Class TransMatrixd

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class TransMatrixd
    extends WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Matrix4d
    Transformation matrix class is an affine homogeneous class that can be used to rotate objects like images and VOIs. It can constructed as a 2D(3x3) or 3D(4x4) homogeneous matrix for transform (rotation, translation, skew and zoom) images/VOIs. Skew is not commonly used.

    The MIPAV 3D model for 4 X 4 transformations is:

             [ m00 m01 m02 m03 ]   [ x ]   [ x' ]
             [ m10 m11 m12 m13 ] . [ y ] = [ y' ]
             [ m20 m21 m22 m23 ]   [ z ]   [ z' ]
             [ m30 m31 m32 m33 ]   [ w ]   [ w' ]
             x' = m00*x + m01*y + m02*z + m03*w
             y' = m10*x + m11*y + m12*z + m13*w
             z' = m20*x + m21*y + m22*z + m23*w
             w' = m30*x + m31*y + m32*z + m33*w

    However, because the transform type is limited, we can always set the third row to [ 0 0 0 1] and write instead:

             [ m00 m01 m02 ]   [ x ]   [ t0 ]   [ x' ]
             [ m10 m11 m12 ] . [ y ] + [ t1 ] = [ y' ]
             [ m20 m21 m22 ]   [ z ]   [ t2 ]   [ z' ]
             x' = m00*x + m01*y + m02*z + t0
             y' = m10*x + m11*y + m12*z + t1
             z' = m20*x + m21*y + m22*z + t2

    We still represent 4x4 m with a WildMagic Matrix4d, because of the existing implementations that assume a 4x4 matrix, and the use of the upper 3x3 matrix as a 2D transform.

    We considered representing m with a WildMagic Matrix3d, and t with a Vector3d, as encapsulated in the WildMagic Transformation class, but it does not match typical Mipav usage.

    Row, Col format - right hand rule
    2D Example

              zoom_x    theta    tx
              theta     zoom_y   ty
              0         0         1
     represented in 3D by leaving Z the identity transform:
              zoom_x    theta    0    tx
              theta     zoom_y   0    ty
              0         0        1    0
              0         0        0    1

    Note that for 2D, the tx and ty components are stored in M02 and M12, and not in M03 and M13, as might be guessed by the use of a Matrix4d to store both 2D and 3D transforms.

    Note for 3D - ref. Foley, Van Dam p. 214

              Axis of rotation            Direction of positive rotation is
                  x                               y to z
                  y                               z to x
                  z                               x to y
              Order of rotation is important (i.e. not commutative)
              Rx Ry Ry != Ry Rx Rz
    2, July 24, 2008, original 0.1 Nov 15, 1997
    Matthew J. McAuliffe, Ph.D., changes Aron Helser, Geometric Tools
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static int DEGREES
      used for setting rotation
      private boolean m_Is2D
      Transform was constructed to transform 2D vectors, instead of 3D
      private boolean m_IsNIFTI
      boolean indicating whether this matrix is associated with a NIFTI image (special case handling)
      private boolean m_IsQform
      If true, nifti matrix codes for a qform matrix If false, nifti matrix codes for a sform matrix Value has no effect if not a nifti matrix
      private int m_TransformID
      Transform ID associated with the matrix.
      static int RADIANS
      used for setting rotation
      Another Dataset transform ID.
      static int TRANSFORM_COMPOSITE
      Composite, dynamically generated matrix type
      private static java.lang.String[] TRANSFORM_ID_STR
      Array of transform ID strings.
      static int TRANSFORM_MNI_152
      MNI 152 transform ID.
      Scanner anatomical matrix associated with NIFTI type
      Scanner Anatomical transform ID.
      Talairach Tournoux transform ID.
      static int TRANSFORM_UNKNOWN
      Composite transform ID.
      • Fields inherited from class WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Matrix4d

