Class ModelTriangleMesh

  • public class ModelTriangleMesh
    A simple triangle mesh that represents a level surface. The mesh only stores vertex positions and vertex normals. The surface viewer creates a Shape3D object whose geometry is an object from ModelTriangleMesh. The surface color is provided by attaching to the Shape3D object an appearance that contains a material. The vertex normals in ModelTriangleMesh are used by the lighting system in conjunction with the surface material to produce the surface color.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      private static float[] box
      protected double[][] cellData
      support for vtk
      private java.util.HashSet[] connections
      used in smoothing.
      private static int[] direction
      (package private) java.lang.Integer kInvalid
      (package private) float[] m_afCurvature
      (package private) ModelTriangleMesh.UnorderedSetInt[] m_akAdjacent
      (package private) javax.vecmath.Vector3f[] m_akSNormal
      (package private) javax.vecmath.Vector3f[] m_akSTangent
      (package private) javax.vecmath.Vector3f[] m_akVMean
      (package private) javax.vecmath.Vector3f[] m_akVNormal
      (package private) float m_fEParam
      (package private) float m_fFParam
      (package private) float m_fMeanEdgeLength
      (package private) float m_fStiffness
      private float m_fTransparency
      store the mesh transparency:
      private javax.vecmath.Color4f[] m_kColors
      Store the mesh colors:
      private javax.vecmath.Vector3f m_kE0
      private javax.vecmath.Vector3f m_kE1
      (package private) java.util.HashMap m_kEMap
      private java.lang.Object m_kGenerator
      The ModelClodMesh object that generated the ModelTriangleMesh object, null otherwise.
      private m_kMaterial
      store the Material properties of the mesh:
      private javax.vecmath.Vector3f m_kN
      private javax.vecmath.Point3f m_kV0
      temporary variables to avoid 'new' calls.
      private javax.vecmath.Point3f m_kV1
      temporary variables to avoid 'new' calls.
      private javax.vecmath.Point3f m_kV2
      temporary variables to avoid 'new' calls.
      private javax.vecmath.Point3f m_kV3
      temporary variables to avoid 'new' calls.
      private javax.vecmath.Color4f[] perVertexColor
      Per vertex color array, which store the color data saved in .sur file.
      private static float[] startLocation
      protected double[][] vertexData
      support for vtk
      • Fields inherited from class

