Class CDVector

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class CDVector
    extends CVisDVector
    This is the Java modified version of C++ active appearance model API (AAM_API). It is modified with a subset of required functions for automatic MRI prostate segmentation. AAM-API LICENSE - file: license.txt This software is freely available for non-commercial use such as research and education. Please see the full disclaimer below. All publications describing work using this software should cite the reference given below. Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Mikkel B. Stegmann, IMM, Informatics & Mathematical Modelling DTU, Technical University of Denmark Richard Petersens Plads, Building 321 DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark REFERENCES Please use the reference below, when writing articles, reports etc. where the AAM-API has been used. A draft version the article is available from the homepage. I will be happy to receive pre- or reprints of such articles. /Mikkel ------------- M. B. Stegmann, B. K. Ersboll, R. Larsen, "FAME -- A Flexible Appearance Modelling Environment", IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, IEEE, 2003 (to appear) ------------- 3RD PART SOFTWARE The software is partly based on the following libraries: - The Microsoft(tm) Vision Software Developers Kit, VisSDK - LAPACK DISCLAIMER This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the author be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any non-commercial purpose, and to alter it, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. -- No guarantees of performance accompany this software, nor is any responsibility assumed on the part of the author or IMM. This software is provided by Mikkel B. Stegmann and IMM ``as is'' and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall IMM or Mikkel B. Stegmann be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage. $Revision: 1.4 $ $Date: 2003/04/23 14:49:15 $ Copyright (c) 1999-2001 by Informatics & Mathmatical Modelling, Section for Image Analysis IMM, Informatics & Mathmatical Modelling Technical University of Denmark Richard Petersens Plads Building 321 DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark Original author: Rune Fisker Current author: Mikkel B. Stegmann - Contributions: Lars Pedersen -, Henrik Aanaes -, + several other peoples at IMM. Vector operations for AAM model.
    Ruida Cheng
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static int __dbl_cmp_asc​(double[] arg1, double[] arg2)
      static compare functions for the Sort() function
      static int __dbl_cmp_des​(double[] arg1, double[] arg2)  
      void Abs()
      Takes the absolute valueof each element.
      void AlignTo​(CDVector v)  
      void AlignTo​(CDVector v, double[] pA, double[] pB)
      Linear alignment of this vector to another vector using the L2 norm.
      CDVector assign​(double value)
      Assignment operator.
      CDVector assign​(double[] value)
      Assignment operator.
      CDVector assign​(CDVector vIn)
      Assignment operator.
      CDVector assign​(CVisDVector vIn)
      Assignment operator.
      double AutoCorrelation​(int lag)
      Calculates the autocorrelation of the vector with a given lag (default lag is 1).
      void Ceil()
      Takes ceil() of each element.
      void Clamp​(double min, double max)
      Clamps the vector to [min,max].
      void CrossProduct​(CDVector v1, CDVector v2)
      Forms the cross product of two vectors and store the result in this.
      void ElementDivide​(CDVector vector)
      Divide two vectors element-wise.
      void ElementMultiply​(CDVector vector)
      Multiplies two vectors element-wise.
      void Eq​(double B, CDVector C)
      Equal - compares a vector and a double.
      void Eq​(CDVector B, CDVector C)
      Equal - compares a vector and a vector.
      void Floor()
      Takes floor() of each element.
      void FromFile​( fh)
      Reads a vector from disk in binary format.
