSwap, boolean bRescale)
      When a ModelImage changes on the CPU, this function is used to update the ModelImage data on the CPU.
      void UpdateData​(ModelImage kImage, ModelLUT kLUT, boolean reload)
      Changes the underlying image data and LUT.
      static WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage UpdateData​(ModelSimpleImage kImage, java.lang.String kImageName)
      Creates a new GraphicsImage for the input ModelSimpleImage.
      private boolean UpdateImages​(ModelImage kImage, WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture kOpacityTexture, WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage kOpacityMap, TransferFunction kTransfer)
      Called when the opacity transfer function changes.
      void UpdateImages​(ModelLUT kLUT)
      Update the LUT for the ModelImage.
      void UpdateImages​(ModelStorageBase kLUT)
      Update the LUT for the ModelImage.
      boolean UpdateImages​(TransferFunction kTransfer, int iImage, ModelImage kImage)
      Update the transfer function for the image iImage.
      static void UpdateImages​(WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture kColorTexture, WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage kColorMap, ModelLUT kLUT)
      When the LUT changes, this function updates the LUT data on the GPU.
      private boolean UpdateImages2​(ModelImage kImage, WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture kOpacityTexture, WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage kOpacityMap, TransferFunction kTransfer)
      Update the opacity transfer function.
      private void updateMask()  
      private void writeObject​( out)  
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • m_kImage

        private ModelImage m_kImage
        Reference to ModelImage image
      • m_kOpacityMap_GM

        private WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage m_kOpacityMap_GM
        GraphicsImage contains GM opacity transfer function data:
      • m_kOpacityMapTarget_GM

        private WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture m_kOpacityMapTarget_GM
        Texture contains texture filter modes and GraphicsImage for opacity transfer function:
      • m_kVolume

        private WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage[] m_kVolume
        Data storage for volume:
      • m_kVolumeTarget

        private WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture m_kVolumeTarget
        Texture object for data:
      • m_kNormal

        private WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage[] m_kNormal
        Data storage for normals:
      • m_bNormalsInit

        private boolean m_bNormalsInit
        Set to true if the Normal Map has been initialized.
      • m_kNormalMapTarget

        private WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture m_kNormalMapTarget
        Texture object for normal map:
      • m_kScratchTarget

        private WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture m_kScratchTarget
        Texture object for GPU computations:
      • m_kColorMap

        private WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage m_kColorMap
        Data storage for color map:
      • m_kColorMapTarget

        private WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture m_kColorMapTarget
        Texture object for color map:
      • m_kVolumeGM

        private WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage[] m_kVolumeGM
        Data storage for volume gradient magnitude:
      • m_bGMInit

        private boolean m_bGMInit
        Set to true if the Gradient Magnitude texture map has been initialized.
      • m_kVolumeGMTarget

        private WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture m_kVolumeGMTarget
        Texture object for volume gradient magnitude data:
      • m_kSurfaceImage

        private WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage m_kSurfaceImage
        Data storage for surfaces:
      • m_kSurfaceTarget

        private WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture m_kSurfaceTarget
        Texture object for surfaces:
      • m_kLUT

        private ModelLUT m_kLUT
      • m_kRGBT

        private ModelRGB m_kRGBT
      • m_fX

        private float m_fX
        Image scale factors for display in 3D
      • m_fY

        private float m_fY
        Image scale factors for display in 3D
      • m_fZ

        private float m_fZ
        Image scale factors for display in 3D
      • m_fMax

        private float m_fMax
        Image scale factors for display in 3D
      • m_iMaxExtent

        private int m_iMaxExtent
      • m_kPostfix

        private java.lang.String m_kPostfix
        Image name post-fix typically either 'A' or 'B'
      • m_kDir

        private java.lang.String m_kDir
        Directory for calculated images
      • m_kHisto

        private WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage[] m_kHisto
        Histogram data for multi-histogram interface
      • m_bHistoInit