        IDENTITY, M00, M01, M02, M03, M10, M11, M12, M13, M20, M21, M22, M23, M30, M31, M32, M33, ZERO
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      TransMatrixd clone()  
      void Copy​(TransMatrixd rkTM)
      copy, overwrite this.
      void copyMatrix​(double[][] newMatrix)
      Copies provided transformation matrix.
      private void decodeLine​( raFile, int row, WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Matrix4d matrix)
      Decodes the line in the matrix file.
      void decodeMatrixString​(java.lang.String str)
      Decodes the matrix from a string into the matrix array.
      boolean decomposeMatrix​(WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3d rotate, WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3d trans, WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3d scale, WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3d shear)
      Decomposing a matrix into simple transformations TransMatrixd transformation sequence: Scale(Sx, Sy, Sz)*ShearXY*ShearXZ*ShearYZ* RotateX*RotateY*RotateZ*Translate(tx, ty, tz) ( *Perspective(Px, Py, Pz, Pw), no longer supported)
      void getColumn​(int r, double[] column)
      Copy our data into the provided double array
      int getDim()
      Return dimension passed to constructor.
      int getID()  
      int getTransformID()
      Returns the transform ID associated with the matrix.
      static int getTransformIDFromStr​(java.lang.String s)
      Returns the transform ID associated with a string.
      static java.lang.String[] getTransformIDStr()
      Return the list of transform ID strings (for edit attributes combo box.
      static java.lang.String getTransformIDStr​(int m)
      Return the string associated with the matrix transform ID.
      void Inverse()
      Matrix inversion that replaces this objects matrix with an inverted matrix.
      boolean isIdentity()
      Reports whether transform is Identity transform, to within a small epsilon.
      boolean isNIFTI()
      Tells whether this matrix is associated with a NIFTI image this only matters when the matrix is being saved/when the composite matrix is being generated in MatrixHolder
      boolean isQform()
      Tells whether a NIFTI matrix is a qform matrix or a sform matrix
      java.lang.String matrixToString​(int w, int d)
      Produces a string of the matrix values.
      void readMatrix​( raFile, boolean composite)
      Reads transformation matrix to a text file.
      void saveMatrix​( raFile)
      Saves transformation matrix to a text file MIPAV format
      void saveMatrix​( raFile, java.lang.String message)
      Saves transformation matrix to a text file MIPAV format
      void saveMatrix​(java.lang.String fileName)
      Saves transformation matrix to a text file MIPAV format
      void saveMatrix​(java.lang.String fileName, java.lang.String message)
      Saves transformation matrix to a text file MIPAV format
      void saveXFMMatrix​( raFile)
      Saves transformation matrix to McGill XFM format
      void setIsNIFTI​(boolean is_NIFTI)
      Accessor that sets whether or not the matrix is a NIFTI matrix.
      void setIsQform​(boolean is_Qform)
      Accessor that sets whether a nifti matrix is a qform matrix or a sform matrix.
      void setMatrix​(double[][] X)
      Set a submatrix.
      void setMatrix​(int i0, int i1, int j0, int j1, double[][] X)
      Set a submatrix.
      void setRotate​(double theta)
      Sets the rotation (2D) of transformation matrix.
      void setRotate​(double thetaX, double thetaY, double thetaZ, int degreeORradian)
      Sets rotation (3D) of transformation matrix.
      void setRotate​(WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3d alpha, WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3d beta, WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3d gamma)
      Sets rotation (3D) of transformation matrix.
      void setSkew​(double x, double y)
      Sets skew part of 2D matrix.
      void setSkew​(double x, double y, double z)
      Sets the skew parts of 3D matrix (4D Homogenous).
      void setTransform​(double tX, double tY, double r)
      Sets 2D transformation matrix.
      void setTransform​(double tX, double tY, double tZ, double rX, double rY, double rZ)
      Sets the 3D transformation matrix [4x4].
      void setTransform​(double tX, double tY, double tZ, double rX, double rY, double rZ, double sX, double sY, double sZ, double skX, double skY, double skZ)
      Sets the 3D transformation matrix [4x4].
      void setTransformID​(int t_id)
      Sets the transform ID for the matrix.
      void setTranslate​(double x, double y)
      Sets translation parts of 2D matrix.
      void setTranslate​(double x, double y, double z)
      Sets the translation parts of 3D matrix (4D Homogenous).
      void setZoom​(double sx, double sy)
      Sets the zoom parts of 2D matrix.
      void setZoom​(double sx, double sy, double sz)
      Sets the zoom parts of 3D matrix.
      java.lang.String toDialogString()
      Produces a string of the matrix values, rows separated by tabs.
      java.lang.String toString()
      ToString method that includes the matrix printout as well as the transform ID of the transmatrixd
      void transform​(double[] pt, double[] tPt)
      Takes a 3D or 2D point (as a double array) and premultiplies it by the 3D transformation matrix.
      void transform​(double x, double y, double[] tPt)
      Takes double components of a 2D point and premultiplies it by the 2d transformation matrix.
      void transform​(double x, double y, double z, double[] tPt)
      Takes the double components of a 3D point and premultiplies it by the 3D transformation matrix.
      void transform​(float[] pt, float[] tPt)
      Takes a 3D point, as a float array, and premultiplies it by the 3D transformation matrix.
      void transform​(float x, float y, float[] tPt)
      Takes float components of a 2D point and premultiplies it by the 2d transformation matrix.
      void transform​(float x, float y, float z, float[] tPt)
      Takes the float components of a 3D point and premultiplies it by the 3D transformation matrix.
      java.awt.Polygon transform​(java.awt.Polygon gon)
      Tranforms a Polygon (2D).
      void transformAsPoint2Dd​(WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector2d[] vects, WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector2d[] tVects)
      Takes an array of Point2Dd 2D vectors and multiplies them with the 2d transformation matrix.
      void transformAsPoint3Dd​(WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3d pt, WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3d tPt)
      Takes a Point3Dd 3D point and multiplies it by the 3D transformation matrix.
      void transformAsVector3Dd​(VOIBase vects, WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3d[] tVects)
      Takes an array of Vector3Dd 2D vectors and multiplies them with the 2d transformation matrix.
      void transformAsVector3Dd​(WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3d[] vects, WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3d[] tVects)
      Takes an array of Vector3Dd 2D vectors and multiplies them with the 2d transformation matrix.
      • Methods inherited from class WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Matrix4d

