Package gov.nih.mipav.view.renderer.J3D.surfaceview.rfaview
Class Summary Class Description BurnAttributes Class that holds the information about each surface; the BranchGroup which holds the surface subtree, the name of the surface in the dialog, the color of the surface, the shininess of the surface, the level of detail (for clod meshes), the number of triangles (changes with level of detail), the polygon mode (fill, line, or point), and a flag indicating if this is a clod mesh.BurnBase Title: BurnBaseBurnBaseView The default probe burning type view.BurnCoolTipView The default probe burning type view.BurnHeatView The default probe burning type view.BurnRegularView The default probe burning type view.CoolTipProbe The CoolTip probe has its own geometry and type of burning.DefaultProbe Title: DefaultPorbeJDialogBurnParameter DOCUMENT ME!JPanelProbe Dialog to turn slices bounding box of surface renderer on and off, and to change the color of the frame.MaskBurnAttribute Title: MaskBurnAtributeProbe Title: ProbeRegularProbe Title: RegualorProbeThermalProbe Title: ThermalProbeTreatmentInformation Information about a set of burns attempting to treat one of the target surfaces from the target list.