      • Fields inherited from class

      • Fields inherited from class

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      ModelTriangleMesh​(ModelTriangleMesh kMesh)
      Copies a ModelTriangleMesh by copying it's components.
      ModelTriangleMesh​(javax.vecmath.Point3f[] akVertex, int[] aiConnect)
      A triangle mesh whose vertex normal vectors are computed from the geometry of the mesh itself.
      ModelTriangleMesh​(javax.vecmath.Point3f[] akVertex, javax.vecmath.Vector3f[] akNormal, int[] aiConnect)
      A triangle mesh whose vertex normal vectors have been precomputed.
      ModelTriangleMesh​(javax.vecmath.Point3f[] akVertex, javax.vecmath.Vector3f[] akNormal, int[] aiConnect, javax.vecmath.Color4f[] vertexColor)
      A triangle mesh whose vertex normal vectors have been precomputed.
      ModelTriangleMesh​(javax.vecmath.Point3f[] akVertex, javax.vecmath.Vector3f[] akNormal, javax.vecmath.Color4f[] akColor, int[] aiConnect)
      A triangle mesh whose vertex normal vectors have been precomputed.
      ModelTriangleMesh​(javax.vecmath.Point3f[] akVertex, javax.vecmath.Vector3f[] akNormal, javax.vecmath.Color4f[] akColor, javax.vecmath.TexCoord3f[] akTexCoord, int[] aiConnect)
      A triangle mesh whose vertex normal vectors have been precomputed.
      ModelTriangleMesh​(javax.vecmath.Point3f[] akVertex, javax.vecmath.Vector3f[] akNormal, javax.vecmath.TexCoord3f[] akTexCoord, int[] aiConnect)
      A triangle mesh whose vertex normal vectors have been precomputed.
      ModelTriangleMesh​(WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f[] akVertex, int[] aiConnect)
      A triangle mesh whose vertex normal vectors are computed from the geometry of the mesh itself.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void affineTransform​(double[][] aafH)
      The input 4x4 homogeneous matrix H is assumed to multiply vectors V as H*V where V = (x,y,z,1).
      void affineTransform​(float[][] afRot, float[] afTrn, float[] afScale)
      Rotation R is 3x3, translation T is 3x1, and scale S is 3x1.
      float area()
      Calculate the surface mesh area.
      private void buildConnections()
      Builds a list of cross-references, so that connections[i] contains all the verticies that are connected to vertex at i.
      javax.vecmath.Point3f center()
      Calculates and returns the center point of the Mesh:
      private void computeMeanEdgeLength()
      Compute the average length of all the edges in the triangle mesh.
      void computeNormals()
      A normal vector at a vertex is computed by averaging the triangle normals for all triangles sharing the vertex.
      private void computeVertexInformation()
      Let V[i] be a vertex in the triangle mesh.
      private void computeVertexNormals()
      Compute the vertex normals of the triangle mesh.
      double[][] getCellData()  
      javax.vecmath.Color4f[] getColorCopy()
      Make a copy of the colors of a triangle mesh.
      void getColorLocal​(int index, javax.vecmath.Color4f kColor)
      Gets the stored local color.
      ModelTriangleMesh[] getComponents()
      Construct the connected components of the triangle mesh.
      void getConsistentComponents()
      Construct the connected components of the triangle mesh.
      void getCopies​(javax.vecmath.Point3f[] akVertex, javax.vecmath.Vector3f[] akNormal, javax.vecmath.Color4f[] akColor, javax.vecmath.TexCoord3f[] akTexCoord)
      Copies the components of a ModelTriangleMesh into the parameters.
      static int[] getDirection()
      java.lang.Object getGenerator()
      Support for regenerating an ModelTriangleMesh from an ModelClodMesh whenever the level of detail is changed for the ModelClodMesh.
      int[] getIndexCopy()
      Make a copy of the connectivity array of a triangle mesh. getMaterial()
      Gets the material properties of the mesh:
      javax.vecmath.Vector3f[] getNormalCopy()
      Make a copy of the normals of a triangle mesh.
      javax.vecmath.Color4f[] getPerVertexColor()  
      static float[] getStartLocation()
      javax.vecmath.TexCoord3f[] getTexCoordCopy()
      Make a copy of the texture coordinates of a triangle mesh.
      float getTransparency()
      Gets the mesh transparency.
      javax.vecmath.Point3f[] getVertexCopy()
      Make a copy of the vertices of a triangle mesh.
      WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f[] getVertexCopyAsVector3f()
      Make a copy of the vertices of a triangle mesh.
      double[][] getVertexData()  
      double[] getVertexData​(int i)  
      private void init()
      Initializes capabilities and temporary variables.
      void invertMesh()
      Invert the mesh z-coord, reorder the triangles, and recompute the normals:
      static ModelTriangleMesh loadTMesh​( kIn, ViewJProgressBar progress, int added, int total, boolean isVisible)
      Load the triangle mesh from a binary file.
      static ModelTriangleMesh loadTMesh​( kIn, javax.swing.JProgressBar pBar, int added, int total)
      Load the triangle mesh from a binary file.
      static ModelTriangleMesh loadVRMLMesh​( kIn, ViewJProgressBar progress, int added, int total, boolean flag)
      Load the triangle mesh from a VRML file specifically written by MIPAV!.
      static ModelTriangleMesh loadVTKLegacyMesh​( kIn, ViewJProgressBar progress, int added, int total, boolean flag, java.lang.String fileName)  
      static ModelTriangleMesh loadVTKXMLMesh​(java.lang.String absPath, ViewJProgressBar progress, int added, int total, boolean flag, java.lang.String fileName, java.lang.String dir)  
      static int parseVRMLMesh​( kIn)
      Parses the VRML to see how many surfaces there are.
      protected void print​( kOut)
      Internal support for 'void print (String)' and 'void print (String, ModelTriangleMesh[])'.
      protected void printSMFAscii​( kOut)  
      protected void printSTLAscii​( kOut)
      Print the STL file format in ASCII.
      protected void printSTLBinary​( kOut)
      Print the STL file format in binary ( little endian ).
      protected void save​( kOut, boolean flip, int[] direction, float[] startLocation, float[] box, TransMatrix inverseDicomMatrix, javax.vecmath.Color4f[] perVertexColorArray)
      Internal support for 'void save (String)' and 'void save (String, ModelTriangleMesh[])'.
      void save​(java.lang.String kName, boolean flip, int[] direction, float[] startLocation, float[] box, TransMatrix inverseDicomMatrix)
      Save the triangle mesh to a binary file.
      static void save​(java.lang.String kName, ModelTriangleMesh[] akComponent, boolean flip, int[] direction, float[] startLocation, float[] box, TransMatrix inverseDicomMatrix, javax.vecmath.Color4f[][] perVertexColorArray)
      Save an array of triangle meshes to a binary file.
      void saveAsPlyFile​(java.lang.String kName)  
      protected void saveAsPortableVRML​( kOut, boolean flip, int[] direction, float[] startLocation, float[] box, javax.vecmath.Color3f color)
      Saves the triangle mesh in VRML97 (VRML 2.0) format.
      void saveAsPortableVRML​( kOut, boolean flip, int numberOfShapes, int[] direction, float[] startLocation, float[] box, javax.vecmath.Color3f color)
      Saves the triangle mesh in VRML97 (VRML 2.0) format (text format).
      static void saveAsPortableVRML​( kOut, ModelTriangleMesh[] akComponent, boolean flip, int[] direction, float[] startLocation, float[] box, javax.vecmath.Color3f color)
      Saves the triangle mesh in VRML97 (VRML 2.0) format (text format).
      void saveAsSMFAsciiFile​(java.lang.String kName)
      Sate the SMF ACII file format.
      void saveAsSTLAsciiFile​(java.lang.String kName)
      Sate the STIL ACII file format.
      void saveAsSTLBinaryFile​(java.lang.String kName)
      Sate the STIL Binary file format.
      void saveAsTextFile​(java.lang.String kName)
      Save the triangle mesh to a text file.
      static void saveAsTextFile​(java.lang.String kName, ModelTriangleMesh[] akComponent)
      Save an array of triangle meshes to a text file.
      protected void saveAsVRML​( kOut, boolean flip, int[] direction, float[] startLocation, float[] box, javax.vecmath.Color3f color)
      Saves the triangle mesh in VRML97 (VRML 2.0) format.
      void saveAsVRML​(java.lang.String kName, boolean flip, int numberOfShapes, int[] direction, float[] startLocation, float[] box, javax.vecmath.Color3f color)
      Saves the triangle mesh in VRML97 (VRML 2.0) format (text format).
      static void saveAsVRML​(java.lang.String kName, ModelTriangleMesh[] akComponent, boolean flip, int[] direction, float[] startLocation, float[] box, javax.vecmath.Color3f color)
      Saves the triangle mesh in VRML97 (VRML 2.0) format (text format).
      void saveAsVTKLegacy​(java.lang.String kName)
      Saves the triangle mesh to VTK Legacy format
      void saveAsVTKXML​(java.lang.String fileName)
      saves thr triangle mesh to VTK XML format
      protected void saveAsXML​(java.lang.String fileName, int[] direction, float[] startLocation, float[] box)
      Internal support for 'void save (String)' and 'void save (String, ModelTriangleMesh[])'.
      void saveXMLHeader​(java.lang.String kName)  
      void setCellData​(double[][] cellData)  
      void setColor​(int index, javax.vecmath.Color4f kColor)
      Sets the color and stores the color update information in a local copy.
      void setColorDelay​(int index, javax.vecmath.Color4f kColor)
      Used for fast color update while painting the triangle mesh, stores the color update information for later loading into the surface.
      void setColorUpdate()
      Used for fast color update while painting.
      void setGenerator​(java.lang.Object kGenerator)
      Support for regenerating an ModelTriangleMesh from an ModelClodMesh whenever the level of detail is changed for the ModelClodMesh.
      void setMaterial​( kMaterial)
      Sets the material properties of the mesh.
      void setTransparency​(float transparency)
      Sets the mesh transparency.
      void setVertexData​(double[][] data)  
      void setVertexData​(int i, double val)  
      void setVertexData​(int i, double[] array)  
      void setVertexData​(int i, int j, double val)  
      void setVerticies​(javax.vecmath.Point3f[] akVertex)
      Replace the verticies with a new set.
      void smoothMesh​(int iteration, float alpha, boolean volumeLimit, float volumePercent, boolean pVisible)
      Smooth mesh.
      void smoothThree​(int iteration, float lambda, float mu, boolean pVisible)
      Smooth mesh.
      void smoothTwo​(int iterations, float m_fStiffness, boolean volumeLimit, float volumePercent, boolean pVisible)
      Derived from the first 2 of the 3 components of AlgorithmBrainExtraction Note that m_fStiffness does not increase and then decrease as in AlgorithmBrainExtraction but instead remains constant.
      private float update2​(int i)
      Compute the coefficient of the surface normal for the update of the mesh vertex V[i] in the SNormal[i] direction.
      private void updateMesh()
      The heart of the segmentation.
      float volume()
      Calculates volume of triangle mesh.
      • Methods inherited from class

