Class SurfaceAttributes

  • public class SurfaceAttributes
    extends java.lang.Object
    Class that holds the information about each surface displayed in the SurfaceRenderer. It is the main surface data structure used in the JPanelSurface, FileSurface, and SurfaceMask classes. SurfaceAttributes contains one or more triangle-mesh objects. The triangle-meshes may be of type ClodMesh or of type ModelTriangleMesh. The mIsClodMesh data member, when true indicates that the meshes are of type ClodMesh and when false indicates that the meshes are of type ModelTriangleMesh. Each data member represents global properties of all triangle meshes contained in this class. For example the area and volume values are the sums of the volumes and areas of each mesh contained in the object.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      private float mArea
      Total area of triangle meshes.
      private javax.vecmath.Point3f mCenter
      Surface center.
      private javax.vecmath.Color4f mColor
      Color of surface.
      private java.lang.String mFullPath
      The full path to the surface file.
      private boolean mIsClodMesh
      true indicates that this surface is a clod mesh, false that it is a standard triangle mesh; clod meshes can change level of detail, triangle meshes cannot.
      private int mLevelDetail
      Detail level of surface; only applies to clod meshes.
      private mMaterial
      Surface Material.
      private java.lang.String mName
      Name of surface displayed in list box.
      private int mNumberTriangles
      Total number of triangles in the meshes.
      private float mOpacity
      opacity of surface.
      private javax.vecmath.Color4f[][] mPerVertexColors_Backup
      Color of surface.
      private int mPolygonMode
      Polygon mode of surface, one of PolygonAttribute.POLYGON_FILL, PolygonAttribute.POLYGON_LINE, or PolygonAttribute.POLYGON_POINT.
      private mSurfaceBranchGroup
      Surface subtree, holds all the Shape3D objects that make up the surface.
      private java.util.BitSet mSurfaceMask
      mSurfaceMask represents the intersection of the ModelImage volume data with the triangle-meshes.
      private[] mSurfaceShape
      Shape3D[] array
      private ModelTriangleMesh[] mTriangleMesh
      private float mVolume
      Total volume of triangle meshes.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      private void backupColors()
      Stores the per-vertex colors when the material is set -- used to restore per-vertex color from the AdvancedMaterials dialog.
      private copyMaterial​( material)  
      float getArea()
      Return the surface area of the ModelTriangleMesh objects. getBranch()
      returns the BranchGroup from the scene graph
      javax.vecmath.Point3f getCenter()
      Gets the center of the ModelTriangleMesh objects.
      javax.vecmath.Color3f getColor3()
      Gets a Color3f copy of the surface color.
      javax.vecmath.Color4f getColor4f()
      Gets the surface color.
      WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.ColorRGBA getColorRGBA()
      Gets the surface color.
      java.lang.String getFullPath()
      Returns the file pathname of the surface, if the surface was loaded from file.
      boolean getIsClodMesh()
      Returns if the mesh is type ClodMesh or ModelTriangleMesh.
      int getLevelDetail()
      returns the level of detail
      java.util.BitSet getMask()
      returns the surface mask data getMaterial()
      returns a new copy of the Material.
      ModelTriangleMesh[] getMesh()
      returns the array of ModelTriangleMesh objects.
      java.lang.String getName()
      Returns the file name of the surface, if the surface was loaded from file.
      int getNumberTriangles()
      Gets the number of triangles of the ModelTriangleMesh objects.
      float getOpacity()
      returns the surface opacity
      javax.vecmath.Color4f[][] getPerVertexColorArray()
      Get the per-vertex color array.
      int getPolygonMode()
      Returns the polgyon mode.[] getShape()
      returns the array of Shape3D objects.
      float getVolume()
      Gets the surface volume.
      void restorePerVertexColors​( material)
      Restores the ModelTriangleMesh per-vertex colors to the saved per-vertex colors.
      void restoreVertexColors()
      Restores the ModelTriangleMesh per-vertex colors to the surface color.
      void setArea​(float area)
      Sets the value of the surface area of the ModelTriangleMesh objects.
      void setBranch​( branch)
      sets the BranchGroup in the scene graph that renders the surface.
      void setColor​(javax.vecmath.Color4f color)
      Sets the surface color.
      void setIsClodMesh​(boolean isClod)
      Sets the clod mesh flag.
      void setLevelDetail​(int levelDetail)
      sets the level of detail for the ClodMesh
      void setMask​(java.util.BitSet mask)
      Sets the volume mask data -- the intersection of the triangle mesh with the volume data.
      void setMaterial​( material)
      sets the surface Material. the Material diffuse color is used to set the color value as well.
      void setMesh​(ModelTriangleMesh[] mesh)
      sets the array of ModelTriangleMesh objects:
      void setNumberTriangles​(int nTriangles)
      Sets the number of triangles of the ModelTriangleMesh objects.
      void setOpacity​(float opacity)
      sets the surface Opacity.
      void setPerVertexColorArray​(javax.vecmath.Color4f[] color, int index)
      Set the per-vertex color array.
      void setPolygonMode​(int mode)
      Sets the surface polygon mode.
      void setShape​([] surfaceShape)
      sets the array of Shape3D objects:
      void setVolume​(float volume)
      Sets the value of the surface volume.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • mIsClodMesh