        private boolean m_bHistoInit
        Set to true when the multi-histogram histogram texture has been initialized.
      • m_kHistoTarget

        private WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture m_kHistoTarget
        Texture object for data:
      • m_akHistoTCoord

        private WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector2f[] m_akHistoTCoord
        Texture coordinates for displaying histogram in 2D
      • m_fDRRNormalize

        private float m_fDRRNormalize
      • m_iTimeSlice

        private int m_iTimeSlice
        Current position in time (4D data)
      • m_iTimeSteps

        private int m_iTimeSteps
        Total number of time-slices (4D data)
      • m_akGradientMagMinMax

        private WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector2f[] m_akGradientMagMinMax
        3D sub-images (4D data)
      • surfaceMask

        protected java.util.Vector<java.util.BitSet> surfaceMask
        A vector of BitSet masks, one for each surface loaded into the viewer.
      • surfaceNames

        protected java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> surfaceNames
        A vector of the mask names, so they can be accessed by name:
      • surfaceColor

        protected java.util.Vector<WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.ColorRGB> surfaceColor
        A vector of BitSet masks, one for each surface loaded into the viewer.
    • Constructor Detail

      • VolumeImage

        public VolumeImage()
      • VolumeImage

        public VolumeImage​(boolean bClone,
                           ModelImage kImage,
                           java.lang.String kPostfix,
                           ViewJProgressBar kProgress,
                           int iProgress)
        Create a Volume image with the input ModelImage. The supporting images for advanced volume rendering, such as the normal map, gradient magnitude and laplace images are generated on-demand and stored in a directory for later use. The directory is created if it does not already exist, with the ModelImage name + "_RenderFiles" as the directory name.
        bClone - , when true clone the input ModelImage, when false reference the ModelImage
        kImage - input ModelImage
        kPostfix - Postfix for images 'A' or 'B'
        kProgress - progress bar
        iProgress - progress bar increment
      • VolumeImage

        public VolumeImage​(boolean bClone,
                           ModelImage kImage,
                           java.lang.String kPostfix,
                           ViewJProgressBar kProgress,
                           int iProgress,
                           boolean initGradientMagnitude)
    • Method Detail

      • CreateImageFromTexture

        public static ModelImage CreateImageFromTexture​(WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage kImage,
                                                        boolean bSwap)
        Copy the data from the input GraphicsImage and return a new ModelImage of that data. Any changes to the GraphicsImage that occur only on the GPU can first be written from the GPU back into the GraphicsImage CPU data storage. This enables calculations that are performed on the GPU to be written back into a ModelImage data structure.
        kImage - Graphics Image to copy
        bSwap - when true convert from RGBA (graphics format) to ARGB (ModelImage format)
        new ModelImage from Volume Texture on GPU.
      • InitColorMap

        public static WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage InitColorMap​(WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture kTexture,
                                                                                 WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage kImage,
                                                                                 ModelStorageBase kLUT,
                                                                                 java.lang.String kPostFix)
        Initialize the textures for the color lookup table.
        kLUT - the new LUT.
        kRGBT - the new RGB table.
        kPostfix - the string postfix to concatenate to the "ColorMap" image name.
        GraphicsImage, the new GraphicsImage storing the colormap lookup table.
      • initColorMap

        private WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage initColorMap()
      • UpdateData

        public static WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage UpdateData​(ModelImage kImage,
                                                                               int iTimeSlice,
                                                                               ModelImage kNewImage,
                                                                               WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage kVolumeImage,
                                                                               WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture kVolumeTexture,
                                                                               java.lang.String kImageName,
                                                                               boolean bSwap,
                                                                               boolean bRescale)
        When a ModelImage changes on the CPU, this function is used to update the ModelImage data on the CPU.
        kImage - Modified ModelImage to copy into the GPU Texture and GraphicsImage
        iTimeSlice - time value for 4D image, 0 otherwise
        kNewImage - a new ModelImage (always 3D) that the data or data subset for 4D image can be copied into (when non-null).
        kVolumeImage - GraphicsImage that will hold the ModelImage data
        kVolumeTexture - Texture object containing the GraphicsImage
        kImageName - new image name for the new ModelImage.
        bSwap - when true swap the ARGB (ModelImage) color data representation to a RGBA (GPU) color representation.
      • initVolumeData

