Class SceneState

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SceneState
    extends java.lang.Object
    Collectiing the current virtualization toolbox values for both volume and slices render dialogs. This class is used by mouse recorder to save values instantly.
    Neva Cherniavsky
    See Also:
    JDialogBase, Serialized Form
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      boolean aClipVisible
      Boolean visibility values for x, y, z, arbitrary clipping slider frames.
      float axisAngle
      Save the current.
      float axisX
      Save the current.
      float axisY
      Save the current.
      float axisZ
      Save the current.
      int clipSliceA
      Clipping slider values for the triplanar clipping slider x, y, z, arbitrary.
      int clipSliceX
      Clipping slider values for the triplanar clipping slider x, y, z, arbitrary.
      int clipSliceXNeg
      Clipping slider values for the triplanar clipping slider x, y, z negative.
      int clipSliceY
      Clipping slider values for the triplanar clipping slider x, y, z, arbitrary.
      int clipSliceYNeg
      Clipping slider values for the triplanar clipping slider x, y, z negative.
      int clipSliceZ
      Clipping slider values for the triplanar clipping slider x, y, z, arbitrary.
      int clipSliceZNeg
      Clipping slider values for the triplanar clipping slider x, y, z negative.
      boolean is6PlaneClipping
      Boolean flag to indicate if the 6 plane clipping mode is active.
      boolean isClipArbiPicked
      Boolean flag to indicate if the arbitary clipping mode is active.
      boolean isVolOpacityChanged
      Boolean indicator for volume opacity changed.
      boolean isVolumeDisplayMode3D
      Boolean indicator for the current diaplay mode, volume render mode or slice render mode.
      private static long serialVersionUID
      Use serialVersionUID for interoperability.
      int surfaceOpacity
      Surface opacity slider value of the surface dialog.
      float[] transform
      Current sceneRoot transform.
      TransferFunction transformFunc
      Currrent tranform function of the volume render look up table.
      int whichComp
      Current active volume opacity control of the volume render.
      int x
      x, y, z triplanar slider values.
      boolean xClipVisible
      Boolean visibility values for x, y, z, arbitrary clipping slider frames.
      boolean xNegClipVisible
      Boolean visibility values for x, y, z negative clipping slider frames.
      int xOpacity
      x, y, z triplanar opacity slider values.
      boolean xVisible
      Boolean visibility values for x, y, z triplanar.
      int y
      x, y, z triplanar slider values.
      boolean yClipVisible
      Boolean visibility values for x, y, z, arbitrary clipping slider frames.
      boolean yNegClipVisible
      Boolean visibility values for x, y, z negative clipping slider frames.
      int yOpacity
      x, y, z triplanar opacity slider values.
      boolean yVisible
      Boolean visibility values for x, y, z triplanar.
      int z
      x, y, z triplanar slider values.
      boolean zClipVisible
      Boolean visibility values for x, y, z, arbitrary clipping slider frames.
      boolean zNegClipVisible
      Boolean visibility values for x, y, z negative clipping slider frames.
      int zOpacity
      x, y, z triplanar opacity slider values.
      boolean zVisible
      Boolean visibility values for x, y, z triplanar.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      SceneState​(int x, int y, int z, int xOp, int yOp, int zOp, boolean xVisible, boolean yVisible, boolean zVisible, int surfaceOpacity, int clipA, int clipX, int clipY, int clipZ, int clipXNeg, int clipYNeg, int clipZNeg, boolean aClipV, boolean xClipV, boolean yClipV, boolean zClipV, boolean xNegClipV, boolean yNegClipV, boolean zNegClipV, int _whichComp, TransferFunction _transformFunc, boolean _isVolOpacityChanged, boolean _isVolumeDisplayMode3D, boolean _is6PlaneClipping, float _axisX, float _axisY, float _axisZ, float _axisAngle, boolean _isClipArbiPicked)
      Construct the SceneState object associate with the current visualization toobox values.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void actionPerformed​(java.awt.event.ActionEvent event)
      Stub method for classes that extend this Object.
      java.lang.String toString()
      Print out the present screen state.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • serialVersionUID

        private static final long serialVersionUID
        Use serialVersionUID for interoperability.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • axisX

        public float axisX
        Save the current.
      • axisY

        public float axisY
        Save the current.
      • axisZ

        public float axisZ
        Save the current.
      • axisAngle

        public float axisAngle
        Save the current.
      • clipSliceX

        public int clipSliceX
        Clipping slider values for the triplanar clipping slider x, y, z, arbitrary.
      • clipSliceY

        public int clipSliceY
        Clipping slider values for the triplanar clipping slider x, y, z, arbitrary.
      • clipSliceZ

        public int clipSliceZ
        Clipping slider values for the triplanar clipping slider x, y, z, arbitrary.
      • clipSliceA

        public int clipSliceA
        Clipping slider values for the triplanar clipping slider x, y, z, arbitrary.
      • clipSliceXNeg

        public int clipSliceXNeg
        Clipping slider values for the triplanar clipping slider x, y, z negative.
      • clipSliceYNeg

        public int clipSliceYNeg
        Clipping slider values for the triplanar clipping slider x, y, z negative.
      • clipSliceZNeg

        public int clipSliceZNeg
        Clipping slider values for the triplanar clipping slider x, y, z negative.
      • is6PlaneClipping

        public boolean is6PlaneClipping
        Boolean flag to indicate if the 6 plane clipping mode is active.
      • isClipArbiPicked

