Class Geodesic

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.awt.event.KeyListener, java.awt.event.MouseListener, java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener, java.util.EventListener

    public class Geodesic
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements java.awt.event.MouseListener, java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener, java.awt.event.KeyListener
    Introduction: The goal of this task is to add the ability for the user to draw a region of interest on a triangle mesh surface, by allowing the user to select points on the mesh surface and calculating the connecting polyline on the surface between the points. Pairs of consecutive points are connected by a geodesics path. The geodesic path is the shortest surface path between the points. For a triangle mesh, the final boundary curve for the region of interest is a polyline. To compute the polyline curve I start with Dijkstra's Single-Source Shortest Path graph algorithm to find the shortest path along triangle edges between the pair of points on the mesh. In the algorithm, the triangle vertices and edges are the nodes and edges of the graph, and the Euclidean distance between vertices connected by an edge serves as the edge weight. The result of Dijkstra's algorithm is a path that follows the edges in the mesh and may be jagged. I then iterate over the points on the polyline curve and the edges of the triangle mesh the curve crosses, to compute new points on the curve that lie on the triangle edges but not necessarily on the triangle vertices. This produces a smoother curve. Implementation: Drawing the user-selected region of interest on a surface is implemented through the Geodesic class in The Geodesic class may be used in two different ways. It may be used as a MouseListener that implements picking points on the surface of the mesh with the mouse and drawing the region of interest directly on the mesh. Or it may be used just to calculate the geodesic curve between two points on the triangle mesh. When the Geodesic class is used just to calculate the geodesic curve between two points on the triangle mesh, the points on the mesh must be specified prior to calculation. The points may be determined through a different picking implementation, or may be determined some other way. The interface to the Geodesic class allows the programmer to set the end points directly and to read the resulting geodesic curve. Calculating the Geodesic Curve The first step in calculating the geodesic curve on the triangle mesh, whether the Geodesic class implements MouseListener or not, is to initialize the local copy of the triangle mesh and the Single-Source Shortest Path Algorithm data structures based on the locations of the two endpoints of the path. The two endpoints of the path are specified in local mesh coordinates. They are not restricted to vertices in the triangle mesh, but may fall inside a triangle. When the endpoints fall inside a triangle, the triangle is divided into three new triangles, by connecting the new vertex to each of the three triangle vertices. This modification only affects the local copy of the triangle mesh. In Dijkstra's Single-Source Shortest Path Algorithm, each vertex and edge in the mesh has a weight; vertex weights represent the distance from the source vertex to that vertex, edge weights represent the distance between the two vertices the edge connects. In this implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm the edge weight is the Euclidean distance between the two vertices. Optimization: At the start of the algorithm each vertex is initialized to Float.MAX_VALUE, to represent the distance from the start node to that node has not yet been determined. Because the nodes and edges fall on a triangle mesh, where distances are based on actual distances in 3-dimensions, we can use an optimization to the standard Dijkstra's algorithm. This optimization uses an additional weight factor, which is the straight-line distance from the vertex to the end vertex. This is calculated for each vertex in the triangle mesh. Dijkstra's algorithm is a Greedy Algorithm. As it proceeds, points are examined, "relaxed", and potentially added to the final path based on the distance from the start vertex - the vertex not yet on the shortest path with the lowest weight is examined first. In the optimized version, the vertex with the lowest weight plus the lowest straight-line distance to the end point is examined, or "relaxed" first. This causes the area of vertices that Dijkstra's algorithm searches to be weighted in the direction of the end vertex. A non-optimized search pattern is symmetrical, and spreads out in a spherical pattern around the start vertex. The optimized search pattern appears conical, and points in the direction of the end vertex. Dijkstra's algorithm returns a list of points on the triangle mesh that connect the start and end vertices. The path travels along edges in the mesh and so may appear jagged. The final step in the Geodesic class algorithm is to smooth the polyline by moving points that fall on triangle vertices along the triangle edges. The final polyline contains points that are on triangle mesh edges, but are not constrained to the triangle vertices. The smoothing process is iterative. Given two points in the polyline that are connected by a path that goes through one triangle vertex, the intermediate vertex is moved across the edges that extend from it, until a new position is found that minimizes the distance between the two points. If more than one edge is crossed, then a new vertex for each new edge crossed is added to the polyline. The smoothing proceeds for each pair of points on the polyline. Added 7/31/05: LiveWire mode. LiveWire mode enables the user to interactively watch the Dijkstra's path being drawn between the last point placed on the curve to the current mouse location. LiveWire mode does not compute the smoothed geodesic interactively, but instead, waits for the user to place points on Dijkstra's curve and then finish the curve -- by pressing either the "Finish Open" or "Finish Closed" buttons in the interface. Once the curve is finished, then the smoothed geodesic is calculated and the triangle mesh is re-triangulated along the curve. Added: Cutting the mesh along the Geodesic.
    Alexandra Bokinsky, Ph.D. Under contract from Magic Software.
    See Also:
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Instantiation without initializing the progress bar, pickCanvas, GeodesicGroup, triangle mesh or sphere radius, each of those can be set through individual member access functions:.
      Geodesic​(com.sun.j3d.utils.picking.PickCanvas kPickCanvas, kGeodesicGroup, ModelTriangleMesh kMesh, float fRadius)
      Instantiaion of the Geodesic object, with the objects necessary for the Geodesic to serve as a MouseListener that performs picking and with the Group kGeodesicGroup so that the Geodesic curve can be drawn directly on the ModelTriangleMesh.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      private void addEdge​(int iEdgeIndex, int iNewEdge)
      Add the edge to the EdgeList, check to make sure that edge has not already been added.
      private int checkOnEdge​(ModelTriangleMesh kMesh, javax.vecmath.Point3f kPoint, int[] aiTriIndex, javax.vecmath.Vector3f kNormal, javax.vecmath.TexCoord3f kTexCoord, javax.vecmath.Color4f kColor)
      Given a point which is known to be inside a triangle, and that triangle, this function determines which edge, if any, that point falls on.
      private void cleanUp()
      cleanUp deletes the data stuctures used for the Dijkstra's search, but does not delete the array of points on the Geodesic curve.
      void clear​(boolean bAll)
      Clear all geodesics curves drawn on the surface.
      private void clearAllStartEnd()
      clears the all the points added in livewire mode when clear all is called from the user interface.
      void clearCut​(boolean bAll)
      Clear the current geodesics curve drawn on the surface.
      private void clearLastStartEnd()
      clears the last points added in livewire mode when clear last point is called from the user interface.
      boolean computeGeodesic​(float fPercentage, boolean bSmoothed)
      Compute the Geodesic curve.
      private boolean contains​(java.util.LinkedList kTriList, javax.vecmath.Point3i kNewTri)
      Contains determines if the linked list kTriList contains the input triangle, which is specified by three vertex indices.
      private boolean createEdgeLists​(ModelTriangleMesh kMesh)
      Create the edges list from the given surface triangle mesh.
      private ModelTriangleMesh createNewMesh​(ModelTriangleMesh kMesh, int iVertexCount, int iOldVertexCount)
      creates a new mesh after triangulation or when a mesh is cut along the geodesic.
      boolean createPath​(int iStart, int iEnd)
      createPath starts with the results of Dijkstra's minimum path algorithm.
      void cut()
      Cut the m_kModified mesh.
      void dispose()
      Deletes all member variables, clean memory.
      private float distance​(javax.vecmath.Point3f kPoint1, javax.vecmath.Point3f kPoint2)
      Calculate the Euclidean distance between two points.
      void drawDijkstraEuclidianPath​(int iStart, int iEnd)
      drawPath draws the Dijkstra path and Euclidian paths and adds them to the corresponding m_kDijkstraGeodesicGroup and m_kEuclidianGeodesicGroups.
      private void drawDijkstraEuclidianPoint​(javax.vecmath.Point3f kStart, javax.vecmath.Color3f kColor)
      Draw the user-selected point as a sphere on the triangle mesh, the sphere is added to all three drawing groups: m_kSmoothedGeodesicGroup, m_kDijkstraGeodesicGroup, and m_kEuclidianGeodesicGroup.
      void drawGeodesicPath​(int iStart, int iEnd)
      drawPath draws the Geodesic path as a LineArray and adds it to the children of the m_kSmoothedGeodesicGroup object, it also draws the Dijkstra path and Euclidian paths and adds them to the corresponding m_kDijkstraGeodesicGroup and m_kEuclidianGeodesicGroups.
      private void drawGeodesicPoint​(javax.vecmath.Point3f kStart, javax.vecmath.Color3f kColor)
      Draw the user-selected point as a sphere on the triangle mesh, the sphere is added to all three drawing groups: m_kSmoothedGeodesicGroup, m_kDijkstraGeodesicGroup, and m_kEuclidianGeodesicGroup.
      void drawPath​(int iStart, int iEnd)
