Class ModelStorageBase

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static int ARGB
      Used to indicate that the data buffer is of type ARGB where each channel (A = alpha, R = red, G = green, B = blue) is represented by a unsigned byte value. (4 * UBYTE(8 bits) = 4 bytes)
      static int ARGB_FLOAT
      Used to indicate that the data buffer is of type ARGB where each channel (A = alpha, R = red, G = green, B = blue) is represented by a float value. (4 * FLOAT(32 bits) = 16 bytes)
      static java.lang.String ARGB_FLOAT_STRING
      Used to indicate, as a String, that the data buffer is of type color (ARGB - floats).
      static java.lang.String ARGB_STRING
      Used to indicate, as a String, that the data buffer is of type color (ARGB - unsigned bytes).
      static int ARGB_UINTEGER  
      static java.lang.String ARGB_UINTEGER_STRING  
      static int ARGB_USHORT
      Used to indicate that the data buffer is of type ARGB where each channel (A = alpha, R = red, G = green, B = blue) is represented by a unsigned short value. (4 * USHORT(16 bits) = 8 bytes)
      static java.lang.String ARGB_USHORT_STRING
      Used to indicate, as a String, that the data buffer is of type color (ARGB - unsigned shorts).
      private float avgInten  
      private float avgIntenB  
      private float avgIntenG  
      private float avgIntenR  
      static int BOOLEAN
      Used to indicate that the data buffer is of type Boolean (1 bit per voxel).
      static java.lang.String BOOLEAN_STRING
      Used to indicate, as a String, that the data buffer is of type boolean.
      private ModelStorageBase.DataType bufferType
      Type of image buffer (i.e.
      static java.lang.String[] bufferTypeStr
      should use enums directly
      static int BYTE
      Used to indicate that the data buffer is of type signed byte (8 bits per voxel).
      static java.lang.String BYTE_STRING
      Used to indicate, as a String, that the data buffer is of type byte.
      static int COMPLEX
      Used to indicate that the data buffer is of complex type floats (2 x 64 bits per voxel).
      static java.lang.String COMPLEX_STRING
      Used to indicate, as a String, that the data buffer is of type complex (float).
      private BufferBase data
      Storage location of image data.
      private int dataSize
      Total buffer length.
      static int DCOMPLEX
      Used to indicate that the data buffer is of complex type of doubles (2 x 128 bits per voxel).
      static java.lang.String DCOMPLEX_STRING
      Used to indicate, as a String, that the data buffer is of type complex (double).
      private int[] dimExtents
      Bounds of the image where.
      private int[] dimOriginalExtents
      Bounds of the image where.
      static int DOUBLE
      Used to indicate that the data buffer is of type double (64 bits per voxel).
      static java.lang.String DOUBLE_STRING
      Used to indicate, as a String, that the data buffer is of type signed double.
      protected FileInfoBase[] fileInfo
      Each image slice has a information that describes aspects of each slice of an image.
      private int filterType
      static int FLOAT
      Used to indicate that the data buffer is of type float (32 bits per voxel).
      static java.lang.String FLOAT_STRING
      Used to indicate, as a String, that the data buffer is of type signed float.
      private float freq1
      private float freq2
      private float freqU
      5 variables used in Gabor transform. - should be removed - redesigned
      private float freqV
      private boolean haveWindowed
      private boolean image25D
      Boolean telling if 3D images are processed 1 slice at a time.
      static int INTEGER
      Used to indicate that the data buffer is of type signed integer (32 bits per voxel).
      static java.lang.String INTEGER_STRING
      Used to indicate, as a String, that the data buffer is of type signed integer.
      protected double lastMax
      lastMin and lastMax store the last min and max values for an image. these are used as a trigger for resetting the transfer function.
      protected double lastMin
      lastMin and lastMax store the last min and max values for an image. these are used as a trigger for resetting the transfer function.
      static int LINEAR
      Used to indicate linear (ie. bilinear, trilinear) interpolation.
      private int lockStatus
      Locking status of the image.
      protected boolean logMagDisp
      Boolean telling if log magnitude display is used for the data buffer
      static int LONG
      Used to indicate that the data buffer is of type signed long integer (64 bits per voxel).
      static java.lang.String LONG_STRING
      Used to indicate, as a String, that the data buffer is of type signed long.
      private boolean m_bConvolve
      Set to true when the image is the product of the ffts of two images, so that on an inverse_fft this image will be centered properly.
      private boolean m_bRadiologicalView
      When true, display the data in the Radiological View, when false display the Neurological View:.
      private java.util.Vector<WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.ColorRGBA> m_kColorVector
      Surface color vector. - TO BE MOVED - redesigned
      private java.util.Vector<WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.ColorRGBA[]> m_kMaskColorVector
      Surface mask color vector. - TO BE MOVED - redesigned
      private java.util.Vector<java.util.BitSet> m_kMaskVector
      Surface mask vector.- TO BE MOVED - redesigned.
      private double max
      Minimum and maximum image intensity.
      private double maxA
      Minimum and maximum for a color image.
      private double maxB
      Minimum and maximum for a color image.
      private double maxG
      Minimum and maximum for a color image.
      private double maxR
      Minimum and maximum for a color image.
      private double min
      Minimum and maximum image intensity.
      private double minA
      Minimum and maximum for a color image.
      private double minB
      Minimum and maximum for a color image.
      private double minG
      Minimum and maximum for a color image.
      private double minR
      Minimum and maximum for a color image.
      private int nDims
      Number of dimensions of the data.
      static int NEAREST
      Used to indicate nearest neighbor interpolation.
      private double noLogMax
      Minimum and maximum image intensity with log magnitude operation removed. - TO BE MOVED
      private double noLogMin
      Minimum and maximum image intensity with log magnitude operation removed. - TO BE MOVED
      private double noLogMinNonZero
      Minimum and maximum image intensity with log magnitude operation removed. - TO BE MOVED
      private double nonZeroMax
      Minimum and maximum nonzero intensity. - TO BE MOVED - redesigned
      private double nonZeroMaxB
      Minimum and maximum nonzero image RGB. - TO BE MOVED - redesigned
      private double nonZeroMaxG
      Minimum and maximum nonzero image RGB. - TO BE MOVED - redesigned
      private double nonZeroMaxR
      Minimum and maximum nonzero image RGB. - TO BE MOVED - redesigned
      private double nonZeroMin
      Minimum and maximum nonzero intensity. - TO BE MOVED - redesigned
      private double nonZeroMinB
      Minimum and maximum nonzero image RGB. - TO BE MOVED - redesigned
      private double nonZeroMinG
      Minimum and maximum nonzero image RGB. - TO BE MOVED - redesigned
      private double nonZeroMinR
      Minimum and maximum nonzero image RGB. - TO BE MOVED - redesigned
      private int numPixels  
      private boolean originalCropCheckbox
      private boolean originalDoCrop
      private int[] originalEnd
      private double originalEpsilon
      The maximum filter ripple in Chebyshev I and II The passband ripple in decibels in Elliptic
      private int originalFilterConstruction
      private int originalFilterOrder
      private int originalKernelDimension
      This are variables used by the FFT filter algorithm. - should be removed - redesigned
      private double originalRs
      Decibels stopband is down in Elliptic
      private int[] originalStart
      static int RW_LOCKED
      Used to indicate that the buffer is locked from reading.
      private static long serialVersionUID
      Use serialVersionUID for interoperability.
      static int SHORT
      Used to indicate that the data buffer is of type signed short (16 bits per voxel).
      static java.lang.String SHORT_STRING
      Used to indicate, as a String, that the data buffer is of type signed short.
      private float sigmaU
      private float sigmaV
      private double smallestMagnitudeNegative
      smallest magnitude negative and positive.
      private double smallestMagnitudeNegativeB
      smallest magnitude negative and positive.
      private double smallestMagnitudeNegativeG
      smallest magnitude negative and positive.
      private double smallestMagnitudeNegativeR
      smallest magnitude negative and positive.
      private double smallestMagnitudePositive
      smallest magnitude negative and positive.
      private double smallestMagnitudePositiveB
      smallest magnitude negative and positive.
      private double smallestMagnitudePositiveG
      smallest magnitude negative and positive.
      private double smallestMagnitudePositiveR
      smallest magnitude negative and positive.
      private float stdDeviation  
      private float stdDeviationB  
      private float stdDeviationG  
      private float stdDeviationR  
      private double sumPixelInten  
      private double sumPixelIntenB  
      private double sumPixelIntenG  
      private double sumPixelIntenR  
      static int TAYLOR
      Used to indicate Taylor series interpolation.
      private float theta
      static int UBYTE
      Used to indicate that the data buffer is of type unsigned byte (8 bits per voxel).
      static java.lang.String UBYTE_STRING
      Used to indicate, as a String, that the data buffer is of type unsigned byte.
      static int UINTEGER
      Used to indicate that the data buffer is of type unsigned integer (32 bits per voxel).
      static java.lang.String UINTEGER_STRING
      Used to indicate, as a String, that the data buffer is of type unsigned integer.
      private boolean unequalDim
      Boolean telling if unequal dimensions are allowed in the FFT image.
      static int UNLOCKED
      Used to indicate that the buffer is unlocked and can be writen to or read from.
      static int USHORT
      Used to indicate that the data buffer is of type unsigned short (16 bits per voxal).
      static java.lang.String USHORT_STRING
      Used to indicate, as a String, that the data buffer is of type unsigned short.
      static int W_LOCKED
      Used to indicate that the buffer is locked from writing.
      private int writeLockCount
      Locking write count.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void addSurfaceMask​(int index, java.util.BitSet kMask, WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.ColorRGBA[] kMaskColors, WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.ColorRGBA kColor)
      Adds a surface mask to this image.
      protected void allocateData()
      Allocates data based on the data type and dataSize.
      void calcAvgIntenStdDev()
      computes the avg intensity got 2d and 3d greyscale and color images
      void calcMinMax()
      Calculates the min and max values for the image array.
      void calcMinMax​(boolean logMagDisplay)  
      void calcMinMaxMag​(boolean logMagDisplay)
      Calculates the min and max magnitude values for the image array.
      void calcMinMaxNonZero()
      Calculates the min and max nonzero values for the image array.
      java.lang.Object clone()
      Copies the object.
      protected void computeDataSize()
      Computes the datasize based on the type of buffer.
      protected void construct​(ModelStorageBase.DataType type, int[] dimExtents)
      Allocates buffer memory of the specified type.
      void convertToFloat()
      Disposes of old data and constructs a new buffer of the user specific type if the image in NOT locked.
      void disposeLocal()
      Dispose of memory and call the garbage collector.
      float[] export​(int[] axisOrder, boolean[] axisFlip, int tSlice, int slice, float[] values, boolean bMask)
      Exports data based on the mapping from ModelImage space to Patient space.
      float[] export​(int orientation, int tSlice, int slice, float[] values, boolean bMask)
      Exports data based on the mapping from ModelImage space to Patient space.
      void exportComplexData​(int start, int length, float[] valuesR, float[] valuesI)
      Export data to the real values and the images values arrays.
      void exportComplexSliceXY​(int slice, float[] values, boolean logMagDisplay)
      Export XY slice magnitude data into values array.
      java.lang.Object exportData​(int start, int length)
      Export data into values array, in the native type of the model image.
      void exportData​(int start, int length, byte[] values)
      Export data into values array.
      void exportData​(int start, int length, double[] values)
      Export data in values array.
      void exportData​(int start, int length, float[] values)
      Export data to values array.
      void exportData​(int start, int length, int[] values)
      Export data into values array.
      void exportData​(int start, int length0, int length1, float[] values)
      export data to values array.
      void exportData​(int start, int length, long[] values)
      Export data into values array.
      void exportData​(int start, int length, short[] values)
      Export data into values array.
      void exportData​(int start, int length, java.lang.Number[] values)
      Export data into values array.
      void exportData​(int start, int length, java.util.BitSet values)
      Export data into values array.
      void exportDataNoLock​(int start, int length, byte[] values)
      Export data into values array WITHOUT locking.
      void exportDataNoLock​(int start, int length, double[] values)
      export data into values array WITHOUT locking.
      void exportDataNoLock​(int start, int length, float[] values)
      export data in values array WITHOUT using locking.
      void exportDataNoLock​(int start, int length, int[] values)
      Export data into values array WITHOUT locking.
      void exportDataNoLock​(int start, int length, long[] values)
      export data into values array WITHOUT locking.
      void exportDataNoLock​(int start, int length, short[] values)
      Export data into values array WITHOUT locking.
      void exportDataNoLock​(int start, int length, java.lang.Number[] values)
      export data into values array WITHOUT locking.
      void exportDataNoLock​(int start, int length, java.util.BitSet values)
      export data into values array WITHOUT locking.
      void exportDComplexData​(int start, int length, double[] valuesR, double[] valuesI)
      Export data to the real values and the imaginary values arrays.
      void exportDiagonal​(int tSlice, int slice, int[] extents, WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f[] verts, float[] values, boolean bInterpolate)
      ShowDiagonal samples the ModelImage data along a non-axis aligned plane.
      void exportDiagonal​(int tSlice, int slice, int[] extents, WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f[] verts, float[] values, boolean bInterpolate, java.util.BitSet imageMask, java.util.Vector<java.util.BitSet> surfaceMask, boolean[] surfaceValues)  
      void exportDiagonal​(java.util.BitSet duplicateMask, int tSlice, int slice, int[] extents, WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f[] verts, float diameter, boolean bSetZero, float[] values, boolean bInterpolate)
      ShowDiagonal samples the ModelImage data along a non-axis aligned plane.
      void exportDMagData​(int start, int length, double[] values)
      Export magnitude data to values array.
      void exportMagData​(int start, int length, double[] values)
      export magnitude data to values array.
      void exportMagData​(int start, int length, float[] values)
      export magnitude data to values array.
      java.lang.Object exportRGBData​(int offset, int start, int length)
      export data in values array.
      void exportRGBData​(int offset, int start, int length, byte[] values)
      export data in values array.
      void exportRGBData​(int offset, int start, int length, double[] values)
      export data in values array.
      void exportRGBData​(int offset, int start, int length, float[] values)
      export data in values array.
      void exportRGBData​(int offset, int start, int length, short[] values)
      export data in values array.
      void exportRGBDataNoLock​(int offset, int start, int length, double[] values)
      Export data in values array WITHOUT using locking.
      void exportRGBDataNoLock​(int offset, int start, int length, float[] values)
      Export data in values array WITHOUT using locking.
      void exportSliceXY​(int slice, byte[] values)
      Export XY slice into values array.
      void exportSliceXY​(int slice, double[] values)
      export XY slice into values array.
      void exportSliceXY​(int slice, float[] values)
      export XY slice into values array.
      void exportSliceXY​(int slice, int[] values)
      Export XY slice into values array.
      void exportSliceXY​(int slice, long[] values)
      export XY slice into values array.
      void exportSliceXY​(int slice, short[] values)
      Export XY slice into values array.
      protected void finalize()
      Calls disposeLocal of this class to ensure this class nulls the references to global class variables so that memory will be recovered.
      WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f findMax​(int tSlice, int slice, WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f[] verts, float diameter, boolean bInterpolate)  
      java.lang.Number get​(int position)
      function to get data where bounds checking is performed.
      java.lang.Number get​(int[] position)
      nD get data fuction where bounds checking is performed.
      java.lang.Number get​(int x, int y)
      2D get data fuction where bounds checking is performed.
      java.lang.Number get​(int x, int y, int z)
      3D get data fuction where bounds checking is performed.
      java.lang.Number get​(int x, int y, int z, int b)
      4D get data fuction where bounds checking is performed.
      float getAvgInten()  
      float getAvgIntenB()  
      float getAvgIntenG()  
      float getAvgIntenR()  
      int[] getAxisOrientation()
      Returns the axis orientation of image.
      java.lang.Number getBiLinear​(float x, float y)
      version of get that performs bi-linear interpoloation.
      boolean getBoolean​(int position)
      Version of get that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      boolean getBoolean​(int[] position)
      n-Dimensional get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      boolean getBoolean​(int x, int y)
      2D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      boolean getBoolean​(int x, int y, int z)
      3D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      boolean getBoolean​(int x, int y, int z, int b)
      4D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      static java.lang.String getBufferTypeStr​(int type)
      Returns the string for a particular buffer type.
      byte getByte​(int position)
      Version of get that does NOT perform bounds checking
      byte getByte​(int[] position)
      nD get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      byte getByte​(int x, int y)
      2D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      byte getByte​(int x, int y, int z)
      3D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      byte getByte​(int x, int y, int z, int t)
      4D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      byte getByteBiLinear​(float x, float y)
      version of get that performs bi-linear interpoloation.
      byte getByteTriLinear​(float x, float y, float z)
      version of get that performs tri-linear interpoloation.
      java.lang.Number getC​(int position, int color)
      Color function to get data where bounds checking is performed.
      boolean getConvolve()
      Accessor method for the m_bConvolve data memeber.
      int getDataSize()
      Get total buffer length.
      ModelStorageBase.DataType getDataType()
      Accessor that returns the image buffer type as an enum.
      double getDouble​(int position)
      The interpolated value from the data array.ersion of get that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      double getDouble​(int[] position)
      nD get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      double getDouble​(int x, int y)
      2D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      double getDouble​(int x, int y, int z)
      3D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      double getDouble​(int x, int y, int z, int t)
      4D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      double getDoubleBiLinear​(float x, float y)
      version of get that performs bi-linear interpoloation.
      double getDoubleTriLinear​(float x, float y, float z)
      version of get that performs tri-linear interpoloation.
      int[] getExtents()
      Accessor that returns the extents of the image.
      int[] getExtents​(int orientation)
      Returns the image extents translated into the Patient-Coordinate systsm:
      int[] getExtents​(int[] aiAxisOrder)
      Returns the image extents translated into the Patient-Coordinate system:
      int[] getExtentsSize​(int orientation)  
      FileInfoBase[] getFileInfo()
      Accessor that returns the fileInfo array (one per slice).
      FileInfoBase getFileInfo​(int i)
      Accessor that returns the fileInfo of a specific image slice.
      int getFilterType()
      returns type of filter - low, high, bandpass, or bandstop. - TO BE MOVED
      float getFloat​(int position)
      Version of get that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      float getFloat​(int[] position)
      nD get data function where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      float getFloat​(int x, int y)
      2D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      float getFloat​(int x, int y, int z)
      3D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      float getFloat​(int x, int y, int z, int t)
      4D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      float getFloatBiLinear​(float x, float y)
      version of get that performs bi-linear interpoloation.
      float getFloatC​(int x, int y, int c)
      2D color get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      float getFloatC​(int x, int y, int z, int c)
      3D color get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      float getFloatC​(int x, int y, int z, int t, int c)
      4D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      float getFloatTriLinear​(float x, float y, float z)
      version of get that performs tri-linear interpoloation.
      float getFloatTriLinearBounds​(float x, float y, float z)
      Get a value using tri-linear interpoloation.
      float getFloatTriLinearBounds​(float x, float y, float z, int c)
      Get a value using tri-linear interpoloation.
      float getFloatTriLinearBoundsTime​(float x, float y, float z, int t)
      Get a value using tri-linear interpoloation.
      float getFreq1()
      returns frequency 1 of filter.
      float getFreq2()
      returns frequency 2 of filter.
      float getFreqU()
      returns frequency U of filter.
      float getFreqV()
      returns frequency V of filter.
      boolean getHaveWindowed()
      int getHeight​(int orientation)
      Returns the image height, based on the Patient Coordinates orientation from which the data will be viewed:
      boolean getImage25D()
      Accessor that returns the boolean indicating if 3D images are processed one slice at a time.
      int getImageOrientation()
      Gets the image orientation (sagittal, axial, ...).
      int getInt​(int position)
      Version of get that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      int getInt​(int[] position)
      nD get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      int getInt​(int x, int y)
      2D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      int getInt​(int x, int y, int z)
      3D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      int getInt​(int x, int y, int z, int t)
      4D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      int getIntBiLinear​(float x, float y)
      version of get that performs bi-linear interpoloation.
      int getIntTriLinear​(float x, float y, float z)
      Version of get that performs tri-linear interpoloation.
      int getLockStatus()
      Accessor that returns the lock status of the image.
      boolean getLogMagDisplay()
      Accessor that returns the boolean indicating if log magnitude displays are used in complex images.
      long getLong​(int position)