      • Methods inherited from class

        getColorIndex, getColorIndices, getCoordinateIndex, getCoordinateIndices, getCoordIndicesRef, getIndexCount, getInitialIndexIndex, getNormalIndex, getNormalIndices, getTextureCoordinateIndex, getTextureCoordinateIndex, getTextureCoordinateIndices, getTextureCoordinateIndices, getValidIndexCount, getVertexAttrIndex, getVertexAttrIndices, setColorIndex, setColorIndices, setCoordinateIndex, setCoordinateIndices, setCoordIndicesRef, setInitialColorIndex, setInitialCoordIndex, setInitialIndexIndex, setInitialNormalIndex, setInitialTexCoordIndex, setInitialVertexAttrIndex, setInitialVertexIndex, setNormalIndex, setNormalIndices, setTextureCoordinateIndex, setTextureCoordinateIndex, setTextureCoordinateIndices, setTextureCoordinateIndices, setValidIndexCount, setValidVertexCount, setVertexAttrIndex, setVertexAttrIndices
      • Methods inherited from class

        getColor, getColor, getColor, getColor, getColor, getColor, getColorRef3b, getColorRef3f, getColorRef4b, getColorRef4f, getColorRefBuffer, getColorRefByte, getColorRefFloat, getColors, getColors, getColors, getColors, getColors, getColors, getCoordinate, getCoordinate, getCoordinate, getCoordinate, getCoordinates, getCoordinates, getCoordinates, getCoordinates, getCoordRef3d, getCoordRef3f, getCoordRefBuffer, getCoordRefDouble, getCoordRefFloat, getInitialColorIndex, getInitialCoordIndex, getInitialNormalIndex, getInitialTexCoordIndex, getInitialVertexAttrIndex, getInitialVertexIndex, getInterleavedVertexBuffer, getInterleavedVertices, getNormal, getNormal, getNormalRef3f, getNormalRefBuffer, getNormalRefFloat, getNormals, getNormals, getTexCoordRef2f, getTexCoordRef3f, getTexCoordRefBuffer, getTexCoordRefFloat, getTexCoordSetCount, getTexCoordSetMap, getTexCoordSetMapLength, getTextureCoordinate, getTextureCoordinate, getTextureCoordinate, getTextureCoordinate, getTextureCoordinate, getTextureCoordinate, getTextureCoordinate, getTextureCoordinates, getTextureCoordinates, getTextureCoordinates, getTextureCoordinates, getTextureCoordinates, getTextureCoordinates, getTextureCoordinates, getValidVertexCount, getVertexAttr, getVertexAttr, getVertexAttr, getVertexAttr, getVertexAttrCount, getVertexAttrRefBuffer, getVertexAttrRefFloat, getVertexAttrs, getVertexAttrs, getVertexAttrs, getVertexAttrs, getVertexAttrSizes, getVertexCount, getVertexFormat, setColor, setColor, setColor, setColor, setColor, setColorRef3b, setColorRef3f, setColorRef4b, setColorRef4f, setColorRefBuffer, setColorRefByte, setColorRefFloat, setColors, setColors, setColors, setColors, setColors, setColors, setColors, setColors, setColors, setColors, setColors, setColors, setCoordinate, setCoordinate, setCoordinate, setCoordinate, setCoordinates, setCoordinates, setCoordinates, setCoordinates, setCoordinates, setCoordinates, setCoordinates, setCoordinates, setCoordRef3d, setCoordRef3f, setCoordRefBuffer, setCoordRefDouble, setCoordRefFloat, setInterleavedVertexBuffer, setInterleavedVertices, setNormal, setNormal, setNormalRef3f, setNormalRefBuffer, setNormalRefFloat, setNormals, setNormals, setNormals, setNormals, setTexCoordRef2f, setTexCoordRef3f, setTexCoordRefBuffer, setTexCoordRefFloat, setTextureCoordinate, setTextureCoordinate, setTextureCoordinate, setTextureCoordinate, setTextureCoordinate, setTextureCoordinate, setTextureCoordinate, setTextureCoordinates, setTextureCoordinates, setTextureCoordinates, setTextureCoordinates, setTextureCoordinates, setTextureCoordinates, setTextureCoordinates, setTextureCoordinates, setTextureCoordinates, setTextureCoordinates, setTextureCoordinates, setTextureCoordinates, setTextureCoordinates, setTextureCoordinates, setVertexAttr, setVertexAttr, setVertexAttr, setVertexAttr, setVertexAttrRefBuffer, setVertexAttrRefFloat, setVertexAttrs, setVertexAttrs, setVertexAttrs, setVertexAttrs, setVertexAttrs, setVertexAttrs, setVertexAttrs, setVertexAttrs, updateData
      • Methods inherited from class

        cloneNodeComponent, duplicateNodeComponent, duplicateNodeComponent, getDuplicateOnCloneTree, setDuplicateOnCloneTree
      • Methods inherited from class

        clearCapability, clearCapabilityIsFrequent, duplicateSceneGraphObject, getCapability, getCapabilityIsFrequent, getName, getUserData, isCompiled, isLive, setCapability, setCapabilityIsFrequent, setName, setUserData, toString, updateNodeReferences
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • direction

        private static int[] direction
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • startLocation

        private static float[] startLocation
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • box

        private static float[] box
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • kInvalid

        java.lang.Integer kInvalid
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_afCurvature

        float[] m_afCurvature
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_akSNormal

        javax.vecmath.Vector3f[] m_akSNormal
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_akSTangent

        javax.vecmath.Vector3f[] m_akSTangent
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_akVMean

        javax.vecmath.Vector3f[] m_akVMean
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_akVNormal

        javax.vecmath.Vector3f[] m_akVNormal
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_fEParam

        float m_fEParam
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_fFParam

        float m_fFParam
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_fMeanEdgeLength

        float m_fMeanEdgeLength
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_fStiffness

        float m_fStiffness
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_kEMap

        java.util.HashMap m_kEMap
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • connections

        private java.util.HashSet[] connections
        used in smoothing.
      • m_kE0

        private javax.vecmath.Vector3f m_kE0
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_kE1

        private javax.vecmath.Vector3f m_kE1
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_kN

        private javax.vecmath.Vector3f m_kN
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_kGenerator

        private java.lang.Object m_kGenerator
        The ModelClodMesh object that generated the ModelTriangleMesh object, null otherwise.
      • m_kV0

        private javax.vecmath.Point3f m_kV0
        temporary variables to avoid 'new' calls.
      • m_kV1

        private javax.vecmath.Point3f m_kV1
        temporary variables to avoid 'new' calls.
      • m_kV2

        private javax.vecmath.Point3f m_kV2
        temporary variables to avoid 'new' calls.
      • m_kV3

        private javax.vecmath.Point3f m_kV3
        temporary variables to avoid 'new' calls.
      • m_kMaterial

        private m_kMaterial
        store the Material properties of the mesh:
      • m_fTransparency

        private float m_fTransparency
        store the mesh transparency:
      • m_kColors

        private javax.vecmath.Color4f[] m_kColors
        Store the mesh colors:
      • perVertexColor

        private javax.vecmath.Color4f[] perVertexColor
        Per vertex color array, which store the color data saved in .sur file.
      • vertexData