      drawPath draws the Geodesic path as a LineArray and adds it to the children of the m_kSmoothedGeodesicGroup object, it also draws the Dijkstra path and Euclidian paths and adds them to the corresponding m_kDijkstraGeodesicGroup and m_kEuclidianGeodesicGroups.
      private void drawPoint​(javax.vecmath.Point3f kStart, javax.vecmath.Color3f kColor)
      Draw the user-selected point as a sphere on the triangle mesh, the sphere is added to all three drawing groups: m_kSmoothedGeodesicGroup, m_kDijkstraGeodesicGroup, and m_kEuclidianGeodesicGroup.
      private int extractNewMesh​(java.util.LinkedList kLoop)
      Used in cutting closed paths and creating new meshes to export to the scene graph.
      private void findEdges​(int iIndex, boolean[] bFound)
      Go through the edge list find the the edge specified.
      private float findMin​(javax.vecmath.Point3f kStart, int iMiddle, int iSide, javax.vecmath.Point3f kEnd, javax.vecmath.Point4f kNewPoint4)
      findMin finds the point (newpoint) along the edge that connects the points Side-Middle that minimizes the distance Start-newpoint-End.
      private int findNewMeshes​(ModelTriangleMesh kSourceMesh, java.util.LinkedList kGeodesic_Closed_Loops)
      Used in cutting closed paths and creating new meshes to export to the scene graph.
      private int findSmallest()
      The findSmallest function searches through the list of vertices that are not yet relaxed but that have been visited by the Dijkstra Search, so that the weight factor is not Float.MAX_VALUE, but also is not the minimum value for that node.
      private int findTriPoints​(int iNode1, int iNode2, java.util.LinkedList kEndPoints)
      Find the next side triangle index.
      void finish​(boolean bOpen)
      Closes the geodesic curve.
      private void finishWorkingLists​(boolean bOpen)
      Adds the working paths to the finished path lists, combining the segments in the working paths into one path.
      private javax.vecmath.Color4f getColor​(ModelTriangleMesh kMesh, int[] aiIndex)
      Calculates and returns the start point color for a new starting point inside an existing triangle.
      private javax.vecmath.Color4f getColor​(ModelTriangleMesh kMesh, int iIndex1, int iIndex2)
      Get the the triangle color from the given triangle index.
      boolean getEnable()
      Access on when picking with the mouse is enabled.
      private javax.vecmath.Vector3f getNormal​(ModelTriangleMesh kMesh, int[] aiIndex)
      Calculates and returns the start point normal for a new starting point inside an existing triangle.
      private javax.vecmath.Vector3f getNormal​(ModelTriangleMesh kMesh, int iIndex1, int iIndex2)
      Get the the triangle normal from the given triangle index.
      int getNumPathPoints()
      Returns the number of points in the geodesic curve.
      private int getPathIndex​(java.util.LinkedList kPath, int iVertexCount, int iIndex, boolean bOpen)
      getPathIndex returns what the new vertex index should be.
      void getPathPoint​(int iPoint, javax.vecmath.Point3f kPoint)
      Access to the ith point on the Geodesic curve.
      void getPathPoints​(javax.vecmath.Point3f[] akPoints)
      Access to the all the points on the Geodesic curve.
      private void getStartEnd​(int iWhich)
      In livewire mode the endpoints of each path segment along Dijkstra's curve -- between each of the user-selected points -- are stored so that the smoothed geodesic may be calculated and displayed later.
      private javax.vecmath.TexCoord3f getTexCoord​(ModelTriangleMesh kMesh, int[] aiIndex)
      Calculates and returns the start point texture coordinate for a new starting point inside an existing triangle.
      private javax.vecmath.TexCoord3f getTexCoord​(ModelTriangleMesh kMesh, int iIndex1, int iIndex2)
      Get the the triangle texture coordinate from the given triangle index.
      private void initColors()
      Initializes the colors for the first point on the curve, and the successive points.
      private void initializeGeodesic​(float fPercentage)
      initializeGeodesic copies the triangle mesh and initializes the data structures for Dijkstra's Single-Source shortest path algorithm.
      void keyPressed​(java.awt.event.KeyEvent kEvent)
      Invoked when a key has been pressed.
      void keyReleased​(java.awt.event.KeyEvent kEvent)
      Invoked when a key has been released.
      void keyTyped​(java.awt.event.KeyEvent kEvent)
      Invoked when a key has been typed.
      void mouseClicked​(java.awt.event.MouseEvent kMouseEvent)
      One of the overrides necessary to be a MouseListener.
      void mouseDragged​(java.awt.event.MouseEvent kMouseEvent)
      void mouseEntered​(java.awt.event.MouseEvent kMouseEvent)
      One of the overrides necessary to be a MouseListener.
      void mouseExited​(java.awt.event.MouseEvent kMouseEvent)
      One of the overrides necessary to be a MouseListener.
      void mouseMoved​(java.awt.event.MouseEvent kMouseEvent)
      void mousePressed​(java.awt.event.MouseEvent kMouseEvent)
      One of the overrides necessary to be a MouseListener.
      void mouseReleased​(java.awt.event.MouseEvent kMouseEvent)
      One of the overrides necessary to be a MouseListener.
      private boolean onRight​(ModelTriangleMesh kMesh, int iPrevIndex, int iIndex, int iSideIndex)
      onRight determines if a given point on a triangle, kSide, is to the right of or to the left of the vector specified by the vertices kPrev - kPoint.
      private void outputDeletedAsNew()
      creating new meshes to export to the scene graph.
      private void relaxEdges​(int iNode)
      This function determines the shortest path from the start vertex through the input vertex to the vertices that neighbor the input vertex.
      private void resetDrawGeodesic()
      Remove all the geodesic lines and reset to draw the new geodesic lines.
      private void saveStartEnd()
      In livewire mode the endpoints of each path segment along Dijkstra's curve -- between each of the user-selected points -- are stored so that the smoothed geodesic may be calculated and displayed later.
      void setEnable​(boolean bEnable)
      Enables picking with the mouse and drawing the curve on the mesh.
      void setEndIndex​(int iIndex)
      Set the index of the vertex in the triangle mesh where the Geodesic curve is to end.
      void setEndIndices​(int[] iIndices)
      Sets the indices of the triangle that the end point is located in.
      void setEndPoint​(javax.vecmath.Point3f kPoint)
      Sets the end point of the geodesic curve on the mesh.
      private void setEndSurface​(ModelTriangleMesh kMesh)
      The start and end surfaces ensure that the points on the geodesic curve all fall on one mesh, and that the algorithm isn't trying to find a path between two unconnected meshes.
      private void setEpsilon()
      Determines an appropriate epsilon, based on the size of the triangles in the mesh.
      void setGeodesicGroup​( kGeodesicGroup)
      Access function to set the Group object m_kGeodesicGroup.
      void setPanel​(JPanelGeodesic kPanel)
      Access to the JPanelGeodesic interface object.
      void setPickCanvas​(com.sun.j3d.utils.picking.PickCanvas kPickCanvas)
      Access function to set the pickCanvas.
      void setPreviousStartIndices​(int[] iIndices)
      Sets the indices of the triangle that the previous start point is located in.
      private void setPreviousStartPoint​(javax.vecmath.Point3f kPoint)
      Sets the previous start point of the geodesic curve on the mesh.
      void setRadius​(float fRadius)
      Set the radius of the spheres used to mark the start and end points on the geodesic curve.
      void setStartIndex​(int iIndex)
      Set the index of the vertex in the triangle mesh where the Geodesic curve is to start.
      void setStartIndices​(int[] iIndices, boolean bFirst)
      Sets the indices of the triangle that the start point is located in.
      void setStartPoint​(javax.vecmath.Point3f kPoint, boolean bFirst)
      Sets the start point of the geodesic curve on the mesh.
      private void setStartSurface​(ModelTriangleMesh kMesh)
      The start and end surfaces ensure that the points on the geodesic curve all fall on one mesh, and that the algorithm isn't trying to find a path between two unconnected meshes.
      private void setSurface​(ModelTriangleMesh kMesh)
      Access function to set the triangle mesh that the geodesic curve is calculated on.
      private int smoothPath​(int iNode, java.util.LinkedList kLeft, java.util.LinkedList kMiddle, java.util.LinkedList kRight, java.util.LinkedList kLeftTemp, java.util.LinkedList kRightTemp, java.util.LinkedList kNewVertTemp)
      Smooth the path.
      private void sortTriIndex​(javax.vecmath.Point3i aiAddTri, javax.vecmath.Point3f[] akVertices, javax.vecmath.Vector3f[] akNormals)
      Used when new triangles are added to the mesh, either when the mesh is triangulated along the smoothed geodesic curve, or when the mesh is cut. sortTriIndex sorts the triangle indices so that the triangle is always front-facing and that the normals are correct for rendering
      void toggleDisplay​(int iWhich)
      Called by the JPanelGeodesic interface to switch between displaying the Smoothed Geodesic, Dijkstra's path, or the Euclidian path.
      void toggleLivewire()
      Toggle between livewire mode and point & click mode.
      private int triangleEdge​(int i0, int i1, int i2, int iP0, int iP1)
      if the two of the first three triangle indices equal the second two indices, then the third index is returned.
      private boolean triangleEquals​(int i0, int i1, int i2, int iP0, int iP1, int iP2)
      Returns true if the first three triangle indices equal the second three indices.
      private boolean triangleExists​(javax.vecmath.Point3i kTri)
      Check to see if the triangle specified in the triangle list.
      private int triangulate​(ModelTriangleMesh kMesh, java.util.LinkedList kPath, java.util.LinkedList kLeftPath, java.util.LinkedList kRightPath, int iVertexCount)
      triangulates the mesh along a single geodesic.
      private void triangulateMeshPath()
      re-triangulates the mesh along the Smoothed Geodesic.
      private int unZip​(ModelTriangleMesh kMesh, java.util.LinkedList kPath, int iVertexCount, boolean bOpen, java.util.LinkedList kNewPath)
      unZip cuts along the smoothed geodesic path by creating new vertices for each point on the path, and updating the triangles that are connected to the path and that fall on the right of the path to contain the new path vertices.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • m_abRemoveTris