      void FromFile​(java.lang.String sFilename)
      Reads a vector from disk in binary format.
      void Ge​(double B, CDVector C)
      Greater Than or Equal - compares a double and a vector.
      void Ge​(CDVector B, CDVector C)
      Greater Than or Equal - compares a vector and a vector.
      void Gt​(double B, CDVector C)
      Greater Than - compares a double and a vector.
      void Gt​(CDVector B, CDVector C)
      Greater Than - compares a vector and a vector.
      void Le​(double B, CDVector C)
      Less Than or Equal - compares a double and a vector.
      void Le​(CDVector B, CDVector C)
      Less Than or Equal - compares a vector and a vector.
      void Linspace​(double x1, double x2, int n)
      Generates a vector of linearly equally spaced points between x1 and x2 (inclusive).
      void Log()
      Takes the natural logarithm of each element.
      void Lt​(double B, CDVector C)
      Less Than - compares a double and a vector.
      void Lt​(CDVector B, CDVector C)
      Less Than - compares a vector and a vector.
      double Max()
      Finds the maximum element in the vector.
      double Mean()
      Calculates the mean value of the vector.
      double Median()
      Calculates the median.
      double Min()
      Finds the minimum element in the vector.
      double Min​(int[] iPos)
      Finds the minimum element in the vector and its position.
      void Ne​(double B, CDVector C)
      Not Equal - compares a double and a vector.
      void Ne​(CDVector B, CDVector C)
      Not Equal - compares a vector and a vector.
      double Norm1()
      Calculates the one-norm (L1) of the vector.
      double Norm2()
      Calculates the two-norm (L2) of the vector.
      void Normalize2()
      Normalizes the vector to unit length, using the 2-norm.
      double NormInf()
      Calculates the infinity-norm (Linf) of the vector.
      void Pow​(double dP)
      Takes the power 'dP' of each element.
      (package private) double quick_select​(double[] arr, int n)  
      void Rand()
      Uniformly distributed random numbers.
      void Rand​(int st, int end)
      Uniformly distributed integer random numbers.
      CDVector Range​(int st, int end)
      Returns a sub range of a vector.
      void Reverse()
      Reverses the vector.
      void Round()
      Takes round() of each element.
      void Shuffle()
      Shuffles (randomizes) the vector.
      double Skewness()
      Calculates the skewness the vector.
      void Sort()  
      void Sort​(boolean ascending)
      Sorts the vector in either ascending (default) or descending order.
      void Sqr()
      Squares each element.
      void Sqrt()
      Takes the square root of each element.
      double Std()
      Calculates the standard deviation the vector.
      double Sum()
      Calculates the sum of the vector.
      void ToFile​( fh)
      Writes the vector to disk in binary format.
      void ToFile​(java.lang.String sFilename)
      Writes the vector to disk in binary format.
      void ToMatlab​(java.lang.String sFilename, java.lang.String sName, java.lang.String sComment, boolean fAppend)
      Writes the vector to disk in MatLab (.m) format.
      void ToMatrix​(int nRows, int nCols, CDMatrix m, boolean rowWise)
      Converts this vector to a matrix, either by row (default) or column.
      java.lang.String ToString​(boolean fNewline)
      Returns a string representing the vector.
      CDVector Trim​(double percentage)
      Removes the extreme 'percentage' part of the vector.
      double TrimmedMean​(double percentage)
      Calculates the trimmed mean.
      double TrimmedStd​(double percentage)
      Calculates the trimmed standard deviation.
      double TrimmedVar​(double percentage)
      Calculates the trimmed variance.
      double Var()  
      double Var​(double[] pMean)
      Calculates the variance the vector.
      CDVector VecCat​(CDVector v)
      Concatenates a vector to the end of this vector.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • RAND_MAX

