Class FileSurface_J3D

  • public class FileSurface_J3D
    extends java.lang.Object
    FileSurface. Reads and writes surface files for the JPanelSurface class. When surface files are loaded by the user in the class through the "Add" button, when surfaces are loaded as surfaces attached to .xml image files, or surfaces loaded through the FlyThruRender class. Any time a surface file is read from disk for display in the JPanelSurface (SurfaceRender) class the class is used to provide the interface. Loaded surfaces are returned in an array of SurfaceAttributes[] which are then used to add the surfaces to the SurfaceRender scene graph.

    This class also handles saving files from the JPanelSurface class. Surfaces are saved as surface files (.sur), single-level (.wrl), multi-level (.wrl) or XML surfaces (.xml).

    See Also:,,,,,
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      private static java.lang.String getFileName​(boolean bLoad)
      Calls a dialog to get a file name.
      private static[] openFiles​(boolean bLoad)
      Returns an array of File objects, based on the user-selected files from the FileChooser dialog.
      static SurfaceAttributes[] openSurfaces​(ModelImage kImage, int iListSize)
      The action taken when the Add button is clicked in the JPanelSurface class.
      static SurfaceAttributes readSurface​(ModelImage kImage, file, javax.vecmath.Color4f color)
      Load a triangle mesh from the specified file and assign to it the specified color.
      private static void saveMultiMesh​(ModelImage kImage, SurfaceAttributes[] surfaces)
      Writes multiple surfaces to one file.
      private static void savePortableMesh​(ModelImage kImage, ModelTriangleMesh[] meshes, kOut, javax.vecmath.Color3f color)
      Saves a single level of detail to a mesh file.
      private static void saveSingleMesh​(ModelImage kImage, ModelTriangleMesh[] meshes, boolean isSur, javax.vecmath.Color4f color, SurfaceAttributes surfacesAttribute)
      Saves a single level of detail to a mesh file.
      private static void saveSingleMesh​(java.lang.String name, ModelImage kImage, ModelTriangleMesh[] meshes, boolean isSur, javax.vecmath.Color4f color, javax.vecmath.Color4f[][] perVertexColorArray)
      Saves a single level of detail to a mesh file.
      static void saveSurfaces​(ModelImage kImage, SurfaceAttributes[] akSurfaces, java.lang.String kCommand)
      The action taken when the one of the save surface buttons is pressed in the JPanelSurface class.
      private static void subTriangles​(ModelImage kImage, float sx1, float sy1, float sz1, float sx2, float sy2, float sz2, float sx3, float sy3, float sz3)
      Subdivide the triangle.
      private static void writeTriangleMeshXML​(ModelImage kImage, ModelTriangleMesh[] kMesh, SurfaceAttributes surface, javax.vecmath.Color4f color)
      Writes a ModelTriangleMesh and Material to disk in the xml format, based on surface.xsd.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • FileSurface_J3D

        public FileSurface_J3D()
    • Method Detail

      • openSurfaces

        public static SurfaceAttributes[] openSurfaces​(ModelImage kImage,
                                                       int iListSize)
        The action taken when the Add button is clicked in the JPanelSurface class. A file dialog is launched that allows the user to select new surfaces to load from disk.
        kImage - the ModelImage displayed in the SurfaceRender class
        iListSize - the current number of triangle-mesh surfaces displayed in the SurfaceRender class (for calculating the surface color)
        SurfaceAttributes[] an array of surfaces described by their SurfaceAttributes, used to add the surfaces to a scene graph.
      • readSurface

        public static SurfaceAttributes readSurface​(ModelImage kImage,
                                                    javax.vecmath.Color4f color)
        Load a triangle mesh from the specified file and assign to it the specified color.
        kImage - ModelImage displayed in the SurfaceRender class
        file - The triangle mesh file to load.
        color - The diffuse and specular color for the surface material.
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • saveSurfaces

        public static void saveSurfaces​(ModelImage kImage,
                                        SurfaceAttributes[] akSurfaces,
                                        java.lang.String kCommand)
        The action taken when the one of the save surface buttons is pressed in the JPanelSurface class. A file dialog is launched that allows the user to select where to save the surfaces.
        kImage - the ModelImage displayed in the SurfaceRender class
        akSurfaces - an array of surfaces described by their SurfaceAttributes, containing information that is saved with the ModelTriangleMesh
        kCommand - the type of save operation to perform
      • getFileName

        private static java.lang.String getFileName​(boolean bLoad)
        Calls a dialog to get a file name.
        bLoad - if true, make it a load dialog.
        File name.
      • openFiles

        private static[] openFiles​(boolean bLoad)
        Returns an array of File objects, based on the user-selected files from the FileChooser dialog.
        bLoad - whether the files are opened for reading (bLoad = true) or writing (bLoad = false)
        File[] array of opened files.
      • saveMultiMesh

        private static void saveMultiMesh​(ModelImage kImage,
                                          SurfaceAttributes[] surfaces)
        Writes multiple surfaces to one file.
        kImage - the ModelImage the surface is associated with.
        surfaces - the list of surfaces to save.
      • savePortableMesh

        private static void savePortableMesh​(ModelImage kImage,
                                             ModelTriangleMesh[] meshes,
                                             javax.vecmath.Color3f color)
        Saves a single level of detail to a mesh file.
        kImage - ModelImage displayed in the SurfaceRender object.
        meshes - ModelTriangleMesh[] The triangle meshes that make up that level of detail surface.
        kOut - PrintWriter File output reference
        color - Color3f surface color
        Throws: - IOException
      • saveSingleMesh

        private static void saveSingleMesh​(ModelImage kImage,
                                           ModelTriangleMesh[] meshes,
                                           boolean isSur,
                                           javax.vecmath.Color4f color,
                                           SurfaceAttributes surfacesAttribute)
        Saves a single level of detail to a mesh file. Opens a file dialog to get the output file name from the user.
        kImage - ModelImage displayed in the SurfaceRender object
        meshes - The triangle meshes that make up that level of detail surface.
        isSur - true if .sur file, otherwise .wrl file
        color - surface color
      • saveSingleMesh

        private static void saveSingleMesh​(java.lang.String name,
                                           ModelImage kImage,
                                           ModelTriangleMesh[] meshes,
                                           boolean isSur,
                                           javax.vecmath.Color4f color,
                                           javax.vecmath.Color4f[][] perVertexColorArray)
        Saves a single level of detail to a mesh file. The file name is passed as a parameter.
        name - the file name
        kImage - ModelImage displayed in the SurfaceRender object
        meshes - The triangle meshes that make up that level of detail surface.
        isSur - true if .sur file, otherwise .wrl file
        color - surface color
        perVertexColorArray - color per vertex array
      • subTriangles

        private static void subTriangles​(ModelImage kImage,
                                         float sx1,
                                         float sy1,
                                         float sz1,
                                         float sx2,
                                         float sy2,
                                         float sz2,
                                         float sx3,
                                         float sy3,
                                         float sz3)
        Subdivide the triangle.
        kImage - the ModelImage displayed in the SurfaceRender object
        sx1 - float
        sy1 - float
        sz1 - float
        sx2 - float
        sy2 - float
        sz2 - float
        sx3 - float
        sy3 - float
        sz3 - float
      • writeTriangleMeshXML

        private static void writeTriangleMeshXML​(ModelImage kImage,
                                                 ModelTriangleMesh[] kMesh,
                                                 SurfaceAttributes surface,
                                                 javax.vecmath.Color4f color)
        Writes a ModelTriangleMesh and Material to disk in the xml format, based on surface.xsd.
        kMesh - ModelTriangleMesh surface mesh
        surface - Material material reference.