        private boolean[] m_abRemoveTris
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_aiEndIndex

        private int[] m_aiEndIndex
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_aiFirstIndex

        private int[] m_aiFirstIndex
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_aiIndex

        private int[] m_aiIndex
        vertices array.
      • m_aiIndexShift

        private int[] m_aiIndexShift
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_aiPreviousStartIndex

        private int[] m_aiPreviousStartIndex
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_aiStartIndex

        private int[] m_aiStartIndex
        The index values in the Vertex array for the triangle that the Start, First, and End points fall in, if they are inside a triangle and not on a triangle vertex:.
      • m_akCoordinates

        private javax.vecmath.Point3f[] m_akCoordinates
        triangle index coordinate array.
      • m_akEdgeList

        private java.util.LinkedList[] m_akEdgeList
        Data members used in Dijkstra's search. The Edgelist is a list for each vertex of all the vertices that it is connected to by one edge. The vertices are stored in the Edgelist as the vertex index.
      • m_akNormals

        private javax.vecmath.Vector3f[] m_akNormals
        triangle normal array.
      • m_akTexCoords

        private javax.vecmath.TexCoord3f[] m_akTexCoords
        triangle texture coordinate array.
      • m_akColors

        private javax.vecmath.Color4f[] m_akColors
        triangle color array.
      • m_bDisplayDijkstra

        private boolean m_bDisplayDijkstra
        toggle for displaying Dijkstra's path as well as the smoothed path:.
      • m_bEnabled

        private boolean m_bEnabled
        Turned on when picking with the mouse is enabled:.
      • m_bEndpointChanged

        private boolean m_bEndpointChanged
        Flag to indicates end ponit changes.
      • m_bFinished

