ImageVariableTable |
Stores image names, which are referenced by placeholder variable strings (e.g., '$image1').
ParsedActionLine |
This object holds data parsed from a single line in a script, including the action to be taken and the parameters to pass to that action.
Parser |
This is the main class used to parse and run scripts.
ParserEngine |
Performs the heavy-lifting of parsing out individual lines from a script.
ScriptableActionLoader |
Given the name of a script action, this class searches a number of locations for a class to load with that name and
returns a new instance of that class.
ScriptRecorder |
A singleton class used to add lines to the script currently being recorded (if one is being recorded at all).
ScriptRunner |
Executes a script with a set of images.
VariableTable |
A table used to store variables and their values.
VOITable |
A table which manages paths to VOIs which should be used for specific images used within a script.