        private WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage initVolumeData​(ModelImage kImage,
                                                                             int iTimeSlice,
                                                                             WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture kVolumeTexture,
                                                                             java.lang.String kImageName,
                                                                             boolean bSwap,
                                                                             boolean bRescale)
      • resetVolumeData

        private WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage resetVolumeData​(ModelImage kImage,
                                                                              int iTimeSlice,
                                                                              WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage kGraphicsImage,
                                                                              WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture kVolumeTexture,
                                                                              java.lang.String kImageName,
                                                                              boolean bSwap,
                                                                              boolean bRescale)
      • addNormals

        private void addNormals​(ModelImage kImage,
                                int iTimeSlice)
      • createGM_Laplace

        private WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage createGM_Laplace​(ModelImage kImageGM,
                                                                               ModelImage kImageL,
                                                                               WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage kVolumeImage,
                                                                               int iTimeSlice,
                                                                               boolean bSwap)
      • UpdateData

        public static WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage UpdateData​(ModelSimpleImage kImage,
                                                                               java.lang.String kImageName)
        Creates a new GraphicsImage for the input ModelSimpleImage. The ModelSimpleImage data is referenced by the new GraphicsImage and will be passed to the GPU as a texture.
        kImage - input ModelSimpleImage.
        kImageName - name for the GraphicsImage.
        a new GraphcisImage.
      • UpdateImages

        public static void UpdateImages​(WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture kColorTexture,
                                        WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage kColorMap,
                                        ModelLUT kLUT)
        When the LUT changes, this function updates the LUT data on the GPU.
        kColorTexture - the color-map Texture object.
        kColorMap - the color-map GraphicsImage object (stores data).
        kLUT - the updated or new LUT.
      • CopyNormalFiles

        public void CopyNormalFiles​(int i,
                                    ModelImage kImage)
        When the ModelImage data is rendered as a solid surface, the Normal map is used in the rendering. The Normal map is calculated on the GPU by one of the GLSL shader programs. This function is called after the GPU calculation has finished and the GPU data has been copied into a new ModelImage on the CPU the new ModelImage then contains the Normal map information, which is written into a file and copied into the Normal map GraphicsImage used to render the original ModelImage.
        i - current 3D sub-image for 4D data. If the data is 3D this value should be 0.
        kImage - a new ModelImage containing the calculated Normals.
      • CreateImageFromTexture

        public static ModelImage CreateImageFromTexture​(WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage kImage)
        Read the current Volume Texture from the GPU and return a new ModelImage of that data.
        new ModelImage from Volume Texture on GPU.
      • dispose

        public void dispose()
        Memory cleanup.
      • GenerateNormalFiles

        public void GenerateNormalFiles​(VolumeTriPlanarInterface parentFrame)
        This function is called when the user selects the Surface or Composite Surface volume rendering option. If the normals have already been initialized the function returns. Otherwise the function checks if the normals are available in a file on disk, and if so if they match the parameters (size, units, resolutions) of the original ModelImage. If the files match they are used and the Normal map is read from file. Otherwise this function launches the GPU-based Normal calculation. That calculation when finished calls the CopyNormalFiles which writes the calculated normals to disk and updates the Normal map on the GPU for rendering.
      • GetColorMapTarget

        public WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture GetColorMapTarget()
        Return the Color Map Texture.
        Volume color map Texture.
      • getDRRNorm

        public float getDRRNorm()
        Return the normalization factor for DDR rendering mode.
        normalization factor for DDR rendering mode.
      • GetGradientMapTarget

        public WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture GetGradientMapTarget()
        Return the Gradient Magnitude Texture.
        Gradient Magnitude Texture.
      • isHistoInit