        private boolean m_bFinished
        Closing the Geodesic path:.
      • m_bFirstWire

        private boolean m_bFirstWire
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_bGroupAdded

        private boolean m_bGroupAdded
        Flag for clearing the Geodesic curves, if it is false, no curves have been added to the GeodesicGroup.
      • m_bLastWire

        private boolean m_bLastWire
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_bLivewire

        private boolean m_bLivewire
        Live wire or point and click mode:.
      • m_bMouseMotion

        private boolean m_bMouseMotion
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_bMousePressed

        private boolean m_bMousePressed
        Mouse events. Setting mousePressed and mouseReleased explicitly when the mouse events are received has deals with getting multiply mouse event notifications for the same mouse press.
      • m_bMouseReleased

        private boolean m_bMouseReleased
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_bOpen

        private boolean m_bOpen
        Close path or not.
      • m_bRelaxed

        private boolean[] m_bRelaxed
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_fDijkstraPathLength

        private float m_fDijkstraPathLength
        Path length statistics for each type of path:.
      • m_fEpsilon

        private float m_fEpsilon
        Error correction Epsilon.
      • m_fRadius

        private float m_fRadius
        Radius of the sphere displayed to mark the points on the Geodesic. This can be set directly by the class using the Geodesic object.
      • m_fRemainingWeight

        private float[] m_fRemainingWeight
        Weights, relaxed flags, and previous vertex index for Dijkstra's search:.
      • m_fSmoothedPathLength

        private float m_fSmoothedPathLength
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_fWeight

        private float[] m_fWeight
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_iDijkstraCount

        private int m_iDijkstraCount
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_iEnd

        private int m_iEnd
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_iFirst

        private int m_iFirst
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_iIndexCount

        private int m_iIndexCount
        index count.
      • m_iLineClosed

        private int m_iLineClosed
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_iNumGeodesicVertices

        private int m_iNumGeodesicVertices
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_iNumNewMeshes

        private int m_iNumNewMeshes
        Number of meshes.
      • m_iNumPicked

        private int m_iNumPicked
        Keeps track of the of picking, so that when a pair of points has been picked the Geodesic is calculated:.
      • m_iNumTriangles

        private int m_iNumTriangles
        Number of triangles in the mesh, after the new triangles are added:.
      • m_iNumWorking

        private int m_iNumWorking
        number of vertices in the path.
      • m_iPrevious

        private int[] m_iPrevious
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_iStart

        private int m_iStart
        The start, first, and end index values for the pair of points:.
      • m_iVertexCount

        private int m_iVertexCount
        Local copies of the Vertex and Index arrays: a local copy is kept so that when the start or end points fall inside a triangle, a new vertex is added to the vertex array, and three new triangles are added to the triangle index array, new normals are added to the Normal array:.
      • m_iWhich

        private int m_iWhich
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_kBorder

        private java.util.LinkedList m_kBorder
        Data memebr for Dijkstra's search. The m_kBorder list stores all the vertices that have been visited by Dijkstra's search, but that have not yet been relaxed. It is used to speed up the search for the non-relaxed vertex with the smallest path distance
      • m_kDijkstraGeodesicGroup

        private m_kDijkstraGeodesicGroup
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_kEndPoint

        private javax.vecmath.Point3f m_kEndPoint
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_kEuclidianGeodesicGroup

        private m_kEuclidianGeodesicGroup
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_kFirstPoint

        private javax.vecmath.Point3f m_kFirstPoint
        First point, for closing the Geodesic curve:.
      • m_kGeodesic_Finished

        private java.util.LinkedList m_kGeodesic_Finished
        For finished paths, either open or closed:.
      • m_kGeodesic_Working

        private java.util.LinkedList m_kGeodesic_Working
        LinkedLists to contain the working paths in progress, and all finished paths, open and closed for the smoothed geodesics and dijkstra's geodesics. These are used in the cutting operations: For paths that are not finished, points may still be added to these paths:
      • m_kGeodesic_Working_Left

        private java.util.LinkedList m_kGeodesic_Working_Left
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_kGeodesic_Working_Right

        private java.util.LinkedList m_kGeodesic_Working_Right
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_kGeodesicGroup

        private m_kGeodesicGroup
        Group for drawing the Geodesic on the triangle mesh, assumes that the Group is created in the same branch tree as the triangle mesh surface, so when the mesh is transformed (rotated,scaled,translated) the polyline drawn and stored in the Group m_kSmoothedGeodesicGroup will be transformed in the same way:.
      • m_kGeodesicVertices

        private javax.vecmath.Point3f[] m_kGeodesicVertices
        The final list of points in the Geodesic curve. All points are constrained to lie on the triangle mesh,
      • m_kMouseEvent

        private java.awt.event.MouseEvent m_kMouseEvent
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_kNewNormals

        private java.util.LinkedList m_kNewNormals
        New normal link list.
      • m_kNewTexCoords

        private java.util.LinkedList m_kNewTexCoords
        New texCoords link list.
      • m_kNewColors

        private java.util.LinkedList m_kNewColors
        New Colors link list.
      • m_kNewTriangles

        private java.util.LinkedList m_kNewTriangles
        new triangle link list.
      • m_kNewVerts

        private java.util.LinkedList m_kNewVerts
        New vertices link list.
      • m_kOriginal

        private ModelTriangleMesh m_kOriginal
        Data members for the Geodesic Class: Triangle mesh:.
      • m_kPBar

        private javax.swing.JProgressBar m_kPBar
        Volume renderer progress bar:.
      • m_kPickCanvas

        private com.sun.j3d.utils.picking.PickCanvas m_kPickCanvas
        PickCanvas, created by the class that creates the triangle mesh and the geodesic group:.
      • m_kPickColors

        private javax.vecmath.Color3f[] m_kPickColors
        Color of the first and sucessive points on the Geodesic curve:.
      • m_kPreviousStartPoint

        private javax.vecmath.Point3f m_kPreviousStartPoint
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_kRemoveTriangles

        private java.util.LinkedList m_kRemoveTriangles
        Removed triangle link list.
      • m_kSmoothedGeodesicGroup

        private m_kSmoothedGeodesicGroup
        Root group for different path.
      • m_kStartEndList

        private java.util.LinkedList m_kStartEndList
        link list to hold the path.
      • m_kStartPoint

        private javax.vecmath.Point3f m_kStartPoint
        Start and End points -- pair of points for which a Geodesic is calculated, must be in TriangleMesh coordinates:.
      • m_kSwitchDisplay

        private m_kSwitchDisplay
        DOCUMENT ME!
    • Constructor Detail

      • Geodesic

        public Geodesic()
        Instantiation without initializing the progress bar, pickCanvas, GeodesicGroup, triangle mesh or sphere radius, each of those can be set through individual member access functions:.
      • Geodesic

        public Geodesic​(com.sun.j3d.utils.picking.PickCanvas kPickCanvas,
                        ModelTriangleMesh kMesh,
                        float fRadius)
        Instantiaion of the Geodesic object, with the objects necessary for the Geodesic to serve as a MouseListener that performs picking and with the Group kGeodesicGroup so that the Geodesic curve can be drawn directly on the ModelTriangleMesh.
        kPickCanvas - PickCanvas
        kGeodesicGroup - Group
        kMesh - ModelTriangleMesh surface
        fRadius - float marker sphere radius
    • Method Detail

