Class Parameter

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      private boolean isOptional
      Whether the parameter needs to be given a value by the user in the ActionDiscovery system.
      private boolean isValueAssigned
      Whether a value has been set for this parameter.
      private java.lang.String label
      The label/name of the parameter.
      static int PARAM_BOOLEAN
      Parameter data type indicating a boolean value.
      static int PARAM_DOUBLE
      Parameter data type indicating a double value.
      static int PARAM_EXTERNAL_IMAGE
      Parameter data type indicating an externally-specified (not script produced) image placeholder variable string value.
      static int PARAM_FILE
      Parameter data type indicating a file variable string value.
      static int PARAM_FLOAT
      Parameter data type indicating a float value.
      static int PARAM_IMAGE
      Parameter data type indicating an image placeholder variable string value.
      static int PARAM_INT
      Parameter data type indicating a integer value.
      static int PARAM_LIST
      Parameter data type indicating a list of values of a second type.
      static int PARAM_LONG
      Parameter data type indicating a long value.
      static int PARAM_SHORT
      Parameter data type indicating a signed short value.
      static int PARAM_STRING
      Parameter data type indicating a boolean value.
      private static java.lang.String[] PARAM_STRINGS_TABLE
      String values for all of the parameter value data types (the strings written out to the script).
      static int PARAM_USHORT
      Parameter data type indicating a unsigned short value.
      private Parameter parent
      A reference to another Parameter who this parameter relies on.
      private java.lang.String parentValueString
      The value to check the parent Parameter against before enabling this Parameter, in string format.
      private int type
      The parameter value data type.
    • Constructor Summary

      Modifier Constructor Description
      protected Parameter​(java.lang.String paramLabel, int paramType)
      Creates a new Parameter object.
      protected Parameter​(java.lang.String paramLabel, java.lang.String paramTypeString)
      Creates a new Parameter object.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.lang.String convertToString()
      Retrieves the String representation of this Parameter, suitable for inclusion in a script line (e.g., "label type value" (including the quotes)).
      java.lang.String getLabel()
      Returns the parameter's label/name.
      protected Parameter getParent()
      Returns a reference to another Parameter upon which this Parameter depends.
      protected java.lang.String getParentConditionValueString()
      Returns the parent Parameter condition value to test against when deciding whether to ask for a value for this Parameter when using the ActionDiscovery interface.
      int getType()
      Returns the parameter data type.
      static int getTypeFromString​(java.lang.String typeString)
      Extracts and returns the base data type (e.g., PARAM_LIST if 'list_float') from a type String read in from a script.
      java.lang.String getTypeString()
      Returns the String representation of the parameter's data type.
      static java.lang.String getTypeString​(int paramType)
      Returns the String which should be used to indicate a given parameter data type when writing it to a script.
      abstract java.lang.String getValueString()
      Returns the value of the Parameter converted into String form (suitable for writing out to a script).
      boolean isOptional()
      Returns whether this parameter needs to be set by the user when using the ActionDiscovery system.
      boolean isParentConditionValueMet()
      Tests whether the value of the parent parameter is the same as the parent value that this Parameter requires.
      boolean isValueAssigned()
      Returns whether a value has been set for this parameter.
      void setOptional​(boolean flag)
      Sets whether this parameter needs to be set by the user when using the ActionDiscovery system.
      protected void setParent​(Parameter p)
      Sets the reference to another Parameter who this parameter relies on.
      void setParentCondition​(Parameter p, java.lang.String s)
      Changes the parent Parameter and parent Parameter condition value to test against when deciding whether to ask for a value for this Parameter when using the ActionDiscovery interface.
      protected void setParentConditionValue​(java.lang.String s)
      Changes the parent Parameter condition value to test against when deciding whether to ask for a value for this Parameter when using the ActionDiscovery interface.
      abstract void setValue​(java.lang.String paramValueString)
      Changes this parameter's value.
      protected void setValueAssigned​(boolean flag)
      Sets whether a value has been set for this parameter.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail


        public static final int PARAM_EXTERNAL_IMAGE
        Parameter data type indicating an externally-specified (not script produced) image placeholder variable string value.
        See Also:
        ParameterExternalImage, Constant Field Values

        private static final java.lang.String[] PARAM_STRINGS_TABLE
        String values for all of the parameter value data types (the strings written out to the script).
      • label

        private final java.lang.String label
        The label/name of the parameter.
      • type

        private final int type
        The parameter value data type.
      • parent

        private Parameter parent
        A reference to another Parameter who this parameter relies on. The parent parameter's value can be tested against a parentCondition field (specified by individual Parameter subclasses) to see whether this Parameter needs to be assigned a value. Basically, this provides for a primitive conditional Parameter dependency tree.
      • parentValueString

        private java.lang.String parentValueString
        The value to check the parent Parameter against before enabling this Parameter, in string format.
      • isOptional

        private boolean isOptional
        Whether the parameter needs to be given a value by the user in the ActionDiscovery system.
      • isValueAssigned

