Class ParameterList

  • public class ParameterList
    extends Parameter
    This is a special kind of script parameter, which contains other parameters. All of these parameters must be of the same type and are comma separated.
    • Field Detail

      • list

        private java.util.Vector<Parameter> list
        The list of parameters.
      • listType

        private int listType
        The data type of the elements in this parameter list.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ParameterList

        public ParameterList​(java.lang.String paramLabel,
                             int listContentsType)
                      throws ParserException
        Creates a new ParameterList object.
        paramLabel - The label/name to give to this parameter.
        listContentsType - The type of the parameters contained in this list.
        ParserException - If there is a problem creating the parameter list.
      • ParameterList

        public ParameterList​(java.lang.String paramLabel,
                             int listContentsType,
                             java.lang.String paramValueString)
                      throws ParserException
        Creates a new ParameterList object.
        paramLabel - The label/name to give to this parameter.
        listContentsType - The type of the parameters contained in this list.
        paramValueString - The list of parameters in string form.
        ParserException - If there is a problem creating the parameter list.
      • ParameterList

        public ParameterList​(java.lang.String paramLabel,
                             java.lang.String paramTypeString,
                             java.lang.String paramValueString)
                      throws ParserException
        Creates a new ParameterList object.
        paramLabel - The label/name to give to this parameter.
        paramTypeString - The type of this parameter, in string form. The first part should indicate that it is a list, the second part should indicate the type of the elements in the parameter list.
        paramValueString - The list of parameters in string form.
        ParserException - If there is a problem creating the parameter list.
    • Method Detail

      • addToList

        public void addToList​(Parameter elem)
        Add a parameter to the end of the list.
        elem - A parameter (should not be another list).
      • elementAt

        public Parameter elementAt​(int index)
        Returns the parameter at a particular position in the list.
        index - The index of the parameter to retrieve.
        A parameter from the list.
      • getAsBooleanArray

        public boolean[] getAsBooleanArray()
        Returns the contents of this list as an array of booleans, if the list contains ParameterBoolean elements.
        The list converted into an array of booleans.
      • getAsFloatArray

        public float[] getAsFloatArray()
        Returns the contents of this list as an array of floats, if the list contains ParameterFloat elements.
        The list converted into an array of floats.
      • getAsDoubleArray

        public double[] getAsDoubleArray()
        Returns the contents of this list as an array of doubles, if the list contains ParameterDoubl elements.
        The list converted into an array of doubles.
      • getAsIntArray

        public int[] getAsIntArray()
        Returns the contents of this list as an array of ints, if the list contains ParameterInt elements.
        The list converted into an array of ints.
      • getAsLongArray

        public long[] getAsLongArray()
        Returns the contents of this list as an array of longs, if the list contains ParameterLong elements.
        The list converted into an array of longs.
      • getList

        public java.util.Vector<Parameter> getList()
        Return the parameter list.
        The vector containing the list elements.
      • getListSize

        public int getListSize()
        Return the size of the parameter list.
        The number of parameters in the list.
      • getListType

        public int getListType()
        Return the type of parameters in this parameter list.
        The type of parameters in this list.
      • getTypeString

        public java.lang.String getTypeString()
        Return the full type of this parameter (e.g. 'list_int').
        getTypeString in class Parameter
        The full type identifier of this parameter list (identifies that this is a list and the type of the list elements).
      • getValueString

        public java.lang.String getValueString()
        Returns the parameter list in String form, separated by commas (with commas in the list elements escaped with backslashes ('\')).
        Specified by:
        getValueString in class Parameter
        The parameter list in String form, suitable for writing out as part of a script.
      • removeAllFromList

        public void removeAllFromList()
        Removes all of the parameters from the list.
      • setListType

        public void setListType​(int paramListType)
        Changes the type of the elements in the list.
        paramListType - The new parameter type.
      • setValue

        public void setValue​(java.lang.String paramValueString)
                      throws ParserException
        Sets the list of parameters based on a comma delimited String containing parameter values.
        Specified by:
        setValue in class Parameter
        paramValueString - A comma delimited String containing parameter values.
        ParserException - If there is a problem encountered parsing the list element values.
      • setValue

        public void setValue​(java.util.Vector<Parameter> paramValue)
        Changes the parameter list elements.
        paramValue - The new parameter list elements.
      • escapeSpecialCharacters

        private static java.lang.String escapeSpecialCharacters​(java.lang.String str)
        Escape special list characters with backslashes. Used on the String representation of parameter elements before converting the entire list to a comma-delimited string.
        str - A string to escape.
        The escaped string.
      • replaceEscapedSpecialCharacters

        private static java.lang.String replaceEscapedSpecialCharacters​(java.lang.String str)
        Removes backslashes escaping any special list characters. Used to remove any comma-escaping while parsing the individual values from a string and adding them to the list.
        str - The escaped string.
        The un-escaped string.
      • getListTypeFromString

        private int getListTypeFromString​(java.lang.String paramTypeString)
                                   throws ParserException
        Returns the type of the parameters contained in this list, based on the full type string for the list.
        paramTypeString - The full type string for the list (e.g., 'list_float')
        The data type of the parameters which should be in this parameter list.
        ParserException - If there is a problem encountered determining the type of the list elements.
      • parseList

        private static final java.util.Vector<Parameter> parseList​(java.lang.String listString,
                                                                   int listContentsType)
                                                            throws ParserException
        Extracts individual parameter list elements from a comma delimited String.
        listString - A comma delimited String containing parameter values.
        listContentsType - The parameter data type of the list.
        A vector containing the extracted parameters.
        ParserException - If there is a problem encountered parsing the list element values.