Class VolumeSculptor

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.awt.event.MouseListener, java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener, java.util.EventListener

    public class VolumeSculptor
    extends Sculptor
    Implementation of Volume Sculpting for the RayCast and ShearWarp Volume Renderers. See
    Alexandra Bokinsky, Ph.D. Under contract from Magic Software.
    See Also:
    ViewJFrameVolumeView, RayCastVolumeRenderer, ShearWarpVolumeRenderer
    • Field Detail

      • m_bShear

        protected boolean m_bShear
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_kVolumeRenderer

        protected VolumeRenderer m_kVolumeRenderer
        The volume renderer that is currently rendering the volume data:.
      • kImageAref

        private ModelImage kImageAref
        References to the sculpt image.
      • kImageBref

        private ModelImage kImageBref
        DOCUMENT ME!
    • Constructor Detail

      • VolumeSculptor

        public VolumeSculptor​(VolumeRenderer kVolumeRenderer,
                              int iSculptWidth,
                              int iSculptHeight)
        kVolumeRenderer - reference to current renderer
        iSculptWidth - Canvas Width
        iSculptHeight - Canvas Height
    • Method Detail

      • applySculpt

        public boolean applySculpt()
        applySculpt: called by ViewJFrameVolumeView when the user presses the "Apply Sculpt" button. This function has several steps: 1. Getting the ModelImage volume data and correctly calculating the center of the volume and the spacing of the volume. 2. Calculating the viewing Transformations. 3. Determining which voxels in the volume fall within the sculpt region drawn on the screen, and setting those values to the minimum voxel value.
        Specified by:
        applySculpt in class Sculptor
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • clearSculpt

        public void clearSculpt()
        clearSculpt: called by ViewJFrameVolumeView when the user presses the "Clear Ouline" button, clearing the sculpt outline from the canvas image. The function disables sculpting and reactivates the mouse events for the m_kVolumeRenderer.
        clearSculpt in class Sculptor
      • disposeLocal

        public void disposeLocal​(boolean flag)
        Sets all variables to null, disposes, and garbage collects.
        disposeLocal in class Sculptor
        flag - DOCUMENT ME!
      • enableSculpt

        public void enableSculpt​(boolean bEnabled)
        enableSculpt: called by the ViewJFrameVolumeView object when the Draw Sculpt button is pressed. This function deactivates the m_kVolumeRenderer's mouse response, so the mouse can be used to draw the sculpt outline.
        enableSculpt in class Sculptor
        bEnabled - DOCUMENT ME!
      • finalize

        public void finalize()
                      throws java.lang.Throwable
        Calls disposeLocal.
        finalize in class Sculptor
        java.lang.Throwable - DOCUMENT ME!
      • save

        public void save​(FileWriteOptions options,
                         int filterType)
        Creates save dialog so that the image can be saved // This should be moved to;
        options - File-write options.
        filterType - only used if >= 0
      • undoSculpt

        public void undoSculpt()
        undoSculpt: called by the ViewJFrameVolumeView object when the user presses the "Undo Sculpt" button. It resets the volume data back to the original values, using the data stored in the m_aiImage_backup data members.
        Specified by:
        undoSculpt in class Sculptor
      • update

        public void update()
        Update the underlying volume and rerender. This function is called when the volume has changed.
        Specified by:
        update in class Sculptor
      • updateRenderedVolume

        private void updateRenderedVolume​(ViewJComponentRenderImage kRenderImageXY)
        This sequence causes the m_kVolumeRenderer to rerender the volume data, from the current ModelImage, not the data that is stored in the Renderer.
        kRenderImageXY - DOCUMENT ME!