Class CAAMInitializeStegmann.CAAMInitCandidates

  • Enclosing class:

    class CAAMInitializeStegmann.CAAMInitCandidates
    extends java.lang.Object
    Initialization candidate containiner. Holds the 'n' best candidates that has applieed for acceptance.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CAAMInitCandidates

        public CAAMInitCandidates​(int n)
        Allocates a pool with room for 'n' candidates.
        n - The number of candidates.
    • Method Detail

      • ApplyForAcceptance

        public boolean ApplyForAcceptance​(CAAMInitializeStegmann.CAAMInitEntry e)
        Apply for acceptance of a new initialization hypothesis. The entry are accepted if it is better than the worst candiate, or if there is less than 'n' candidates in the set.
        e - The seach result, which is applieing for acceptance.
        True if it is accepted, false if not.
      • NCandidates

        public int NCandidates()