Class VolumeBoundingBox

  • public class VolumeBoundingBox
    extends VolumeObject
    Displays the BoundingBox frame around the volume data in the VolumeViewer.
    See Also:,
    • Field Detail

      • m_akBoundingBox

        private WildMagic.LibGraphics.SceneGraph.TriMesh[] m_akBoundingBox
        The bounding box Polyline array.
      • m_kVertexColor3Shader

        private WildMagic.LibGraphics.Effects.VertexColor3Effect m_kVertexColor3Shader
        The Pre - ShaderEffect for the bounding box.
      • m_akBoundingBoxEffect

        private BoundingBoxEffect[] m_akBoundingBoxEffect
        The ShaderEffect for the bounding box.
    • Constructor Detail

      • VolumeBoundingBox

        public VolumeBoundingBox​(VolumeImage kImageA,
                                 WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f kTranslate,
                                 float fX,
                                 float fY,
                                 float fZ)
        Creates a new bounding box object.
        kImageA - the VolumeImage containing shared data and textures for rendering.
        kTranslate - translation in the scene-graph for this object.
        fX - the size of the volume in the x-dimension (extent * resolutions)
        fY - the size of the volume in the y-dimension (extent * resolutions)
        fZ - the size of the volume in the z-dimension (extent * resolutions)
    • Method Detail

      • dispose

        public void dispose​(WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Renderer kRenderer)
        Delete local memory.
        dispose in class VolumeObject
      • Render

        public void Render​(WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Renderer kRenderer,
                           WildMagic.LibGraphics.SceneGraph.Culler kCuller,
                           boolean bPreRender,
                           boolean bSolid)
        Description copied from class: VolumeObject
        Render the object.
        Specified by:
        Render in class VolumeObject
        kRenderer - the OpenGLRenderer object.
        kCuller - the Culler object.
      • SetBoundingBoxColor

        public void SetBoundingBoxColor​(WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.ColorRGB kColor)
        Called from JPanelDisplay. Sets the bounding box color.
        kColor - bounding box color.
      • SetBackgroundColor

        public void SetBackgroundColor​(WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.ColorRGBA kColor)
        Sets the background color.
        kColor - new background color.
      • CreateBox

        private void CreateBox()
        Creates the bounding box Polylines.