Class ActionImageProcessorBase

    • Field Detail


        protected static final java.lang.String INPUT_IMAGE_LABEL
        The label to use for the input image parameter.
      • recordingInputImage

        protected ModelImage recordingInputImage
        The image whose processing should be recorded in the script. The actual processing must be done elsewhere.
      • recordingResultImage

        protected ModelImage recordingResultImage
        The image generated by processing the input image, if any.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ActionImageProcessorBase

        public ActionImageProcessorBase()
        Constructor for the dynamic instantiation and execution of the script action.
      • ActionImageProcessorBase

        public ActionImageProcessorBase​(ModelImage input)
        Constructor used to record the Clone script action line.
        input - The image which was cloned.
      • ActionImageProcessorBase

        public ActionImageProcessorBase​(ModelImage input,
                                        ModelImage result)
        Constructor used to record the Clone script action line.
        input - The image which was cloned.
        result - The result image generated.
    • Method Detail

      • setInputImage

        public void setInputImage​(ModelImage inputImage)
        Changes the image whose processing should be recorded in the script.
        inputImage - The image which was processed.
      • setResultImage

        public void setResultImage​(ModelImage resultImage)
        Changes the image generated by the action we are recording.
        resultImage - The image which was generated.
      • isImageStoredInRecorder

        protected static final boolean isImageStoredInRecorder​(ModelImage image,
                                                               boolean isScript)
        Returns whether an image has been registered in the script recorder. If it has not been used, it must be specified externally when this script is run later.
        image - The image to look for in the recorder's image table.
        isScript - boolean telling whether this operation involves the script recorder (or provenance recorder)
        True if the image has been stored in the recorder's image table, false otherwise.
      • createInputImageParameter

        protected ParameterImage createInputImageParameter​(boolean isScript)
                                                    throws ParserException
        Creates a new image parameter for the action's input image, determining whether it needs to be externally-specified or will be generated from another script action.
        isScript - boolean telling whether this operation involves the script recorder (or provenance recorder)
        A new image parameter pointing to this action's input image.
        ParserException - If there is a problem encountered while creating the new parameter.
      • storeImageInRecorder

        protected static final java.lang.String storeImageInRecorder​(ModelImage image,
                                                                     boolean isScript)
        Store an image in the script recorder image variable table. Used to store input/output images while recording a script. Should not be used while running a script.
        image - The image to store in the variable table.
        isScript - boolean telling whether this operation involves the script recorder (or provenance recorder)
        The image placeholder variable assigned to the image by the variable table.
      • storeImageInRunner

        protected static final java.lang.String storeImageInRunner​(ModelImage image)
        Store an image in the script runner image variable table. Used to store input/output images while running a script. Should not be used while recording a script.
        image - The image to store in the variable table.
        The image placeholder variable assigned to the image by the variable table.