FlyBehavior |
This behavior is supposed to emulate a pilot directing an aircraft.
FlyBehaviorRenderer |
This behavior is supposed to emulate a pilot directing an aircraft.
Geodesic |
Introduction: The goal of this task is to add the ability for the user to draw a region of interest on a triangle
mesh surface, by allowing the user to select points on the mesh surface and calculating the connecting polyline on
the surface between the points.
JDialogSimpleText |
Simple dialog that requests a name for the view.
JDialogSurfaceAVI |
Dialog that gets input needed for saving the 3D rendering motions to an AVI file.
JFrameSurfaceMaterialProperties |
Window for setting the surface material properties.
JPanelDisplay |
The display panel control the red bounding box frame ( on/off ), texture aligned rendering mode, cubic controk,
perspective and parrallel viewing mode, and back ground color.
JPanelGeodesic |
Title: JPanelGeodesic
JPanelMouse |
Mouse recorded dialog.
JPanelSlices |
Dialog to turn slices bounding box of surface renderer on and off, and to
change the color of the frame.
JPanelSurface |
A Java3D-based dialog for surfaces represented as triangle meshes.
JPanelSurfaceTexture |
JPanelView |
Dialog to control the view of the 3D surface viewer and renderer.
JStereoWindow |
Class JStereoWindow:
MouseBehavior |
Abstract class which implements much of the event tracking and state updating shared between Fly and Pointer
MouseBehaviorRenderer |
Abstract class which implements much of the event tracking and state updating shared between Fly and Pointer
MouseRotateExt |
MouseRotateExt extends the MouseRotate class by providing public access to certain states of the MouseBehavior that
are stored as protected values with no other public accesss.
NodeAlignedVolumeTextureRender |
Used to generate a scene node item that that represents the rendering of the volume using texture maps.
NodeVolumeTextureRender |
Used to generate a scene node item that that represents the rendering of the volume using texture maps.
PointerBehaviorRenderer |
This behavior is supposed to "fly by pointer" - that is, zoom in, translate, and rotate to where the mouse is
currently pointing.
SurfaceAttributes |
Class that holds the information about each surface displayed in the
SurfaceMask |
SurfacePaint |
SurfaceRender |
Frame that holds the surface renderer.
SurfaceView |
Frame that holds the surface renderer.
ViewJComponentLightBulbs |
Holds parent BranchGroup and an array of 8 spheres that represent the lights on the surface.