        public boolean isHistoInit()
        Returns true if the multi-histogram histogram texture has been initialized, false otherwise.
        true if the multi-histogram histogram texture has been initialized, false otherwise.
      • GetHistoTarget

        public WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture GetHistoTarget()
        Returns the multi-histogram histogram Texture.
        the multi-histogram histogram Texture.
      • GetHistoTCoords

        public WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector2f[] GetHistoTCoords()
        Return the texture coordinates for the multi-histogram histogram texture.
        the texture coordinates for the multi-histogram histogram texture.
      • GetGradientMagnitudeImage

        public ModelImage GetGradientMagnitudeImage()
      • GetGradientMagnitudeMinMax

        public WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector2f GetGradientMagnitudeMinMax()
      • GetGradientMagnitudeMin

        public float GetGradientMagnitudeMin()
      • GetGradientMagnitudeMax

        public float GetGradientMagnitudeMax()
      • GetImage

        public ModelImage GetImage()
        Return the ModelImage volume data.
        ModelImage volume data.
      • GetLUT

        public ModelLUT GetLUT()
        Return the ModelImage LUT.
        Volume LUT.
      • GetNormalMapTarget

        public WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture GetNormalMapTarget()
        Return the Normal map Texture.
        Normal map Texture.
      • GetScratchTarget

        public WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture GetScratchTarget()
      • GetOpacityMapGMTarget

        public WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture GetOpacityMapGMTarget()
        Return the gradient magnitude opacity transfer function Texture.
        gradient magnitude opacity transfer function Texture.
      • GetPostfix

        public java.lang.String GetPostfix()
        Return the postfix for this VolumeImage.
        postfix for this VolumeImage.
      • getLUT

        public ModelStorageBase getLUT()
        Return the Volume RGBT.
        Volume RGBT.
      • GetRGB

        public ModelRGB GetRGB()
        Return the Volume RGBT.
        Volume RGBT.
      • GetTransferedValue

        public float GetTransferedValue​(int x,
                                        int y,
                                        int z)
      • TransferValue

        private float TransferValue​(float value)
      • GetScaleMax

        public float GetScaleMax()
        The ModelImage Volume max-scale factor.
        Volume max-scale factor.
      • GetMaxExtent

        public int GetMaxExtent()
      • GetScaleX

        public float GetScaleX()
        The ModelImage Volume x-scale factor.
        Volume x-scale factor.
      • GetScaleY

        public float GetScaleY()
        The ModelImage Volume y-scale factor.
        Volume y-scale factor.
      • GetScaleZ

        public float GetScaleZ()
        The ModelImage Volume z-scale factor.
        Volume z-scale factor.
      • GetSurfaceTarget

        public WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture GetSurfaceTarget()
        Return the surface mask Texture.
        surface mask Texture.
      • setSurfaceMask

        public void setSurfaceMask​(java.lang.String name,
                                   WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.ColorRGB color,
                                   java.util.BitSet mask)
        Add a new surface mask.
        name - surface name.
        mask - surface mask volume.
      • updateMask

        private void updateMask()
      • removeSurfaceMask

        public void removeSurfaceMask​(java.lang.String name)
        Delete the surface mask, using the name of the mask as reference.
        name - the surface name.
      • setSurfaceMaskColor

        public void setSurfaceMaskColor​(java.lang.String name,
                                        WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.ColorRGB color)
        Delete the surface mask, using the name of the mask as reference.
        name - the surface name.
      • GetTimeSlice

        public int GetTimeSlice()
        Returns the current rendered time-slice for 4D images. Otherwise returns 0.
        the current rendered time-slice for 4D images. Otherwise returns 0.
      • GetVolumeTarget

        public WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture GetVolumeTarget()
        Return the Texture containing the volume data.
        Texture containing the volume data.
      • GetVolumeTargetBuffer

        public java.nio.Buffer GetVolumeTargetBuffer()
        Return the Buffer containing the volume data, which is stored in the Texture GrapicsImage.
        Buffer containing the volume data.
      • InitOpacityMap

