Class CircleClassificationWidget

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class CircleClassificationWidget
    extends ClassificationWidget
    Creates the circle widget for the multi-histogram interface. The circle consists of two control points. One controls the radius and eccentricity of the circle/ellipse. The second control point centers the maximum color value within the circle/ellipse.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      CircleClassificationWidget​(int iX, int iY, WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector2f kTMin, WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector2f kTMax, WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture kTexture, int iWidth, int iHeight)  
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      protected void CreateCircle​(int iX, int iY, WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture kTexture)
      Creates the circle widget and control point:
      protected WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector2f getCenter()
      Calculate and return the current center of the widget in world coordinates.
      boolean Pick​(WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Renderer kRenderer, int iX, int iY)
      Abstract picking.
      void processMouseDrag​(int iX0ld, int iYOld, int iButton, int iX, int iY)  
      private void readObject​( in)
      Read a new CircleClassificationWidget from the input stream.
      private void scaleCircle​(WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector2f kCurrentCenter, float diffX, float diffY)
      Scale the circle based on the current center and the difference between the current center and the mouse position.
      protected void ScaleCircle​(int iX, int iY)
      scale the circle based on the mouse position.
      void setPicked​(WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Renderer kRenderer, boolean bPicked)
      Clears or sets the current picked object, sets the outline color to red when picked, blue when not selected.
      void setTexture​(WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture kTexture)
      Sets the histogram Texture map for the widget shader effect.
      private void shiftCircle​(WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector2f kCurrentCenter, float fDiffX, float fDiffY)
      Translate the circle based on the current center and the difference between the current center and the mouse position.
      protected void ShiftCircle​(int iX, int iY)
      Translate the circle in the 2D Histogram panel.
      private void ShiftMid​(int iX, int iY)
      Moves the mid-line control-point.
      void updateDisplay()
      Updates the ShaderEffect parameters for this widget.
      private void writeObject​( out)
      Stream this object to disk.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • m_kCenterDir

        private WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector2f m_kCenterDir
        Direction used to position the center sphere control-point out from the center of the circle/ellipse.
      • m_fCenterScale

        private float m_fCenterScale
        Distance scale used to position the center sphere control-point out from the center of the circle/ellipse.
      • m_fRadiusX

        private float m_fRadiusX
        The radius of the circle in the x-direction.
      • m_fRadiusY

        private float m_fRadiusY
        The radius of the circle in the y-direction.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CircleClassificationWidget

        public CircleClassificationWidget​(int iX,
                                          int iY,
                                          WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector2f kTMin,
                                          WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector2f kTMax,
                                          WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture kTexture,
                                          int iWidth,
                                          int iHeight)
        iX - location in MouseEvent Coordinates.
        iY - location in MouseEvent Coordinates.
        kTMin - minimum texture coordinates for the 2D histogram, used for the image background. (Defaults 0-1)
        kTMax - maximum texture coordinates for the 2D histogram, used for the image background. (Defaults 0-1)
        kTexture - 2D Histogram Texture.
        iWidth - canvas width (default 256)
        iHeight - canvas height (default 256)
    • Method Detail

      • Pick

        public boolean Pick​(WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Renderer kRenderer,
                            int iX,
                            int iY)
        Description copied from class: ClassificationWidget
        Abstract picking. Returns true if this widget, or one of it's control points was picked.
        Specified by:
        Pick in class ClassificationWidget
        iX - current mouse x position (MouseEvent coordinates).
        iY - current mouse y position (MouseEvent coordinates).
        true if this widget or one of it's control points was picked.
      • processMouseDrag

        public void processMouseDrag​(int iX0ld,
                                     int iYOld,
                                     int iButton,
                                     int iX,
                                     int iY)
        Specified by:
        processMouseDrag in class ClassificationWidget
        iX0ld - old mouse x-position in MouseEvent coordinates.
        iYOld - old mouse y-position in MouseEvent coordinates.
        iButton - old mouse button.
      • setPicked

        public void setPicked​(WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Renderer kRenderer,
                              boolean bPicked)
        Clears or sets the current picked object, sets the outline color to red when picked, blue when not selected.
        bPicked - when true the widget is selected.
      • setTexture

        public void setTexture​(WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture kTexture)
        Description copied from class: ClassificationWidget
        Sets the histogram Texture map for the widget shader effect.
        Specified by:
        setTexture in class ClassificationWidget
      • CreateCircle

        protected void CreateCircle​(int iX,
                                    int iY,
                                    WildMagic.LibGraphics.Rendering.Texture kTexture)
        Creates the circle widget and control point:
        iX - mouse x-position in MouseEvent coordinates.
        iY - mouse y-position in MouseEvent coordinates.
        kTexName - 2D Histogram texture name.
      • getCenter

        protected WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector2f getCenter()
        Description copied from class: ClassificationWidget
        Calculate and return the current center of the widget in world coordinates.
        getCenter in class ClassificationWidget
        the current center of the widget in world coordinates.
      • ScaleCircle

        protected void ScaleCircle​(int iX,
                                   int iY)
        scale the circle based on the mouse position.
        e -
      • ShiftCircle

        protected void ShiftCircle​(int iX,
                                   int iY)
        Translate the circle in the 2D Histogram panel.
        e - MouseEvent
      • readObject

        private void readObject​( in)
        Read a new CircleClassificationWidget from the input stream.
        in - input stream
      • scaleCircle

        private void scaleCircle​(WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector2f kCurrentCenter,
                                 float diffX,
                                 float diffY)
        Scale the circle based on the current center and the difference between the current center and the mouse position.
        kCurrentCenter - circle current center.
        diffX - difference between center and mouse position.
        diffY - difference between center and mouse position.
      • shiftCircle

        private void shiftCircle​(WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector2f kCurrentCenter,
                                 float fDiffX,
                                 float fDiffY)
        Translate the circle based on the current center and the difference between the current center and the mouse position.
        kCurrentCenter -
        fDiffX -
        fDiffY -
      • ShiftMid

        private void ShiftMid​(int iX,
                              int iY)
        Moves the mid-line control-point. Repositions the mid-line of the transfer function inside this widget.
        e - MouseEvent
      • writeObject

        private void writeObject​( out)
        Stream this object to disk.
        out - output stream.