Class FlyPathGraphCurve

  • public class FlyPathGraphCurve
    extends FlyPathGraph
    This class is an implementation of a bidirectional graph of nodes where each node is a curve segment used to define branched paths. Each curve is represented by a Curve3 instance.
    • Field Detail

      • m_kListCurvePosition

        protected java.util.ArrayList<WildMagic.LibFoundation.Curves.BSplineCurve3f> m_kListCurvePosition
        Storage for the arrays of position for each curve. The size of these arrays must match and the entries must correspond for the same index. The size of these arrays must also match the size of the arrays in the base class, and must correspond for the same index.
    • Constructor Detail

      • FlyPathGraphCurve

        public FlyPathGraphCurve()
        Construct and empty list of curves.
      • FlyPathGraphCurve

        public FlyPathGraphCurve​(FlyPathGraphSamples kGraphSamples,
                                 float fFractionNumControlPoints,
                                 int iDegree)
        Create a new graph with the same structure as this graph but with each node having a BSpline approximation for each of the points (and boundary distances) for each node.
        kGraphSamples - FlyPathGraphSamples Instance of graph of samples to be replicated but with BSpline approximated curves.
        fFractionNumControlPoints - float This is the value in range [0,1] which represents how many control points to select for the curve fit of the path, as a fraction of the number of the total number of points along the path.
        iDegree - int BSpline degree to use for all approximated curves.
      • FlyPathGraphCurve

        public FlyPathGraphCurve​(WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f[] akVec,
                                 int iNumControlPoints,
                                 int iDegree)
        Create a new graph with the same structure as this graph but with each node having a BSpline approximation for each of the points (and boundary distances) for each node.
        akVec - points array
        iNumControlPoints - number of control points
        iDegree - int BSpline degree to use for all approximated curves.
    • Method Detail

      • getArrayCurvePosition

        public WildMagic.LibFoundation.Curves.Curve3f[] getArrayCurvePosition()
        Access the entire array of curves which define the positions of points along the path in 3D that is associated with this node.
        Curve3[] Array of parameterized curves for 3D positions.
      • getCurvePosition

        public WildMagic.LibFoundation.Curves.Curve3f getCurvePosition​(int iIndex)
        Access the curve which defines the positions of points along the path in 3D that is associated with this node.
        iIndex - int Index into the list of stored curves.
        Curve3 Parameterized curve for 3D positions.