        protected double[][] vertexData
        support for vtk
      • cellData

        protected double[][] cellData
        support for vtk
    • Constructor Detail

      • ModelTriangleMesh

        public ModelTriangleMesh​(javax.vecmath.Point3f[] akVertex,
                                 int[] aiConnect)
        A triangle mesh whose vertex normal vectors are computed from the geometry of the mesh itself. The normal at a vertex is the normalized average of normals of the triangles that share the vertex.
        akVertex - array of vertices in the mesh
        aiConnect - Connectivity array for the triangles. Each triple of indices represents one triangle. The triangle is counterclockwise ordered as viewed by an observer outside the mesh.
      • ModelTriangleMesh

        public ModelTriangleMesh​(javax.vecmath.Point3f[] akVertex,
                                 javax.vecmath.Vector3f[] akNormal,
                                 int[] aiConnect)
        A triangle mesh whose vertex normal vectors have been precomputed.
        akVertex - array of vertices in the mesh
        akNormal - array of vertex normals for the mesh
        aiConnect - Connectivity array for the triangles. Each triple of indices represents one triangle. The triangle is counterclockwise ordered as viewed by an observer outside the mesh.
      • ModelTriangleMesh

        public ModelTriangleMesh​(javax.vecmath.Point3f[] akVertex,
                                 javax.vecmath.Vector3f[] akNormal,
                                 int[] aiConnect,
                                 javax.vecmath.Color4f[] vertexColor)
        A triangle mesh whose vertex normal vectors have been precomputed.
        akVertex - array of vertices in the mesh
        akNormal - array of vertex normals for the mesh
        aiConnect - Connectivity array for the triangles. Each triple of indices represents one triangle. The triangle is counterclockwise ordered as viewed by an observer outside the mesh.
      • ModelTriangleMesh

        public ModelTriangleMesh​(javax.vecmath.Point3f[] akVertex,
                                 javax.vecmath.Vector3f[] akNormal,
                                 javax.vecmath.Color4f[] akColor,
                                 int[] aiConnect)
        A triangle mesh whose vertex normal vectors have been precomputed.
        akVertex - array of vertices in the mesh
        akNormal - array of vertex normals for the mesh
        akColor - array of vertex colors
        aiConnect - Connectivity array for the triangles. Each triple of indices represents one triangle. The triangle is counterclockwise ordered as viewed by an observer outside the mesh.
      • ModelTriangleMesh

        public ModelTriangleMesh​(javax.vecmath.Point3f[] akVertex,
                                 javax.vecmath.Vector3f[] akNormal,
                                 javax.vecmath.TexCoord3f[] akTexCoord,
                                 int[] aiConnect)
        A triangle mesh whose vertex normal vectors have been precomputed.
        akVertex - array of vertices in the mesh
        akNormal - array of vertex normals for the mesh
        akColor - array of vertex colors
        akTexCoord - array of Texture Coordinates
        aiConnect - Connectivity array for the triangles. Each triple of indices represents one triangle. The triangle is counterclockwise ordered as viewed by an observer outside the mesh.
      • ModelTriangleMesh

        public ModelTriangleMesh​(javax.vecmath.Point3f[] akVertex,
                                 javax.vecmath.Vector3f[] akNormal,
                                 javax.vecmath.Color4f[] akColor,
                                 javax.vecmath.TexCoord3f[] akTexCoord,
                                 int[] aiConnect)
        A triangle mesh whose vertex normal vectors have been precomputed.
        akVertex - array of vertices in the mesh
        akNormal - array of vertex normals for the mesh
        akColor - array of vertex colors
        akTexCoord - array of Texture Coordinates
        aiConnect - Connectivity array for the triangles. Each triple of indices represents one triangle. The triangle is counterclockwise ordered as viewed by an observer outside the mesh.
      • ModelTriangleMesh

        public ModelTriangleMesh​(ModelTriangleMesh kMesh)
        Copies a ModelTriangleMesh by copying it's components.
        ModelTriangleMesh - ModelTriangleMesh to copy
      • ModelTriangleMesh

        public ModelTriangleMesh​(WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f[] akVertex,
                                 int[] aiConnect)
        A triangle mesh whose vertex normal vectors are computed from the geometry of the mesh itself. The normal at a vertex is the normalized average of normals of the triangles that share the vertex.
        akVertex - array of vertices in the mesh
        aiConnect - Connectivity array for the triangles. Each triple of indices represents one triangle. The triangle is counterclockwise ordered as viewed by an observer outside the mesh.
    • Method Detail

      • init

        private void init()
        Initializes capabilities and temporary variables.
      • getPerVertexColor

        public javax.vecmath.Color4f[] getPerVertexColor()
      • getVertexData

        public double[][] getVertexData()
      • getVertexData

        public double[] getVertexData​(int i)
      • setVertexData

        public void setVertexData​(double[][] data)
      • setVertexData

        public void setVertexData​(int i,
                                  double val)
      • setVertexData

        public void setVertexData​(int i,
                                  int j,
                                  double val)
      • setVertexData

        public void setVertexData​(int i,
                                  double[] array)
      • setCellData

        public void setCellData​(double[][] cellData)
      • getCellData

        public double[][] getCellData()
      • getDirection

        public static int[] getDirection()
        DOCUMENT ME!
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • getStartLocation

        public static float[] getStartLocation()
        DOCUMENT ME!
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • loadTMesh

        public static ModelTriangleMesh loadTMesh​( kIn,
                                                  javax.swing.JProgressBar pBar,
                                                  int added,
                                                  int total)
        Load the triangle mesh from a binary file. The caller must have already opened the file and read the mesh type (0 = ModelTriangleMesh, 1 = ModelClodMesh) and the number of meshes in the file. The caller then calls this function for each mesh. The format for a mesh is
               int vCount;  // number of vertices
               Point3f vertices[vCount];
               Point3f normals[vCount];
               int iCount;  // number of indices in the connectivity array
               int indices[iCount];
        with 4-byte quantities stored in Big Endian format.
        kIn - the file from which the triangle mesh is loaded
        pBar - DOCUMENT ME!
        added - DOCUMENT ME!
        total - DOCUMENT ME!
        the loaded triangle mesh
        Throws: - if there is an error reading from the file
      • loadTMesh

        public static ModelTriangleMesh loadTMesh​( kIn,
                                                  ViewJProgressBar progress,
                                                  int added,
                                                  int total,
                                                  boolean isVisible)
        Load the triangle mesh from a binary file. The caller must have already opened the file and read the mesh type (0 = ModelTriangleMesh, 1 = ModelClodMesh) and the number of meshes in the file. The caller then calls this function for each mesh. The format for a mesh is
               int vCount;  // number of vertices
               Point3f vertices[vCount];
               Point3f normals[vCount];
               int iCount;  // number of indices in the connectivity array
               int indices[iCount];
        with 4-byte quantities stored in Big Endian format.
        kIn - the file from which the triangle mesh is loaded
        progress - DOCUMENT ME!
        added - DOCUMENT ME!
        total - DOCUMENT ME!
        isVisible - DOCUMENT ME!
        the loaded triangle mesh
        Throws: - if there is an error reading from the file
      • save

