Class CorticalAnalysisRender

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    com.jogamp.opengl.GLEventListener, SpaceNavigatorListener, java.awt.event.KeyListener, java.awt.event.MouseListener, java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener, java.awt.event.MouseWheelListener,, java.util.EventListener

    public class CorticalAnalysisRender
    extends GPURenderBase
    implements com.jogamp.opengl.GLEventListener
    Cortical analysis applet and viewer. This class contains the static 'main' method to launch the application. This class is an Applet which means that it can be embedded in a browser or it can be attached to a MainFrame when executed as an application.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail

      • serialVersionUID

        private static final long serialVersionUID
        Use serialVersionUID for interoperability.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • m_aiTriIndex

        private int[] m_aiTriIndex
        Point indices of the puncture triangle.
      • m_akTriColors

        private WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.ColorRGBA[] m_akTriColors
        puncture triangle color
      • m_akPickColors

        private WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.ColorRGB[] m_akPickColors
        Colors for the picked points:.
      • m_bCurvatureColors

        private boolean m_bCurvatureColors
        Flag set to indicate whether curvature colors are rendered on the mesh surface. If not, then average convexity colors are rendered.
      • m_bInflationInitialized

        private boolean m_bInflationInitialized
        Flag set once inflation processing has been initialized.
      • m_bPickCorrespondenceEnabled

        private boolean m_bPickCorrespondenceEnabled
        Turned on when picking with the mouse is enabled:.
      • m_bPickPunctureEnabled

        private boolean m_bPickPunctureEnabled
        Enable/disable picking puncture triangle
      • m_iNumPicked

        private int m_iNumPicked
        number of picked points displayed.
      • m_iRunningNumPicked

        private int m_iRunningNumPicked
        Cycle through the number of correspondence points.
      • m_kCortical

        private MjCorticalMesh_WM m_kCortical
        Cortical mesh to be used in rendering scene.
      • m_kLUTConvexity

        private ModelLUT m_kLUTConvexity
        LUT for the triangle mesh convexity colors.
      • m_kLUTCurvature

        private ModelLUT m_kLUTCurvature
        local reference to ModelLUT.
      • MAX_POINTS

        private int MAX_POINTS
        Maximum number of correspondence points.
      • m_bFirst

        private boolean m_bFirst
        First time the scene is rendered.
      • m_kCylinder

        private VolumeSurface m_kCylinder
        Cylinder renderer
      • m_kSphereLines

        private VolumeNode m_kSphereLines
        Sphere longitude/latitude lines.
      • m_kCylinderLines

        private VolumeNode m_kCylinderLines
        Cylinder longitude/latitude lines.
      • m_kMeshLines

        private WildMagic.LibGraphics.SceneGraph.Node m_kMeshLines
        TriMesh longitude/latitude lines.
      • m_bDisplayLines

        private boolean m_bDisplayLines
        Toggle latitude/longitude display on/off.
      • m_kSpherePoints

        private VolumeNode m_kSpherePoints
        Scene-graph node for displaying correspondence points on the sphere.
      • m_kCylinderPoints

        private VolumeNode m_kCylinderPoints
        Scene-graph node for displaying correspondence points on the cylinder.
      • m_kMeshPoints

        private WildMagic.LibGraphics.SceneGraph.Node m_kMeshPoints
        Scene-graph node for displaying correspondence points on the TriMesh surface.
      • m_iNumLat

        private int m_iNumLat
      • m_iNumLon

        private int m_iNumLon
    • Constructor Detail

      • CorticalAnalysisRender

        public CorticalAnalysisRender​(VolumeTriPlanarInterface kParent,
                                      VolumeImage kVolumeImageA,
                                      VolumeImage kVolumeImageB)
        Construct the BrainSurfaceFlattener renderer.
        kParent - parent user-interface and frame.
        kAnimator - animator used to display the canvas.
        kVolumeImageA - volume data and textures for ModelImage A.
        kVolumeImageB - volume data and textures for ModelImage B.
    • Method Detail

      • addSurface

        public VolumeSurface addSurface​(WildMagic.LibGraphics.SceneGraph.TriMesh kSurfaces)
        Add a surface to the display list.
        kSurfaces -
        VolumeSurface representation.
      • calculateConformal

        public void calculateConformal()
        Called on setup, when a new triangle mesh is loaded, or when the puncture triangle is selected and the "recalculate conformal" button is pressed by the user:
      • display

        public void display​(com.jogamp.opengl.GLAutoDrawable arg0)
        Specified by:
        display in interface com.jogamp.opengl.GLEventListener
      • displayConvexityColors

        public void displayConvexityColors()
        toggle between display of mean curvature-based colors and average convexity-based colors.
      • displayCurvatureColors

        public void displayCurvatureColors()
        toggle between display of mean curvature-based colors and average convexity-based colors.
      • displayPlane

        public void displayPlane()
        Switch to displaying the plane:
      • displaySphere

        public void displaySphere()
        Switch to displaying the sphere:
      • dispose

        public void dispose​(com.jogamp.opengl.GLAutoDrawable kDrawable)
        Description copied from class: GPURenderBase
        memory cleanup.
        Specified by:
        dispose in interface com.jogamp.opengl.GLEventListener
        dispose in class GPURenderBase
      • drawPicked