      • clear

        public void clear​(boolean bAll)
        Clear all geodesics curves drawn on the surface.
        bAll - bAll, when true clears all the geodesic curves, when false, clears the last point drawn:
      • clearCut

        public void clearCut​(boolean bAll)
        Clear the current geodesics curve drawn on the surface.
        bAll - bAll, when true clears all the geodesic curves, when false, clears the last point drawn:
      • computeGeodesic

        public boolean computeGeodesic​(float fPercentage,
                                       boolean bSmoothed)
        Compute the Geodesic curve. The triangle mesh, start, and end points, start and end indices must be defined before this function is called.
        fPercentage - float, the optimization parameter for Dijkstra's shortest-path search. Values between 0-100, (increasing optimization).
        bSmoothed - flag to smooths and stores the shortest path.
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • createPath

        public boolean createPath​(int iStart,
                                  int iEnd)
        createPath starts with the results of Dijkstra's minimum path algorithm. It smooths the path, and stores the resulting points in the m_kGeodesicPath data member.
        iStart - int given geodesic line starting point
        iEnd - int given geodesic line ending point
        boolean success or not
      • cut

        public void cut()
        Cut the m_kModified mesh.
      • dispose

        public void dispose()
        Deletes all member variables, clean memory.
      • drawDijkstraEuclidianPath

        public void drawDijkstraEuclidianPath​(int iStart,
                                              int iEnd)
        drawPath draws the Dijkstra path and Euclidian paths and adds them to the corresponding m_kDijkstraGeodesicGroup and m_kEuclidianGeodesicGroups.
        iStart - int Dijkstra path starting point
        iEnd - int Dijkstra path ending point
      • drawGeodesicPath

        public void drawGeodesicPath​(int iStart,
                                     int iEnd)
        drawPath draws the Geodesic path as a LineArray and adds it to the children of the m_kSmoothedGeodesicGroup object, it also draws the Dijkstra path and Euclidian paths and adds them to the corresponding m_kDijkstraGeodesicGroup and m_kEuclidianGeodesicGroups.
        iStart - int Geodesic path starting point
        iEnd - int Geodesic path ending point
      • drawPath

        public void drawPath​(int iStart,
                             int iEnd)
        drawPath draws the Geodesic path as a LineArray and adds it to the children of the m_kSmoothedGeodesicGroup object, it also draws the Dijkstra path and Euclidian paths and adds them to the corresponding m_kDijkstraGeodesicGroup and m_kEuclidianGeodesicGroups.
        iStart - int Geodesic path starting point
        iEnd - int Geodesic path ending point
      • finish

        public void finish​(boolean bOpen)
        Closes the geodesic curve.
        bOpen - bOpen: when true leaves the geodesic open, when false closes the geodesic by connecting to the first point on the polyline sequence.
      • getEnable

        public boolean getEnable()
        Access on when picking with the mouse is enabled.
        boolean picking is enabled or not.
      • getNumPathPoints

        public int getNumPathPoints()
        Returns the number of points in the geodesic curve.
        int, the number of points on the Geodesic.
      • getPathPoint

        public void getPathPoint​(int iPoint,
                                 javax.vecmath.Point3f kPoint)
        Access to the ith point on the Geodesic curve. All points on the geodesic curve lie on the triangle mesh.
        iPoint - ith point index
        kPoint - Point3f point's coordinate
      • getPathPoints

        public void getPathPoints​(javax.vecmath.Point3f[] akPoints)
        Access to the all the points on the Geodesic curve. All points on the geodesic curve lie on the triangle mesh.
        akPoints - Point3f[] points coordinates array
      • keyPressed

        public void keyPressed​(java.awt.event.KeyEvent kEvent)
        Invoked when a key has been pressed.
        Specified by:
        keyPressed in interface java.awt.event.KeyListener
        kEvent - KeyEvent
      • keyReleased

        public void keyReleased​(java.awt.event.KeyEvent kEvent)
        Invoked when a key has been released.
        Specified by:
        keyReleased in interface java.awt.event.KeyListener
        kEvent - KeyEvent
      • keyTyped

        public void keyTyped​(java.awt.event.KeyEvent kEvent)
        Invoked when a key has been typed.
        Specified by:
        keyTyped in interface java.awt.event.KeyListener
        kEvent - KeyEvent
      • mouseClicked

        public void mouseClicked​(java.awt.event.MouseEvent kMouseEvent)
        One of the overrides necessary to be a MouseListener. This function is invoked when a button has been pressed and released.
        Specified by:
        mouseClicked in interface java.awt.event.MouseListener
        kMouseEvent - the mouse event generated by a mouse clicked
      • mouseDragged

        public void mouseDragged​(java.awt.event.MouseEvent kMouseEvent)
        Specified by:
        mouseDragged in interface java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener
        kMouseEvent - MouseEvent
      • mouseEntered

        public void mouseEntered​(java.awt.event.MouseEvent kMouseEvent)
        One of the overrides necessary to be a MouseListener. Invoked when the mouse enters a component.
        Specified by:
        mouseEntered in interface java.awt.event.MouseListener
        kMouseEvent - the mouse event generated by a mouse entered
      • mouseExited

        public void mouseExited​(java.awt.event.MouseEvent kMouseEvent)
        One of the overrides necessary to be a MouseListener. Invoked when the mouse leaves a component.
        Specified by:
        mouseExited in interface java.awt.event.MouseListener
        kMouseEvent - the mouse event generated by a mouse exit
      • mouseMoved

        public void mouseMoved​(java.awt.event.MouseEvent kMouseEvent)
        mouseMoved. In livewire mode the mouseMoved function updates the endpoints of the Dijkstra's geodesic and computes Dijkstra's path between the last point added and the mouse position. Only Dijkstra's and the Euclidian paths are updated, the smoothed geodesic is not calculated or displayed:
        Specified by:
        mouseMoved in interface java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener
        kMouseEvent - MouseEvent
      • mousePressed

        public void mousePressed​(java.awt.event.MouseEvent kMouseEvent)
        One of the overrides necessary to be a MouseListener. Invoked when a mouse button is pressed.
        Specified by:
        mousePressed in interface java.awt.event.MouseListener
        kMouseEvent - the mouse event generated by a mouse press
      • mouseReleased

        public void mouseReleased​(java.awt.event.MouseEvent kMouseEvent)
        One of the overrides necessary to be a MouseListener. Invoked when a mouse button is released.
        Specified by:
        mouseReleased in interface java.awt.event.MouseListener
        kMouseEvent - the mouse event generated by a mouse release
      • setEnable