        public static void save​(java.lang.String kName,
                                ModelTriangleMesh[] akComponent,
                                boolean flip,
                                int[] direction,
                                float[] startLocation,
                                float[] box,
                                TransMatrix inverseDicomMatrix,
                                javax.vecmath.Color4f[][] perVertexColorArray)
        Save an array of triangle meshes to a binary file. The format for the file is
                   int type;  // 0 = ModelTriangleMesh, 1 = ModelClodMesh
                   int aCount;  // number of array elements
                   array of 'aCount' meshes, each of the form:
                   int vCount;  // number of vertices
                   Point3f vertices[vCount];
                   Point3f normals[vCount];
                   int iCount;  // number of indices in the connectivity array
                   int indices[iCount];
        with 4-byte quantities stored in Big Endian format.
        kName - the name of the file to which the components are saved
        akComponent - the array of mesh components to be saved
        flip - if the y and z axes should be flipped - true in extract and in save of JDialogSurface To have proper orientations in surface file if flip is true flip y and z on reading.
        direction - either 1 or -1 for each axis
        startLocation - DOCUMENT ME!
        box - (dim-1)*res
        inverseDicomMatrix - dicom transform
        perVertexColorArray - color per vertex array.
        Throws: - if there is an error writing to the file
      • loadVRMLMesh

        public static ModelTriangleMesh loadVRMLMesh​( kIn,
                                                     ViewJProgressBar progress,
                                                     int added,
                                                     int total,
                                                     boolean flag)
        Load the triangle mesh from a VRML file specifically written by MIPAV!. The caller must have already opened the file. Must be made more robust to better parse the file. It only reads VRML 2.0 that MIPAV has written.
        kIn - the file from which the triangle mesh is loaded
        progress - DOCUMENT ME!
        added - DOCUMENT ME!
        total - DOCUMENT ME!
        flag - DOCUMENT ME!
        the loaded triangle mesh
        Throws: - if there is an error reading from the file
      • loadVTKLegacyMesh

        public static ModelTriangleMesh loadVTKLegacyMesh​( kIn,
                                                          ViewJProgressBar progress,
                                                          int added,
                                                          int total,
                                                          boolean flag,
                                                          java.lang.String fileName)
        kIn -
        progress -
        added -
        total -
        flag -
      • loadVTKXMLMesh

        public static ModelTriangleMesh loadVTKXMLMesh​(java.lang.String absPath,
                                                       ViewJProgressBar progress,
                                                       int added,
                                                       int total,
                                                       boolean flag,
                                                       java.lang.String fileName,
                                                       java.lang.String dir)
        kIn -
        progress -
        added -
        total -
        flag -
        fileName -
      • parseVRMLMesh

        public static int parseVRMLMesh​( kIn)
        Parses the VRML to see how many surfaces there are.
        kIn - the file to parse
        DOCUMENT ME!
        Throws: - DOCUMENT ME!
        java.util.NoSuchElementException - DOCUMENT ME!
      • saveAsPortableVRML

        public static void saveAsPortableVRML​( kOut,
                                              ModelTriangleMesh[] akComponent,
                                              boolean flip,
                                              int[] direction,
                                              float[] startLocation,
                                              float[] box,
                                              javax.vecmath.Color3f color)
        Saves the triangle mesh in VRML97 (VRML 2.0) format (text format).
        kOut - the name of file to which the triangle mesh is saved
        akComponent - DOCUMENT ME!
        flip - if the y and z axes should be flipped - true in extract and in save of JDialogSurface To have proper orientations in surface file if flip is true flip y and z on reading.
        direction - 1 or -1 for each axis
        startLocation - DOCUMENT ME!
        box - (dim-1)*resolution
        color - DOCUMENT ME!
        Throws: - if the specified file could not be opened for writing
      • saveAsTextFile

        public static void saveAsTextFile​(java.lang.String kName,
                                          ModelTriangleMesh[] akComponent)
        Save an array of triangle meshes to a text file. The format for the file is
               int type;  // 0 = ModelTriangleMesh, 1 = ModelClodMesh
               int aCount;  // number of array elements
               array of 'aCount' meshes, each of the form:
               int vCount;  // number of vertices
               vertex[0].x vertex[0].y vertex[0].z;
               normal[0].x normal[0].y normal[0].z;
               int tCount;  // number of triangles
               index[0] index[1] index[2]
               index[3*(tCount-1)] index[3*(tCount-1)+1] index[3*(tCount-1)+2]
        kName - the name of the file to which the components are saved
        akComponent - the array of mesh components to save
        Throws: - if the specified file could not be opened for writing
      • saveAsVRML

        public static void saveAsVRML​(java.lang.String kName,
                                      ModelTriangleMesh[] akComponent,
                                      boolean flip,
                                      int[] direction,
                                      float[] startLocation,
                                      float[] box,
                                      javax.vecmath.Color3f color)
        Saves the triangle mesh in VRML97 (VRML 2.0) format (text format).
        kName - the name of file to which the triangle mesh is saved
        akComponent - DOCUMENT ME!
        flip - if the y and z axes should be flipped - true in extract and in save of JDialogSurface To have proper orientations in surface file if flip is true flip y and z on reading. param direction 1 or -1 for each axis param startLocation param box (dim-1)*resolution
        direction - DOCUMENT ME!
        startLocation - DOCUMENT ME!
        box - DOCUMENT ME!
        color - DOCUMENT ME!
        Throws: - if the specified file could not be opened for writing
      • affineTransform

        public void affineTransform​(double[][] aafH)
        The input 4x4 homogeneous matrix H is assumed to multiply vectors V as H*V where V = (x,y,z,1). Let the upper left 3x3 block of H be A. Let the upper right 3x1 block of H be B. The last row is [0 0 0 1]. Let the upper 3x1 block of V be X. The lower 1x1 block is 1. The product H*V = A*X + B.
        aafH - Affine transformation matrix.
      • affineTransform

        public void affineTransform​(float[][] afRot,
                                    float[] afTrn,
                                    float[] afScale)
        Rotation R is 3x3, translation T is 3x1, and scale S is 3x1. The product with 3x1 vector X is Diag(S)*R*X + T where Diag(S) is the diagonal matrix whose diagonal entries are the values of S. As a homogeneous matrix (see notation above), A = diag(S)*R and B = T.
        afRot - Affine rotation matrix.
        afTrn - Affine translation matrix.
        afScale - Affine scale matrix.
      • area

        public float area()
        Calculate the surface mesh area. Each surface mesh is composed of triangles. Calculate the surface area from the summation of the each triangle area. Based on the Area by Stokes' Theorem. Area(S) = 1/2 * Normal dot ( Sum from i = 0 to n-1 of ( V1 cross V2) ) ==> Area(S) = 1/2 * ( Sum from i = 0 to n-1 of ( Normal dot ( V1 cross V2) ) )
      • center