        private boolean isValueAssigned
        Whether a value has been set for this parameter. Should be set to true at the first call to any constructor or method that gives the parameter a value. Used to distinguish from the default value some primitives have when they are created.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Parameter

        protected Parameter​(java.lang.String paramLabel,
                            int paramType)
                     throws ParserException
        Creates a new Parameter object.
        paramLabel - The label/name of the new parameter.
        paramType - The type of the new parameter.
        ParserException - If there is a problem creating the new Parameter.
      • Parameter

        protected Parameter​(java.lang.String paramLabel,
                            java.lang.String paramTypeString)
                     throws ParserException
        Creates a new Parameter object.
        paramLabel - The label/name of the new parameter.
        paramTypeString - A String containing the data type of the parameter value.
        ParserException - If there is a problem creating the new Parameter.
    • Method Detail

      • getValueString

        public abstract java.lang.String getValueString()
        Returns the value of the Parameter converted into String form (suitable for writing out to a script).
        A String representation of this Parameter's value (suitable for writing out to a script).
      • setValue

        public abstract void setValue​(java.lang.String paramValueString)
                               throws ParserException
        Changes this parameter's value.
        paramValueString - The value to assign to this parameter, in string format. May be a parameter value read in from a script.
        ParserException - If there the new value is invalid for this type of Parameter.
      • getTypeFromString

        public static final int getTypeFromString​(java.lang.String typeString)
        Extracts and returns the base data type (e.g., PARAM_LIST if 'list_float') from a type String read in from a script.
        typeString - The type String to parse and find the base type of.
        The type indicated by typeString.
      • getTypeString

        public static final java.lang.String getTypeString​(int paramType)
        Returns the String which should be used to indicate a given parameter data type when writing it to a script.
        paramType - The parameter type.
        The String representation of the given parameter type.
      • convertToString

        public java.lang.String convertToString()
        Retrieves the String representation of this Parameter, suitable for inclusion in a script line (e.g., "label type value" (including the quotes)).
        A String representation of this Parameter.
      • getLabel

        public java.lang.String getLabel()
        Returns the parameter's label/name.
        The parameter label.
      • getType

        public int getType()
        Returns the parameter data type.
        The data type of the parameter's value.
      • getTypeString

        public java.lang.String getTypeString()
        Returns the String representation of the parameter's data type.
        The data type of the parameter's value in String form.
      • setParent

        protected void setParent​(Parameter p)
        Sets the reference to another Parameter who this parameter relies on. The parent parameter's value can be tested against a parentCondition field (specified by individual Parameter subclasses) to see whether this Parameter needs to be assigned a value.
        p - The parent Parameter of this Parameter.
      • getParent

        protected Parameter getParent()
        Returns a reference to another Parameter upon which this Parameter depends.
        The parent Parameter.
      • isParentConditionValueMet

        public boolean isParentConditionValueMet()
        Tests whether the value of the parent parameter is the same as the parent value that this Parameter requires. Both the parent and the parent value string need to be set.
        True if this Parameter should be displayed, false if the conditions for this parameter have not been met.
      • getParentConditionValueString

        protected java.lang.String getParentConditionValueString()
        Returns the parent Parameter condition value to test against when deciding whether to ask for a value for this Parameter when using the ActionDiscovery interface.
        The value to check the parent Parameter against before enabling this Parameter, in string format.
      • setParentConditionValue

        protected void setParentConditionValue​(java.lang.String s)
                                        throws ParserException
        Changes the parent Parameter condition value to test against when deciding whether to ask for a value for this Parameter when using the ActionDiscovery interface.
        s - The value to check the parent Parameter against before enabling this Parameter, in string format.
        ParserException - If there the new value is invalid for this type of Parameter.
      • setParentCondition

        public void setParentCondition​(Parameter p,
                                       java.lang.String s)
                                throws ParserException
        Changes the parent Parameter and parent Parameter condition value to test against when deciding whether to ask for a value for this Parameter when using the ActionDiscovery interface.
        p - The parent Parameter of this Parameter.
        s - The value to check the parent Parameter against before enabling this Parameter, in string format.
        ParserException - If there the new value is invalid for this type of Parameter.
      • setOptional

        public void setOptional​(boolean flag)
        Sets whether this parameter needs to be set by the user when using the ActionDiscovery system.
        flag - True if the parameter is optional.
      • isOptional

        public boolean isOptional()
        Returns whether this parameter needs to be set by the user when using the ActionDiscovery system.
        True if the parameter is optional.
      • setValueAssigned

        protected void setValueAssigned​(boolean flag)
        Sets whether a value has been set for this parameter. Should be set to true at the first call to any constructor or method that gives the parameter a value. Used to distinguish from the default value some primitives have when they are created.
        flag - Whether a value has been set for this parameter.
      • isValueAssigned

        public boolean isValueAssigned()
        Returns whether a value has been set for this parameter. Should be set to true at the first call to any constructor or method that gives the parameter a value. Used to distinguish from the default value some primitives have when they are created.
        Whether a value has been set for this parameter.