      Version of get that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      long getLong​(int[] position)
      nD get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      long getLong​(int x, int y)
      2D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      long getLong​(int x, int y, int z)
      3D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      long getLong​(int x, int y, int z, int t)
      4D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      long getLongBiLinear​(float x, float y)
      version of get that performs bi-linear interpoloation.
      long getLongTriLinear​(float x, float y, float z)
      Version of get that performs tri-linear interpoloation.
      double getMax()
      Accessor that returns the maximum value in the dataArray.
      double getMaxA()
      Accessor that returns the maximum alpha value in the dataArray.
      double getMaxB()
      Accessor that returns the maximum blue value in the dataArray.
      double getMaxG()
      Accessor that returns the maximum green value in the dataArray.
      double getMaxR()
      Accessor that returns the maximum red value in the dataArray.
      double getMin()
      Accessor that returns the minimum value in the dataArray.
      double getMinA()
      Accessor that returns the minimum alpha value in the dataArray.
      double getMinB()
      Accessor that returns the minimum blue value in the dataArray.
      double getMinG()
      getMinG - Accessor that returns the minimum green value in the dataArray.
      double getMinR()
      Accessor that returns the minimum red value in the dataArray.
      int getNDims()
      Accessor that returns the dimensionality of the image.
      double getNoLogMax()
      Accessor that returns the maximum value without log processing in the dataArray.
      double getNoLogMin()
      Accessor that returns the minimum value without log processing in the dataArray.
      double getNoLogMinNonZero()
      Accessor that returns the minimum nonzero value without log processing in the dataArray.
      double getNonZeroMax()
      Accessor that returns the smallest magnitude negative value in the dataArray.
      double getNonZeroMaxB()
      Accessor that returns the maximum nonzero blue value in the dataArray.
      double getNonZeroMaxG()
      Accessor that returns the maximum nonzero green value in the dataArray.
      double getNonZeroMaxR()
      Accessor that returns the maximum nonzero red value in the dataArray.
      double getNonZeroMin()
      Accessor that returns the minimum nonzero value in the dataArray.
      double getNonZeroMinB()
      Accessor that returns the minimum nonzero blue value in the dataArray.
      double getNonZeroMinG()
      Accessor that returns the minimum nonzero green value in the dataArray.
      double getNonZeroMinR()
      Accessor that returns the minimum nonzero red value in the dataArray.
      int getNumPixels()  
      float[] getOrigin()
      Returns the origin of the image.
      float[] getOrigin​(int index, int orientation)
      Returns the image origin for the image translated into the Patient-Coordinate systsm:
      boolean getOriginalCropCheckbox()
      boolean getOriginalDoCrop()
      int[] getOriginalEnd()
      double getOriginalEpsilon()  
      int[] getOriginalExtents()
      Accessor that returns the original extents of the image.
      int getOriginalFilterConstruction()
      returns integer telling filter construction method.
      int getOriginalFilterOrder()
      returns integer telling filter order. - TO BE MOVED
      int getOriginalKernelDimension()
      returns kernel diameter chosen on forward FFT.
      double getOriginalRs()
      Decibels stopband is down in Elliptic
      int[] getOriginalStart()
      boolean getRadiologicalView()
      Gets the radiological view flag:
      float[] getResolutions​(int index)
      Returns the resolutions for the image without regarding resolution difference between slices.
      float[] getResolutions​(int index, int orientation)
      Returns the resolutions for the image translated into the Patient-Coordinate systsm:
      float[] getResolutions​(int index, int[] aiAxisOrder)
      Returns the resolutions for the image translated into the Patient-Coordinate systsm:
      short getShort​(int position)
      Version of get that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      short getShort​(int[] position)
      nD get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      short getShort​(int x, int y)
      2D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      short getShort​(int x, int y, int z)
      3D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      short getShort​(int x, int y, int z, int t)
      4D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      short getShortBiLinear​(float x, float y)
      version of get that performs bi-linear interpoloation.
      short getShortTriLinear​(float x, float y, float z)
      version of get that performs tri-linear interpoloation.
      float getSigmaU()
      returns standard deviation U of filter.
      float getSigmaV()
      returns standard deviation V of filter.
      int getSize()
      Accessor that returns the total size(length) of the data array.
      int getSliceSize()
      Get the nuber of pixels in a slice of the image.
      double getSmallestMagnitudeNegative()
      Accessor that returns the smallest magnitude negative value in the dataArray.
      double getSmallestMagnitudeNegativeB()
      Accessor that returns the smallest magnitude negative blue value in the dataArray.
      double getSmallestMagnitudeNegativeG()
      Accessor that returns the smallest magnitude negative green value in the dataArray.
      double getSmallestMagnitudeNegativeR()
      Accessor that returns the smallest magnitude negative red value in the dataArray.
      double getSmallestMagnitudePositive()
      Accessor that returns the smallest magnitude positive value in the dataArray.
      double getSmallestMagnitudePositiveB()
      Accessor that returns the smallest magnitude positive blue value in the dataArray.
      double getSmallestMagnitudePositiveG()
      Accessor that returns the smallest magnitude positive green value in the dataArray.
      double getSmallestMagnitudePositiveR()
      Accessor that returns the smallest magnitude positive red value in the dataArray.
      float getStdDeviation()  
      float getStdDeviationB()  
      float getStdDeviationG()  
      float getStdDeviationR()  
      double getSumPixelInten()  
      double getSumPixelIntenB()  
      double getSumPixelIntenG()  
      double getSumPixelIntenR()  
      java.util.BitSet getSurfaceMask​(int index)
      Returns the surface mask from this image.
      WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.ColorRGBA getSurfaceMaskColor​(int index)
      Returns the surface mask from this image.
      float getTheta()
      Returns roation angle theta in radians of filter.
      java.lang.Number getTriLinear​(float x, float y, float z)
      version of get that performs tri-linear interpoloation.
      int getType()
      Accessor that returns the image buffer type.
      static double getTypeMax​(int type)
      This method return the max value allowed of the type
      static double getTypeMin​(int type)
      his method return the min value allowed of the type
      java.lang.String getTypeString()
      Accessor that returns the image type.
      short getUByte​(int position)
      version of get that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      short getUByte​(int[] position)
      nD get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      short getUByte​(int x, int y)
      2D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      short getUByte​(int x, int y, int z)
      3D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      short getUByte​(int x, int y, int z, int t)
      4D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      short getUByteBiLinear​(float x, float y)
      Version of get that performs bi-linear interpoloation.
      short getUByteTriLinear​(float x, float y, float z)
      Version of get that performs tri-linear interpoloation.
      long getUInt​(int position)
      version of get that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      long getUInt​(int[] position)
      nD get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      long getUInt​(int x, int y)
      2D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      long getUInt​(int x, int y, int z)
      3D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      long getUInt​(int x, int y, int z, int t)
      4D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      long getUIntBiLinear​(float x, float y)
      version of get that performs bi-linear interpoloation.
      long getUIntTriLinear​(float x, float y, float z)
      version of get that performs tri-linear interpoloation.
      boolean getUnequalDim()
      Accessor that returns the boolean indicating if unequal dimensions are allowed in complex images.
      int[] getUnitsOfMeasure()
      Returns the units used to measure all dimensions of the image.
      int getUnitsOfMeasure​(int index)
      Returns the unit used to measure the specific dimension of image.
      int[] getUnitsOfMeasure​(int index, int orientation)
      Returns the units of measure for the image translated into the Patient-Coordinate systsm:
      int getUShort​(int position)
      version of get that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      int getUShort​(int[] position)
      nD get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      int getUShort​(int x, int y)
      2D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      int getUShort​(int x, int y, int z)
      3D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      int getUShort​(int x, int y, int z, int t)
      4D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      int getUShortBiLinear​(float x, float y)
      Version of get that performs bi-linear interpoloation.
      int getUShortTriLinear​(float x, float y, float z)
      version of get that performs tri-linear interpoloation.
      int[] getVolumeIterationFactors()
      Get the factors needed to iterate through the image volume.
      int getVolumeSize()
      Gets the number of pixels in a volume of the image.
      int getWidth​(int orientation)
      Returns the image width, based on the Patient Coordinates orientation from which the data will be viewed:
      void importComplexData​(int start, float[] valuesR, float[] valuesI, boolean mmFlag, boolean logMagDisplay)
      import Complex data (in 2 float units) into data array.
      void importData​(int start, boolean[] values, boolean mmFlag)
      Import boolean data into data array.
      void importData​(int start, byte[] values, boolean mmFlag)
      Import byte data into data array.
      void importData​(int start, double[] values, boolean mmFlag)
      import double data into data array.
      void importData​(int start, float[] values, boolean mmFlag)
      import float data into data array.
      void importData​(int start, int[] values, boolean mmFlag)
      import integer data into data array.
      void importData​(int start, long[] values, boolean mmFlag)
      import long data into data array.
      void importData​(int start, short[] values, boolean mmFlag)
      import short data into data array.
      void importData​(int start, java.lang.Number[] values, boolean mmFlag)
      import Number data into data array.
      void importData​(int start, java.util.BitSet values, boolean mmFlag)
      Import boolean (BitSet) data into data array.
      void importData​(java.lang.Object value_array)
      Import Object.
      void importDComplexData​(int start, double[] valuesR, double[] valuesI, boolean mmFlag, boolean logMagDisplay)
      import Complex data (in 2 double units) into data array.
      void importRGBData​(int color, int alphaIndexStart, byte[] values, boolean mmFlag)
      Import byte data into data array.
      void importRGBData​(int color, int alphaIndexStart, float[] values, boolean mmFlag)
      import float data into data array.
      void importRGBData​(int color, int alphaIndexStart, short[] values, boolean mmFlag)
      Import byte data into data array.
      void importUData​(int start, int[] values, boolean mmFlag)
      import int data into data array.
      void importUData​(int start, long[] values, boolean mmFlag)
      import int data into data array.
      void importUData​(int start, short[] values, boolean mmFlag)
      import short data into data array.
      void reallocate​(int type)
      Disposes of old data and constructs a new buffer of the user specific type if the image in NOT locked.
      void reallocate​(int[] dimExtents)
      Disposes of old data and constructs a new buffer of the user specific type if the image in NOT locked.
      void reallocate​(int type, int[] dimExtents)
      Disposes of old data and constructs a new buffer of the user specific type if the image in NOT locked.
      void recomputeDataSize()
      Recomputes the datasize based on the type of buffer.
      void releaseLock()
      Releases the lock so that other proceses can read or write the data.
      void removeSurfaceMask​(int index)
      Removes the surface mask from this image.
      java.util.BitSet[] removeSurfaceMasks()
      Returns the array of BitSet masks for backup.
      void restoreSurfaceMasks​(java.util.BitSet[] masks)
      Restores the mask list from the array.
      void set​(int[] position, boolean value)
      nD set data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      void set​(int[] position, byte value)
      nD set data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      void set​(int[] position, double value)
      nD set data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      void set​(int[] position, float value)
      nD set data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      void set​(int[] position, int value)
      nD set data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      void set​(int[] position, long value)
      nD set data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      void set​(int[] position, short value)
      nD set data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      boolean set​(int[] position, java.lang.Number value)
      nD set data fuction where bounds checking is performed.
      void set​(int position, boolean value)
      version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking
      void set​(int position, byte value)
      Version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      void set​(int position, double value)
      version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      void set​(int position, float value)
      version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      void set​(int position, int value)
      Version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      void set​(int x, int y, boolean value)
      2D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      void set​(int x, int y, byte value)
      2D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      void set​(int x, int y, double value)
      2D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      void set​(int x, int y, float value)
      2D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      void set​(int x, int y, int value)
      2D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      void set​(int x, int y, int z, boolean value)
      3D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      void set​(int x, int y, int z, byte value)
      3D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      void set​(int x, int y, int z, double value)
      3D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      void set​(int x, int y, int z, float value)
      3D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      void set​(int x, int y, int z, int value)
      3D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      void set​(int x, int y, int z, int b, boolean value)
      4D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      void set​(int x, int y, int z, int b, byte value)
      4D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      void set​(int x, int y, int z, int b, double value)
      4D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      void set​(int x, int y, int z, int b, float value)
      4D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      void set​(int x, int y, int z, int b, int value)
      4D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      void set​(int x, int y, int z, int b, long value)
      4D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      void set​(int x, int y, int z, int b, short value)
      4D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      boolean set​(int x, int y, int z, int b, java.lang.Number value)
      4D get data fuction where bounds checking is performed.
      void set​(int x, int y, int z, long value)
      3D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      void set​(int x, int y, int z, short value)
      3D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      boolean set​(int x, int y, int z, java.lang.Number value)
      3D set data fuction where bounds checking is performed.
      void set​(int x, int y, long value)
      2D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      boolean set​(int x, int y, java.lang.Number value)
      2D get data fuction where bounds checking is performed.
      void set​(int position, long value)
      version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      boolean set​(int position, java.lang.Number value)
      Set that does perform bounds checking.
      void setAll​(byte value)
      Sets the entire buffer to value passed to this method.
      void setAll​(double value)
      Sets the entire buffer to value passed to this method.
      void setAll​(float value)
      Sets the entire buffer to value passed to this method.
      void setAll​(int value)
      Sets the entire buffer to value passed to this method.
      void setAll​(short value)
      Sets the entire buffer to value passed to this method.
      void setAllUByte​(short value)
      Sets the entire buffer to value passed to this method.
      void setAllUShort​(int value)
      Sets the entire buffer to value passed to this method.
      void setC​(int position, int c, float value)
      color version of setC that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      void setC​(int x, int y, int c, float value)
      2D fast color version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      void setC​(int x, int y, int z, int c, float value)
      3D fast color version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      boolean setC​(int x, int y, int z, int c, java.lang.Number value)
      3D color set data fuction where bounds checking is performed.
      boolean setC​(int position, int color, java.lang.Number value)
      Sets the entire buffer to value passed to this method.
      void setComplex​(int x, int y, int z, int part, float value)  
      void setConvolve​(boolean bConvolve)
      Accessor method for the m_bConvolve data memeber.
      void setExtents​(int[] dims)
      Sets the dimExtents for this structure.
      void setFileInfo​(FileInfoBase[] fInfo)
      Accessor that sets the entire fileInfo array of the image.
      void setFileInfo​(FileInfoBase fInfo, int idx)
      Accessor that sets the fileInfo class for the image.
      void setFilterType​(int _filterType)
      void setFreq1​(float _freq1)
      void setFreq2​(float _freq2)
      void setFreqU​(float _freqU)
      void setFreqV​(float _freqV)
      void setHaveWindowed​(boolean window)
      void setImage25D​(boolean _image25D)
      Accessor that sets the boolean telling if 3D images are processed one slice at a time.
      void setLock()
      Sets the lockFlag to protect data.
      void setLock​(int lockType)
      Sets the lockFlag to protect data.
      void setLogMagDisplay​(boolean logMagDisplay)
      Accessor that sets the boolean telling if log magnitude display is used in a complex image.
      void setMax​(double _max)
      Accessor that sets the maximum value in the dataArray.
      void setMaxB​(double _max)
      Accessor that sets the maximum value in the dataArray.
      void setMaxG​(double _max)
      Accessor that sets the maximum value in the dataArray.
      void setMaxR​(double _max)
      Accessor that sets the maximum value in the dataArray.
      void setMin​(double _min)
      Accessor that sets the minimum value in the dataArray.
      void setMinB​(double _min)
      Accessor that sets the minimum value in the dataArray.
      void setMinG​(double _min)
      Accessor that sets the minimum value in the dataArray.
      void setMinR​(double _min)
      Accessor that sets the minimum value in the dataArray.
      void setOriginalCropCheckbox​(boolean cropCheckbox)
      void setOriginalDoCrop​(boolean doCrop)
      void setOriginalEnd​(int[] end)
      void setOriginalEpsilon​(double epsilon)  
      void setOriginalExtents​(int[] dims)
      Sets original dimensionality of the images.
      void setOriginalFilterConstruction​(int filterConstruction)
      void setOriginalFilterOrder​(int filterOrder)
      void setOriginalKernelDimension​(int kDim)
      void setOriginalRs​(double rs)  
      void setOriginalStart​(int[] start)
      void setRadiologicalView​(boolean bEnabled)
      Sets the radiological view flag.
      void setResolutions​(float[] resolutions)
      Sets the resolutions to the specific value for a specific slice indicated by the index parameter.
      void setResolutions​(int index, float[] resolutions)
      Sets the resolutions to the specific value for a specific slice indicated by the index parameter.
      void setShort​(int x, int y, short value)
      2D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      void setShort​(int position, short value)
      Sets the image voxel at the specified position to the specified value.
      void setSigmaU​(float _sigmaU)
      void setSigmaV​(float _sigmaV)
      void setTheta​(float _theta)
      void setType​(int type)
      Sets the type of data.
      void setType​(ModelStorageBase.DataType type)
      Sets the type of data.
      void setUByte​(int[] position, short value)
      Sets the image voxel at the specified position to the specified value. nD set data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      void setUByte​(int x, int y, int z, int b, short value)
      Sets the image voxel at the specified position to the specified value. 4D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      void setUByte​(int x, int y, int z, short value)
      Sets the image voxel at the specified position to the specified value. 3D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      void setUByte​(int x, int y, short value)
      Sets the image voxel at the specified position to the specified value. 2D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      void setUByte​(int position, short value)
      Sets the image voxel at the specified position to the specified value.
      void setUInt​(int[] position, long value)
      Sets the image voxel at the specified position to the specified value. nD set data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      void setUInt​(int x, int y, int z, int t, long value)
      Sets the image voxel at the specified position to the specified value. 4D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      void setUInt​(int x, int y, int z, long value)
      Sets the image voxel at the specified position to the specified value. 3D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      void setUInt​(int x, int y, long value)
      Sets the image voxel at the specified position to the specified value. 2D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      void setUInt​(int position, long value)
      Sets the image voxel at the specified position to the specified value. version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      void setUnequalDim​(boolean unequalDimension)
      Accessor that sets the boolean telling if unequal dimesnions are allowed in a complex image.
      void setUShort​(int[] position, int value)
      Sets the image voxel at the specified position to the specified value. nD set data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
      void setUShort​(int position, int value)
      Sets the image voxel at the specified position to the specified value.
      void setUShort​(int x, int y, int value)
      Sets the image voxel at the specified position to the specified value. 2D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      void setUShort​(int x, int y, int z, int value)
      Sets the image voxel at the specified position to the specified value. 3D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      void setUShort​(int x, int y, int z, int b, int value)
      Sets the image voxel at the specified position to the specified value. 4D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • serialVersionUID