        public WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage InitOpacityMap​(ModelImage kImage,
                                                                            java.lang.String kPostFix)
        Initialize the GraphicsImage for the opacity lookup table.
        kImage - the ModelImage the opacity transfer function applies to.
        kPostfix - the string postfix to concatenate to the "OpacityMap" image name.
        GraphicsImage, the new GraphicsImage storing opacity lookup table.
      • IsColorImage

        public boolean IsColorImage()
        Return true if the Volume image is a color image.
        true if the Volume image is a color image.
      • ReleaseVolume

        public void ReleaseVolume()
        Release the Textures containing the volume data. Once Textures are released, they will be re-loaded onto the GPU during the next frame.
      • SetGradientMagnitude

        public void SetGradientMagnitude​(ModelImage kGradientMagnitude,
                                         boolean bComputeLaplace,
                                         java.lang.String kPostfix)
        Called when the user selects the Gradient Magnitude option or the Multi-Histogram option in the Volume Renderer.
        kGradientMagnitude - pre-computed GradientMagnitude image or null
        bComputeLaplace - when true the Laplace image and multi-histogram histogram Textures are computed.
        kPostfix - GraphicsImage postfix string.
      • SetRGBT

        public void SetRGBT​(ModelRGB kRGBT)
        Sets the ModelRGB for the iImage.
        kRGBT - new ModelRGB
      • SetTimeSlice

        public void SetTimeSlice​(int iSlice)
        Sets the time slices for 4D data.
        iSlice - new time slice value.
      • update4D

        public void update4D​(boolean bForward)
        Updates the current time slice.
        bForward - when true the time advances on step forward or wraps to the beginning. When false the time moves backward.
      • UpdateData

        public void UpdateData​(ModelImage kImage,
                               boolean reload)
        Update the image data.
        kImage - the modified ModelImage
        bCopytoCPU - when true the data is copied from the GPU GraphicsImage into the ModelImage
      • UpdateData

        public void UpdateData​(ModelImage kImage,
                               ModelLUT kLUT,
                               boolean reload)
        Changes the underlying image data and LUT. If the new image data is a different size than then previous one, recreate the volume image on the GPU, otherwise just overwrite it with the new data.
        kImage -
        kLUT -
        reload -
      • UpdateImages

        public void UpdateImages​(ModelLUT kLUT)
        Update the LUT for the ModelImage.
        kLUT - new LUT for ModelImage.
      • UpdateImages

        public void UpdateImages​(ModelStorageBase kLUT)
        Update the LUT for the ModelImage.
        kLUT - new LUT for ModelImage.
      • UpdateImages

        public boolean UpdateImages​(TransferFunction kTransfer,
                                    int iImage,
                                    ModelImage kImage)
        Update the transfer function for the image iImage.
        kTransfer - the new opacity transfer function
        iImage - the image to modify (0 = volume image, 2 = gradient mag)
        kImage - GradientMagitude image.
        boolean true when updated, false otherwise.
      • computeIntegralNormalizationFactor

        protected float computeIntegralNormalizationFactor()
        In order to map line integrals of image intensity to RGB colors where each color channel is 8 bits, it is necessary to make sure that the integrals are in [0,255]. Producing a theoretical maximum value of a line integral is not tractable in an application. This method constructs an approximate maximum by integrating along each line of voxels in the image with line directions parallel to the coordinate axes. The 'processRay' call adjusts the line integrals using the estimate, but still clamps the integrals to 255 since the estimate might not be the true maximum.
        float Integral normalization factor.
      • checkImage

        public static boolean checkImage​(ModelImage kImage1,
                                         ModelImage kImage2)
        Checks that the two input images match extents, units of measure and resolutions. The images may had different sizes (3D or 4D) the first 3-dimensions must match.
        kImage1 -
        kImage2 -
        true if the images match extends, units and resolutions.
      • GenerateHistogram