        public javax.vecmath.Point3f center()
        Calculates and returns the center point of the Mesh:
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • computeNormals

        public void computeNormals()
        A normal vector at a vertex is computed by averaging the triangle normals for all triangles sharing the vertex. This routine computes all vertex normals.
      • getComponents

        public ModelTriangleMesh[] getComponents()
        Construct the connected components of the triangle mesh.
        An array of connected components of the triangle mesh. Each component has its own vertex and connectivity index arrays.
      • getConsistentComponents

        public void getConsistentComponents()
        Construct the connected components of the triangle mesh.
      • getGenerator

        public java.lang.Object getGenerator()
        Support for regenerating an ModelTriangleMesh from an ModelClodMesh whenever the level of detail is changed for the ModelClodMesh. If the mesh was generated from an ModelClodMesh, the generator member refers to that ModelClodMesh object. If the mesh was not generated from an ModelClodMesh, the generator member is null.
        the generator of this mesh
      • getIndexCopy

        public int[] getIndexCopy()
        Make a copy of the connectivity array of a triangle mesh.
        A copy of the array of connectivity indices of the triangle mesh.
      • getNormalCopy

        public javax.vecmath.Vector3f[] getNormalCopy()
        Make a copy of the normals of a triangle mesh.
        A copy of the array of normals of the triangle mesh.
      • getVertexCopy

        public javax.vecmath.Point3f[] getVertexCopy()
        Make a copy of the vertices of a triangle mesh.
        A copy of the array of vertices of the triangle mesh.
      • getVertexCopyAsVector3f

        public WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f[] getVertexCopyAsVector3f()
        Make a copy of the vertices of a triangle mesh.
        A copy of the array of vertices of the triangle mesh.
      • getColorCopy

        public javax.vecmath.Color4f[] getColorCopy()
        Make a copy of the colors of a triangle mesh.
        A copy of the array of colors of the triangle mesh.
      • getCopies

        public void getCopies​(javax.vecmath.Point3f[] akVertex,
                              javax.vecmath.Vector3f[] akNormal,
                              javax.vecmath.Color4f[] akColor,
                              javax.vecmath.TexCoord3f[] akTexCoord)
        Copies the components of a ModelTriangleMesh into the parameters. More efficient than copying the components individually.
        akVertex - the array of coordinates to copy into.
        akNormal - the array of normals to copy into.
        akColor - the array of colors to copy into.
        akTexCoord - the array of texture coordinates to copy into.
      • getTexCoordCopy

        public javax.vecmath.TexCoord3f[] getTexCoordCopy()
        Make a copy of the texture coordinates of a triangle mesh.
        A copy of the array of texture coordinates of the triangle mesh.
      • setColorDelay

        public void setColorDelay​(int index,
                                  javax.vecmath.Color4f kColor)
        Used for fast color update while painting the triangle mesh, stores the color update information for later loading into the surface.
        index - the vertex index to set the color for
        kColor - the new color
      • setColor

        public void setColor​(int index,
                             javax.vecmath.Color4f kColor)
        Sets the color and stores the color update information in a local copy.
        setColor in class
        index - the vertex index to set the color for
        kColor - the new color
      • getColorLocal

        public void getColorLocal​(int index,
                                  javax.vecmath.Color4f kColor)
        Gets the stored local color.
        index - the vertex index to get the color for.
        kColor - the stored local color.
      • setColorUpdate

        public void setColorUpdate()
        Used for fast color update while painting. After paint operations, set the color of the triangle mesh with the stored colors.
      • save

        public void save​(java.lang.String kName,
                         boolean flip,
                         int[] direction,
                         float[] startLocation,
                         float[] box,
                         TransMatrix inverseDicomMatrix)
        Save the triangle mesh to a binary file. The format for the file is
               int type;  // 0 = ModelTriangleMesh, 1 = ModelClodMesh
               int aCount;  // 1, write the entire mesh as a single component
               int vCount;  // number of vertices
               Point3f vertices[vCount];
               Point3f normals[vCount];
               int iCount;  // number of indices in the connectivity array
               int indices[iCount];
        with 4-byte quantities stored in Big Endian format.
        kName - the name of the file to which the triangle mesh is saved
        flip - if the y and z axes should be flipped - true in extract and in save of JDialogSurface To have proper orientations in surface file if flip is true flip y and z on reading.
        direction - equal 1 or -1 for each axis
        startLocation - DOCUMENT ME!
        box - (dim-1)*res
        inverseDicomMatrix - DOCUMENT ME!
        Throws: - if the specified file could not be opened for writing
      • saveXMLHeader

        public void saveXMLHeader​(java.lang.String kName)
      • saveAsPortableVRML

        public void saveAsPortableVRML​( kOut,
                                       boolean flip,
                                       int numberOfShapes,
                                       int[] direction,
                                       float[] startLocation,
                                       float[] box,
                                       javax.vecmath.Color3f color)
        Saves the triangle mesh in VRML97 (VRML 2.0) format (text format).
        kOut - the name of file to which the triangle mesh is saved
        flip - if the y and z axes should be flipped - true in extract and in save of JDialogSurface To have proper orientations in surface file if flip is true flip y and z on reading.
        numberOfShapes - DOCUMENT ME!
        direction - 1 or -1 for each axis
        startLocation - DOCUMENT ME!
        box - (dimension-1)*resolution
        color - DOCUMENT ME!
        Throws: - if the specified file could not be opened for writing
      • saveAsVTKLegacy

        public void saveAsVTKLegacy​(java.lang.String kName)
        Saves the triangle mesh to VTK Legacy format
        kName -
      • saveAsVTKXML

        public void saveAsVTKXML​(java.lang.String fileName)
        saves thr triangle mesh to VTK XML format
        kName -
      • saveAsTextFile

        public void saveAsTextFile​(java.lang.String kName)
        Save the triangle mesh to a text file. The format for the file is
               int type;  // 0 = ModelTriangleMesh, 1 = ModelClodMesh, 2 = ModelQuadMesh
               int aCount;  // 1, write the entire mesh as a single component
               int vCount;  // number of vertices
               vertex[0].x vertex[0].y vertex[0].z;
               normal[0].x normal[0].y normal[0].z;
               int tCount;  // number of triangles
               index[0] index[1] index[2]
               index[3*(tCount-1)] index[3*(tCount-1)+1] index[3*(tCount-1)+2]
        kName - the name of file to which the triangle mesh is saved
        Throws: - if the specified file could not be opened for writing
      • saveAsPlyFile

        public void saveAsPlyFile​(java.lang.String kName)
      • saveAsSMFAsciiFile

        public void saveAsSMFAsciiFile​(java.lang.String kName)
        Sate the SMF ACII file format.
        kName - file name
      • saveAsSTLAsciiFile

        public void saveAsSTLAsciiFile​(java.lang.String kName)
        Sate the STIL ACII file format.
        kName - file name
      • saveAsSTLBinaryFile