        public static int RAND_MAX
    • Constructor Detail

      • CDVector

        public CDVector()
      • CDVector

        public CDVector​(int length)
      • CDVector

        public CDVector​(int length,
                        double[] storage)
      • CDVector

        public CDVector​(CDVector vec)
    • Method Detail

      • assign

        public CDVector assign​(CDVector vIn)
        Assignment operator.
        vIn - Input vector.
      • assign

        public CDVector assign​(double value)
        Assignment operator. Sets all element to the input value.
        assign in class CVisDVector
        vIn - Input double.
      • assign

        public CDVector assign​(double[] value)
        Assignment operator.
        value -
      • Max

        public double Max()
        Finds the maximum element in the vector.
        The maximum value of the elements.
      • Min

        public double Min()
        Finds the minimum element in the vector.
        The minimum value of the elements.
      • Min

        public double Min​(int[] iPos)
        Finds the minimum element in the vector and its position.
        The minimum value of the elements and its position.
      • Mean

        public double Mean()
        Calculates the mean value of the vector.
        The mean value.
      • Skewness

        public double Skewness()
        Calculates the skewness the vector.
        The skewness.
      • Std

        public double Std()
        Calculates the standard deviation the vector.
        The skewness.
      • Sum

        public double Sum()
        Calculates the sum of the vector.
        The sum.
      • Var

        public double Var()
      • Var

        public double Var​(double[] pMean)
        Calculates the variance the vector.
        pMean - Optional pointer, where the mean is returned.
        The variance.
      • __dbl_cmp_asc

        public static int __dbl_cmp_asc​(double[] arg1,
                                        double[] arg2)
        static compare functions for the Sort() function
      • __dbl_cmp_des

        public static int __dbl_cmp_des​(double[] arg1,
                                        double[] arg2)
      • Sort

        public void Sort()
      • Sort

        public void Sort​(boolean ascending)
        Sorts the vector in either ascending (default) or descending order. Implemented using the standard array sort().
        ascending - If true (default) the vector is sorted in ascending order. If false its sorted in descending order.
      • Sqr

        public void Sqr()
        Squares each element.
      • Sqrt

        public void Sqrt()
        Takes the square root of each element.
      • Pow

        public void Pow​(double dP)
        Takes the power 'dP' of each element.
        dP - The exponent.
      • ElementMultiply

        public void ElementMultiply​(CDVector vector)
        Multiplies two vectors element-wise. Corresponding MatLab operator ".*".
        vector - The input vector to multiply this vector with.
      • ElementDivide

        public void ElementDivide​(CDVector vector)
        Divide two vectors element-wise. Corresponding MatLab operator "./".
        vector - The input vector to divide this vector with.
      • ToString

        public java.lang.String ToString​(boolean fNewline)
        Returns a string representing the vector.
        fNewline - If true, the string is terminated with a new line.
        The output string.
      • Norm1

        public double Norm1()
        Calculates the one-norm (L1) of the vector. Also known as the city block metric. L1(v) = |x_1| + |x_2| .. + |x_n|
        The L1 norm.
      • Norm2

        public double Norm2()
        Calculates the two-norm (L2) of the vector. Also known as the Euclidean length. L2(v) = sqrt( x_1^2 + x_2^2 .. + x_n^2 )
        Norm2 in class CVisDVector
        The L2 norm.
      • NormInf

        public double NormInf()
        Calculates the infinity-norm (Linf) of the vector. Also known as the Chebyshev Norm. Linf(v) = max( |x_1|, |x_2| ... , |x_n| )
        The L2 norm.
      • Normalize2

        public void Normalize2()
        Normalizes the vector to unit length, using the 2-norm.
      • ToMatlab

        public void ToMatlab​(java.lang.String sFilename,
                             java.lang.String sName,
                             java.lang.String sComment,
                             boolean fAppend)
        Writes the vector to disk in MatLab (.m) format. To read the vector into MatLab write e.g. 'my_vector.m' at the MatLab prompt. Notice that this should be used for storage a (really) large vectors, due to the computational and i/o overhead induced by the simple MatLab text format. Also, remember that MatLab can't read (.m) files with lines longer than 4096 bytes. If no communication with MatLab is needed, but merely to/from disk functionality within a DIVA program, it is suggested to use the fast binary i/o methods ToFile() and FromFile().
        sFilename - Output file name. Should have the extension '.m'.
        sName - Name of destination matlab variable.
        sComment - Optional comment inside the file.
        fAppend - If true, the vector is appended to the file 'sFilename'.
      • ToFile

        public void ToFile​(java.lang.String sFilename)
        Writes the vector to disk in binary format. Use 'readbin.m' to load such a file into MatLab (placed in the diva/matlab dir).
        sFilename - Output file name.
      • FromFile

        public void FromFile​(java.lang.String sFilename)
        Reads a vector from disk in binary format.
        sFilename - Input file name.
      • ToFile

        public void ToFile​( fh)
        Writes the vector to disk in binary format. Use 'readbin.m' to load such a file into MatLab (placed in the diva/matlab dir).
        fh - Open file handle (opened using fopen())
      • FromFile