        private void GenerateHistogram​(WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage[] kImage,
                                       WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage[] kImageGM,
                                       java.lang.String kPostFix,
                                       int start,
                                       int end)
        Generate 2D histogram from the input image and the gradient-magnitude
        kImage - input GraphicsImage containing the ModelImage data
        kImageGM - input GraphcisImage containing the Gradient Magnitude data.
        kPostFix - post-fix for the image name.
      • getGradientMagnitude

        public static ModelImage getGradientMagnitude​(ModelImage kImage,
                                                      int i)
        Calculates and stores the gradient magnitude images (3D or 4D) for the input image. Or reads from disk. The data is stored in the GraphicsImage data structures and will be passed to the GPU to use in rendering.
        kImage - input image
        kGradientMagnitude - input Gradient Magnitude image, or null.
        bComputeLaplace - when true the Laplace image is also calculated or read from dis. private void GradientMagnitudeImage(final ModelImage kImage, ModelImage kGradientMagnitude, boolean bComputeLaplace) { if ( !m_bGMInit ) { ModelImage[] kImageGM = new ModelImage[m_iTimeSteps]; String[] kImageName = new String[m_iTimeSteps]; for (int i = 0; i < m_iTimeSteps; i++) { kImageName[i] = ModelImage.makeImageName(kImage.getFileInfo(0).getFileName(), new String("_GM_" + i)); if ( kGradientMagnitude != null && checkImage(kImage, kGradientMagnitude )) { m_kVolumeGM[i] = VolumeImage.UpdateData(kGradientMagnitude, i, null, m_kVolumeGM[i], m_kVolumeGMTarget, m_kVolumeGM[i].GetName(), true, false); ModelImage.saveImage( kGradientMagnitude, kImageName[i] + ".xml", m_kDir ); } else { kImageGM[i] = ReadFromDisk(kImageName[i] + ".xml", m_kDir); if ( kImageGM[i] != null && !checkImage(kImage, kImageGM[i] ) ) { kImageGM[i].disposeLocal(); kImageGM[i] = null; } if (kImageGM[i] == null) { JDialogGradientMagnitude kCalcMagnitude = new JDialogGradientMagnitude(null, m_akImages[i]); kCalcMagnitude.setVisible(false); kCalcMagnitude.setOutputNewImage(true); kCalcMagnitude.setDisplayProgressBar(true); kCalcMagnitude.setSeparateThread(false); kCalcMagnitude.setSeparable(true); kCalcMagnitude.setUseOCL(true); kCalcMagnitude.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(this, 0, "OK")); kImageGM[i] = kCalcMagnitude.getResultImage(); kCalcMagnitude = null; } if (kImageGM[i] == null) { System.err.println("Gradient magnitude calculation returned null"); m_kVolumeGM[i] = VolumeImage.UpdateData(kImage, i, null, m_kVolumeGM[i], m_kVolumeGMTarget, kImageName[i], true, false); } else { kImageGM[i].calcMinMax(); m_akGradientMagMinMax[i] = new Vector2f( (float)kImageGM[i].getMin(), (float)kImageGM[i].getMax() ); if ( !( bComputeLaplace && !m_kImage.isColorImage() ) ) { m_kVolumeGM[i] = VolumeImage.UpdateData(kImageGM[i], 0, null, m_kVolumeGM[i], m_kVolumeGMTarget, kImageName[i], true, false); } } } } if ( bComputeLaplace && !m_kImage.isColorImage() ) { for (int i = 0; i < m_iTimeSteps; i++) { final String kImageNameL = ModelImage.makeImageName(kImage.getFileInfo(0).getFileName(), new String( "_Laplacian_" + i)); ModelImage kImageGMGM = null; kImageGMGM = ReadFromDisk(kImageNameL + ".xml", m_kDir); if ( kImageGMGM != null && !checkImage(kImage, kImageGMGM ) ) { kImageGMGM.disposeLocal(); kImageGMGM = null; } if (kImageGMGM == null) { final JDialogLaplacian kCalcLaplacian = new JDialogLaplacian(null, m_akImages[i]); kCalcLaplacian.setVisible(false); kCalcLaplacian.setOutputNewImage(true); kCalcLaplacian.setDisplayProgressBar(true); kCalcLaplacian.setSeparateThread(false); kCalcLaplacian.setUseOCL(true); kCalcLaplacian.setSeparable(true); kCalcLaplacian.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(this, 0, "OK")); kImageGMGM = kCalcLaplacian.getResultImage(); } if (kImageGMGM != null) { m_kVolumeGM[i] = createGM_Laplace(kImageGM[i], kImageGMGM, m_kVolumeGM[i], i, true); } else { m_kVolumeGM[i] = VolumeImage.UpdateData(kImageGM[i], 0, null, m_kVolumeGM[i], m_kVolumeGMTarget, kImageName[i], true, false); } final ViewJFrameImage kImageFrame = ViewUserInterface.getReference().getFrameContainingImage(kImageGMGM); if (kImageFrame != null) { kImageFrame.close(); } else if (kImageGMGM != null) { kImageGMGM.disposeLocal(); kImageGMGM = null; } } } m_bGMInit = true; m_kVolumeGMTarget.SetImage(m_kVolumeGM[0]); m_kVolumeGMTarget.Reload(true); for ( int i = 0; i < kImageGM.length; i++ ) { if (kImageGM[i] != null) { kImageGM[i].setImageDirectory( m_kDir ); kImageGM[i].setImageName( kImageName[i] + ".xml" ); ModelImage.saveImage(kImageGM[i], kImageName[i] + ".xml", m_kDir ); final ViewJFrameImage kImageFrame = ViewUserInterface.getReference().getFrameContainingImage(kImageGM[i]); if (kImageFrame != null) { kImageFrame.close(); } kImageGM[i].disposeLocal(); kImageGM[i] = null; } } } }
      • init

