DijkstraMinCostPath |
Implementation of the Dijkstra minimum cost path algorithm through a binary volume.
FileFilterExt |
A simple file filter to select only files with the specified extensions for display in a JFileChooser instance.
FlyPathGraph |
Basic graph structure which identifies relationship between nodes by their indexes.
FlyPathGraphCurve |
This class is an implementation of a bidirectional graph of nodes where each node is a curve segment used to define
branched paths.
FlyPathGraphSamples |
Extension of the FlyPathGraph class which allows for the storage of the samples used to generate the individual
curves where curves are the nodes of the graph.
JPanelFlythruMove |
Title: JPanelFlythruMove
JpegImagesToMovie |
This program takes a list of JPEG image files and convert them into a QuickTime movie.
ModelImage3DLayout |
Used to store the information and layout which describes a volume of data.
ModelImage3DLayout.GradientNeighbors |
Stores the indexes into a linear array for the samples to use in computing finite difference based gradients as
ModelLUTHelper |
A helper class to map image values to RGB colors.
MovieMaker |
This class creates AVIs (.avi) out of a list of JPEG files or out of an array of java.awt.Image objects.
MovieMaker.AWTImageSourceStream |
The java.awt.Image-based source stream to go along with ImageDataSource.
MovieMaker.ImageDataSource |
A DataSource to read from a list of JPEG image files or java.awt.Images, and turn that into a stream of JMF
MovieMaker.JpegSourceStream |
The jpeg-based source stream to go along with ImageDataSource.
Skeleton3D |
Implementation of the 3D skeletonization of a binary volume based on the paper "Penalized-distance volumetric
skeleton algorithm"; I.