        adjoint, copy, determinant, equals, get, getColumnMajor, getData, getData, identity, inverse, inverse, makeObliqueProjection, makePerspectiveProjection, makeReflection, makeZero, mult, mult, mult, mult, multLeft, multLeft, multLeft, multRight, multRight, qForm, set, set, timesTranspose, transpose, transpose, transposeTimes, transposeTimes
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail


        public static final int TRANSFORM_UNKNOWN
        Composite transform ID.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int TRANSFORM_SCANNER_ANATOMICAL
        Scanner Anatomical transform ID.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int TRANSFORM_ANOTHER_DATASET
        Another Dataset transform ID.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int TRANSFORM_TALAIRACH_TOURNOUX
        Talairach Tournoux transform ID.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • TRANSFORM_MNI_152

        public static final int TRANSFORM_MNI_152
        MNI 152 transform ID.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int TRANSFORM_COMPOSITE
        Composite, dynamically generated matrix type
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int TRANSFORM_NIFTI_SCANNER_ANATOMICAL
        Scanner anatomical matrix associated with NIFTI type
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        private static final java.lang.String[] TRANSFORM_ID_STR
        Array of transform ID strings.
      • m_TransformID

        private int m_TransformID
        Transform ID associated with the matrix.
      • m_IsNIFTI

        private boolean m_IsNIFTI
        boolean indicating whether this matrix is associated with a NIFTI image (special case handling)
      • m_IsQform

        private boolean m_IsQform
        If true, nifti matrix codes for a qform matrix If false, nifti matrix codes for a sform matrix Value has no effect if not a nifti matrix
      • m_Is2D

        private boolean m_Is2D
        Transform was constructed to transform 2D vectors, instead of 3D
    • Constructor Detail

      • TransMatrixd

        public TransMatrixd​(int dim)
        Construct a transformation matrix.
        dim - should be 3 or 4 (square matrix)
      • TransMatrixd

        public TransMatrixd​(int dim,
                            int id)
      • TransMatrixd

        public TransMatrixd​(int dim,
                            int id,
                            boolean is_nifti,
                            boolean isQform)
      • TransMatrixd

        public TransMatrixd​(TransMatrixd rkTM)
        copy constructor.
        rkTM - matrix to copy
    • Method Detail