        public void setEnable​(boolean bEnable)
        Enables picking with the mouse and drawing the curve on the mesh.
        bEnable - set the mouse picking enabled or not.
      • setEndIndex

        public void setEndIndex​(int iIndex)
        Set the index of the vertex in the triangle mesh where the Geodesic curve is to end. The index must be less than or equal to the number of vertices in the triangle mesh.
        iIndex - int the index of the vertex in the triangle mesh where the Geodesic curve is to end.
      • setEndIndices

        public void setEndIndices​(int[] iIndices)
        Sets the indices of the triangle that the end point is located in. This is used when the end point falls on the inside of a triangle in the mesh, the indices parameter defines which triangle the end point falls in.
        iIndices - int[3] array of vertex indices defining the end triangle.
      • setEndPoint

        public void setEndPoint​(javax.vecmath.Point3f kPoint)
        Sets the end point of the geodesic curve on the mesh. The point coordinates must be in local mesh coordinates.
        kPoint - the point on the triangle mesh where the geodesic curve is to end, in mesh coordinates.
      • setGeodesicGroup

        public void setGeodesicGroup​( kGeodesicGroup)
        Access function to set the Group object m_kGeodesicGroup. This is necessary for the Geodesic object to draw the geodesic curve on the mesh. The curve may be drawn in one of three ways: (1) the straight-line Euclidian curve, which is not constrained to lie on the mesh surface, or (2) Dijkstra's path, which falls along the original mesh triangle edges, or (3) the Smoothed Geodesic, which is constrained to lie on the mesh surface, but which may cross triangle edges. All three display modes are represented by a different BranchGroup.
        kGeodesicGroup - Geodesic image scene graph node.
      • setPanel

        public void setPanel​(JPanelGeodesic kPanel)
        Access to the JPanelGeodesic interface object.
        kPanel - JPanelGeodesic geodesic panel
      • setPickCanvas

        public void setPickCanvas​(com.sun.j3d.utils.picking.PickCanvas kPickCanvas)
        Access function to set the pickCanvas. This is necessary for the Geodesic class to do picking with the mouse.
        kPickCanvas - PickCanvas
      • setPreviousStartIndices

        public void setPreviousStartIndices​(int[] iIndices)
        Sets the indices of the triangle that the previous start point is located in. This is used when the start point falls on the inside of a triangle in the mesh, the indices parameter defines which triangle the start point falls in.
        iIndices - index coordinate
      • setRadius

        public void setRadius​(float fRadius)
        Set the radius of the spheres used to mark the start and end points on the geodesic curve.
        fRadius - the size of the marker sphere to be drawn on the mesh
      • setStartIndex

        public void setStartIndex​(int iIndex)
        Set the index of the vertex in the triangle mesh where the Geodesic curve is to start. The index must be less than or equal to the number of vertices in the triangle mesh.
        iIndex - int the index of the vertex in the triangle mesh where the Geodesic curve is to start.
      • setStartIndices

        public void setStartIndices​(int[] iIndices,
                                    boolean bFirst)
        Sets the indices of the triangle that the start point is located in. This is used when the start point falls on the inside of a triangle in the mesh, the indices parameter defines which triangle the start point falls in.
        iIndices - int[3] array of vertex indices defining the start triangle.
        bFirst - flag indicate the first indices defining the start triangle.
      • setStartPoint

        public void setStartPoint​(javax.vecmath.Point3f kPoint,
                                  boolean bFirst)
        Sets the start point of the geodesic curve on the mesh. The point coordinates must be in local mesh coordinates.
        kPoint - the point on the triangle mesh where the geodesic curve is to start, in mesh coordinates.
        bFirst - flag indicate the first indices defining the start triangle.
      • toggleDisplay

        public void toggleDisplay​(int iWhich)
        Called by the JPanelGeodesic interface to switch between displaying the Smoothed Geodesic, Dijkstra's path, or the Euclidian path.
        iWhich - display group index
      • toggleLivewire

        public void toggleLivewire()
        Toggle between livewire mode and point & click mode.
      • addEdge

        private void addEdge​(int iEdgeIndex,
                             int iNewEdge)
        Add the edge to the EdgeList, check to make sure that edge has not already been added.
        iEdgeIndex - edge index
        iNewEdge - int added edge index
      • checkOnEdge

        private int checkOnEdge​(ModelTriangleMesh kMesh,
                                javax.vecmath.Point3f kPoint,
                                int[] aiTriIndex,
                                javax.vecmath.Vector3f kNormal,
                                javax.vecmath.TexCoord3f kTexCoord,
                                javax.vecmath.Color4f kColor)
        Given a point which is known to be inside a triangle, and that triangle, this function determines which edge, if any, that point falls on.
        kMesh - ModelTriangleMesh surface
        kPoint - Point3f
        aiTriIndex - int[]
        kNormal - Vector3f
      • cleanUp

        private void cleanUp()
        cleanUp deletes the data stuctures used for the Dijkstra's search, but does not delete the array of points on the Geodesic curve.
      • clearAllStartEnd

        private void clearAllStartEnd()
        clears the all the points added in livewire mode when clear all is called from the user interface.
      • clearLastStartEnd

        private void clearLastStartEnd()
        clears the last points added in livewire mode when clear last point is called from the user interface.
      • contains

        private boolean contains​(java.util.LinkedList kTriList,
                                 javax.vecmath.Point3i kNewTri)
        Contains determines if the linked list kTriList contains the input triangle, which is specified by three vertex indices. The LinkedList member function contains is not used because the indices may be in a different order, and the function must return true if any of the triangles in the list match the input triangle regardless of the order the vertices are specified
        kTriList - Link List
        kNewTri - Point3i input triangle vertex indices
        boolean contains the triangle or not.
      • createEdgeLists

        private boolean createEdgeLists​(ModelTriangleMesh kMesh)
        Create the edges list from the given surface triangle mesh.
        kMesh - ModelTriangleMesh surface
        boolean success or not
      • createNewMesh

        private ModelTriangleMesh createNewMesh​(ModelTriangleMesh kMesh,
                                                int iVertexCount,
                                                int iOldVertexCount)
        creates a new mesh after triangulation or when a mesh is cut along the geodesic.
        kMesh - ModelTriangleMesh surface
        iVertexCount - int new vertex count
        iOldVertexCount - int old vertex cunt
        ModelTriangleMesh surface
      • distance

        private float distance​(javax.vecmath.Point3f kPoint1,
                               javax.vecmath.Point3f kPoint2)
        Calculate the Euclidean distance between two points.
        kPoint1 - Point3f starting point
        kPoint2 - Point3f ending point
        float distance
      • drawDijkstraEuclidianPoint

        private void drawDijkstraEuclidianPoint​(javax.vecmath.Point3f kStart,
                                                javax.vecmath.Color3f kColor)
        Draw the user-selected point as a sphere on the triangle mesh, the sphere is added to all three drawing groups: m_kSmoothedGeodesicGroup, m_kDijkstraGeodesicGroup, and m_kEuclidianGeodesicGroup.
        kStart - Point3f starting point
        kColor - Color3f ending point
      • drawGeodesicPoint