        private void init​(ViewJProgressBar kProgress,
                          int iProgress,
                          boolean initGradientMagnitude)
        Initialize the VolumeImage with the ModelImage data.
        kProgress - progress bar
        iProgress - progress bar increment
      • initImages

        private void initImages()
        Intializes the Textures and GraphicsImages used to render the ModelImage this VolumeImage represents.
      • initImagesColor

        private void initImagesColor()
      • initLUT

        private void initLUT()
        Create a new LUT for the input image.
        kImage - ModelImage.
      • InitScale

        private void InitScale()
        Initialize the scale factors. Based on the ModelImage Volume.
      • ReadFromDisk

        private static ModelImage ReadFromDisk​(java.lang.String kImageName,
                                               java.lang.String kDir)
        Reads an image from disk.
        kImageName - image name
        kDir - directory
      • readObject

        private void readObject​( in)
      • update4D

        private void update4D()
        Go to the next 3D volume sub-image for the 4D animation. Updates the Textures and causes them to be reloaded onto the GPU.
      • UpdateImages

        private boolean UpdateImages​(ModelImage kImage,
                                     WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture kOpacityTexture,
                                     WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage kOpacityMap,
                                     TransferFunction kTransfer)
        Called when the opacity transfer function changes. This function updates the Texture and causes the data to be reloaded onto the GPU.
        kImage - the ModelImage the transfer function applies to.
        kOpacityTexture - the opacity Texture passed to the GPU
        kOpacityMap - the opacity data stored in the GraphicsImage
        kTransfer - the new transfer function.
      • UpdateImages2

        private boolean UpdateImages2​(ModelImage kImage,
                                      WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture kOpacityTexture,
                                      WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.GraphicsImage kOpacityMap,
                                      TransferFunction kTransfer)
        Update the opacity transfer function.
        kImage - the ModelImage the transfer function applies to.
        kOpacityTexture - the opacity Texture passed to the GPU
        kOpacityMap - the opacity data stored in the GraphicsImage
        kTransfer - the new transfer function.
      • writeObject

        private void writeObject​( out)