      • getDim

        public int getDim()
        Return dimension passed to constructor.
        3 for 2D transform, 4 for 3D transform.
      • getID

        public int getID()
      • clone

        public TransMatrixd clone()
        clone in class java.lang.Object
        deep copy of this.
      • Copy

        public void Copy​(TransMatrixd rkTM)
        copy, overwrite this.
        rkTM - matrix to copy
      • decodeMatrixString

        public void decodeMatrixString​(java.lang.String str)
        Decodes the matrix from a string into the matrix array.
        str - Matrix represented as a string.
      • decomposeMatrix

        public boolean decomposeMatrix​(WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3d rotate,
                                       WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3d trans,
                                       WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3d scale,
                                       WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3d shear)
        Decomposing a matrix into simple transformations TransMatrixd transformation sequence: Scale(Sx, Sy, Sz)*ShearXY*ShearXZ*ShearYZ* RotateX*RotateY*RotateZ*Translate(tx, ty, tz) ( *Perspective(Px, Py, Pz, Pw), no longer supported)
        rotate - rotation about x, y, z axis, in radians
        trans - translation
        scale - scale, for each dimension
        shear - shear.X is XY, shear.Y is XZ, shear.Z is YZ
        true if decompose was successful.
      • isIdentity

        public boolean isIdentity()
        Reports whether transform is Identity transform, to within a small epsilon.
        true iff identity
      • isNIFTI

        public boolean isNIFTI()
        Tells whether this matrix is associated with a NIFTI image this only matters when the matrix is being saved/when the composite matrix is being generated in MatrixHolder
        is this a nifti matrix
      • setIsNIFTI

        public void setIsNIFTI​(boolean is_NIFTI)
        Accessor that sets whether or not the matrix is a NIFTI matrix.
        is_NIFTI - val to set
      • isQform

        public boolean isQform()
        Tells whether a NIFTI matrix is a qform matrix or a sform matrix
        true if qform, false if sform.
      • setIsQform

        public void setIsQform​(boolean is_Qform)
        Accessor that sets whether a nifti matrix is a qform matrix or a sform matrix.
        is_Qform - val to set
      • readMatrix

        public void readMatrix​( raFile,
                               boolean composite)
        Reads transformation matrix to a text file.

        This method reads two formats MIPAV format

         4                    // number of rows in matrix 
         4                    // number of cols in matrix 
         0.234 0.33 0.22 5.0  // matrix info separated by a space 
         0.234 0.33 0.22 10.0 // matrix info separated by a space 
         0.234 0.33 0.22 12.0 // matrix info separated by a space 
         0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0      // matrix info separated by a space.

        Note the above is a homogenous transformation matrix

        FSL or alternate format supported

         0.234  0.33  0.22  5.0 // matrix info separated by 2 spaces 
         0.234  0.33  0.22  5.0 // matrix info separated by 2 spaces 
         0.234  0.33  0.22  5.0 // matrix info separated by 2 spaces
         0  0  0  1             // matrix info separated by 2 spaces

        also note integer values

        raFile - random access file pointer
        composite - if true make a composite matrix of the by multipling this matrix with the one to be read from the file. If false replace this object matrix with a new matrix read from the file.
      • saveMatrix

        public void saveMatrix​(java.lang.String fileName)
        Saves transformation matrix to a text file MIPAV format
        fileName - - file name, including the path
        See Also:
      • saveMatrix

        public void saveMatrix​(java.lang.String fileName,
                               java.lang.String message)
        Saves transformation matrix to a text file MIPAV format
        fileName - - file name, including the path
        message - String, may be null for no message.
        See Also:
      • saveMatrix

        public void saveMatrix​( raFile)
        Saves transformation matrix to a text file MIPAV format
         4                    // number of rows in matrix 
         4                    // number of cols in matrix 
         0.234 0.33 0.22 5.0  // matrix info separated by a space 
         0.234 0.33 0.22 10.0 // matrix info separated by a space 
         0.234 0.33 0.22 12.0 // matrix info separated by a space 
         0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0      // matrix info separated by a space.
        raFile - random access file pointer
        See Also:
      • saveMatrix

        public void saveMatrix​( raFile,
                               java.lang.String message)
        Saves transformation matrix to a text file MIPAV format
         4                    // number of rows in matrix 
         4                    // number of cols in matrix 
         0.234 0.33 0.22 5.0  // matrix info separated by a space 
         0.234 0.33 0.22 10.0 // matrix info separated by a space 
         0.234 0.33 0.22 12.0 // matrix info separated by a space 
         0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0      // matrix info separated by a space.
        raFile - random access file pointer
        message - String, may be null for no message.
      • saveXFMMatrix

        public void saveXFMMatrix​( raFile)
        Saves transformation matrix to McGill XFM format
        raFile - random access file pointer
      • copyMatrix

        public void copyMatrix​(double[][] newMatrix)
        Copies provided transformation matrix.
        newMatrix - 2D array to copy, 3x3 or 4x4
      • getColumn