        public void drawPicked​(int iV0,
                               int iV1,
                               int iV2)
        Draw the user-selected point, either as a sphere on the triangle mesh, or as a black triangle, depending on which picking is enabled:
        iV0 - index 0 of the picked triangle.
        iV1 - index 1 of the picked triangle.
        iV2 - index 2 of the picked triangle.
      • getMainPanel

        public javax.swing.JPanel getMainPanel()
        Return the main panel display.
        main panel display.
      • getMaxCurvature

        public float getMaxCurvature()
        return the max mean curvature:
        max mean curvature.
      • getMeshLines

        public WildMagic.LibGraphics.SceneGraph.Node getMeshLines()
        scene-graph Node containing the TriMesh latitude/longitude lines.
      • getMinCurvature

        public float getMinCurvature()
        return the min mean curvature:
        min mean curvature.
      • inflation

        public void inflation()
        perform inflation step and then render shapes using the average convexity colors.
      • init

        public void init​(com.jogamp.opengl.GLAutoDrawable arg0)
        Specified by:
        init in interface com.jogamp.opengl.GLEventListener
      • isCorrespondencePickEnabled

        public boolean isCorrespondencePickEnabled()
        Return whether or not picking correspondence points is enabled:
        true when picking correspondence points in enabled, false otherwise.
      • isPuncturePickEnabled

        public boolean isPuncturePickEnabled()
        Return whether or not picking the puncture triangle is enabled:
        true when picking the puncture triangle is enabled, false otherwise.
      • mouseDragged

        public void mouseDragged​(java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
        Specified by:
        mouseDragged in interface java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener
        mouseDragged in class WildMagic.LibApplications.OpenGLApplication.JavaApplication3D
      • mousePressed

        public void mousePressed​(java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
        Specified by:
        mousePressed in interface java.awt.event.MouseListener
        mousePressed in class GPURenderBase
      • removePoints

        public void removePoints()
        Remove all points drawn on the mesh, sphere, and plane:
      • resizePanel

        public void resizePanel​(int panelWidth,
                                int frameHeight)
        Resizing the control panel with ViewJFrameVolumeView's frame width and height.
        panelWidth - int width
        frameHeight - int height
      • setLUTConvexity

        public void setLUTConvexity​(ModelLUT kLUT)
        Update the colormap based on the LUT:
        kLUT - new LUT.
      • setLUTCurvature

        public void setLUTCurvature​(ModelLUT kLUT)
        Update the colormap based on the LUT:
        kLUT - new LUT.
      • setup

        public boolean setup​(WildMagic.LibGraphics.SceneGraph.TriMesh kMesh,
                             WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f kCenter)
        Perform all initialization prior to executing. Loads the sample mesh surface and sets up the rendering of the scene.
        kMesh - , TriMesh.
      • setupLatLon

        public void setupLatLon​(int iNumLat,
                                int iNumLon)
        Called when the mesh is created, or when the number of latitude or longitude lines is changed by the user. When the user changes the number of latitude or longitude lines, the meshes are removed from the scene and recreated.
        iNumLat - number of latitude lines to display.
        iNumLon - number of longitude lines to display.
      • toggleLatLonLines

        public void toggleLatLonLines​(boolean bDisplay)
        Toggle between displaying the latitude and longitude lines:
        bDisplay - display on/off.
      • togglePickCorrespondence

        public void togglePickCorrespondence()
        Enables picking with the mouse and drawing the curve on the mesh.
      • togglePickPuncture

        public void togglePickPuncture()
        Enables picking with the mouse and drawing the curve on the mesh.
      • updateLighting

        public void updateLighting​(WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Light[] akGLights)
        Called from JPanelLight. Updates the lighting parameters.
        updateLighting in class GPURenderBase
        akGLights - the set of GeneralLight objects.
      • closestPlanePointIndex

        private float closestPlanePointIndex​(WildMagic.LibGraphics.Collision.PickRecord kPickPoint)
        For the plane, all vertices have z-value set to zero. Because the mesh is closed, even for the plane, the edge triangles wrap around the back of the mesh, and are co-planar with the forward-facing triangles (the ones that display the data) -- when picking is done, the pickClosest sometimes returns the back-facing triangle. This function returns the correct, visible triangle for the plane:
        kPickPoint - , the PickRecord containing information about the picked triangle.
        the minimum distance to the plane.
      • CreateScene

        private void CreateScene()
        Called by the init() function. Creates and initialized the scene-graph.
      • drawPoint

        private void drawPoint​(int iIndex)
        Draw the user-selected point as a sphere on the triangle mesh:
        iIndex - the index of the TriMesh vertex at which to draw the sphere.
      • drawTriangle

        private void drawTriangle​(int iV0,
                                  int iV1,
                                  int iV2)
        Draw the user-selected triangle as a black triangle, save the original color so it can be restored:
        iV0 - triangle index 0.
        iV1 - triangle index 1.
        iV2 - triangle index 2.
      • Render

        private void Render()
        Render the scene.
      • restoreTriColor

        private void restoreTriColor()
        Resets the previously picked triangle to it's original color:
      • setColorsLUT

        private void setColorsLUT()
        Update the colormap based on the LUT:
      • Pick

        protected void Pick()