Interface ScriptRecordingListener

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    JDialogScriptRecorder, ViewUserInterface

    public interface ScriptRecordingListener
    An interface for classes which want to be notified of changes to the script currently being recorded by MIPAV.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void changeRecordingStatus​(int recorderStatus)
      Alerts the listener to a change in whether the ScriptRecorder is currently recording a script.
      void updateScript​(java.lang.String newScriptText)
      Alerts the listener to a change in the text of the script currently being recorded.
    • Method Detail

      • updateScript

        void updateScript​(java.lang.String newScriptText)
        Alerts the listener to a change in the text of the script currently being recorded.
        newScriptText - The text of the script (the whole text, not just any additions).
      • changeRecordingStatus

        void changeRecordingStatus​(int recorderStatus)
        Alerts the listener to a change in whether the ScriptRecorder is currently recording a script.
        recorderStatus - The new status of the scriptRecorder (PAUSED, RECORDING, or STOPPED).