        private static final long serialVersionUID
        Use serialVersionUID for interoperability.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • UNLOCKED

        public static final int UNLOCKED
        Used to indicate that the buffer is unlocked and can be writen to or read from.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • RW_LOCKED

        public static final int RW_LOCKED
        Used to indicate that the buffer is locked from reading.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • W_LOCKED

        public static final int W_LOCKED
        Used to indicate that the buffer is locked from writing.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • NEAREST

        public static final int NEAREST
        Used to indicate nearest neighbor interpolation.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • LINEAR

        public static final int LINEAR
        Used to indicate linear (ie. bilinear, trilinear) interpolation.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • TAYLOR

        public static final int TAYLOR
        Used to indicate Taylor series interpolation.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • BOOLEAN

        public static final int BOOLEAN
        Used to indicate that the data buffer is of type Boolean (1 bit per voxel).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • BYTE

        public static final int BYTE
        Used to indicate that the data buffer is of type signed byte (8 bits per voxel).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • UBYTE

        public static final int UBYTE
        Used to indicate that the data buffer is of type unsigned byte (8 bits per voxel).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • SHORT

        public static final int SHORT
        Used to indicate that the data buffer is of type signed short (16 bits per voxel).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • USHORT

        public static final int USHORT
        Used to indicate that the data buffer is of type unsigned short (16 bits per voxal).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • INTEGER

        public static final int INTEGER
        Used to indicate that the data buffer is of type signed integer (32 bits per voxel).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • UINTEGER

        public static final int UINTEGER
        Used to indicate that the data buffer is of type unsigned integer (32 bits per voxel).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • LONG

        public static final int LONG
        Used to indicate that the data buffer is of type signed long integer (64 bits per voxel).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • FLOAT

        public static final int FLOAT
        Used to indicate that the data buffer is of type float (32 bits per voxel).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • DOUBLE

        public static final int DOUBLE
        Used to indicate that the data buffer is of type double (64 bits per voxel).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • ARGB

        public static final int ARGB
        Used to indicate that the data buffer is of type ARGB where each channel (A = alpha, R = red, G = green, B = blue) is represented by a unsigned byte value. (4 * UBYTE(8 bits) = 4 bytes)
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int ARGB_USHORT
        Used to indicate that the data buffer is of type ARGB where each channel (A = alpha, R = red, G = green, B = blue) is represented by a unsigned short value. (4 * USHORT(16 bits) = 8 bytes)
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • ARGB_FLOAT

        public static final int ARGB_FLOAT
        Used to indicate that the data buffer is of type ARGB where each channel (A = alpha, R = red, G = green, B = blue) is represented by a float value. (4 * FLOAT(32 bits) = 16 bytes)
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • COMPLEX

        public static final int COMPLEX
        Used to indicate that the data buffer is of complex type floats (2 x 64 bits per voxel).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • DCOMPLEX

        public static final int DCOMPLEX
        Used to indicate that the data buffer is of complex type of doubles (2 x 128 bits per voxel).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String BOOLEAN_STRING
        Used to indicate, as a String, that the data buffer is of type boolean.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String BYTE_STRING
        Used to indicate, as a String, that the data buffer is of type byte.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String UBYTE_STRING
        Used to indicate, as a String, that the data buffer is of type unsigned byte.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String SHORT_STRING
        Used to indicate, as a String, that the data buffer is of type signed short.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String USHORT_STRING
        Used to indicate, as a String, that the data buffer is of type unsigned short.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String INTEGER_STRING
        Used to indicate, as a String, that the data buffer is of type signed integer.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String LONG_STRING
        Used to indicate, as a String, that the data buffer is of type signed long.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String FLOAT_STRING
        Used to indicate, as a String, that the data buffer is of type signed float.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String DOUBLE_STRING
        Used to indicate, as a String, that the data buffer is of type signed double.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ARGB_STRING
        Used to indicate, as a String, that the data buffer is of type color (ARGB - unsigned bytes).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ARGB_USHORT_STRING
        Used to indicate, as a String, that the data buffer is of type color (ARGB - unsigned shorts).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ARGB_UINTEGER_STRING
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ARGB_FLOAT_STRING
        Used to indicate, as a String, that the data buffer is of type color (ARGB - floats).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String COMPLEX_STRING
        Used to indicate, as a String, that the data buffer is of type complex (float).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String DCOMPLEX_STRING
        Used to indicate, as a String, that the data buffer is of type complex (double).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String UINTEGER_STRING
        Used to indicate, as a String, that the data buffer is of type unsigned integer.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • bufferTypeStr

        public static final java.lang.String[] bufferTypeStr
        should use enums directly
        String representations of the data types supported by ModelStorageBase.
      • fileInfo

        protected FileInfoBase[] fileInfo
        Each image slice has a information that describes aspects of each slice of an image.
      • lastMin

        protected double lastMin
        lastMin and lastMax store the last min and max values for an image. these are used as a trigger for resetting the transfer function.
      • lastMax

        protected double lastMax
        lastMin and lastMax store the last min and max values for an image. these are used as a trigger for resetting the transfer function.
      • data

        private BufferBase data
        Storage location of image data.
      • dataSize

        private int dataSize
        Total buffer length.
      • dimExtents

        private int[] dimExtents
        Bounds of the image where.
        • dimExtents[0] = x dimension
        • dimExtents[1] = y dimension
        • dimExtents[2] = z dimension (typically)
        • dimExtents[3] = fourth dimension (ie time)...
      • dimOriginalExtents

        private int[] dimOriginalExtents
        Bounds of the image where.
        • dimOriginalExtents[0] = x dimension
        • dimOriginalExtents[1] = y dimension
        • dimOriginalExtents[2] = z dimension (typically)
        • dimOriginalExtents[3] = fourth dimension (ie time)...
      • filterType

        private int filterType
        DOCUMENT ME! - TO BE MOVED - redesigned
      • freq1

        private float freq1
        DOCUMENT ME! - TO BE MOVED - redesigned
      • freq2

        private float freq2
        DOCUMENT ME! - TO BE MOVED - redesigned
      • freqU

