Class BurnHeatView
- java.lang.Object
- gov.nih.mipav.view.renderer.J3D.surfaceview.rfaview.BurnBaseView
- gov.nih.mipav.view.renderer.J3D.surfaceview.rfaview.BurnHeatView
public class BurnHeatView extends BurnBaseView
The default probe burning type view. The class define the thermal probe burning point's geometry shape, and probing path mark behavior.- Author:
- Ruida Cheng
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class gov.nih.mipav.view.renderer.J3D.surfaceview.rfaview.BurnBaseView
BurnBaseView.Edge, BurnBaseView.UnorderedSetInt
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class gov.nih.mipav.view.renderer.J3D.surfaceview.rfaview.BurnBaseView
ambientColor, black, blue, burnColor, burnIndex, burningBG, burnRootParentBG, burnType, cyan, diffuseColor, diffVoxels, emissiveColor, green, indexVector, m_afLength, m_aiConnect, m_aiImage, m_aiMask, m_akAdjacent, m_akVertex, m_fXDelta, m_fYDelta, m_fZDelta, m_iBackThreshold, m_iBrightThreshold, m_iDMax, m_iEQuantity, m_iMaxThreshold, m_iMedianIntensity, m_iMinThreshold, m_iQuantity, m_iTQuantity, m_iVQuantity, m_iXBound, m_iYBound, m_iZBound, m_kCenter, m_kEMap, m_kRotate, maskBurnVector, numBurn, orange, orangeColor, pickCanvas, pink, probePanel, purple, purpleColor, radiusPt, red, sepcualarColor, showLabels, silver, sphereBG, spheres, surfaceRender, textLabelBG, translate, volumeMask, volumeSpaceRadius, yellow
Constructor Summary
Constructors Constructor Description BurnHeatView(SurfaceRender _surfaceRender, JPanelProbe _probePanel, _burnRootParentBG)
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Modifier and Type Method Description void
buildBurnSceneGraph(float radius, float time)
Build the image scene graph structure.void
startBurn(float tipLen, float time, int _index)
Start burning.-
Methods inherited from class gov.nih.mipav.view.renderer.J3D.surfaceview.rfaview.BurnBaseView
buildBurnSceneGraph, buildEntryPoint, buildText, calcTotalVolume, calcVoxels, createSurface, dispose, enableBurnLabels, estimateEllipsoid, findBurnPoint, floodFill, generateEllipsoidMesh, generateSphereMesh, getBurnMask, getColor, getDiffVolume, getIndex, getInsideVoxels, getIntersectX, getIntersectY, getIntersectZ, getRadius, getRotAngle, getShape, getSphereBG, getTranslate, getVolume, histogramAnalysis, markProbe, reGenerateEllipsoidMesh, reGenerateSphereMesh, setMaskBurnVector, setVolumeMask
Constructor Detail
public BurnHeatView(SurfaceRender _surfaceRender, JPanelProbe _probePanel, _burnRootParentBG)
Constructor. Setup the burning point related branch groups.- Parameters:
- SurfaceRender refernece._probePanel
- JPanelProbe probe control panel reference._burnRootParentBG
- BranchGroup root of the burning point.
Method Detail
public void buildBurnSceneGraph(float radius, float time)
Build the image scene graph structure.- Overrides:
in classBurnBaseView
- Parameters:
- burning point sphere radiustime
- burning point burning time duration.
public void startBurn(float tipLen, float time, int _index)
Start burning. Show the burning sphere and probing path.- Overrides:
in classBurnBaseView
- Parameters:
- the length of the probe tip (cm)time
- the time spent burning_index
- index of the new burn