        private void drawGeodesicPoint​(javax.vecmath.Point3f kStart,
                                       javax.vecmath.Color3f kColor)
        Draw the user-selected point as a sphere on the triangle mesh, the sphere is added to all three drawing groups: m_kSmoothedGeodesicGroup, m_kDijkstraGeodesicGroup, and m_kEuclidianGeodesicGroup.
        kStart - Point3f starting point
        kColor - Color3f ending point
      • drawPoint

        private void drawPoint​(javax.vecmath.Point3f kStart,
                               javax.vecmath.Color3f kColor)
        Draw the user-selected point as a sphere on the triangle mesh, the sphere is added to all three drawing groups: m_kSmoothedGeodesicGroup, m_kDijkstraGeodesicGroup, and m_kEuclidianGeodesicGroup.
        kStart - Point3f point coordinate
        kColor - Color3f point color
      • extractNewMesh

        private int extractNewMesh​(java.util.LinkedList kLoop)
        Used in cutting closed paths and creating new meshes to export to the scene graph.
        kLoop - LinkedList surface mesh link list
        int number of deleted vertices
      • findEdges

        private void findEdges​(int iIndex,
                               boolean[] bFound)
        Go through the edge list find the the edge specified.
        iIndex - int edge index
        bFound - boolean[] edge being found
      • findMin

        private float findMin​(javax.vecmath.Point3f kStart,
                              int iMiddle,
                              int iSide,
                              javax.vecmath.Point3f kEnd,
                              javax.vecmath.Point4f kNewPoint4)
        findMin finds the point (newpoint) along the edge that connects the points Side-Middle that minimizes the distance Start-newpoint-End.
        kStart - Point3f starting point
        iMiddle - int middle point
        iSide - int side point index
        kEnd - Point3f end index
        kNewPoint4 - Point4f new point
        float find min point index
      • findNewMeshes

        private int findNewMeshes​(ModelTriangleMesh kSourceMesh,
                                  java.util.LinkedList kGeodesic_Closed_Loops)
        Used in cutting closed paths and creating new meshes to export to the scene graph.
        kSourceMesh - ModelTriangleMesh surface mesh
        kGeodesic_Closed_Loops - LinkedList closed path
      • findSmallest

        private int findSmallest()
        The findSmallest function searches through the list of vertices that are not yet relaxed but that have been visited by the Dijkstra Search, so that the weight factor is not Float.MAX_VALUE, but also is not the minimum value for that node. In Dijkstra's search the vertex with the smallest weight is relaxed first, a greedy algorithm that chooses the locally closest vertex to add to the path. The final weight for the vertex is determined when it is relaxed.

        This function uses the data member m_kBorder -- the linked list of vertices that have been visited by Dijkstra's search, but which have not yet been relaxed.

        int index of the vertex with the smallest weight
      • findTriPoints

        private int findTriPoints​(int iNode1,
                                  int iNode2,
                                  java.util.LinkedList kEndPoints)
        Find the next side triangle index.
        iNode1 - int node 1 along the side
        iNode2 - int node 2 along the side
        kEndPoints - end point Link List
        int next side triangle index
      • finishWorkingLists

        private void finishWorkingLists​(boolean bOpen)
        Adds the working paths to the finished path lists, combining the segments in the working paths into one path.
        bOpen - boolean close path or not
      • getNormal

        private javax.vecmath.Vector3f getNormal​(ModelTriangleMesh kMesh,
                                                 int[] aiIndex)
        Calculates and returns the start point normal for a new starting point inside an existing triangle. The new normal is the average of the normals at each point in the triangle the starting point is inside
        kMesh - ModelTriangleMesh surface mesh
        aiIndex - int[] 3 triangle points
        Vector3f Average normal of the triangle.
      • getTexCoord

        private javax.vecmath.TexCoord3f getTexCoord​(ModelTriangleMesh kMesh,
                                                     int[] aiIndex)
        Calculates and returns the start point texture coordinate for a new starting point inside an existing triangle. The new texture coordinate is the average of the texture coordinates at each point in the triangle the starting point is inside
        kMesh - ModelTriangleMesh surface mesh
        aiIndex - int[] 3 triangle points
        Texture3f Average texture coordinate of the triangle.
      • getColor

        private javax.vecmath.Color4f getColor​(ModelTriangleMesh kMesh,
                                               int[] aiIndex)
        Calculates and returns the start point color for a new starting point inside an existing triangle. The new color is the average of the colors at each point in the triangle the starting point is inside
        kMesh - ModelTriangleMesh surface mesh
        aiIndex - int[] 3 triangle points
        Color4f Average color of the triangle.
      • getNormal

        private javax.vecmath.Vector3f getNormal​(ModelTriangleMesh kMesh,
                                                 int iIndex1,
                                                 int iIndex2)
        Get the the triangle normal from the given triangle index.
        kMesh - ModelTriangleMesh surface mesh
        iIndex1 - int triangle point index 1
        iIndex2 - int triangle point index 2
        Vector3f normal of the triangle
      • getTexCoord

        private javax.vecmath.TexCoord3f getTexCoord​(ModelTriangleMesh kMesh,
                                                     int iIndex1,
                                                     int iIndex2)
        Get the the triangle texture coordinate from the given triangle index.
        kMesh - ModelTriangleMesh surface mesh
        iIndex1 - int triangle point index 1
        iIndex2 - int triangle point index 2
        interpolated texture coordinate the triangle
      • getColor

        private javax.vecmath.Color4f getColor​(ModelTriangleMesh kMesh,
                                               int iIndex1,
                                               int iIndex2)
        Get the the triangle color from the given triangle index.
        kMesh - ModelTriangleMesh surface mesh
        iIndex1 - int triangle point index 1
        iIndex2 - int triangle point index 2
        interpolated color the triangle
      • getPathIndex

        private int getPathIndex​(java.util.LinkedList kPath,
                                 int iVertexCount,
                                 int iIndex,
                                 boolean bOpen)
        getPathIndex returns what the new vertex index should be. If the input index, iIndex, does fall on the cut path, kPath, then that point on the path is going to be duplicated to disconnect the triangles on either side of the cut path. Therefore the input index needs to be translated into a new vertex index, based on the current iVertexCount, the point's position along the path, and wehter or not the path is open or closed.
        kPath - LinkedList path link list
        iVertexCount - int vertex count
        iIndex - int path index
        bOpen - boolean close path or not
        int the new vertex index
      • getStartEnd

        private void getStartEnd​(int iWhich)
        In livewire mode the endpoints of each path segment along Dijkstra's curve -- between each of the user-selected points -- are stored so that the smoothed geodesic may be calculated and displayed later. This function retrieves the stored values when the livewire path is finished
        iWhich - int path index
      • initColors

        private void initColors()
        Initializes the colors for the first point on the curve, and the successive points.
      • initializeGeodesic

        private void initializeGeodesic​(float fPercentage)
        initializeGeodesic copies the triangle mesh and initializes the data structures for Dijkstra's Single-Source shortest path algorithm.