        private float freqU
        5 variables used in Gabor transform. - should be removed - redesigned
      • freqV

        private float freqV
        DOCUMENT ME! - TO BE MOVED - redesigned
      • haveWindowed

        private boolean haveWindowed
        DOCUMENT ME! - TO BE MOVED - redesigned
      • image25D

        private boolean image25D
        Boolean telling if 3D images are processed 1 slice at a time.
      • lockStatus

        private int lockStatus
        Locking status of the image. Default = UNLOCKED
      • logMagDisp

        protected boolean logMagDisp
        Boolean telling if log magnitude display is used for the data buffer
      • m_bConvolve

        private boolean m_bConvolve
        Set to true when the image is the product of the ffts of two images, so that on an inverse_fft this image will be centered properly. Default is false.
      • m_bRadiologicalView

        private boolean m_bRadiologicalView
        When true, display the data in the Radiological View, when false display the Neurological View:.
      • m_kColorVector

        private final java.util.Vector<WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.ColorRGBA> m_kColorVector
        Surface color vector. - TO BE MOVED - redesigned
      • m_kMaskColorVector

        private final java.util.Vector<WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.ColorRGBA[]> m_kMaskColorVector
        Surface mask color vector. - TO BE MOVED - redesigned
      • m_kMaskVector

        private final java.util.Vector<java.util.BitSet> m_kMaskVector
        Surface mask vector.- TO BE MOVED - redesigned.
      • min

        private double min
        Minimum and maximum image intensity.
      • max

        private double max
        Minimum and maximum image intensity.
      • minA

        private double minA
        Minimum and maximum for a color image.
      • maxA

        private double maxA
        Minimum and maximum for a color image.
      • minR

        private double minR
        Minimum and maximum for a color image.
      • maxR

        private double maxR
        Minimum and maximum for a color image.
      • minG

        private double minG
        Minimum and maximum for a color image.
      • maxG

        private double maxG
        Minimum and maximum for a color image.
      • minB

        private double minB
        Minimum and maximum for a color image.
      • maxB

        private double maxB
        Minimum and maximum for a color image.
      • nDims

        private int nDims
        Number of dimensions of the data.
      • noLogMin

        private double noLogMin
        Minimum and maximum image intensity with log magnitude operation removed. - TO BE MOVED
      • noLogMax

        private double noLogMax
        Minimum and maximum image intensity with log magnitude operation removed. - TO BE MOVED
      • noLogMinNonZero

        private double noLogMinNonZero
        Minimum and maximum image intensity with log magnitude operation removed. - TO BE MOVED
      • nonZeroMin

        private double nonZeroMin
        Minimum and maximum nonzero intensity. - TO BE MOVED - redesigned
      • nonZeroMax

        private double nonZeroMax
        Minimum and maximum nonzero intensity. - TO BE MOVED - redesigned
      • nonZeroMinR

        private double nonZeroMinR
        Minimum and maximum nonzero image RGB. - TO BE MOVED - redesigned
      • nonZeroMaxR

        private double nonZeroMaxR
        Minimum and maximum nonzero image RGB. - TO BE MOVED - redesigned
      • nonZeroMinG

        private double nonZeroMinG
        Minimum and maximum nonzero image RGB. - TO BE MOVED - redesigned
      • nonZeroMaxG

        private double nonZeroMaxG
        Minimum and maximum nonzero image RGB. - TO BE MOVED - redesigned
      • nonZeroMinB

        private double nonZeroMinB
        Minimum and maximum nonzero image RGB. - TO BE MOVED - redesigned
      • nonZeroMaxB

        private double nonZeroMaxB
        Minimum and maximum nonzero image RGB. - TO BE MOVED - redesigned
      • originalFilterOrder

        private int originalFilterOrder
        DOCUMENT ME!- TO BE MOVED - redesigned.
      • originalEpsilon

        private double originalEpsilon
        The maximum filter ripple in Chebyshev I and II The passband ripple in decibels in Elliptic
      • originalRs

        private double originalRs
        Decibels stopband is down in Elliptic
      • originalCropCheckbox

        private boolean originalCropCheckbox
        DOCUMENT ME!- TO BE MOVED - redesigned.
      • originalDoCrop

        private boolean originalDoCrop
        DOCUMENT ME! - TO BE MOVED - redesigned
      • originalEnd

        private int[] originalEnd
        DOCUMENT ME!- TO BE MOVED - redesigned.
      • originalFilterConstruction

        private int originalFilterConstruction
        DOCUMENT ME! - TO BE MOVED- redesigned
      • originalKernelDimension

        private int originalKernelDimension
        This are variables used by the FFT filter algorithm. - should be removed - redesigned
      • originalStart

        private int[] originalStart
        DOCUMENT ME! - TO BE MOVED - redesigned
      • sigmaU

        private float sigmaU
        DOCUMENT ME! - TO BE MOVED - redesigned
      • sigmaV

        private float sigmaV
        DOCUMENT ME! - should be removed - redesigned
      • smallestMagnitudeNegative

        private double smallestMagnitudeNegative
        smallest magnitude negative and positive.
      • smallestMagnitudePositive

        private double smallestMagnitudePositive
        smallest magnitude negative and positive.
      • smallestMagnitudeNegativeR

        private double smallestMagnitudeNegativeR
        smallest magnitude negative and positive.
      • smallestMagnitudePositiveR

        private double smallestMagnitudePositiveR
        smallest magnitude negative and positive.
      • smallestMagnitudeNegativeG

        private double smallestMagnitudeNegativeG
        smallest magnitude negative and positive.
      • smallestMagnitudePositiveG

        private double smallestMagnitudePositiveG
        smallest magnitude negative and positive.
      • smallestMagnitudeNegativeB

        private double smallestMagnitudeNegativeB
        smallest magnitude negative and positive.
      • smallestMagnitudePositiveB

        private double smallestMagnitudePositiveB
        smallest magnitude negative and positive.
      • theta

        private float theta
        DOCUMENT ME! - TO BE MOVED - redesigned
      • unequalDim

        private boolean unequalDim
        Boolean telling if unequal dimensions are allowed in the FFT image. TO BE MOVED
      • writeLockCount

        private int writeLockCount
        Locking write count.
      • avgInten

        private float avgInten
      • avgIntenR

        private float avgIntenR
      • avgIntenG

        private float avgIntenG
      • avgIntenB

        private float avgIntenB
      • stdDeviation

        private float stdDeviation
      • stdDeviationR

        private float stdDeviationR
      • stdDeviationG

        private float stdDeviationG
      • stdDeviationB

        private float stdDeviationB
      • numPixels

        private int numPixels
      • sumPixelInten

        private double sumPixelInten
      • sumPixelIntenR

        private double sumPixelIntenR
      • sumPixelIntenG

        private double sumPixelIntenG
      • sumPixelIntenB

        private double sumPixelIntenB
    • Constructor Detail

      • ModelStorageBase

        public ModelStorageBase()
        Default constructor.
      • ModelStorageBase

        public ModelStorageBase​(int type,
                                int[] dimExtents)
        Allocates buffer memory of the specified type.
        type - type of buffer to allocate
        dimExtents - extents of the buffer in each dimension (multipleid together produces the size of the buffer to be allocated
      • ModelStorageBase

        public ModelStorageBase​(ModelStorageBase.DataType type,
                                int[] dimExtents)
        Allocates buffer memory of the specified type.
        type - type of buffer to allocate
        dimExtents - extents of the buffer in each dimension (multipleid together produces the size of the buffer to be allocated
    • Method Detail

      • getBufferTypeStr

        public static java.lang.String getBufferTypeStr​(int type)
        Returns the string for a particular buffer type.
        type - int representing the buffer type (see the static definitions)
        string representing the buffer type
      • addSurfaceMask

        public void addSurfaceMask​(int index,
                                   java.util.BitSet kMask,
                                   WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.ColorRGBA[] kMaskColors,
                                   WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.ColorRGBA kColor)
        Adds a surface mask to this image.
        index - the index of the mask.
        kMask - the surface mask
        kMaskColors - the per-voxel colors for the mask
        kColor - the overall mask color if per-voxel mask colors are not defined.
      • calcMinMax

        public void calcMinMax()
        Calculates the min and max values for the image array.
      • calcMinMax

        public void calcMinMax​(boolean logMagDisplay)
        logMagDisplay - if true calculate min and max for log10 of 1 + magnitude Calculates the min and max values for the image array.
      • calcMinMaxMag

        public void calcMinMaxMag​(boolean logMagDisplay)
        Calculates the min and max magnitude values for the image array.
        logMagDisplay - if true calculate min and max for log10 of 1 + magnitude
      • calcMinMaxNonZero

        public void calcMinMaxNonZero()
        Calculates the min and max nonzero values for the image array.
      • clone

        public java.lang.Object clone()
        Copies the object.
        clone in class ModelSerialCloneable
        Returns the cloned object.
      • convertToFloat

        public void convertToFloat()
        Disposes of old data and constructs a new buffer of the user specific type if the image in NOT locked.
        Throws: - throws an exception if the image model is locked.
      • disposeLocal

        public void disposeLocal()
        Dispose of memory and call the garbage collector.
      • export

        public final float[] export​(int orientation,
                                    int tSlice,
                                    int slice,
                                    float[] values,
                                    boolean bMask)
        Exports data based on the mapping from ModelImage space to Patient space.
        orientation - The Patient Orientation of the slice to export
        tSlice - Index into the forth dimension
        slice - Indicates slice of data to be exported
        values - The array in which to write the data
        A float array of the data mapped to patient space.
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • export

        public final float[] export​(int[] axisOrder,
                                    boolean[] axisFlip,
                                    int tSlice,
                                    int slice,
                                    float[] values,
                                    boolean bMask)
        Exports data based on the mapping from ModelImage space to Patient space. The mapping parameters are passed in as the axisOrder and axisFlip arrays.
        axisOrder - The mapping of ModelImage space volume axes to Patient space axes
        axisFlip - The mapping of ModelImage space volume axes to Patient space axes (invert flags)
        tSlice - Index into the forth dimension
        slice - Indicates slice of data to be exported
        values - The array to write the data into
        A float array of the data mapped to patient space.
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • exportComplexData

        public final void exportComplexData​(int start,
                                            int length,
                                            float[] valuesR,
                                            float[] valuesI)
        Export data to the real values and the images values arrays.
        start - Indicates starting position in data array
        length - Length of complex data (in 2 float units) to be copied from data array
        valuesR - Array where real data is to be deposited
        valuesI - Array where imaginary data is to be deposited
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • exportComplexSliceXY

        public final void exportComplexSliceXY​(int slice,
                                               float[] values,
                                               boolean logMagDisplay)
        Export XY slice magnitude data into values array.
        slice - indicates slice of data to be exported
        values - array where data is to be deposited
        logMagDisplay - if true display log10 of 1 + data
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • exportData

        public final java.lang.Object exportData​(int start,
                                                 int length)
        Export data into values array, in the native type of the model image.
        start - indicates starting position in data array
        length - length of data to be copied from data array
        Object, new array where data has been deposited
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • importData

        public final void importData​(java.lang.Object value_array)
        Import Object. Imports Object array that is exported with the exportData function.
        value_array - Object storing data.
      • exportData

        public final void exportData​(int start,
                                     int length,
                                     java.lang.Number[] values)
        Export data into values array.
        start - indicates starting position in data array
        length - length of data to be copied from data array
        values - array where data is to be deposited
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • exportData

        public final void exportData​(int start,
                                     int length,
                                     java.util.BitSet values)
        Export data into values array.
        start - indicates starting position in data array
        length - length of data to be copied from data array
        values - array where data is to be deposited
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • exportData

        public final void exportData​(int start,
                                     int length,
                                     byte[] values)
        Export data into values array.
        start - indicates starting position in data array
        length - length of data to be copied from data array
        values - array where data is to be deposited
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • exportData

        public final void exportData​(int start,
                                     int length,
                                     short[] values)
        Export data into values array.
        start - indicates starting position in data array
        length - length of data to be copied from data array
        values - array where data is to be deposited
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • exportData

        public final void exportData​(int start,
                                     int length,
                                     int[] values)
        Export data into values array.
        start - indicates starting position in data array
        length - length of data to be copied from data array
        values - array where data is to be deposited
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • exportData

        public final void exportData​(int start,
                                     int length,
                                     long[] values)
        Export data into values array.
        start - indicates starting position in data array
        length - length of data to be copied from data array
        values - array where data is to be deposited
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • exportData

        public final void exportData​(int start,
                                     int length,
                                     float[] values)
        Export data to values array.
        start - indicates starting position in data array
        length - length of data to be copied from data array
        values - array where data is to be deposited
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • exportData

        public final void exportData​(int start,
                                     int length,
                                     double[] values)
        Export data in values array.
        start - indicates starting position in data array
        length - length of data to be copied from data array
        values - array where data is to be deposited
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • exportData

        public final void exportData​(int start,
                                     int length0,
                                     int length1,
                                     float[] values)
        export data to values array.
        start - indicates starting position in data array
        length0 - length of first dimension of data to be copied from data array
        length1 - length of second dimension of data to be copied from data array
        values - array where data is to be deposited
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • exportDataNoLock

        public final void exportDataNoLock​(int start,
                                           int length,
                                           java.lang.Number[] values)
        export data into values array WITHOUT locking.
        start - indicates starting position in data array
        length - length of data to be copied from data array
        values - array where data is to be deposited
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a bounds error.
      • exportDataNoLock

        public final void exportDataNoLock​(int start,
                                           int length,
                                           java.util.BitSet values)
        export data into values array WITHOUT locking.
        start - indicates starting position in data array
        length - length of data to be copied from data array
        values - array where data is to be deposited
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a bounds error.
      • exportDataNoLock

        public final void exportDataNoLock​(int start,
                                           int length,
                                           byte[] values)
        Export data into values array WITHOUT locking.
        start - Indicates starting position in data array
        length - Length of data to be copied from data array
        values - Array where data is to be deposited
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a bounds error.
      • exportDataNoLock

        public final void exportDataNoLock​(int start,
                                           int length,
                                           short[] values)
        Export data into values array WITHOUT locking.
        start - Indicates starting position in data array
        length - Length of data to be copied from data array
        values - Array where data is to be deposited
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a bounds error.
      • exportDataNoLock

        public final void exportDataNoLock​(int start,
                                           int length,
                                           int[] values)
        Export data into values array WITHOUT locking.
        start - Indicates starting position in data array
        length - Length of data to be copied from data array
        values - Array where data is to be deposited
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a bounds error.
      • exportDataNoLock

        public final void exportDataNoLock​(int start,
                                           int length,
                                           long[] values)
        export data into values array WITHOUT locking.
        start - indicates starting position in data array
        length - length of data to be copied from data array
        values - array where data is to be deposited
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a bounds error.
      • exportDataNoLock

        public final void exportDataNoLock​(int start,
                                           int length,
                                           float[] values)
        export data in values array WITHOUT using locking.
        start - indicates starting position in data array
        length - length of data to be copied from data array
        values - array where data is to be deposited
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a bounds error.
      • exportDataNoLock

        public final void exportDataNoLock​(int start,
                                           int length,
                                           double[] values)
        export data into values array WITHOUT locking.
        start - indicates starting position in data array
        length - length of data to be copied from data array
        values - array where data is to be deposited
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a bounds error.
      • exportDComplexData

        public final void exportDComplexData​(int start,
                                             int length,
                                             double[] valuesR,
                                             double[] valuesI)
        Export data to the real values and the imaginary values arrays.
        start - indicates starting position in data array
        length - length of complex data (in 2 float units) to be copied from data array
        valuesR - array where real data is to be deposited
        valuesI - array where imaginary data is to be deposited
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • exportDiagonal

        public final void exportDiagonal​(int tSlice,
                                         int slice,
                                         int[] extents,
                                         WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f[] verts,
                                         float[] values,
                                         boolean bInterpolate)
        ShowDiagonal samples the ModelImage data along a non-axis aligned plane. The plane may intersect the ModelImage volume, defined in x,y,z space, along a diagonal direction.

