ActionBase |
A base class for all non-algorithmic (not JDialog*) script actions.
ActionChangeEndianess |
A script action which changes the image's endianess
ActionChangeModality |
A script action which changes the image's modality
ActionChangeName |
A script action which changes the name of an image.
ActionChangeOrientations |
A script action which changes the image's orientations
ActionChangeOrigin |
A script action which changes the image's origin
ActionChangeResolutions |
A script action which changes the image's resolutions.
ActionChangeTalairachInfo |
A script action which changes the image's talairach information
ActionChangeTransformInfo |
A script action which changes the image's resolutions
ActionChangeUnits |
A script action which changes the image's resolutions
ActionClone |
A script action which clones an input image and puts it into a new image frame.
ActionCloseFrame |
An action which closes the frame containing an image.
ActionCollectGarbage |
Forces the JVM to perform a garbage collection of un-referenced memory.
ActionCreateBlankImage |
A script action which creates a new blank image with a set of characteristics.
ActionExit |
A script action which causes MIPAV to exit completely.
ActionExtractImageB |
An action which extracts the imageB from a frame and puts it into a new image frame.
ActionImageProcessorBase |
A base class for script actions which perform their action using an input image.
ActionMaskToPaint |
A script action which generates a paint mask based on a mask image.
ActionMaskToVOI |
A script action which generates a VOI from a mask image.
ActionOpenAllVOIs |
A script action which opens all VOIs from the directory where VOIs are saved by default when a SaveAllVOIs action is executed.
ActionOpenVOI |
A script action which opens a VOI from disk and adds it to an image.
ActionPaintToMask |
A script action which converts all paint within an image to some type of mask image (short, binary, ubyte).
ActionPaintToVOI |
A script action which generates a VOI based on the paint mask of an image.
ActionSaveAllVOIs |
A script action which saves all the VOIs in an image to disk.
ActionSaveBase |
A script action which writes out an image to disk.
ActionSaveImage |
A script action which writes out an image to disk.
ActionSaveImageAs |
A script action which writes out an image to disk.
ActionSaveTab |
A script action which records saves the text contained in one of the output frame's tabs.
ActionSaveVOIIntensities |
A script action which saves all the VOI intensities in an image to disk.
ActionSelectAllVOIs |
ActionVOIToMask |
A script action which converts all VOIs within an image to some type of mask image (short, binary, ubyte).