        If the start and end vertices do not fall on a triangle vertex, then the triangle they fall inside split into three new triangles, by connecting the new vertex to each of the triangle vertices.

        fPercentage - float the optimization parameter for Dijkstra's shortest-path search
      • onRight

        private boolean onRight​(ModelTriangleMesh kMesh,
                                int iPrevIndex,
                                int iIndex,
                                int iSideIndex)
        onRight determines if a given point on a triangle, kSide, is to the right of or to the left of the vector specified by the vertices kPrev - kPoint.
        kMesh - ModelTriangleMesh surface mesh
        iPrevIndex - int previous vertice
        iIndex - int specified vertice index
        iSideIndex - int side vertice index
        boolean a point on the right or triangle or not.
      • outputDeletedAsNew

        private void outputDeletedAsNew()
        creating new meshes to export to the scene graph.
      • relaxEdges

        private void relaxEdges​(int iNode)
        This function determines the shortest path from the start vertex through the input vertex to the vertices that neighbor the input vertex.

        The function relaxEdges looks at all the vertices connected by triangle edges to the input vertex and calculated the weight factors for each of those vertices, adding those vertices that are not yet "relaxed" to the list of vertices on the border.

        Once the weight factors for each of the vertices connected to the input vertex are set, the input vertex is labeled "relaxed" and removed from the list of vertices on the border.

        iNode - int input vertex index
      • resetDrawGeodesic

        private void resetDrawGeodesic()
        Remove all the geodesic lines and reset to draw the new geodesic lines.
      • saveStartEnd

        private void saveStartEnd()
        In livewire mode the endpoints of each path segment along Dijkstra's curve -- between each of the user-selected points -- are stored so that the smoothed geodesic may be calculated and displayed later.
      • setEndSurface

        private void setEndSurface​(ModelTriangleMesh kMesh)
        The start and end surfaces ensure that the points on the geodesic curve all fall on one mesh, and that the algorithm isn't trying to find a path between two unconnected meshes.
        kMesh - ModelTriangleMesh surface mesh
      • setEpsilon

        private void setEpsilon()
        Determines an appropriate epsilon, based on the size of the triangles in the mesh. The epsilon is used to determine if points are "close enough" to the triangle vertices or edges.
      • setPreviousStartPoint

        private void setPreviousStartPoint​(javax.vecmath.Point3f kPoint)
        Sets the previous start point of the geodesic curve on the mesh. Used when the last point is deleted, the start point reverts to the previous start point. The point coordinates must be in local mesh coordinates.
        kPoint - the point on the triangle mesh where the geodesic curve is to start, in mesh coordinates.
      • setStartSurface

        private void setStartSurface​(ModelTriangleMesh kMesh)
        The start and end surfaces ensure that the points on the geodesic curve all fall on one mesh, and that the algorithm isn't trying to find a path between two unconnected meshes.
        kMesh - surface mesh
      • setSurface

        private void setSurface​(ModelTriangleMesh kMesh)
        Access function to set the triangle mesh that the geodesic curve is calculated on.
        kMesh - DOCUMENT ME!
      • smoothPath

        private int smoothPath​(int iNode,
                               java.util.LinkedList kLeft,
                               java.util.LinkedList kMiddle,
                               java.util.LinkedList kRight,
                               java.util.LinkedList kLeftTemp,
                               java.util.LinkedList kRightTemp,
                               java.util.LinkedList kNewVertTemp)
        Smooth the path.
        iNode - int vertex index
        kLeft - LinkedList left point
        kMiddle - LinkedList middle point
        kRight - LinkedList right point
        kLeftTemp - LinkedList left point temporary
        kRightTemp - LinkedList right point temporary
        kNewVertTemp - LinkedList new point temporary
        int success or not
      • sortTriIndex

        private void sortTriIndex​(javax.vecmath.Point3i aiAddTri,
                                  javax.vecmath.Point3f[] akVertices,
                                  javax.vecmath.Vector3f[] akNormals)
        Used when new triangles are added to the mesh, either when the mesh is triangulated along the smoothed geodesic curve, or when the mesh is cut. sortTriIndex sorts the triangle indices so that the triangle is always front-facing and that the normals are correct for rendering
        aiAddTri - Point3i added triangle vertices
        akVertices - Point3f[] triangle vertices arrray
        akNormals - Vector3f[] triangle vertices normal array
      • triangleEdge

        private int triangleEdge​(int i0,
                                 int i1,
                                 int i2,
                                 int iP0,
                                 int iP1)
        if the two of the first three triangle indices equal the second two indices, then the third index is returned.
        i0 - int first triangle indice 1
        i1 - int first triangle indice 2
        i2 - int first triangle indice 3
        iP0 - int second triangle indice 1
        iP1 - int second triangle indice 2
        int third index
      • triangleEquals

        private boolean triangleEquals​(int i0,
                                       int i1,
                                       int i2,
                                       int iP0,
                                       int iP1,
                                       int iP2)
        Returns true if the first three triangle indices equal the second three indices.
        i0 - int first triangle indice 1
        i1 - int first triangle indice 2
        i2 - int first triangle indice 3
        iP0 - int second triangle indice 1
        iP1 - int second triangle indice 2
        iP2 - DOCUMENT ME!
        boolean true equal, false not
      • triangleExists

        private boolean triangleExists​(javax.vecmath.Point3i kTri)
        Check to see if the triangle specified in the triangle list.
        kTri - Point3i triangle specified
        boolean true in the list, false not in the list
      • triangulate

        private int triangulate​(ModelTriangleMesh kMesh,
                                java.util.LinkedList kPath,
                                java.util.LinkedList kLeftPath,
                                java.util.LinkedList kRightPath,
                                int iVertexCount)
        triangulates the mesh along a single geodesic.
        kMesh - ModelTriangleMesh surface mesh
        kPath - LinkedList path link list
        kLeftPath - LinkedList left path link list
        kRightPath - LinkedList right path link list
        iVertexCount - int vertex count
        int number of vertices
      • triangulateMeshPath

        private void triangulateMeshPath()
        re-triangulates the mesh along the Smoothed Geodesic.
      • unZip

        private int unZip​(ModelTriangleMesh kMesh,
                          java.util.LinkedList kPath,
                          int iVertexCount,
                          boolean bOpen,
                          java.util.LinkedList kNewPath)
        unZip cuts along the smoothed geodesic path by creating new vertices for each point on the path, and updating the triangles that are connected to the path and that fall on the right of the path to contain the new path vertices. This cuts the mesh by disconnecting the triangles that are on the left and right sides of the geodesic path.
        kMesh - ModelTriangleMesh surface mesh
        kPath - LinkedList path link list
        iVertexCount - int vertex count
        bOpen - boolean closed path or not
        kNewPath - LinkedList new path link list
        int new number of vertices