        This function steps through the image, using the four transformed points to step through the ModelImage along the diagonal directions, read the corresonding point in the ModelImage and write the value into the image array. If bInterpolate is set to true, the ModelImage data for non-interger vertices is interpolated using tri-linear interpolation. Note: there is one loop for steping though he data, no matter which type of plane this object represents (XY, XZ, or ZY).

        tSlice - Index into the forth dimension
        slice - Indicates slice of data to be exported
        extents - Image extents in the local coordinate system.
        verts - The rotated non-axis aligned corners of the slice
        values - The array in which to write the data.
        bInterpolate - If true then use interpolation.
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • exportDiagonal

        public final void exportDiagonal​(int tSlice,
                                         int slice,
                                         int[] extents,
                                         WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f[] verts,
                                         float[] values,
                                         boolean bInterpolate,
                                         java.util.BitSet imageMask,
                                         java.util.Vector<java.util.BitSet> surfaceMask,
                                         boolean[] surfaceValues)
      • exportDiagonal

        public final void exportDiagonal​(java.util.BitSet duplicateMask,
                                         int tSlice,
                                         int slice,
                                         int[] extents,
                                         WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f[] verts,
                                         float diameter,
                                         boolean bSetZero,
                                         float[] values,
                                         boolean bInterpolate)
        ShowDiagonal samples the ModelImage data along a non-axis aligned plane. The plane may intersect the ModelImage volume, defined in x,y,z space, along a diagonal direction.

        This function steps through the image, using the four transformed points to step through the ModelImage along the diagonal directions, read the corresonding point in the ModelImage and write the value into the image array. If bInterpolate is set to true, the ModelImage data for non-interger vertices is interpolated using tri-linear interpolation. Note: there is one loop for steping though he data, no matter which type of plane this object represents (XY, XZ, or ZY).

        tSlice - Index into the forth dimension
        slice - Indicates slice of data to be exported
        extents - Image extents in the local coordinate system.
        verts - The rotated non-axis aligned corners of the slice
        values - The array in which to write the data.
        bInterpolate - If true then use interpolation.
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • findMax

        public final WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f findMax​(int tSlice,
                                                                          int slice,
                                                                          WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f[] verts,
                                                                          float diameter,
                                                                          boolean bInterpolate)
      • exportDMagData

        public final void exportDMagData​(int start,
                                         int length,
                                         double[] values)
        Export magnitude data to values array.
        start - indicates starting position in data array
        length - length of magnitude data to be copied from data array
        values - array where magnitude data is to be deposited
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • exportMagData

        public final void exportMagData​(int start,
                                        int length,
                                        float[] values)
        export magnitude data to values array.
        start - indicates starting position in data array
        length - length of magnitude data to be copied from data array
        values - array where magnitude data is to be deposited
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • exportMagData

        public final void exportMagData​(int start,
                                        int length,
                                        double[] values)
        export magnitude data to values array.
        start - indicates starting position in data array
        length - length of magnitude data to be copied from data array
        values - array where magnitude data is to be deposited
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • exportRGBData

        public final java.lang.Object exportRGBData​(int offset,
                                                    int start,
                                                    int length)
        export data in values array.
        offset - correct offset for RED, GREEN, or BLUE component to be exported
        start - indicates starting position in data array
        length - length of data to be copied from data array
        Object, new array where data has been deposited
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • exportRGBData

        public final void exportRGBData​(int offset,
                                        int start,
                                        int length,
                                        byte[] values)
        export data in values array.
        offset - correct offset for RED, GREEN, or BLUE component to be exported
        start - indicates starting position in data array
        length - length of data to be copied from data array
        values - array where data is to be deposited
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • exportRGBData

        public final void exportRGBData​(int offset,
                                        int start,
                                        int length,
                                        short[] values)
        export data in values array.
        offset - correct offset for RED, GREEN, or BLUE component to be exported
        start - indicates starting position in data array
        length - length of data to be copied from data array
        values - array where data is to be deposited
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • exportRGBData

        public final void exportRGBData​(int offset,
                                        int start,
                                        int length,
                                        float[] values)
        export data in values array.
        offset - correct offset for RED, GREEN, or BLUE component to be exported
        start - indicates starting position in data array
        length - length of data to be copied from data array
        values - array where data is to be deposited
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • exportRGBData

        public final void exportRGBData​(int offset,
                                        int start,
                                        int length,
                                        double[] values)
        export data in values array.
        offset - correct offset for RED, GREEN, or BLUE component to be exported
        start - indicates starting position in data array
        length - length of data to be copied from data array
        values - array where data is to be deposited
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • exportRGBDataNoLock

        public final void exportRGBDataNoLock​(int offset,
                                              int start,
                                              int length,
                                              float[] values)
        Export data in values array WITHOUT using locking.
        offset - offset into the data array
        start - indicates starting position in data array
        length - length of data to be copied from data array
        values - array where data is to be deposited
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • exportRGBDataNoLock

        public final void exportRGBDataNoLock​(int offset,
                                              int start,
                                              int length,
                                              double[] values)
        Export data in values array WITHOUT using locking.
        offset - offset into the data array
        start - indicates starting position in data array
        length - length of data to be copied from data array
        values - array where data is to be deposited
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • exportSliceXY

        public final void exportSliceXY​(int slice,
                                        byte[] values)
        Export XY slice into values array.
        slice - Indicates slice of data to be exported
        values - array where data is to be deposited
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • exportSliceXY

        public final void exportSliceXY​(int slice,
                                        short[] values)
        Export XY slice into values array.
        slice - Indicates slice of data to be exported.
        values - Array where data is to be deposited.
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • exportSliceXY

        public final void exportSliceXY​(int slice,
                                        int[] values)
        Export XY slice into values array.
        slice - Indicates slice of data to be exported.
        values - Array where data is to be deposited.
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • exportSliceXY

        public final void exportSliceXY​(int slice,
                                        long[] values)
        export XY slice into values array.
        slice - indicates slice of data to be exported
        values - array where data is to be deposited
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • exportSliceXY

        public final void exportSliceXY​(int slice,
                                        float[] values)
        export XY slice into values array.
        slice - indicates slice of data to be exported
        values - array where data is to be deposited
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • exportSliceXY

        public final void exportSliceXY​(int slice,
                                        double[] values)
        export XY slice into values array.
        slice - indicates slice of data to be exported
        values - array where data is to be deposited
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • get

        public final java.lang.Number get​(int position)
        function to get data where bounds checking is performed.
        position - position in one dimensional array
        returns value if position in data array range
      • get

        public final java.lang.Number get​(int[] position)
        nD get data fuction where bounds checking is performed.
        position - array of coordinate values
        returns true if position in data array range
      • get

        public final java.lang.Number get​(int x,
                                          int y)
        2D get data fuction where bounds checking is performed.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        returns value if position in data array range
      • get

        public final java.lang.Number get​(int x,
                                          int y,
                                          int z)
        3D get data fuction where bounds checking is performed.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        returns value if position in data array range
      • get

        public final java.lang.Number get​(int x,
                                          int y,
                                          int z,
                                          int b)
        4D get data fuction where bounds checking is performed.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        b - b coordinate (ie. multi-modality images or time)
        returns true if position in data array range
      • getAxisOrientation

        public int[] getAxisOrientation()
        Returns the axis orientation of image.
        the axis orientation of image
      • getBiLinear

        public final java.lang.Number getBiLinear​(float x,
                                                  float y)
        version of get that performs bi-linear interpoloation. Note - does perform bounds checking
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        The Number of the bilinearly interpolated data.
      • getBoolean

        public final boolean getBoolean​(int position)
        Version of get that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        position - index into the data.
        The boolean value from the data array.
      • getBoolean

        public final boolean getBoolean​(int[] position)
        n-Dimensional get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        position - index into the data
        returns true if position in data array range
      • getBoolean

        public final boolean getBoolean​(int x,
                                        int y)
        2D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
      • getBoolean

        public final boolean getBoolean​(int x,
                                        int y,
                                        int z)
        3D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate*
        The value at that position in the data array.
      • getBoolean

        public final boolean getBoolean​(int x,
                                        int y,
                                        int z,
                                        int b)
        4D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        b - 4th dimension coordinate.*
        The value at that position in the data array.
      • getByte

        public final byte getByte​(int position)
        Version of get that does NOT perform bounds checking
        position - position in one dimensional array.
        position - Indexe into the data array.
        The value at that position in the data array.
      • getByte

        public final byte getByte​(int[] position)
        nD get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        position - array of coordinate values
        returns true if position in data array range
      • getByte

        public final byte getByte​(int x,
                                  int y)
        2D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        value at that position in the data array
      • getByte

        public final byte getByte​(int x,
                                  int y,
                                  int z)
        3D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        value at that position in the data array
      • getByte

        public final byte getByte​(int x,
                                  int y,
                                  int z,
                                  int t)
        4D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate (usually the slice plane index)
        t - t coordinate (usually the volume index)
        value at that position in the data array
      • getByteBiLinear

        public final byte getByteBiLinear​(float x,
                                          float y)
        version of get that performs bi-linear interpoloation. Note - does NOT perform bounds checking
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        The interpolated value from the data array.
      • getByteTriLinear

        public final byte getByteTriLinear​(float x,
                                           float y,
                                           float z)
        version of get that performs tri-linear interpoloation. Note - does NOT perform bounds checking
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        The interpolated value from the data array.
      • getC

        public final java.lang.Number getC​(int position,
                                           int color)
        Color function to get data where bounds checking is performed.
        position - position in one dimensional array
        color - DOCUMENT ME!
        returns value if position in data array range
      • getConvolve

        public boolean getConvolve()
        Accessor method for the m_bConvolve data memeber.
        m_bConvolve, true when this images is the product of fft( imageA ) fft( imageB )
      • getDouble

        public final double getDouble​(int position)
        The interpolated value from the data array.ersion of get that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        position - index into one dimensional array
        The value from the data array.
      • getDouble

        public final double getDouble​(int[] position)
        nD get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        position - Index into one dimensional array
        The value from the data array.
      • getDouble

        public final double getDouble​(int x,
                                      int y)
        2D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        Value at that position in the data array
      • getDouble

        public final double getDouble​(int x,
                                      int y,
                                      int z)
        3D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        Value at that position in the data array
      • getDouble

        public final double getDouble​(int x,
                                      int y,
                                      int z,
                                      int t)
        4D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        t - t coordinate (usually the volume index)*
        The value at that position in the data array.
      • getDoubleBiLinear

        public final double getDoubleBiLinear​(float x,
                                              float y)
        version of get that performs bi-linear interpoloation. Note - does NOT perform bounds checking
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        The interpolated value at that position in the data array.
      • getDoubleTriLinear

        public final double getDoubleTriLinear​(float x,
                                               float y,
                                               float z)
        version of get that performs tri-linear interpoloation. Note - does NOT perform bounds checking
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        The value at that position in the data array.
      • getExtents

        public final int[] getExtents()
        Accessor that returns the extents of the image.
        array of ints indicating the extents in each dimension
      • getExtents

        public final int[] getExtents​(int orientation)
        Returns the image extents translated into the Patient-Coordinate systsm:
        orientation - the Patient-Coordinate view for which the extents are needed:
        Extents for the image in Patient Coordinates
      • getExtents

        public final int[] getExtents​(int[] aiAxisOrder)
        Returns the image extents translated into the Patient-Coordinate system:
        aiAxisOrder - the Patient-Coordinate order of the original data for which the extents are needed:
        Extents for the image in Patient Coordinates
      • getExtentsSize

        public final int[] getExtentsSize​(int orientation)
      • getFileInfo

        public FileInfoBase[] getFileInfo()
        Accessor that returns the fileInfo array (one per slice).
        fileInfo array structure
      • getFileInfo

        public FileInfoBase getFileInfo​(int i)
        Accessor that returns the fileInfo of a specific image slice.
        i - index that indicates image slice
        fileInfo array structure for a specific image slice
      • getFilterType

        public final int getFilterType()
        returns type of filter - low, high, bandpass, or bandstop. - TO BE MOVED
      • getFloat

        public final float getFloat​(int position)
        Version of get that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        position - index into the one dimensional data array
        The value at that position in the data array.
      • getFloat

        public final float getFloat​(int[] position)
        nD get data function where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        position - index into the one dimensional data array
        The value at that position in the data array.
      • getFloat

        public final float getFloat​(int x,
                                    int y)
        2D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        The value at that position in the data array.
      • getFloat

        public final float getFloat​(int x,
                                    int y,
                                    int z)
        3D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        The value at that position in the data array.
      • getFloat

        public final float getFloat​(int x,
                                    int y,
                                    int z,
                                    int t)
        4D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        t - t coordinate
        The value at that position in the data array.
      • getFloatBiLinear

        public final float getFloatBiLinear​(float x,
                                            float y)
        version of get that performs bi-linear interpoloation. Note - does NOT perform bounds checking
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        The interpolated value at that position in the data array.
      • getFloatC

        public final float getFloatC​(int x,
                                     int y,
                                     int c)
        2D color get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        c - color channel index
        value at that position in the data array
      • getFloatC

        public final float getFloatC​(int x,
                                     int y,
                                     int z,
                                     int c)
        3D color get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        c - color channel index
        value at that position in the data array
      • getFloatC

        public final float getFloatC​(int x,
                                     int y,
                                     int z,
                                     int t,
                                     int c)
        4D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        t - t coordinate
        c - color channel index
        The value at that position in the data array.
      • getFloatTriLinear

        public final float getFloatTriLinear​(float x,
                                             float y,
                                             float z)
        version of get that performs tri-linear interpoloation. Note - does NOT perform bounds checking
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        The value at that position in the data array.
      • getFloatTriLinearBounds

        public final float getFloatTriLinearBounds​(float x,
                                                   float y,
                                                   float z)
        Get a value using tri-linear interpoloation. Note - DOES perform bounds checking (both that x,y,z are valid and that the interp indicies don't cause exceptions).
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        interpolated value if in bounds, 0 if not.
      • getFloatTriLinearBoundsTime