        public void saveAsSTLBinaryFile​(java.lang.String kName)
        Sate the STIL Binary file format.
        kName - file name
      • saveAsVRML

        public void saveAsVRML​(java.lang.String kName,
                               boolean flip,
                               int numberOfShapes,
                               int[] direction,
                               float[] startLocation,
                               float[] box,
                               javax.vecmath.Color3f color)
        Saves the triangle mesh in VRML97 (VRML 2.0) format (text format).
        kName - the name of file to which the triangle mesh is saved
        flip - if the y and z axes should be flipped - true in extract and in save of JDialogSurface To have proper orientations in surface file if flip is true flip y and z on reading.
        numberOfShapes - DOCUMENT ME!
        direction - 1 or -1 for each axis
        startLocation - DOCUMENT ME!
        box - (dimension-1)*resolution
        color - DOCUMENT ME!
        Throws: - if the specified file could not be opened for writing
      • setGenerator

        public void setGenerator​(java.lang.Object kGenerator)
        Support for regenerating an ModelTriangleMesh from an ModelClodMesh whenever the level of detail is changed for the ModelClodMesh. If the mesh was generated from an ModelClodMesh, the generator member refers to that ModelClodMesh object. If the mesh was not generated from an ModelClodMesh, the generator member is null.
        kGenerator - the generator of this mesh
      • setVerticies

        public void setVerticies​(javax.vecmath.Point3f[] akVertex)
        Replace the verticies with a new set.
        akVertex - DOCUMENT ME!
      • smoothMesh

        public void smoothMesh​(int iteration,
                               float alpha,
                               boolean volumeLimit,
                               float volumePercent,
                               boolean pVisible)
        Smooth mesh. The formula can be found in "The Visualization Toolkit" by Will Schoeder, Ken Martin, and Bill Lorensen, p. 389. Mesh smoothing moves the verticies of the mesh closer to an average of the points. Each point is moved so that it is the average of the points around it. The formula is:
                    xi+1 = xi + (alpha * (Sum from j=0 to n of {xj - xi}))
        where xi+1 is the new point, xi is the orginal point, and the xjs are points that are connected to xi. Alpha is some smoothing factor between .01 and .10. This formula is run for a number of iterations to obtain a smooth mesh. Usually the iterations will be between 50 and 100.
        iteration - Number of times to run smoothing formula on data set.
        alpha - Smoothing factor.
        volumeLimit - if true stop iterations when the present volume is volumePercent or more different from the initial
        volumePercent - percentage from initial volume for stopping iterations
        pVisible - if true display progress bar
      • smoothThree

        public void smoothThree​(int iteration,
                                float lambda,
                                float mu,
                                boolean pVisible)
        Smooth mesh. This method smoothes without shrinking by 2 Gaussian smoothing steps. First, a Gaussian smoothing is performed with a positive scale factor lambda. Second, a Gaussian smoothing is performed with a negative scale factor mu, which is greater in magnitude than lambda. To produce a significant smoothing, these steps must be repeated a number of times. 3 references for this smoothing: 1.) Curve and Surface Smoothing Without Shrinkage by Gabriel Taubin, Technical Report RC-19536, IBM Research, April, 1994. (also in Proceedings, Fifth International Conference on Computer Vision, pages 852-857, June, 1995). 2.) A Signal Processing Approach to Fair Surface Design by Gabriel Taubin, Computer Graphics, pages 351-358, August, 1995 (Proceedings SIGGRAPH '95). 3.) Optimal Surface Smoothing as Filter Design by Gabriel Taubin, Tong Zhang, and Gene Golub, IBM Research Report RC-20404 (#90237). Usually the iterations will be between 30 and 100.
        iteration - Number of times to run smoothing formula on data set.
        lambda - positive scale factor
        mu - negative scale factor
        pVisible - if true display progress bar Require: 0
      • smoothTwo

        public void smoothTwo​(int iterations,
                              float m_fStiffness,
                              boolean volumeLimit,
                              float volumePercent,
                              boolean pVisible)
        Derived from the first 2 of the 3 components of AlgorithmBrainExtraction Note that m_fStiffness does not increase and then decrease as in AlgorithmBrainExtraction but instead remains constant. This is because the change in m_fStiffness only applies to the third component of AlgorithmBrainExtraction which uses image intensities.
        iterations - DOCUMENT ME!
        m_fStiffness - DOCUMENT ME!
        volumeLimit - if true stop iterations when the present volume is volumePercent or more different from the initial
        volumePercent - percentage from initial volume for stopping iterations
        pVisible - if true display progress bar
      • volume

        public float volume()
        Calculates volume of triangle mesh. The mesh consists of triangle faces and encloses a bounded region. Face j, 0
                     V = 1/6 (Sum from j=0 to n-1 of {P0 dot P1 cross P2})
        The terms of the summation can be positive, negative, or zero. The term is positive if the face is counterclockwise when viewed from the zero vector, or zero if the face appears to be a line segment when viewed from the zero vector. NOTICE THAT THERE ARE 2 DIFFERENT DEFINITIONS OF COUNTERCLOCKWISE, COUNTERCLOCKWISE AS VIEWED FROM OUTSIDE THE BOUNDED REGION AND COUNTERCLOCKWISE AS VIEWED FROM THE ZERO VECTOR.

        A 3D image on a rectangular lattice contains points (i0, i1, i2) where 0 0. For example, a 256x256x256 MRI has B0 = B1 = B2 = 256. If each voxel is 1 mm in x, 1 mm in y, and 5 mm in z, then D0 = D1 = 1 and D2 = 5. The 3D image encloses a rectangular region [0,C0] x [0,C1] x [0,C2] in physical space where Ck = Dk*Bk. In the example, C0 = D0*B0 = 256 mm in x, C1 = D1*B1 = 256 mm in y, and C2 = D2*B2 = 1280 mm in z. Volume calculations are required to use physical measurements. In the example, volume will be in cubic millimeters.

        The surface extraction is performed by mapping [0,C0] x [0,C1] x [0,C2] into [-1,1] x [-1,1] x [-1,1] using uniform scaling. This is done to keep the floating point values within order 1 to avoid the floating point errors that occur if you were to use the index values themselves. The topology of a level surface is invariant under any scaling (not just uniform), but the continuous level of detail algorithm for triangle decimation does edge collapses based on various geometric measurements of the mesh representing the level surface. The geometric measurements are not invariant under nonuniform scaling. Map the image into a cube using uniform scaling so that the triangle collapse order is invariant. The uniform scaling is done so that the largest image dimension [0,M] is mapped to [-1,1]. The other ranges are mapped to intervals of the form [-L,L) where L

                             2*Dk*ik - Ck
                     xk =    ------------

        However, we want to map from [0,Bk) to an inclusive interval [-Rk,Rk], where 0

                             2*Dk*ik - Ck + Dk
                     xk =    -----------------

        Once a closed manifold triangle mesh is extracted, the problem is now to compute its volume in physical space. Note that ik are indicies in the original image, but the true physical length that is measured (relative to other index locations) is yk = Dk*ik. Any triangle mesh (x0,x1,x2) must be mapped to (y0,y1,y2) before the volume calculation. The mapping is:

                             max{C0,C1,C2}*xk + Ck - Dk
                     yk =    --------------------------

        The volume calculations use the previously mentioned formula where the P points are the (y0,y1,y2) values.