        public void FromFile​( fh)
        Reads a vector from disk in binary format.
        fh - Open file handle (opened using fopen())
      • Eq

        public void Eq​(double B,
                       CDVector C)
        Equal - compares a vector and a double. Compares of a vector and a double and returns the result as a binary vector i.e.: C(i) = 1 if A(i) == B C(i) = 0 else Corresponding MatLab function EQ()
        B - Input double.
        C - Output result vector.
      • Eq

        public void Eq​(CDVector B,
                       CDVector C)
        Equal - compares a vector and a vector. Compares of a vector and a vector and returns the result as a binary matrix i.e.: C(i) = 1 if A(i) == B C(i) = 0 else Corresponding MatLab function EQ()
        B - Input vector.
        C - Output result vector.
      • Ne

        public void Ne​(double B,
                       CDVector C)
        Not Equal - compares a double and a vector. Compares of a double and a vector and returns the result as a binary matrix i.e.: C(i) = 1 if A(i) != B C(i) = 0 else Corresponding MatLab function NE()
        B - Input double.
        C - Output result vector.
      • Ne

        public void Ne​(CDVector B,
                       CDVector C)
        Not Equal - compares a vector and a vector. Compares of a vector and a vector and returns the result as a binary matrix i.e.: C(i) = 1 if A(i) != B C(i) = 0 else Corresponding MatLab function NE()
        B - Input vector.
        C - Output result vector.
      • Lt

        public void Lt​(double B,
                       CDVector C)
        Less Than - compares a double and a vector. Compares of a double and a vector and returns the result as a binary matrix i.e.: C(i) = 1 if A(i) < B C(i) = 0 else Corresponding MatLab function LT()
        B - Input double.
        C - Output result vector.
      • Lt

        public void Lt​(CDVector B,
                       CDVector C)
        Less Than - compares a vector and a vector. Compares of a vector and a vector and returns the result as a binary matrix i.e.: C(i) = 1 if A(i) < B C(i) = 0 else Corresponding MatLab function LT()
        B - Input vector.
        C - Output result vector.
      • Le

        public void Le​(double B,
                       CDVector C)
        Less Than or Equal - compares a double and a vector. Compares of a double and a vector and returns the result as a binary matrix i.e.: C(i) = 1 if A(i) <= B C(i) = 0 else Corresponding MatLab function LE()
        B - Input double.
        C - Output result vector.
      • Le

        public void Le​(CDVector B,
                       CDVector C)
        Less Than or Equal - compares a vector and a vector. Compares of a vector and a vector and returns the result as a binary matrix i.e.: C(i) = 1 if A(i) <= B C(i) = 0 else Corresponding MatLab function LE()
        B - Input vector.
        C - Output result vector.
      • Gt

        public void Gt​(double B,
                       CDVector C)
        Greater Than - compares a double and a vector. Compares of a double and a vector and returns the result as a binary matrix i.e.: C(i) = 1 if A(i) > B C(i) = 0 else Corresponding MatLab function GT()
        B - Input vector.
        C - Output result vector.
      • Gt

        public void Gt​(CDVector B,
                       CDVector C)
        Greater Than - compares a vector and a vector. Compares of a vector and a vector and returns the result as a binary matrix i.e.: C(i) = 1 if A(i) > B C(i) = 0 else Corresponding MatLab function GT()
        B - Input vector.
        C - Output result vector.
      • Ge

        public void Ge​(double B,
                       CDVector C)
        Greater Than or Equal - compares a double and a vector. Compares of a double and a vector and returns the result as a binary matrix i.e.: C(i) = 1 if A(i) >= B C(i) = 0 else Corresponding MatLab function GE()
        B - Input double.
        C - Output result vector.
      • Ge

        public void Ge​(CDVector B,
                       CDVector C)
        Greater Than or Equal - compares a vector and a vector. Compares of a vector and a vector and returns the result as a binary matrix i.e.: C(i) = 1 if A(i) >= B C(i) = 0 else Corresponding MatLab function GE()
        B - Input vector.
        C - Output result vector.
      • Log