        public final float getFloatTriLinearBoundsTime​(float x,
                                                       float y,
                                                       float z,
                                                       int t)
        Get a value using tri-linear interpoloation. Note - DOES perform bounds checking (both that x,y,z are valid and that the interp indicies don't cause exceptions).
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        t - t coordinate
        interpolated value if in bounds, 0 if not.
      • getFloatTriLinearBounds

        public final float getFloatTriLinearBounds​(float x,
                                                   float y,
                                                   float z,
                                                   int c)
        Get a value using tri-linear interpoloation. Note - DOES perform bounds checking (both that x,y,z are valid and that the interp indicies don't cause exceptions).
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        c - color-coordinate
        interpolated value if in bounds, 0 if not.
      • getFreq1

        public final float getFreq1()
        returns frequency 1 of filter.
      • getFreq2

        public final float getFreq2()
        returns frequency 2 of filter.
      • getFreqU

        public final float getFreqU()
        returns frequency U of filter.
      • getFreqV

        public final float getFreqV()
        returns frequency V of filter.
      • getHaveWindowed

        public final boolean getHaveWindowed()
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • getHeight

        public int getHeight​(int orientation)
        Returns the image height, based on the Patient Coordinates orientation from which the data will be viewed:
        orientation - the Patient-Viewing orientation
        The image height for the viewing orientation
      • getImage25D

        public boolean getImage25D()
        Accessor that returns the boolean indicating if 3D images are processed one slice at a time.
        boolean telling if slice by slice processing occurs in 3D
      • getImageOrientation

        public int getImageOrientation()
        Gets the image orientation (sagittal, axial, ...).
        integer representing the orientation
      • getInt

        public final int getInt​(int position)
        Version of get that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        position - position in one dimensional array
        value at that position in the data array
      • getInt

        public final int getInt​(int[] position)
        nD get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        position - array of coordinate values
        returns true if position in data array range
      • getInt

        public final int getInt​(int x,
                                int y)
        2D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        value at that position in the data array
      • getInt

        public final int getInt​(int x,
                                int y,
                                int z)
        3D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        value at that position in the data array
      • getInt

        public final int getInt​(int x,
                                int y,
                                int z,
                                int t)
        4D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        t - t coordinate
        The value at that position in the data array
      • getIntBiLinear

        public final int getIntBiLinear​(float x,
                                        float y)
        version of get that performs bi-linear interpoloation. Note - does NOT perform bounds checking
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        The interpolated value at that position in the data array
      • getIntTriLinear

        public final int getIntTriLinear​(float x,
                                         float y,
                                         float z)
        Version of get that performs tri-linear interpoloation. Note - does NOT perform bounds checking
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        The value at that position in the data array
      • getLockStatus

        public final int getLockStatus()
        Accessor that returns the lock status of the image.
        lock status
      • getLogMagDisplay

        public boolean getLogMagDisplay()
        Accessor that returns the boolean indicating if log magnitude displays are used in complex images.
        boolean telling if log display is used
      • getLong

        public final long getLong​(int position)
        Version of get that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        position - The index in one dimensional array
        The value at that position in the data array
      • getLong

        public final long getLong​(int[] position)
        nD get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        position - The index in one dimensional array
        The value at that position in the data array
      • getLong

        public final long getLong​(int x,
                                  int y)
        2D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        value at that position in the data array
      • getLong

        public final long getLong​(int x,
                                  int y,
                                  int z)
        3D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        value at that position in the data array
      • getLong

        public final long getLong​(int x,
                                  int y,
                                  int z,
                                  int t)
        4D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        t - t coordinate
        value at that position in the data array
      • getLongBiLinear

        public final long getLongBiLinear​(float x,
                                          float y)
        version of get that performs bi-linear interpoloation. Note - does NOT perform bounds checking
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        The interpolated value at that position in the data array
      • getLongTriLinear

        public final long getLongTriLinear​(float x,
                                           float y,
                                           float z)
        Version of get that performs tri-linear interpoloation. Note - does NOT perform bounds checking
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        The interpolated value at that position in the data array
      • getMax

        public double getMax()
        Accessor that returns the maximum value in the dataArray.
        double indicating maximum value in the dataArray
      • getMaxA

        public double getMaxA()
        Accessor that returns the maximum alpha value in the dataArray.
        double indicating maximum alpha value in the dataArray
      • getMaxB

        public double getMaxB()
        Accessor that returns the maximum blue value in the dataArray.
        double indicating maximum blue value in the dataArray
      • getMaxG

        public double getMaxG()
        Accessor that returns the maximum green value in the dataArray.
        double indicating maximum green value in the dataArray
      • getMaxR

        public double getMaxR()
        Accessor that returns the maximum red value in the dataArray.
        double indicating maximum red value in the dataArray
      • getMin

        public double getMin()
        Accessor that returns the minimum value in the dataArray.
        double indicating minimum value in the dataArray
      • getMinA

        public double getMinA()
        Accessor that returns the minimum alpha value in the dataArray.
        double indicating minimum alpha value in the dataArray
      • getMinB

        public double getMinB()
        Accessor that returns the minimum blue value in the dataArray.
        double indicating minimum blue value in the dataArray
      • getMinG

        public double getMinG()
        getMinG - Accessor that returns the minimum green value in the dataArray.
        double indicating minimum green value in the dataArray
      • getMinR

        public double getMinR()
        Accessor that returns the minimum red value in the dataArray.
        double indicating minimum red value in the dataArray
      • getNDims

        public final int getNDims()
        Accessor that returns the dimensionality of the image.
        int indicating the number of dimensions
      • getNoLogMax

        public double getNoLogMax()
        Accessor that returns the maximum value without log processing in the dataArray.
        double indicating maximum value in the dataArray
      • getNoLogMin

        public double getNoLogMin()
        Accessor that returns the minimum value without log processing in the dataArray.
        double indicating minimum value in the dataArray
      • getNoLogMinNonZero

        public double getNoLogMinNonZero()
        Accessor that returns the minimum nonzero value without log processing in the dataArray.
        double indicating minimum value in the dataArray
      • getNonZeroMax

        public double getNonZeroMax()
        Accessor that returns the smallest magnitude negative value in the dataArray.
        double indicating maximum nonzero value in the dataArray NaN if no nonzero value present
      • getNonZeroMaxB

        public double getNonZeroMaxB()
        Accessor that returns the maximum nonzero blue value in the dataArray.
        double indicating maximum nonzero blue value in the dataArray NaN if no nonzero blue value present
      • getNonZeroMaxG

        public double getNonZeroMaxG()
        Accessor that returns the maximum nonzero green value in the dataArray.
        double indicating maximum nonzero green value in the dataArray NaN if no nonzero green value present
      • getNonZeroMaxR

        public double getNonZeroMaxR()
        Accessor that returns the maximum nonzero red value in the dataArray.
        double indicating maximum nonzero red value in the dataArray NaN if no nonzero red value present
      • getNonZeroMin

        public double getNonZeroMin()
        Accessor that returns the minimum nonzero value in the dataArray.
        double indicating minimum nonzero value in the dataArray NaN if no nonzero value present
      • getNonZeroMinB

        public double getNonZeroMinB()
        Accessor that returns the minimum nonzero blue value in the dataArray.
        double indicating minimum nonzero blue value in the dataArray NaN if no nonzero blue value present
      • getNonZeroMinG

        public double getNonZeroMinG()
        Accessor that returns the minimum nonzero green value in the dataArray.
        double indicating minimum nonzero green value in the dataArray NaN if no nonzero green value present
      • getNonZeroMinR

        public double getNonZeroMinR()
        Accessor that returns the minimum nonzero red value in the dataArray.
        double indicating minimum nonzero red value in the dataArray NaN if no nonzero red value present
      • getOrigin

        public float[] getOrigin()
        Returns the origin of the image.
        the origin of the image
      • getOrigin

        public float[] getOrigin​(int index,
                                 int orientation)
        Returns the image origin for the image translated into the Patient-Coordinate systsm:
        index - the fileInfo index
        orientation - the Patient-Coordinate view for which the origin are needed:
        the origin of the image in Patient Coordinates
      • getOriginalFilterOrder

        public final int getOriginalFilterOrder()
        returns integer telling filter order. - TO BE MOVED
        value indicating the filter order;
      • getOriginalEpsilon

        public final double getOriginalEpsilon()
        value indicating the maximum filter ripple in Chdebyshev Type I and II or passband ripple in decibels in Elliptic
      • getOriginalRs

        public final double getOriginalRs()
        Decibels stopband is down in Elliptic
      • getOriginalCropCheckbox

        public final boolean getOriginalCropCheckbox()
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • getOriginalDoCrop

        public final boolean getOriginalDoCrop()
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • getOriginalEnd

        public final int[] getOriginalEnd()
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • getOriginalExtents

        public final int[] getOriginalExtents()
        Accessor that returns the original extents of the image.
        array of ints indicating the original extents in each dimension
      • getOriginalFilterConstruction

        public final int getOriginalFilterConstruction()
        returns integer telling filter construction method.
        int showing original filter construction method
      • getOriginalKernelDimension

        public final int getOriginalKernelDimension()
        returns kernel diameter chosen on forward FFT.
        int showing original kernel diameter chosen on forward FFT
      • getOriginalStart

        public final int[] getOriginalStart()
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • getRadiologicalView

        public boolean getRadiologicalView()
        Gets the radiological view flag:
        the RadiologicalView on/off
      • getResolutions

        public float[] getResolutions​(int index)
        Returns the resolutions for the image without regarding resolution difference between slices.
        index - The index indicating which data slice to exact the resolutions
        the resolutions for the data slice
      • getResolutions

        public float[] getResolutions​(int index,
                                      int orientation)
        Returns the resolutions for the image translated into the Patient-Coordinate systsm:
        index - the fileInfo index
        orientation - the Patient-Coordinate view for which the resolutions are needed:
        the resolutions for the image in Patient Coordinates
      • getResolutions

        public float[] getResolutions​(int index,
                                      int[] aiAxisOrder)
        Returns the resolutions for the image translated into the Patient-Coordinate systsm:
        index - the fileInfo index
        aiAxisOrder - the Patient-Coordinate order of the original data for which the resolutions are needed:
        the resolutions for the image in Patient Coordinates
      • getShort

        public final short getShort​(int position)
        Version of get that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        position - The index into the one dimensional array
        The value at that position in the data array
      • getShort

        public final short getShort​(int[] position)
        nD get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        position - The index into the one dimensional array
        The value at that position in the data array
      • getShort

        public final short getShort​(int x,
                                    int y)
        2D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        value at that position in the data array
      • getShort

        public final short getShort​(int x,
                                    int y,
                                    int z)
        3D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        value at that position in the data array
      • getShort

        public final short getShort​(int x,
                                    int y,
                                    int z,
                                    int t)
        4D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        t - t coordinate
        value at that position in the data array
      • getShortBiLinear

        public final short getShortBiLinear​(float x,
                                            float y)
        version of get that performs bi-linear interpoloation. Note - does NOT perform bounds checking
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        The value at that position in the data array
      • getShortTriLinear

        public final short getShortTriLinear​(float x,
                                             float y,
                                             float z)
        version of get that performs tri-linear interpoloation. Note - does NOT perform bounds checking
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        The intoplated value at that position in the data array
      • getSigmaU

        public final float getSigmaU()
        returns standard deviation U of filter. TO BE MOVED
      • getSigmaV

        public final float getSigmaV()
        returns standard deviation V of filter. TO BE MOVED
      • getSize

        public final int getSize()
        Accessor that returns the total size(length) of the data array.
        Value indicating the number of data points in the data array
      • getSliceSize

        public final int getSliceSize()
        Get the nuber of pixels in a slice of the image.
        the number of pixels in a slice
      • getSmallestMagnitudeNegative

        public double getSmallestMagnitudeNegative()
        Accessor that returns the smallest magnitude negative value in the dataArray.
        value indicating smallest magnitude negative value in the dataArray NaN if no negative value is present
      • getSmallestMagnitudeNegativeB

        public double getSmallestMagnitudeNegativeB()
        Accessor that returns the smallest magnitude negative blue value in the dataArray.
        value indicating smallest magnitude negative blue value in the dataArray NaN if no negative blue value is present
      • getSmallestMagnitudeNegativeG

        public double getSmallestMagnitudeNegativeG()
        Accessor that returns the smallest magnitude negative green value in the dataArray.
        value indicating smallest magnitude negative green value in the dataArray NaN if no negative green value is present
      • getSmallestMagnitudeNegativeR

        public double getSmallestMagnitudeNegativeR()
        Accessor that returns the smallest magnitude negative red value in the dataArray.
        value indicating smallest magnitude negative red value in the dataArray NaN if no negative red value is present
      • getSmallestMagnitudePositive

        public double getSmallestMagnitudePositive()
        Accessor that returns the smallest magnitude positive value in the dataArray.
        value indicating smallest magnitude positive value in the dataArray NaN if no positive value is present
      • getSmallestMagnitudePositiveB

        public double getSmallestMagnitudePositiveB()
        Accessor that returns the smallest magnitude positive blue value in the dataArray.
        value indicating smallest magnitude positive blue value in the dataArray NaN if no positive blue value is present
      • getSmallestMagnitudePositiveG

        public double getSmallestMagnitudePositiveG()
        Accessor that returns the smallest magnitude positive green value in the dataArray.
        value indicating smallest magnitude positive green value in the dataArray NaN if no positive green value is present
      • getSmallestMagnitudePositiveR

        public double getSmallestMagnitudePositiveR()
        Accessor that returns the smallest magnitude positive red value in the dataArray.
        value indicating smallest magnitude positive red value in the dataArray NaN if no positive red value is present
      • getSurfaceMask

        public java.util.BitSet getSurfaceMask​(int index)
        Returns the surface mask from this image.
        index - the index of the mask to remove.
        the BitSet mask
      • getSurfaceMaskColor

        public WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.ColorRGBA getSurfaceMaskColor​(int index)
        Returns the surface mask from this image.
        index - the index of the mask to remove.
        the BitSet mask
      • getTheta

        public final float getTheta()
        Returns roation angle theta in radians of filter. TO BE MOVED
      • getTriLinear

        public final java.lang.Number getTriLinear​(float x,
                                                   float y,
                                                   float z)
        version of get that performs tri-linear interpoloation. Note - does perform bounds checking
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        The introplated value at that position in the data array
      • getType

        public final int getType()
        Accessor that returns the image buffer type.
        Indicates the data buffer type
      • getDataType

        public final ModelStorageBase.DataType getDataType()
        Accessor that returns the image buffer type as an enum.
        The data buffer type
      • getTypeString

        public final java.lang.String getTypeString()
        Accessor that returns the image type.
        The data buffer type as a String.
      • getUByte

        public final short getUByte​(int position)
        version of get that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        position - The index into the one dimensional array
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • getUByte

        public final short getUByte​(int[] position)
        nD get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        position - The index into the one dimensional array
        The value at that position in the data array
      • getUByte

        public final short getUByte​(int x,
                                    int y)
        2D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        The interpolated value at that position in the data array.
      • getUByte