        private boolean mIsClodMesh
        true indicates that this surface is a clod mesh, false that it is a standard triangle mesh; clod meshes can change level of detail, triangle meshes cannot.
      • mSurfaceMask

        private java.util.BitSet mSurfaceMask
        mSurfaceMask represents the intersection of the ModelImage volume data with the triangle-meshes. It is a filled-volume mask.
      • mSurfaceBranchGroup

        private mSurfaceBranchGroup
        Surface subtree, holds all the Shape3D objects that make up the surface.
      • mSurfaceShape

        private[] mSurfaceShape
        Shape3D[] array
      • mColor

        private javax.vecmath.Color4f mColor
        Color of surface.
      • mPerVertexColors_Backup

        private javax.vecmath.Color4f[][] mPerVertexColors_Backup
        Color of surface.
      • mMaterial

        private mMaterial
        Surface Material.
      • mOpacity

        private float mOpacity
        opacity of surface.
      • mLevelDetail

        private int mLevelDetail
        Detail level of surface; only applies to clod meshes.
      • mPolygonMode

        private int mPolygonMode
        Polygon mode of surface, one of PolygonAttribute.POLYGON_FILL, PolygonAttribute.POLYGON_LINE, or PolygonAttribute.POLYGON_POINT.
      • mFullPath

        private java.lang.String mFullPath
        The full path to the surface file.
      • mName

        private java.lang.String mName
        Name of surface displayed in list box.
      • mNumberTriangles

        private int mNumberTriangles
        Total number of triangles in the meshes. Changes with level of detail.
      • mVolume

        private float mVolume
        Total volume of triangle meshes. Changes with level of detail.
      • mArea

        private float mArea
        Total area of triangle meshes. Changes with level of detail.
      • mCenter

        private javax.vecmath.Point3f mCenter
        Surface center.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SurfaceAttributes

        public SurfaceAttributes​(ModelTriangleMesh[] mesh,
                                 java.lang.String fullPath,
                                 java.lang.String name)
        Constructor. Most common usage of SurfaceAttributes.
        mesh - array of ModelTriangleMesh objects the SurfaceAttributes describes
        fullPath - directory/file name containing the triangle mesh
        name - file name
    • Method Detail

      • setMesh

        public void setMesh​(ModelTriangleMesh[] mesh)
        sets the array of ModelTriangleMesh objects:
        mesh - array of ModelTriangleMesh objects.
      • getMesh

        public ModelTriangleMesh[] getMesh()
        returns the array of ModelTriangleMesh objects.
        mTriangleMesh, the array of ModelTriangleMesh objects.
      • setShape

        public void setShape​([] surfaceShape)
        sets the array of Shape3D objects:
        surfaceShape - array of Shape3D objects.
      • getShape

        public[] getShape()
        returns the array of Shape3D objects.
        mSurfaceShape, the array of Shape3D objects.
      • setMaterial

        public void setMaterial​( material)
        sets the surface Material. the Material diffuse color is used to set the color value as well.
        material - new surface Material.
      • backupColors

        private void backupColors()
        Stores the per-vertex colors when the material is set -- used to restore per-vertex color from the AdvancedMaterials dialog.
      • getPerVertexColorArray

        public javax.vecmath.Color4f[][] getPerVertexColorArray()
        Get the per-vertex color array.
        mPerVertexColors_Backup surface color array.
      • setPerVertexColorArray

        public void setPerVertexColorArray​(javax.vecmath.Color4f[] color,
                                           int index)
        Set the per-vertex color array.
        color - stored per vertex color array reference.
      • getMaterial

        public getMaterial()
        returns a new copy of the Material.
        mMaterial, a new copy of the surface Material.
      • copyMaterial

        private copyMaterial​( material)
      • setOpacity

        public void setOpacity​(float opacity)
        sets the surface Opacity.
        opacity - new opacity value.
      • getOpacity