        public void Log()
        Takes the natural logarithm of each element.
      • Abs

        public void Abs()
        Takes the absolute valueof each element.
      • Reverse

        public void Reverse()
        Reverses the vector.
      • Rand

        public void Rand()
        Uniformly distributed random numbers. Inserts uniformly distributed random numbers in the range [0;1].
      • Rand

        public void Rand​(int st,
                         int end)
        Uniformly distributed integer random numbers. Inserts uniformly distributed integer random numbers in the range [st;end].
      • CrossProduct

        public void CrossProduct​(CDVector v1,
                                 CDVector v2)
        Forms the cross product of two vectors and store the result in this. If the vector does have the correct size, it will be resized.
        v1 - Input vector.
        v2 - Input vector.
      • Ceil

        public void Ceil()
        Takes ceil() of each element.
      • Floor

        public void Floor()
        Takes floor() of each element.
      • Round

        public void Round()
        Takes round() of each element.
      • Linspace

        public void Linspace​(double x1,
                             double x2,
                             int n)
        Generates a vector of linearly equally spaced points between x1 and x2 (inclusive).
        x1 - Starting point.
        x2 - Ending point.
        n - Number of points.
      • Range

        public CDVector Range​(int st,
                              int end)
        Returns a sub range of a vector.
        st - Starting posistion.
        end - End postion.
        A sub range in a vector.
      • ToMatrix

        public void ToMatrix​(int nRows,
                             int nCols,
                             CDMatrix m,
                             boolean rowWise)
        Converts this vector to a matrix, either by row (default) or column.
        nRows - Number of rows in the matrix.
        nCols - Number of cols in the matrix.
        m - Output matrix.
        rowWise - If true (default) vector data is extracted into rows. If false vector data is extracted into cols.
      • VecCat

        public CDVector VecCat​(CDVector v)
        Concatenates a vector to the end of this vector.
        v - Input vector.
        Concatenated vector.
      • Clamp

        public void Clamp​(double min,
                          double max)
        Clamps the vector to [min,max].
        min - Minumim value.
        max - Maximum value.
      • AlignTo

        public void AlignTo​(CDVector v)
      • AlignTo

        public void AlignTo​(CDVector v,
                            double[] pA,
                            double[] pB)
        Linear alignment of this vector to another vector using the L2 norm.
        v - Vector that this vector is being least squares fitted to.
        a - Optional pointer to store the resulting transformation in.
        b - Optional pointer to store the resulting transformation in.
      • AutoCorrelation

        public double AutoCorrelation​(int lag)
        Calculates the autocorrelation of the vector with a given lag (default lag is 1).
        lag - The lag.
        The autocorrelation.
      • Shuffle

        public void Shuffle()
        Shuffles (randomizes) the vector.
      • quick_select

        double quick_select​(double[] arr,
                            int n)
      • Median

        public double Median()
        Calculates the median.
        The median.
      • Trim

        public CDVector Trim​(double percentage)
        Removes the extreme 'percentage' part of the vector. E.g. v.Trim( .10 ) removes the 5% of the lower tail and 5% of the upper tail. By convention Trim( 1. ) returns the median.
        percentage - The amount of data to strip from the vector.
        A trimmed version of the vector.
      • TrimmedMean

        public double TrimmedMean​(double percentage)
        Calculates the trimmed mean. Removes the extreme 'percentage' part of the vector and calculates the mean of the remaining data.
        percentage - The amount of data to strip from the vector.
        The trimmed mean.
      • TrimmedVar

        public double TrimmedVar​(double percentage)
        Calculates the trimmed variance. Removes the extreme 'percentage' part of the vector and calculates the variance of the remaining data.
        percentage - The amount of data to strip from the vector.
        The trimmed mean.
      • TrimmedStd

        public double TrimmedStd​(double percentage)
        Calculates the trimmed standard deviation. Removes the extreme 'percentage' part of the vector and calculates the standard deviation of the remaining data.
        percentage - The amount of data to strip from the vector.
        The trimmed mean.