        The volume of the surface.
      • print

        protected void print​( kOut)
        Internal support for 'void print (String)' and 'void print (String, ModelTriangleMesh[])'. ModelTriangleMesh uses this function to print vertices, normals, and connectivity indices to the file. ModelClodMesh overrides this to additionally print collapse records to the file
        kOut - the file to which the triangle mesh is saved
        Throws: - if there is an error writing to the file
      • printSMFAscii

        protected void printSMFAscii​( kOut)
      • printSTLAscii

        protected void printSTLAscii​( kOut)
        Print the STL file format in ASCII. STLA Examples: solid MYSOLID facet normal 0.4 0.4 0.2 outerloop vertex 1.0 2.1 3.2 vertex 2.1 3.7 4.5 vertex 3.1 4.5 6.7 endloop endfacet ... facet normal 0.2 0.2 0.4 outerloop vertex 2.0 2.3 3.4 vertex 3.1 3.2 6.5 vertex 4.1 5.5 9.0 endloop endfacet endsolid MYSOLID
        kOut -
      • printSTLBinary

        protected void printSTLBinary​( kOut)
        Print the STL file format in binary ( little endian ). STLB Example: 80 byte string = header containing nothing in particular 4 byte int = number of faces For each face: 3 4-byte floats = components of normal vector to face; 3 4-byte floats = coordinates of first node; 3 4-byte floats = coordinates of second node; 3 4-byte floats = coordinates of third and final node; 2-byte int = attribute, whose value is 0.
        kOut - binary file output
      • saveAsXML

        protected void saveAsXML​(java.lang.String fileName,
                                 int[] direction,
                                 float[] startLocation,
                                 float[] box)
        Internal support for 'void save (String)' and 'void save (String, ModelTriangleMesh[])'. ModelTriangleMesh uses this function to write vertices, normals, and connectivity indices to the XML file. ModelClodMesh overrides this to additionally write collapse records to the file
        fileName - the file to which the triangle mesh is saved
        direction - either 1 or -1 for each axis
        startLocation - image origin coordinate
        box - (dim-1)*res
        Throws: - if there is an error writing to the file
      • save

        protected void save​( kOut,
                            boolean flip,
                            int[] direction,
                            float[] startLocation,
                            float[] box,
                            TransMatrix inverseDicomMatrix,
                            javax.vecmath.Color4f[] perVertexColorArray)
        Internal support for 'void save (String)' and 'void save (String, ModelTriangleMesh[])'. ModelTriangleMesh uses this function to write vertices, normals, and connectivity indices to the file. ModelClodMesh overrides this to additionally write collapse records to the file
        kOut - the file to which the triangle mesh is saved
        flip - if the y and z axes should be flipped - true in extraction algorithms and in JDialogSurface. To have proper orientations in surface file if flip is true flip y and z on reading.
        direction - either 1 or -1 for each axis
        startLocation - DOCUMENT ME!
        box - (dim-1)*res
        inverseDicomArray - DOCUMENT ME!
        perVertexColorArray - color per vertex array.
        Throws: - if there is an error writing to the file
      • saveAsPortableVRML

        protected void saveAsPortableVRML​( kOut,
                                          boolean flip,
                                          int[] direction,
                                          float[] startLocation,
                                          float[] box,
                                          javax.vecmath.Color3f color)
        Saves the triangle mesh in VRML97 (VRML 2.0) format. File name should end with ".wrl"
        kOut - the file to which the triangle mesh is saved
        flip - if the y and z axes should be flipped - true in extract and in save of JDialogSurface To have proper orientations in surface file if flip is true flip y and z on reading.
        direction - 1 or -1 for each axis
        startLocation - DOCUMENT ME!
        box - (dimension-1)*resolution
        color - DOCUMENT ME!
        Throws: - if there is an error writing to the file
      • saveAsVRML

        protected void saveAsVRML​( kOut,
                                  boolean flip,
                                  int[] direction,
                                  float[] startLocation,
                                  float[] box,
                                  javax.vecmath.Color3f color)
        Saves the triangle mesh in VRML97 (VRML 2.0) format. File name should end with ".wrl"
        kOut - the file to which the triangle mesh is saved
        flip - if the y and z axes should be flipped - true in extract and in save of JDialogSurface To have proper orientations in surface file if flip is true flip y and z on reading.
        direction - 1 or -1 for each axis
        startLocation - DOCUMENT ME!
        box - (dimension-1)*resolution
        color - DOCUMENT ME!
        Throws: - if there is an error writing to the file
      • buildConnections

        private void buildConnections()
        Builds a list of cross-references, so that connections[i] contains all the verticies that are connected to vertex at i.
      • computeMeanEdgeLength

        private void computeMeanEdgeLength()
        Compute the average length of all the edges in the triangle mesh.
      • computeVertexInformation

        private void computeVertexInformation()
        Let V[i] be a vertex in the triangle mesh. This function computes VMean[i], the average of the immediate neighbors of V[i]. Define S[i] = VMean[i] - V[i]. The function also computes a surface normal SNormal[i], the component of S[i] in the vertex normal direction. STangent[i] = S[i] - SNormal[i] is computed as an approximation to a tangent to the surface. Finally, Curvature[i] is an approximation of the surface curvature at V[i].
      • computeVertexNormals

        private void computeVertexNormals()
        Compute the vertex normals of the triangle mesh. Each vertex normal is the unitized average of the non-unit triangle normals for those triangles sharing the vertex.
      • update2

        private float update2​(int i)
        Compute the coefficient of the surface normal for the update of the mesh vertex V[i] in the SNormal[i] direction. See BrainExtraction.pdf for a description of the update.
        i - the index of the vertex to update
        the coefficient of SNormal[i] for the update
      • updateMesh

        private void updateMesh()
        The heart of the segmentation. This function is responsible for the evolution of the triangle mesh that approximates the brain surface. The update has a tangential component, a surface normal component, and a vertex normal component for each vertex in the mesh. The first two components control the geometry of the mesh. The last component is based on the MRI data itself. See BrainExtraction.pdf for a detailed description of the update terms.
      • invertMesh

        public void invertMesh()
        Invert the mesh z-coord, reorder the triangles, and recompute the normals:
      • setMaterial

        public void setMaterial​( kMaterial)
        Sets the material properties of the mesh.
        kMaterial - new material properties.
      • getMaterial

        public getMaterial()
        Gets the material properties of the mesh:
        material properties.
      • setTransparency

        public void setTransparency​(float transparency)
        Sets the mesh transparency.
        transparency - mesh transparency
      • getTransparency

        public float getTransparency()
        Gets the mesh transparency.
        mesh transparency.