        public final short getUByte​(int x,
                                    int y,
                                    int z)
        3D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        The value at that position in the data array.
      • getUByte

        public final short getUByte​(int x,
                                    int y,
                                    int z,
                                    int t)
        4D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        t - t coordinate
        The value at that position in the data array
      • getUByteBiLinear

        public final short getUByteBiLinear​(float x,
                                            float y)
        Version of get that performs bi-linear interpoloation. Note - does NOT perform bounds checking
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        The interpolated value at that position in the data array.
      • getUByteTriLinear

        public final short getUByteTriLinear​(float x,
                                             float y,
                                             float z)
        Version of get that performs tri-linear interpoloation. Note - does NOT perform bounds checking
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        The interpolated value at that position in the data array.
      • getUInt

        public final long getUInt​(int position)
        version of get that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        position - position in one dimensional array
        The value at that position in the data array.
      • getUInt

        public final long getUInt​(int[] position)
        nD get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        position - The index into the array of data.
        The value at that position in the data array.
      • getUInt

        public final long getUInt​(int x,
                                  int y)
        2D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        value at that position in the data array
      • getUInt

        public final long getUInt​(int x,
                                  int y,
                                  int z)
        3D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        value at that position in the data array
      • getUInt

        public final long getUInt​(int x,
                                  int y,
                                  int z,
                                  int t)
        4D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        t - t coordinate
        The value at that position in the data array.
      • getUIntBiLinear

        public final long getUIntBiLinear​(float x,
                                          float y)
        version of get that performs bi-linear interpoloation. Note - does NOT perform bounds checking
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        The value at that position in the data array.
      • getUIntTriLinear

        public final long getUIntTriLinear​(float x,
                                           float y,
                                           float z)
        version of get that performs tri-linear interpoloation. Note - does NOT perform bounds checking
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        The interpolated value at that position in the data array.
      • getUnequalDim

        public boolean getUnequalDim()
        Accessor that returns the boolean indicating if unequal dimensions are allowed in complex images. TO BE MOVED
        Indicated if unequal dimensions are allowed
      • getUnitsOfMeasure

        public int[] getUnitsOfMeasure()
        Returns the units used to measure all dimensions of the image.
        The units used to measure all dimensions of the image.
      • getUnitsOfMeasure

        public int getUnitsOfMeasure​(int index)
        Returns the unit used to measure the specific dimension of image.
        index - The index of specific dimension
        The unit used to measure the specific dimension
      • getUnitsOfMeasure

        public int[] getUnitsOfMeasure​(int index,
                                       int orientation)
        Returns the units of measure for the image translated into the Patient-Coordinate systsm:
        index - the fileInfo index
        orientation - the Patient-Coordinate view for which the units of measure are needed:
        the units of measure for the image in Patient Coordinates
      • getUShort

        public final int getUShort​(int position)
        version of get that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        position - The index into the one dimensional array
        The value at that position in the data array
      • getUShort

        public final int getUShort​(int[] position)
        nD get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        position - The index into the one dimensional array
        The value at that position in the data array
      • getUShort

        public final int getUShort​(int x,
                                   int y)
        2D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        The value at that position in the data array
      • getUShort

        public final int getUShort​(int x,
                                   int y,
                                   int z)
        3D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        The value at that position in the data array
      • getUShort

        public final int getUShort​(int x,
                                   int y,
                                   int z,
                                   int t)
        4D get data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        t - t coordinate
        The value at that position in the data array
      • getUShortBiLinear

        public final int getUShortBiLinear​(float x,
                                           float y)
        Version of get that performs bi-linear interpoloation. Note - does NOT perform bounds checking
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        The interpolated value at that position in the data array.
      • getUShortTriLinear

        public final int getUShortTriLinear​(float x,
                                            float y,
                                            float z)
        version of get that performs tri-linear interpoloation. Note - does NOT perform bounds checking
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        The interpolated value at that position in the data array.
      • getVolumeIterationFactors

        public int[] getVolumeIterationFactors()
        Get the factors needed to iterate through the image volume. Can be multiplied against iterators to retreive the index into the image volume data.
        multiples of dimExtents[] for the image
      • getVolumeSize

        public int getVolumeSize()
        Gets the number of pixels in a volume of the image.
      • getWidth

        public int getWidth​(int orientation)
        Returns the image width, based on the Patient Coordinates orientation from which the data will be viewed:
        orientation - the Patient-Viewing orientation
        dimExtents representing the image width for the viewing orientation
      • importComplexData

        public final void importComplexData​(int start,
                                            float[] valuesR,
                                            float[] valuesI,
                                            boolean mmFlag,
                                            boolean logMagDisplay)
        import Complex data (in 2 float units) into data array.
        start - indicates starting position in data array
        valuesR - array where real data is to be acquired
        valuesI - array where imaginary data is to be acquired
        mmFlag - whether or not to calculate min and max magnitude values for the image
        logMagDisplay - whether or not min and max are calculated for log10 of 1 + magnitude array
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • importData

        public final void importData​(int start,
                                     java.lang.Number[] values,
                                     boolean mmFlag)
        import Number data into data array.
        start - indicates starting position in data array
        values - array where data is to be acquired
        mmFlag - whether or not to calculate min and max values for the image array
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • importData

        public final void importData​(int start,
                                     java.util.BitSet values,
                                     boolean mmFlag)
        Import boolean (BitSet) data into data array.
        start - indicates starting position in data array
        values - array where data is to be acquired
        mmFlag - whether or not to calculate min and max values for the image array
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • importData

        public final void importData​(int start,
                                     boolean[] values,
                                     boolean mmFlag)
        Import boolean data into data array.
        start - indicates starting position in data array
        values - array where data is to be acquired
        mmFlag - whether or not to calculate min and max values for the image array
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • importData

        public final void importData​(int start,
                                     byte[] values,
                                     boolean mmFlag)
        Import byte data into data array.
        start - indicates starting position in data array
        values - array where data is to be acquired
        mmFlag - whether or not to calculate min and max values for the image array
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • importData

        public final void importData​(int start,
                                     short[] values,
                                     boolean mmFlag)
        import short data into data array.
        start - indicates starting position in data array
        values - array where data is to be acquired
        mmFlag - whether or not to calculate min and max values for the image array
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • importData

        public final void importData​(int start,
                                     int[] values,
                                     boolean mmFlag)
        import integer data into data array.
        start - indicates starting position in data array
        values - array where data is to be acquired
        mmFlag - whether or not to calculate min and max values for the image array
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • importData

        public final void importData​(int start,
                                     long[] values,
                                     boolean mmFlag)
        import long data into data array.
        start - indicates starting position in data array
        values - array where data is to be acquired
        mmFlag - whether or not to calculate min and max values for the image array
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • importData

        public final void importData​(int start,
                                     float[] values,
                                     boolean mmFlag)
        import float data into data array.
        start - indicates starting position in data array
        values - array where data is to be acquired
        mmFlag - whether or not to calculate min and max values for the image array
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • importData

        public final void importData​(int start,
                                     double[] values,
                                     boolean mmFlag)
        import double data into data array.
        start - indicates starting position in data array
        values - array where data is to be acquired
        mmFlag - whether or not to calculate min and max values for the image array
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • importDComplexData

        public final void importDComplexData​(int start,
                                             double[] valuesR,
                                             double[] valuesI,
                                             boolean mmFlag,
                                             boolean logMagDisplay)
        import Complex data (in 2 double units) into data array.
        start - indicates starting position in data array
        valuesR - array where real data is to be acquired
        valuesI - array where imaginary data is to be acquired
        mmFlag - whether or not to calculate min and max magnitude values for the image
        logMagDisplay - whether or not min and max are calculated for log10 of 1 + magnitude array
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • importRGBData

        public final void importRGBData​(int color,
                                        int alphaIndexStart,
                                        byte[] values,
                                        boolean mmFlag)
        Import byte data into data array.
        color - color planes are interleaved, so color offsets the appropriate interleave interval
        alphaIndexStart - indicates starting position in data array which points to the alpha value
        values - array where data is to be acquired
        mmFlag - whether or not to calculate min and max values for the image array
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • importRGBData

        public final void importRGBData​(int color,
                                        int alphaIndexStart,
                                        short[] values,
                                        boolean mmFlag)
        Import byte data into data array.
        color - color planes are interleaved, so color offsets the appropriate interleave interval
        alphaIndexStart - indicates starting position in data array which points to the alpha value
        values - array where data is to be acquired
        mmFlag - whether or not to calculate min and max values for the image array
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • importRGBData

        public final void importRGBData​(int color,
                                        int alphaIndexStart,
                                        float[] values,
                                        boolean mmFlag)
        import float data into data array.
        color - color planes are interleaved, so color offsets the appropriate interleave interval
        alphaIndexStart - indicates starting position in data array which points to the alpha value
        values - array where data is to be acquired
        mmFlag - whether or not to calculate min and max values for the image array
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • importUData

        public final void importUData​(int start,
                                      short[] values,
                                      boolean mmFlag)
        import short data into data array.
        start - indicates starting position in data array
        values - array where data is to be acquired
        mmFlag - whether or not to calculate min and max values for the image array
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • importUData

        public final void importUData​(int start,
                                      int[] values,
                                      boolean mmFlag)
        import int data into data array.
        start - indicates starting position in data array
        values - array where data is to be acquired
        mmFlag - whether or not to calculate min and max values for the image array
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • importUData

        public final void importUData​(int start,
                                      long[] values,
                                      boolean mmFlag)
        import int data into data array.
        start - indicates starting position in data array
        values - array where data is to be acquired
        mmFlag - whether or not to calculate min and max values for the image array
        Throws: - Throws an error when there is a locking or bounds error.
      • reallocate

        public void reallocate​(int type)
        Disposes of old data and constructs a new buffer of the user specific type if the image in NOT locked.
        type - type of new buffer
        Throws: - throws an exception if the image model is locked.
      • reallocate

        public void reallocate​(int[] dimExtents)
        Disposes of old data and constructs a new buffer of the user specific type if the image in NOT locked.
        dimExtents - extents of the buffer in each dimension (multipleid together produces the size of the buffer to be allocated
        Throws: - throws an exception if the image model is locked.
      • reallocate

        public void reallocate​(int type,
                               int[] dimExtents)
        Disposes of old data and constructs a new buffer of the user specific type if the image in NOT locked.
        type - type of new buffer
        dimExtents - extents of the buffer in each dimension (multiplied together produces the size of the buffer to be allocated
        Throws: - throws an exception if the image model is locked.
      • recomputeDataSize

        public void recomputeDataSize()
        Recomputes the datasize based on the type of buffer. If the datasize has changed, then the data array needs to be reallocated. So this method will also reconstruct the data array in this case. This method must be called if the extents of an buffer have been changed.

        WARNING: This will clear any existing data if the dataSize is changed.

      • releaseLock

        public final void releaseLock()
        Releases the lock so that other proceses can read or write the data.
      • removeSurfaceMask

        public void removeSurfaceMask​(int index)
        Removes the surface mask from this image.
        index - The index of the mask to remove.
      • removeSurfaceMasks

        public java.util.BitSet[] removeSurfaceMasks()
        Returns the array of BitSet masks for backup.
        the BitSet mask array.
      • restoreSurfaceMasks

        public void restoreSurfaceMasks​(java.util.BitSet[] masks)
        Restores the mask list from the array.
        masks - array of BitSet masks
      • set

        public final boolean set​(int position,
                                 java.lang.Number value)
        Set that does perform bounds checking.
        position - position in one dimensional array
        value - The value to stored in the data array.
        returns value if position in data array range
      • set

        public final boolean set​(int[] position,
                                 java.lang.Number value)
        nD set data fuction where bounds checking is performed.
        position - The coordinate into the 1D data array
        value - The value to stored in the data array.
        returns true if position in data array range
      • set

        public final void set​(int position,
                              boolean value)
        version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking
        position - position in one dimensional array.
        position - The index into the data array.
        value - The value to stored in the data array.
      • set

        public final void set​(int[] position,
                              boolean value)
        nD set data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        position - array of coordinate values
        value - The value to stored in the data array.
      • set

        public final void set​(int position,
                              byte value)
        Version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        position - The position in one dimensional array
        value - The value to stored in the data array.
      • set

        public final void set​(int[] position,
                              byte value)
        nD set data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        position - array of coordinate values
        value - data that will be stored in the data array
      • set

        public final void set​(int[] position,
                              short value)
        nD set data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        position - array of coordinate values
        value - data that will be stored in the data array
      • set

        public final void set​(int position,
                              int value)
        Version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        position - position in one dimensional array
        value - The value to stored in the data array.
      • set

        public final void set​(int[] position,
                              int value)
        nD set data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        position - array of coordinate values
        value - data that will be stored in the data array
      • set

        public final void set​(int position,
                              long value)
        version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        position - position in one dimensional array
        value - The value to stored in the data array.
      • set

        public final void set​(int[] position,
                              long value)
        nD set data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        position - array of coordinate values
        value - data that will be stored in the data array
      • set

        public final void set​(int position,
                              float value)
        version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        position - position in one dimensional array
        value - data that will be stored in the data array
      • set

        public final void set​(int[] position,
                              float value)
        nD set data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        position - array of coordinate values
        value - data that will be stored in the data array
      • set

        public final void set​(int position,
                              double value)
        version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        position - position in one dimensional array
        value - The value to stored in the data array.
      • set

        public final void set​(int[] position,
                              double value)
        nD set data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        position - array of coordinate values
        value - data that will be stored in the data array
      • set

        public final boolean set​(int x,
                                 int y,
                                 java.lang.Number value)
        2D get data fuction where bounds checking is performed.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        value - set data array to this value
        returns true if position in data array range
      • set

        public final void set​(int x,
                              int y,
                              boolean value)
        2D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        value - The value to stored in the data array.
      • set

        public final void set​(int x,
                              int y,
                              byte value)
        2D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        value - The value to stored in the data array.
      • set

        public final void set​(int x,
                              int y,
                              int value)
        2D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        value - The value to stored in the data array.
      • set

        public final void set​(int x,
                              int y,
                              long value)
        2D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        value - The value to stored in the data array.
      • set

        public final void set​(int x,
                              int y,
                              float value)
        2D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        value - The value to stored in the data array.
      • set

        public final void set​(int x,
                              int y,
                              double value)
        2D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        value - The value to stored in the data array.
      • set

        public final boolean set​(int x,
                                 int y,
                                 int z,
                                 java.lang.Number value)
        3D set data fuction where bounds checking is performed.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        value - set data array to this value
        returns true if position in data array range
      • set

        public final void set​(int x,
                              int y,
                              int z,
                              boolean value)
        3D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        value - The value to stored in the data array.
      • set

        public final void set​(int x,
                              int y,
                              int z,
                              byte value)
        3D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        value - The value to stored in the data array.
      • set

        public final void set​(int x,
                              int y,
                              int z,
                              short value)
        3D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        value - The value to stored in the data array.
      • set

        public final void set​(int x,
                              int y,
                              int z,
                              int value)
        3D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        value - The value to stored in the data array.
      • set

