Class ParameterString

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    ParameterFile, ParameterImage

    public class ParameterString
    extends Parameter
    A string parameter used in either the recording or execution of a script action.
    • Field Detail

      • value

        protected java.lang.String value
        The parameter's value.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ParameterString

        public ParameterString​(java.lang.String paramLabel)
                        throws ParserException
        Creates a new ParameterString object without any value.
        paramLabel - The label/name to give to this parameter.
        ParserException - If there is a problem creating the parameter.
      • ParameterString

        public ParameterString​(java.lang.String paramLabel,
                               java.lang.String paramValue)
                        throws ParserException
        Creates a new ParameterString with a new value.
        paramLabel - The label/name to give to this parameter.
        paramValue - The new parameter value.
        ParserException - If there is a problem creating the parameter.
      • ParameterString

        public ParameterString​(java.lang.String paramLabel,
                               int paramType)
                        throws ParserException
        Creates a new ParameterString object without any value.
        paramLabel - The label/name to give to this parameter.
        paramType - The type of this parameter (should be PARAM_STRING).
        ParserException - If there is a problem creating the parameter.
      • ParameterString

        public ParameterString​(java.lang.String paramLabel,
                               java.lang.String paramTypeString,
                               java.lang.String paramValue)
                        throws ParserException
        Creates a new ParameterString object.
        paramLabel - The label/name to give to this parameter.
        paramTypeString - The type of this parameter, in string form.
        paramValue - The new parameter value.
        ParserException - If there is a problem creating the parameter.
      • ParameterString

        public ParameterString​(java.lang.String paramLabel,
                               int paramType,
                               java.lang.String paramValue)
                        throws ParserException
        Creates a new ParameterString object.
        paramLabel - The label/name to give to this parameter.
        paramType - The type of this parameter (should be PARAM_STRING).
        paramValue - The new parameter value.
        ParserException - If there is a problem creating the parameter.
    • Method Detail

      • getValue

        public java.lang.String getValue()
        Returns the parameter value.
        The parameter value.
      • getValueString

        public java.lang.String getValueString()
        Returns the parameter value as a string.
        Specified by:
        getValueString in class Parameter
        The parameter value in string form.
      • setValue

        public void setValue​(java.lang.String paramValueString)
                      throws ParserException
        Changes the parameter's current value.
        Specified by:
        setValue in class Parameter
        paramValueString - The new parameter value.
        ParserException - If there is a problem changing the parameter value.