        public void getColumn​(int r,
                              double[] column)
        Copy our data into the provided double array
        r - row to copy
        column - place to put column data, length 3 or 4
      • setMatrix

        public void setMatrix​(int i0,
                              int i1,
                              int j0,
                              int j1,
                              double[][] X)
        Set a submatrix. Borrowed from Jama, useful for copying a Jama matrix M by passing in M.getArray() for param X
        i0 - Initial row index
        i1 - Final row index
        j0 - Initial column index
        j1 - Final column index
        X - A(i0:i1,j0:j1)
        java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - Submatrix indices
      • setMatrix

        public void setMatrix​(double[][] X)
        Set a submatrix. Borrowed from Jama, useful for copying a Jama matrix M by passing in M.getArray() for param X
        X - A(i0:i1,j0:j1)
        java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - Submatrix indices
      • setRotate

        public void setRotate​(double theta)
        Sets the rotation (2D) of transformation matrix.
        theta - angle of rotation, in degrees
      • setRotate

        public void setRotate​(WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3d alpha,
                              WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3d beta,
                              WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3d gamma)
        Sets rotation (3D) of transformation matrix.
        alpha - row0
        beta - row1
        gamma - row2
      • setRotate

        public void setRotate​(double thetaX,
                              double thetaY,
                              double thetaZ,
                              int degreeORradian)
        Sets rotation (3D) of transformation matrix.
        thetaX - angle (degrees or radians) of rotation about the X axis;
        thetaY - angle (degrees or radians) of rotation about the Y axis;
        thetaZ - angle (degrees or radians) of rotation about the Z axis;
        degreeORradian - DEGREES or RADIANS
      • setSkew

        public void setSkew​(double x,
                            double y)
        Sets skew part of 2D matrix.
        x - Skew x parameter.
        y - Skew y parameter.
      • setSkew

        public void setSkew​(double x,
                            double y,
                            double z)
        Sets the skew parts of 3D matrix (4D Homogenous).
        x - x skew
        y - y skew
        z - z skew
      • setTransform

        public void setTransform​(double tX,
                                 double tY,
                                 double r)
        Sets 2D transformation matrix.
        tX - x translation
        tY - y translation
        r - rotation angle in degrees, about unseen z axis
      • setTransform

        public void setTransform​(double tX,
                                 double tY,
                                 double tZ,
                                 double rX,
                                 double rY,
                                 double rZ)
        Sets the 3D transformation matrix [4x4].
        tX - x translation
        tY - y translation
        tZ - z translation
        rX - x rotation angle in degrees
        rY - y rotation angle in degrees
        rZ - z rotation angle in degrees
      • setTransform

        public void setTransform​(double tX,
                                 double tY,
                                 double tZ,
                                 double rX,
                                 double rY,
                                 double rZ,
                                 double sX,
                                 double sY,
                                 double sZ,
                                 double skX,
                                 double skY,
                                 double skZ)
        Sets the 3D transformation matrix [4x4].
        tX - x translation
        tY - y translation
        tZ - z translation
        rX - x rotation angle in degrees
        rY - y rotation angle in degrees
        rZ - z rotation angle in degrees
        sX - x scale
        sY - y scale
        sZ - z scale
        skX - x skew
        skY - y skew
        skZ - z skew
      • setTranslate

        public void setTranslate​(double x,
                                 double y)
        Sets translation parts of 2D matrix.
        x - x translation
        y - y translation
      • setTranslate

        public void setTranslate​(double x,
                                 double y,
                                 double z)
        Sets the translation parts of 3D matrix (4D Homogenous).
        x - x translation
        y - y translation
        z - z translation
      • setZoom

        public void setZoom​(double sx,
                            double sy)
        Sets the zoom parts of 2D matrix.
        sx - zoom in the x coordinate
        sy - zoom in the y coordinate
      • setZoom

        public void setZoom​(double sx,
                            double sy,
                            double sz)
        Sets the zoom parts of 3D matrix.
        sx - zoom in the x coordinate
        sy - zoom in the y coordinate
        sz - zoom in the z coordinate
      • toDialogString

        public java.lang.String toDialogString()
        Produces a string of the matrix values, rows separated by tabs.
        formatted string
      • transform