        public boolean isClipArbiPicked
        Boolean flag to indicate if the arbitary clipping mode is active.
      • isVolOpacityChanged

        public boolean isVolOpacityChanged
        Boolean indicator for volume opacity changed.
      • isVolumeDisplayMode3D

        public boolean isVolumeDisplayMode3D
        Boolean indicator for the current diaplay mode, volume render mode or slice render mode.
      • surfaceOpacity

        public int surfaceOpacity
        Surface opacity slider value of the surface dialog.
      • transform

        public float[] transform
        Current sceneRoot transform.
      • transformFunc

        public TransferFunction transformFunc
        Currrent tranform function of the volume render look up table.
      • whichComp

        public int whichComp
        Current active volume opacity control of the volume render.
      • x

        public int x
        x, y, z triplanar slider values.
      • y

        public int y
        x, y, z triplanar slider values.
      • z

        public int z
        x, y, z triplanar slider values.
      • xClipVisible

        public boolean xClipVisible
        Boolean visibility values for x, y, z, arbitrary clipping slider frames.
      • yClipVisible

        public boolean yClipVisible
        Boolean visibility values for x, y, z, arbitrary clipping slider frames.
      • zClipVisible

        public boolean zClipVisible
        Boolean visibility values for x, y, z, arbitrary clipping slider frames.
      • aClipVisible

        public boolean aClipVisible
        Boolean visibility values for x, y, z, arbitrary clipping slider frames.
      • xNegClipVisible

        public boolean xNegClipVisible
        Boolean visibility values for x, y, z negative clipping slider frames.
      • yNegClipVisible

        public boolean yNegClipVisible
        Boolean visibility values for x, y, z negative clipping slider frames.
      • zNegClipVisible

        public boolean zNegClipVisible
        Boolean visibility values for x, y, z negative clipping slider frames.
      • xOpacity

        public int xOpacity
        x, y, z triplanar opacity slider values.
      • yOpacity

        public int yOpacity
        x, y, z triplanar opacity slider values.
      • zOpacity

        public int zOpacity
        x, y, z triplanar opacity slider values.
      • xVisible

        public boolean xVisible
        Boolean visibility values for x, y, z triplanar.
      • yVisible

        public boolean yVisible
        Boolean visibility values for x, y, z triplanar.
      • zVisible

        public boolean zVisible
        Boolean visibility values for x, y, z triplanar.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SceneState

        public SceneState​(int x,
                          int y,
                          int z,
                          int xOp,
                          int yOp,
                          int zOp,
                          boolean xVisible,
                          boolean yVisible,
                          boolean zVisible,
                          int surfaceOpacity,
                          int clipA,
                          int clipX,
                          int clipY,
                          int clipZ,
                          int clipXNeg,
                          int clipYNeg,
                          int clipZNeg,
                          boolean aClipV,
                          boolean xClipV,
                          boolean yClipV,
                          boolean zClipV,
                          boolean xNegClipV,
                          boolean yNegClipV,
                          boolean zNegClipV,
                          int _whichComp,
                          TransferFunction _transformFunc,
                          boolean _isVolOpacityChanged,
                          boolean _isVolumeDisplayMode3D,
                          boolean _is6PlaneClipping,
                          float _axisX,
                          float _axisY,
                          float _axisZ,
                          float _axisAngle,
                          boolean _isClipArbiPicked)
        Construct the SceneState object associate with the current visualization toobox values.
        x - triplanar x slider value.
        y - triplanar y slider value.
        z - triplanar z slider value.
        xOp - triplaner x opacity slider value.
        yOp - triplaner y opacity slider value.
        zOp - triplaner z opacity slider value.
        xVisible - boolean for the triplanar x slider frame visibility value.
        yVisible - boolean for the triplanar y slider frame visibility value.
        zVisible - boolean for the triplanar z slider frame visibility value.
        surfaceOpacity - surface opacity slider value for the surface dialog.
        clipA - clip slider arbitrary value.
        clipX - clip slider x value.
        clipY - clip slider y value.
        clipZ - clip slider z value.
        clipXNeg - clip slider x negative value.
        clipYNeg - clip slider y negative value.
        clipZNeg - clip slider z negative value.
        aClipV - clip slider arbitrary visibility value.
        xClipV - clip slider x boolean visibility value.
        yClipV - clip slider y boolean visibility value.
        zClipV - clip slider z boolean visibility value.
        xNegClipV - clip slider x negative boolean visiblity value.
        yNegClipV - clip slider y negative boolean visiblity value.
        zNegClipV - clip slider z negative boolean visiblity value.
        _whichComp - volume control current active component.
        _transformFunc - volume control instant tranfer function.
        _isVolOpacityChanged - boolean indicator for volume control opacity changed.
        _isVolumeDisplayMode3D - current diaplay mode, volume render or slice render.
        _is6PlaneClipping - If clipping is 6-plane clipped, choose true.
        _axisX - Location of the X-axis?
        _axisY - Location of the Y-axis?
        _axisZ - Location of the Z-axis?
        _axisAngle - Angle the clipping plane makes with the X-Y plane?
        _isClipArbiPicked - If clipping is arbitrarily picked, choose true.
    • Method Detail

      • actionPerformed

        public void actionPerformed​(java.awt.event.ActionEvent event)
        Stub method for classes that extend this Object.
        event - DOCUMENT ME!
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Print out the present screen state.
        toString in class java.lang.Object
        DOCUMENT ME!