        public float getOpacity()
        returns the surface opacity
        mOpacity, surface opacity.
      • setLevelDetail

        public void setLevelDetail​(int levelDetail)
        sets the level of detail for the ClodMesh
        levelDetail - the level of detail
      • getLevelDetail

        public int getLevelDetail()
        returns the level of detail
        mLevelDetail, the level of detail
      • setBranch

        public void setBranch​( branch)
        sets the BranchGroup in the scene graph that renders the surface.
        branch - BranchGroup in the scenegraph
      • getBranch

        public getBranch()
        returns the BranchGroup from the scene graph
        mSurfaceBranchGroup, the BranchGroup containing the mesh
      • setMask

        public void setMask​(java.util.BitSet mask)
        Sets the volume mask data -- the intersection of the triangle mesh with the volume data.
        mask - the BitSet mask data
      • getMask

        public java.util.BitSet getMask()
        returns the surface mask data
        mSurfaceMask, intersection of the triangle mesh with the volume data.
      • setIsClodMesh

        public void setIsClodMesh​(boolean isClod)
        Sets the clod mesh flag.
        isClod - when true the mesh is of type ClodMesh, when false the mesh is ModelTriangleMesh
      • getIsClodMesh

        public boolean getIsClodMesh()
        Returns if the mesh is type ClodMesh or ModelTriangleMesh.
        mIsClodMesh, true when the mesh is type ClodMesh, false when the mesh is type ModelTriangleMesh
      • getName

        public java.lang.String getName()
        Returns the file name of the surface, if the surface was loaded from file.
        mName, the surface file name, or surface name.
      • getFullPath

        public java.lang.String getFullPath()
        Returns the file pathname of the surface, if the surface was loaded from file.
        mFullPath, the surface pathname, or null.
      • restoreVertexColors

        public void restoreVertexColors()
        Restores the ModelTriangleMesh per-vertex colors to the surface color. Used to clear all paint or remove the per-vertex texture-based color.
      • restorePerVertexColors

        public void restorePerVertexColors​( material)
        Restores the ModelTriangleMesh per-vertex colors to the saved per-vertex colors.
        material - the material to restore.
      • setColor

        public void setColor​(javax.vecmath.Color4f color)
        Sets the surface color. Also sets the Material diffuse, specular, and ambient colors.
        color - the new surface Color.
      • getColorRGBA

        public WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.ColorRGBA getColorRGBA()
        Gets the surface color.
        mColor, the surface color.
      • getColor4f

        public javax.vecmath.Color4f getColor4f()
        Gets the surface color.
        mColor, the surface color.
      • getColor3

        public javax.vecmath.Color3f getColor3()
        Gets a Color3f copy of the surface color.
        a Color3f copy of the surface color.
      • setPolygonMode

        public void setPolygonMode​(int mode)
        Sets the surface polygon mode. PolygonAttributes.POLYGON_FILL, PolygonAttributes.POLYGON_LINE, or PolygonAttributes.POLYGON_POINT
        mode - PolygonAttributes mode
      • getPolygonMode

        public int getPolygonMode()
        Returns the polgyon mode.
        mPolygonMode PolygonAttributes.POLYGON_FILL, PolygonAttributes.POLYGON_LINE, or PolygonAttributes.POLYGON_POINT
      • setVolume

        public void setVolume​(float volume)
        Sets the value of the surface volume.
        volume - the surface volume contained in the ModelTriangleMesh objects.
      • getVolume

        public float getVolume()
        Gets the surface volume.
        the volume contained within the ModelTriangleMesh objects.
      • setArea

        public void setArea​(float area)
        Sets the value of the surface area of the ModelTriangleMesh objects.
        area - the surface area of the ModelTriangleMesh objects.
      • getArea

        public float getArea()
        Return the surface area of the ModelTriangleMesh objects.
        area, the surface area of the ModelTriangleMesh objects.
      • setNumberTriangles

        public void setNumberTriangles​(int nTriangles)
        Sets the number of triangles of the ModelTriangleMesh objects.
        nTriangles - the number of triangles of the ModelTriangleMesh objects.
      • getNumberTriangles

        public int getNumberTriangles()
        Gets the number of triangles of the ModelTriangleMesh objects.
        nNumberTriangles, the number of triangles of the ModelTriangleMesh objects.
      • getCenter

        public javax.vecmath.Point3f getCenter()
        Gets the center of the ModelTriangleMesh objects.
        mCenter, the center of the ModelTriangleMesh objects.