        public final java.awt.Polygon transform​(java.awt.Polygon gon)
        Tranforms a Polygon (2D).
        gon - input polygon
        returns new transformed Polygon
      • transformAsPoint2Dd

        public final void transformAsPoint2Dd​(WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector2d[] vects,
                                              WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector2d[] tVects)
        Takes an array of Point2Dd 2D vectors and multiplies them with the 2d transformation matrix.
        vects - double vectors to be transformed
        tVects - transformed vectors
      • transformAsVector3Dd

        public final void transformAsVector3Dd​(WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3d[] vects,
                                               WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3d[] tVects)
        Takes an array of Vector3Dd 2D vectors and multiplies them with the 2d transformation matrix.
        vects - double vectors to be transformed
        tVects - transformed vectors
      • transformAsVector3Dd

        public final void transformAsVector3Dd​(VOIBase vects,
                                               WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3d[] tVects)
        Takes an array of Vector3Dd 2D vectors and multiplies them with the 2d transformation matrix.
        vects - double vectors to be transformed
        tVects - transformed vectors
      • transform

        public final void transform​(double[] pt,
                                    double[] tPt)
        Takes a 3D or 2D point (as a double array) and premultiplies it by the 3D transformation matrix.
        pt - coordinate to be transformed
        tPt - transformed point
      • transform

        public final void transform​(float[] pt,
                                    float[] tPt)
        Takes a 3D point, as a float array, and premultiplies it by the 3D transformation matrix.
        pt - coordinate to be transformed
        tPt - the transformed point
      • transformAsPoint3Dd

        public final void transformAsPoint3Dd​(WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3d pt,
                                              WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3d tPt)
        Takes a Point3Dd 3D point and multiplies it by the 3D transformation matrix.
        pt - 3D double point to be transformed
        tPt - transformed point
      • transform

        public final void transform​(double x,
                                    double y,
                                    double[] tPt)
        Takes double components of a 2D point and premultiplies it by the 2d transformation matrix.
        x - x coordinate to be transformd
        y - y coordinate to be transformd
        tPt - transformed point
      • transform

        public final void transform​(float x,
                                    float y,
                                    float[] tPt)
        Takes float components of a 2D point and premultiplies it by the 2d transformation matrix.
        x - x coordinate to be transformed
        y - y coordinate to be transformed
        tPt - transformed point
      • transform

        public final void transform​(double x,
                                    double y,
                                    double z,
                                    double[] tPt)
        Takes the double components of a 3D point and premultiplies it by the 3D transformation matrix.
        x - x coordinate to be transformed
        y - y coordinate to be transformed
        z - z coordinate to be transformed
        tPt - transformed point
      • transform

        public final void transform​(float x,
                                    float y,
                                    float z,
                                    float[] tPt)
        Takes the float components of a 3D point and premultiplies it by the 3D transformation matrix.
        x - x coordinate to be transformed
        y - y coordinate to be transformed
        z - z coordinate to be transformed
        tPt - the transformed point
      • getTransformID

        public final int getTransformID()
        Returns the transform ID associated with the matrix.
        int transform ID
      • getTransformIDFromStr

        public static int getTransformIDFromStr​(java.lang.String s)
        Returns the transform ID associated with a string.
        s - String to test
        data type
      • getTransformIDStr

        public static java.lang.String[] getTransformIDStr()
        Return the list of transform ID strings (for edit attributes combo box.
        string [] of transform ID
      • getTransformIDStr

        public static java.lang.String getTransformIDStr​(int m)
        Return the string associated with the matrix transform ID.
        m - transform ID
        the string associated with the transform ID
      • setTransformID

        public void setTransformID​(int t_id)
        Sets the transform ID for the matrix.
        t_id - transform ID
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        ToString method that includes the matrix printout as well as the transform ID of the transmatrixd
        toString in class WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Matrix4d
      • decodeLine

        private void decodeLine​( raFile,
                                int row,
                                WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Matrix4d matrix)
        Decodes the line in the matrix file.
        raFile - file pointer
        row - row reference to store transformation matrix
        matrix - the matrix where the data is to be stored
      • Inverse

        public void Inverse()
        Matrix inversion that replaces this objects matrix with an inverted matrix. Special handling for 2D vs 3D cases.
      • matrixToString

        public java.lang.String matrixToString​(int w,
                                               int d)
        Produces a string of the matrix values.
        w - Column width.
        d - Number of digits after the decimal.
        String containing the values from the matrix.