        public final void set​(int x,
                              int y,
                              int z,
                              long value)
        3D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        value - The value to stored in the data array.
      • set

        public final void set​(int x,
                              int y,
                              int z,
                              float value)
        3D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        value - The value to stored in the data array.
      • set

        public final void set​(int x,
                              int y,
                              int z,
                              double value)
        3D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        value - The value to stored in the data array.
      • set

        public final boolean set​(int x,
                                 int y,
                                 int z,
                                 int b,
                                 java.lang.Number value)
        4D get data fuction where bounds checking is performed.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        b - b coordinate (ie. multi modality images or time)
        value - The value to stored in the data array.
        returns true if position in data array range
      • set

        public final void set​(int x,
                              int y,
                              int z,
                              int b,
                              boolean value)
        4D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        b - b coordinate
        value - set data array to this value
      • set

        public final void set​(int x,
                              int y,
                              int z,
                              int b,
                              byte value)
        4D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        b - b coordinate
        value - set data array to this value
      • set

        public final void set​(int x,
                              int y,
                              int z,
                              int b,
                              short value)
        4D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        b - b coordinate
        value - set data array to this value
      • set

        public final void set​(int x,
                              int y,
                              int z,
                              int b,
                              int value)
        4D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        b - b coordinate
        value - set data array to this value
      • set

        public final void set​(int x,
                              int y,
                              int z,
                              int b,
                              long value)
        4D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        b - b coordinate
        value - set data array to this value
      • set

        public final void set​(int x,
                              int y,
                              int z,
                              int b,
                              float value)
        4D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        b - b coordinate
        value - set data array to this value
      • set

        public final void set​(int x,
                              int y,
                              int z,
                              int b,
                              double value)
        4D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        b - b coordinate
        value - set data array to this value
      • setAll

        public final void setAll​(float value)
        Sets the entire buffer to value passed to this method.
        value - float data that will be stored in the data array
      • setAll

        public final void setAll​(byte value)
        Sets the entire buffer to value passed to this method.
        value - byte data that will be stored in the data array
      • setAll

        public final void setAll​(short value)
        Sets the entire buffer to value passed to this method.
        value - short data that will be stored in the data array
      • setAll

        public final void setAll​(int value)
        Sets the entire buffer to value passed to this method.
        value - int data that will be stored in the data array
      • setAll

        public final void setAll​(double value)
        Sets the entire buffer to value passed to this method.
        value - double data that will be stored in the data array
      • setAllUByte

        public final void setAllUByte​(short value)
        Sets the entire buffer to value passed to this method.
        value - UByte data that will be stored in the data array
      • setAllUShort

        public final void setAllUShort​(int value)
        Sets the entire buffer to value passed to this method.
        value - UShort data that will be stored in the data array
      • setC

        public final boolean setC​(int position,
                                  int color,
                                  java.lang.Number value)
        Sets the entire buffer to value passed to this method.
        position - position in one dimensional array
        color - The color channel to be modified
        value - set data array to this value
        returns value if position in data array range
      • setC

        public final void setC​(int position,
                               int c,
                               float value)
        color version of setC that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        position - position in one dimensional array
        c - The color channel to be modified
        value - set data array to this value
      • setC

        public final void setC​(int x,
                               int y,
                               int c,
                               float value)
        2D fast color version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        c - The color channel to be modified
        value - set data array to this value
      • setC

        public final boolean setC​(int x,
                                  int y,
                                  int z,
                                  int c,
                                  java.lang.Number value)
        3D color set data fuction where bounds checking is performed.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        c - A,R,G, or B
        value - set data array to this value
        returns true if position in data array range
      • setC

        public final void setC​(int x,
                               int y,
                               int z,
                               int c,
                               float value)
        3D fast color version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        c - The color channel to be modified
        value - set data array to this value
      • setComplex

        public final void setComplex​(int x,
                                     int y,
                                     int z,
                                     int part,
                                     float value)
        x -
        y -
        z -
        part - 0 for real 1 for imaginary
        value -
      • setConvolve

        public void setConvolve​(boolean bConvolve)
        Accessor method for the m_bConvolve data memeber.
        bConvolve - true when this images is the product of fft( imageA ) fft( imageB )
      • setExtents

        public void setExtents​(int[] dims)
        Sets the dimExtents for this structure.
        dims - The data's dimensionality.
      • setFileInfo

        public void setFileInfo​(FileInfoBase[] fInfo)
        Accessor that sets the entire fileInfo array of the image.
        fInfo - structure
      • setFileInfo

        public void setFileInfo​(FileInfoBase fInfo,
                                int idx)
        Accessor that sets the fileInfo class for the image.
        fInfo - fileInfo structure.
        idx - index that typically indicates image slice.
      • setFilterType

        public void setFilterType​(int _filterType)
        _filterType - int
      • setFreq1

        public void setFreq1​(float _freq1)
        _freq1 - float
      • setFreq2

        public void setFreq2​(float _freq2)
        _freq2 - float
      • setFreqU

        public void setFreqU​(float _freqU)
        _freqU - float
      • setFreqV

        public void setFreqV​(float _freqV)
        _freqV - float
      • setHaveWindowed

        public void setHaveWindowed​(boolean window)
        window - boolean
      • setImage25D

        public void setImage25D​(boolean _image25D)
        Accessor that sets the boolean telling if 3D images are processed one slice at a time.
        _image25D - Set true if images are processed one slice at a time.
      • setLock

        public void setLock()
        Sets the lockFlag to protect data. When the flag is set no other processes can read or write the data
        Throws: - Throws an error if image is already locked.
      • setLock

        public final void setLock​(int lockType)
        Sets the lockFlag to protect data. When the flag is set no other processes can read or write the data
        lockType - The type of read/write lock that is to be set.
        Throws: - Throws an error if image is already locked.
      • setLogMagDisplay

        public void setLogMagDisplay​(boolean logMagDisplay)
        Accessor that sets the boolean telling if log magnitude display is used in a complex image. TO BE MOVED
        logMagDisplay - DOCUMENT ME!
      • setMax

        public void setMax​(double _max)
        Accessor that sets the maximum value in the dataArray.
        _max - Indicates the maximum value in the data array
      • setMin

        public void setMin​(double _min)
        Accessor that sets the minimum value in the dataArray.
        _min - Indicates the minimum value in the data array
      • setMaxR

        public void setMaxR​(double _max)
        Accessor that sets the maximum value in the dataArray.
        _max - Indicates the maximum value in the data array
      • setMinR

        public void setMinR​(double _min)
        Accessor that sets the minimum value in the dataArray.
        _min - Indicates the minimum value in the data array
      • setMaxG

        public void setMaxG​(double _max)
        Accessor that sets the maximum value in the dataArray.
        _max - Indicates the maximum value in the data array
      • setMinG

        public void setMinG​(double _min)
        Accessor that sets the minimum value in the dataArray.
        _min - Indicates the minimum value in the data array
      • setMaxB

        public void setMaxB​(double _max)
        Accessor that sets the maximum value in the dataArray.
        _max - Indicates the maximum value in the data array
      • setMinB

        public void setMinB​(double _min)
        Accessor that sets the minimum value in the dataArray.
        _min - Indicates the minimum value in the data array
      • setOriginalFilterOrder

        public void setOriginalFilterOrder​(int filterOrder)
        filterOrder - DOCUMENT ME!
      • setOriginalEpsilon

        public void setOriginalEpsilon​(double epsilon)
        epsilon - maximum filter ripple in Chebyshev I and II or maximum passband ripple in decibels in Elliptic
      • setOriginalRs

        public void setOriginalRs​(double rs)
      • setOriginalCropCheckbox

        public void setOriginalCropCheckbox​(boolean cropCheckbox)
        cropCheckbox - boolean
      • setOriginalDoCrop

        public void setOriginalDoCrop​(boolean doCrop)
        doCrop - boolean
      • setOriginalEnd

        public void setOriginalEnd​(int[] end)
        end - int[]
      • setOriginalExtents

        public void setOriginalExtents​(int[] dims)
        Sets original dimensionality of the images. TO BE MOVED
        dims - int[] dimensionality for x,y, and z ... dimensions
      • setOriginalFilterConstruction

        public void setOriginalFilterConstruction​(int filterConstruction)
        filterConstruction - DOCUMENT ME!
      • setOriginalKernelDimension

        public void setOriginalKernelDimension​(int kDim)
        kDim - DOCUMENT ME!
      • setOriginalStart

        public void setOriginalStart​(int[] start)
        start - int[]
      • setRadiologicalView

        public void setRadiologicalView​(boolean bEnabled)
        Sets the radiological view flag.
        bEnabled - when true the radiological view is displayed, when false the neurological view is displayed.
      • setResolutions

        public void setResolutions​(int index,
                                   float[] resolutions)
        Sets the resolutions to the specific value for a specific slice indicated by the index parameter.
        index - index that typically indicates image slice.
        resolutions - the image's voxel resolutions
      • setResolutions

        public void setResolutions​(float[] resolutions)
        Sets the resolutions to the specific value for a specific slice indicated by the index parameter.
        resolutions - the image's voxel resolutions
      • setShort

        public final void setShort​(int position,
                                   short value)
        Sets the image voxel at the specified position to the specified value.
        position - position in one dimensional array.
        value - the new voxel value.
      • setShort

        public final void setShort​(int x,
                                   int y,
                                   short value)
        2D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        value - the new voxel value.
      • setSigmaU

        public void setSigmaU​(float _sigmaU)
        _sigmaU - float
      • setSigmaV

        public void setSigmaV​(float _sigmaV)
        _sigmaV - float
      • setTheta

        public void setTheta​(float _theta)
        _theta - float
      • setType

        public final void setType​(int type)
        Sets the type of data.
        type - the type of data
      • setType

        public final void setType​(ModelStorageBase.DataType type)
        Sets the type of data.
        type - the type of data
      • setUByte

        public final void setUByte​(int position,
                                   short value)
        Sets the image voxel at the specified position to the specified value.
        position - position in one dimensional array
        value - the new voxel value.
      • setUByte

        public final void setUByte​(int[] position,
                                   short value)
        Sets the image voxel at the specified position to the specified value. nD set data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        position - array of coordinate values
        value - data that will be stored in the data array
      • setUByte

        public final void setUByte​(int x,
                                   int y,
                                   short value)
        Sets the image voxel at the specified position to the specified value. 2D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        value - the new voxel value.
      • setUByte

        public final void setUByte​(int x,
                                   int y,
                                   int z,
                                   short value)
        Sets the image voxel at the specified position to the specified value. 3D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        value - the new voxel value.
      • setUByte

        public final void setUByte​(int x,
                                   int y,
                                   int z,
                                   int b,
                                   short value)
        Sets the image voxel at the specified position to the specified value. 4D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        b - b coordinate
        value - the new voxel value.
      • setUInt

        public final void setUInt​(int position,
                                  long value)
        Sets the image voxel at the specified position to the specified value. version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        position - position in one dimensional array
        value - the new voxel value.
      • setUInt

        public final void setUInt​(int[] position,
                                  long value)
        Sets the image voxel at the specified position to the specified value. nD set data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        position - array of coordinate values
        value - data that will be stored in the data array
      • setUInt

        public final void setUInt​(int x,
                                  int y,
                                  long value)
        Sets the image voxel at the specified position to the specified value. 2D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        value - the new voxel value.
      • setUInt

        public final void setUInt​(int x,
                                  int y,
                                  int z,
                                  long value)
        Sets the image voxel at the specified position to the specified value. 3D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        value - the new voxel value.
      • setUInt

        public final void setUInt​(int x,
                                  int y,
                                  int z,
                                  int t,
                                  long value)
        Sets the image voxel at the specified position to the specified value. 4D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        t - t coordinate
        value - the new voxel value.
      • setUnequalDim

        public void setUnequalDim​(boolean unequalDimension)
        Accessor that sets the boolean telling if unequal dimesnions are allowed in a complex image. TO BE MOVED
        unequalDimension - DOCUMENT ME!
      • setUShort

        public final void setUShort​(int position,
                                    int value)
        Sets the image voxel at the specified position to the specified value.
        position - position in one dimensional array
        value - The value to stored in the data array.
      • setUShort

        public final void setUShort​(int[] position,
                                    int value)
        Sets the image voxel at the specified position to the specified value. nD set data fuction where bounds checking is NOT performed.
        position - array of coordinate values
        value - data that will be stored in the data array
      • setUShort

        public final void setUShort​(int x,
                                    int y,
                                    int value)
        Sets the image voxel at the specified position to the specified value. 2D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        value - the new voxel value.
      • setUShort

        public final void setUShort​(int x,
                                    int y,
                                    int z,
                                    int value)
        Sets the image voxel at the specified position to the specified value. 3D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        value - the new voxel value.
      • setUShort

        public final void setUShort​(int x,
                                    int y,
                                    int z,
                                    int b,
                                    int value)
        Sets the image voxel at the specified position to the specified value. 4D fast version of set that does NOT perform bounds checking.
        x - x coordinate
        y - y coordinate
        z - z coordinate
        b - b coordinate
        value - the new voxel value.
      • allocateData

        protected void allocateData()
        Allocates data based on the data type and dataSize. Since this can be used to reallocate data, first set the data to null and do some garbage collecting.
      • getTypeMin

        public static double getTypeMin​(int type)
        his method return the min value allowed of the type
        type -
      • getTypeMax

        public static double getTypeMax​(int type)
        This method return the max value allowed of the type
        type -
      • calcAvgIntenStdDev

        public void calcAvgIntenStdDev()
        computes the avg intensity got 2d and 3d greyscale and color images
      • getStdDeviation

        public float getStdDeviation()
      • getAvgInten

        public float getAvgInten()
      • getNumPixels

        public int getNumPixels()
      • getSumPixelInten

        public double getSumPixelInten()
      • getAvgIntenB

        public float getAvgIntenB()
      • getAvgIntenG

        public float getAvgIntenG()
      • getAvgIntenR

        public float getAvgIntenR()
      • getStdDeviationB

        public float getStdDeviationB()
      • getStdDeviationG

        public float getStdDeviationG()
      • getStdDeviationR

        public float getStdDeviationR()
      • getSumPixelIntenB

        public double getSumPixelIntenB()
      • getSumPixelIntenG

        public double getSumPixelIntenG()
      • getSumPixelIntenR

        public double getSumPixelIntenR()
      • computeDataSize

        protected void computeDataSize()
        Computes the datasize based on the type of buffer.
      • construct

        protected void construct​(ModelStorageBase.DataType type,
                                 int[] dimExtents)
        Allocates buffer memory of the specified type.
        type - type of buffer to allocate
        dimExtents - extents of the buffer in each dimension (multiplied together produces the size of the buffer to be allocated
      • finalize

        protected void finalize()
                         throws java.lang.Throwable
        Calls disposeLocal of this class to ensure this class nulls the references to global class variables so that memory will be recovered.
        finalize in class java.lang.Object
        java.lang.Throwable - Throws an error if the finalization failed.
      • getDataSize

        public int getDataSize()
        Get total buffer length.